Natural Cures Not Medicine: antioxidant

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Showing posts with label antioxidant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antioxidant. Show all posts

Why you should start juicing carrots today!

Carrots are widely known for their benefits for eye health and antioxidant properties, but here are a few more health bonuses that come with drinking carrot juice.

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Eating healthy is nature's health insurance!

-Carrot juice helps with skin health and skin tone.

-Carrot juice is refreshing but is a low-calorie juice, not penalizing you for knocking back a tall glass.

-By reducing fat and bile within your liver, carrot juice can significantly help with liver health.

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-Since it is loaded with beta carotene, carrot juice can fight free radicals in the body which cause cell damage and slow the aging process down.

-The beta carotene contained in carrots is converted to vitamin A which helps with bone health and can prevent some bone problems like osteoporosis.

-Carrots also contain potassium which helps with muscle function and cholesterol management.

-The vitamin E along with the antioxidants in carrot juice help to prevent cancer from forming. 

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High protein foods for vegetarians!

Here is a challenge: find a way to maintain your meat-free diet and still get enough protein.  Luckily nature is up to the challenge and there are a few delicious choices, so dig in!
Some of these foods are not only protein rich but also have some special health benefits:

Avocado contains a good amount of natural protein and also is packed with monounsaturated fats which help manage cholesterol and prevent heart disease.  

Spirulina has a whopping 19 amino acids and is loaded with chlorophyll which helps with the production of blood cells.  

Broccoli contains plant protein but also has powerful antioxidant properties and is even thought to be an effective anti cancer.  

Kale packs a protein punch and brings a good amount of vitamins and antioxidant power to the table.

Figs, while also a rich source of plant based protein, can also help with ulcers, diabetes and lower the risk of heart disease.

A quick rundown on the most common high protein vegetarian foods.

Cutting meat out of your diet can have several positive impacts on your health, but make sure you include protein and iron rich foods to balance your nutritional profile. 

More posts about vegetarian friendly nutrition:

Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

Soy, not a health food?

Chia Seeds: Another Superfood

The Top 10 Detoxifying Foods

A dozen reasons to eat Brussels sprouts

Ok, not the most popular veggies among children but they could be nature's health insurance if you include these strange looking greens in your diet.

Brussels sprouts have been cultivated for food since the 16th century.  Cultivation in the U.S. began in the 8th century when French settlers brought them to Louisiana.  Like broccoli, they contain a chemical called sulforaphane which is believed to have strong anti cancer properties.  Brussels sprouts also contain indole-3-carbinol, a substance that helps repair DNA in the cells and appears to block the growth of cancer cells.  The best way to prepare Brussels sprouts in order to maintain the potent nutritive and healing value is to steam or stir fry rather than boiling. 

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Instant Cure For Hiccups

Fig leaves, just as healthy as the figs themselves

Figs are a healthy and delicious natural snack, but did you know that the leaves of a fig tree are also edible and may even have more positive impacts then the fruit for which the tree is named?
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Here is a list of health benefits of consuming both figs and fig leaves.

  1. Ulcer remedy:  Chewing and eating fig leaves is a popular natural means of treating ulcers.
  2. Fiber rich:  Figs are full of fiber which helps lower cholesterol, removes waste from the body, and even may have a laxative effect.
  3. Treats diabetes:  Studies have shown that consuming fig leaves could lessen the amount of insulin needed by diabetics.
  4. Packed with antioxidants:  A study concluded that by consuming just two medium dried figs can substantially increase the amount of antioxidant activity in the body.
  5. Lower triglycerides:  When the body produces too many triglycerides, there is a heightened risk of obesity and heart disease.  According to research, fig leaves can help lower triglyceride levels.
  6. Potassium rich:  Potassium helps to manage blood pressure and other important bodily functions and is a nutrient many people are deficient in.  Eating figs is an excellent way to up your potassium levels.
  7. Bronchitis remedy:  Fig leaf tea is a popular home remedy for bronchitis and other lung ailments such as asthma.

Naturally remove heavy metals from your body.

Heavy metals are in our environment and even if you live a healthy lifestyle, you need to detox and remove harmful particles from your system.  Here are some natural approaches to doing so.  Remember that nutrition is nature's health insurance.

Garlic:  Garlic has antimicrobial and antiviral properties.  It helps cleanse the liver, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.  Garlic contains the powerful antioxidant allicin. 

