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Mango (Mangifera indica) is one of the
most cultivated fruits in the tropics and has become a staple in the households
of many. The fruit is generally sweet although you will find that different
varieties supply your taste buds with very different flavours. The texture of
mango also varies across different species. Some have a soft, pulpy texture,
which others have a more firm, fibrous texture. Mangos contain many
phytochemicals and nutrients, and is high in prebiotic dietary fibber, vitamin
C, beta-carotene (responsible for producing vitamin A) and a diverse array of
polyphenols. Please continue reading to discover the miraculous benefits of our
fruity friend, the Mango!

Cancer Prevention:
Mango (Mangifera indica) possess
antioxidants that help protect against disease such as cancer, diabetes, liver
disorders and oxidative stress (1). One study found that mango has
hepatoprotective properties (ability to prevent liver damage) in human
hepatocarcinoma cells (cancer cells of the liver). The mango extracts
demonstrated significant antioxidant property and efficient scavenging of free
radicals. They also protected liver cells from chemical-induced damage (1).
Another study found that the flesh and peel of mango fruit and the bioactive
compounds found within these areas of the fruit were effective in inhibiting
human breast cancer cell proliferation in vitro (2).
In addition, researchers from Texas A&M University (3) looked into the
anticarcinogenic effects of polyphenolics from different mango varieties
(Francis, Kent, Ataulfo, Tommy Atkins, and Haden). They studied mango’s effects
on cell cancer lines including leukemia, lung, breast, prostate, and colon
cancer cell lines as well as a non-cancerous colon cell line.
The extracts of all mango varieties exhibited efficient inhibition of cell
growth in the colon cancer cell lines, where Ataulfo and Haden demonstrated the
greatest antioxidant capacities followed by Kent, Francis and Tommy Atkins.
Leukemia cells were most efficiently eradicated by Ataulfo and Haden, followed
by breast, lung, and prostate cancer cells in decreasing efficacy.
In fact, Ataulfo inhibited colon cancer cell growth by up to 72%! As well, the growth of non-cancerous colon
cancer cells was not inhibited, suggesting that mango can efficiently select
and destroy cancerous cells and will not interfere with normal cellular growth.
These mango extracts inhibited cancerous growth mainly due to their ability to
increase mRNA expression of pro-apoptotic biomarkers and cell cycle regulators,
cell cycle arrest, and by reducing the generation of reactive oxygen species.
Improves Vision:
Mango’s are excellent for our vision! Why? Mainly because they
contain Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency can cause nyctalopia (night blindness),
hemeralopia (day-light blindness), xerophthalmia (eyes fail to produce tears),
and even blindness itself (4).
The carotenoid pigments in mango, specifically, beta-carotene provides the
highest vitamin A activity (5). Haden and Tommy Atkins have lower beta-carotene
levels than Palmer and Uba, however they still provide our bodies with the
vitamin A we need (regardless of which variety you choose – if you had a
choice, I would go for Palmer and Uba, however, the most common mango varieties
in store are Tommy Atkins – this also depends on time of year too).
How does vitamin A improve our vision? Vitamin A is a molecule in the retina
that helps to transform light energy into nerve impulses inside the retinal
matrix. It helps maintain the health and repair of the mucous membranes in the
eye, and thus helps protect the cornea and eye surface, and prevents dry eye.
100 grams of mango provides 765mg or 25% of our daily vitamin A! If you ate
four mangoes, you would have your daily vitamin A intake at around 100% – and
eating four mangoes is incredibly easy – they just taste so amazing, and the
benefits you get are incredible.
High in Copper:
Did you know that mangoes are high in copper? Micronutrients such as
copper are often paid very little attention even though they have excellent
benefits to our health and wellness. Of course, mangoes grown in soils that are
more copper rich will contain higher levels of copper, but in general, mangoes
do contain sufficient amounts of copper to have an impact on human health.
Copper is essential in supporting many biochemical processes of life such as
cellular respiration, utilization and transport of oxygen via the blood, DNA
and RNA reproduction, maintaining integrity of cell membranes, and eradicating
free radicals via cascading enzyme systems like cytochrome c-oxidase and
superoxide dismutase (6) which helps to reduce the risk of cancer and slows the
aging process. Red blood cell production is also dependent on the presence of
Improves Sex Life:
Eating mango will provide you with supple amounts of vitamin E –
just one cup of mango provides us with over 2mg of vitamin E – multiply this by
four cups (which can easily fit in a salad) and you get up to 8mg vitamin E. It
is recommended that you consume 15mg of vitamin E daily, so eating mango will
ensure you increase your vitamin E levels.
Aside from keeping our skin soft and supple, how does vitamin E help improve
one’s sex life? Vitamin E regulates the body’s sex hormones and helps to boost
sex drive, all of which increase attraction, mood and desire. Most men and
women who get adequate vitamin E levels notice more sexual energy and pleasure
when touched and more powerful and frequent orgasms