Blue green algae:  As well as containing an impressive amount of nutrients, algae have been shown to have strong antioxidant effects and bind to heavy metals to detox and remove them from the body.

Bentonite clay:  Bentonite clay can remove up to 25 times its own weight in impurities from the body.  Made from volcanic ash, this clay can be used topically for acne or other skin conditions and the purest form can be taken internally.

Onion:  Onion removes heavy metals from the body, has antimicrobial properties, and even reduces cholesterol.  Onion can also treat allergy symptoms and congestion.

Cilantro:  Cilantro can remove heavy metals such as mercury from the body.  Consuming this herb can also help with reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.  Cilantro also has anti inflammatory effects.

Burdock Root:  Burdock has anti bacterial, anti fungal, and anti tumor  properties.  Burdock helps with liver health and is used as a natural anticancer.  It removes toxins as well as heavy metals from the body.

Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

A Natural Way To Quit Smoking

7 foods loaded with antioxidants!

6 health boosts from pomegranates

Pomegranate flavored drinks and treats seem to be a big hit, but where did all the hype come from?  It turns out this strange looking fruit has powerful effects when eaten.

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Heart health:  Pomegranate helps maintain normal blood flow to the heart.  Its antioxidant qualities reduce harmful cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.

Immune health:  The abundant antioxidants in pomegranates are believed to strengthen the immune system.

Skin health:  Pomegranate is credited with giving skin a more healthy appearance and also eases skin inflammation.

Protect against illness:  The antioxidants in pomegranates remove free radicals that cause tissue damage in the body but is also believed to have antiviral effects as well.  There are also claims that pomegranate can be useful for treating minor illnesses like a soar throat.

Prevent Alzheimer's:  Pomegranate may reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Prevent Cancer:  This wonder fruit is loaded with antioxidants called flavoring which may help counteract cancer agents in the body.

A few ways ginger impacts your health

The best tea you never drank!

Rooibos tisane (herbal tea), or Red Bush Tea is a dried shrub from South Africa. 

Pronounced "Roy-Boss", this herbal tisane is caffeine free and has been used for centuries by the natives of South Africa for a host of ailments.

This Tisane comes in two versions, green and red

Green is the more natural version, but it is more labor intensive and more expensive and has a more earthy taste then its red counterpart. 

The red version is produced my laying the green shrubs on the mountainside to “ferment” or oxidize. The sun dries it out and changes it to the red color.

Rooibos is high in antioxidants, minerals, quercetin(which helps with allergies and may fight off cancer cells), can increases your SOD (superoxide dismutase)levels, and can be used to treat eczema and acne.

Some of its many health benefits include:
1. may lower blood pressure,
2. may offer cardiovascular protection
3. acts as a bronchodilator
4. prevents DNA damage
5. acts as an anti spasmodic
6. used to treat colic in babies
7. used to reduce stress levels
8. research has shown Rooibos to be anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory & anti-viral.
Best thing about Rooibos is the taste. It has a slightly sweet, yet earthy taste. It is very mild, yet thoroughly enjoyable. Drink it for the taste; enjoy it for its health benefits.

7 more antioxidant foods!

Here are some more antioxidant food choices.


Granny Smith apples



Red delicious apples



<=== See previous 7

See next 6 ===>

6 heavy hitting antioxidant foods!

We saved the 6 strongest antioxidant foods for last!


Red kidney beans

Farmed blueberries

Pinto beans

Red beans

#1. Wild blueberries

How mangoes boost your health

Mangoes are grown all around the world but are thought to originate from India.  Their amazing flavor makes them a popular fruit for snacks, cocktails, and several recipes, but the effect mangoes have on the human body may be enough reason to try these tropical delights.

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  • Mangoes are rich in vitamin B-6, vitamin E, and vitamin C.  Vitamin C is known as the detox vitamin and not only guards against infectious agents, but also removes free radicals that cause damage to tissue.  Vitamin B-6 is needed for GABA hormone production in the brain and controls homocystiene levels in the blood therefore reducing the risk of stroke.
  • A new study has found that mango battles multiple types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, and leukemia.  It is believed that polyphenolic antioxidant compounds contained in mangoes can guard against breast and colon cancers.
  • Mangoes contain a moderate amount of copper.  Copper is vital for the production of many enzymes in the body and is also required for the creation of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin A is another great nutrient found in mangoes along with flavenoids like beta carotene, alpha carotene,  beta cryptoxanthin.  Consuming fresh fruit that contains carotenes is known to reduce the risk lung and oral cavity cancers.  These compounds also have strong antioxidant properties.

How to grow wheat berries for juicing

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Juicing Wheat grass has several positive impacts on the health.
  • Diabetics can benefit from the fact that wheat grass regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Wheat grass cleanses the skin.
  • It purifies the blood and cleanses the liver, kidneys, and urinary tract.
  • It enhances capillaries and reduces high blood pressure thus helping prevent heart disease.
  • Wheat grass acts as an appetite suppressant.
  • It helps the nervous system and immune system
  • It contains antioxidants which protect cells from damage and rejuvenate aging cells. 

Soak wheat berries over night in luke warm water, covered, and in a dark place.  Rinse and drain and set in a dark area for another day.  Rinse a few more times and when there are white shoots about an 8th of and inch long, you can plant them in a medium, preferably organic soil that drains well.  Harvest the wheat grass for juicing early on when the nutrients are best for the taking.

Bee Propolis Found To Slow Tumor Growth

Bee Propolis has people buzzing about the wonderful health benefits and cancer fighting properties. Not only is it a powerful antioxidant but it's an anti-microbial - healing - analgesic - even used for anesthetic - and it's a great anti-inflammatory. - But the great news is that recently researchers from the University of Chicago Medical Center report that doses given to mice with prostate tumors had slowed growth by 50% as well as even being able to stop them growing all together.

Want some sources?

The staggering health benefits of acai berries!

Acai tastes great, but what tastes better than saving on health insurance deductibles? 

Like coconuts and dates, acai berries are palm fruits that grow in dense jungle regions in South America.  The berries yield a purple, high calorie, super nutritious pulp around the outside of a large seed that can be harvested and prepared several different ways.  You may want to start learning some of these recipes as there are many health benefits to be had from regular consumption of acai!

Acai berry's health benefits

  • Mental function:  Preliminary research studies show that acai may prevent mental imbalance in menopausal women.
  • Anti aging:  Acai is loaded with several different plant phytochemicals that can help to slow and even reverse some of the typical processes of aging related to inflammation and cellular oxidative damage.  The berries are also rich in antioxidants which help prevent tissue damage brought on by free radicals.
  • Heart health:  Research shows that acai is high in anthocyanins, a form of plant antioxidant associated with the  ability to lower cholesterol levels in the blood stream thus protecting against heart disease.  These berries are also rich in plant sterols that provide cardio-protective benefits to our cells.  It does this by preventing blood clots, improving overall blood circulation, and relaxing the blood vessels.
  • Skin health:  Acai is an ingrediant in several skin and beauty products do to it's antioxidant content.  A great alternative to chemical laden mass produced skin creams and lotions, acai can improve the appearance of your skin even when taken internally!  Brazilians have been using acai for centuries to treat skin conditions.  
  • Anti allergenic:  Due to its anti inflammatory properties, acai can be administered to treat and lessen the effects of inflammation due to an allergic reaction.

The next time you are whipping up a smoothie, think of including this purple superfood, for flavor and for health's sake!

More info about acai health benefits

Another Secret Super Food: Goji Berries

There are many plants that have super powers. 

Here are 16 super powers of the: 

Goji Berries!

Goji or wolfberry is the fruit of Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense. These are 2 closely related species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae (which also includes the potato, tomato, eggplant, deadly nightshade, chili pepper, and tobacco). It is native to southeastern Europe and Asia
  1. Powerful Antioxidant
  2. Maintains healthy blood pressure
  3. Reduces Cholesterol
  4. Promotes normal blood sugar
  5. Enhances sexual function
  6. Improves your vision
  7. Supports healthy liver function
  8. Treats menopausal symptoms
  9. Improves fertility
  10. Alleviates anxiety and stress
  11. Supports normal kidney function
  12. Strengthens your muscles and bones
  13. Improves your memory and recall ability
  14. Helps chronic dry cough
  15. Relieves insomnia and improves quality of sleep
  16. Improves disease resistance - (strengthens your immune system)
A short video about a man harvesting this powerful natural medicine. The Goji berries.

Healthy eating is health insurance!


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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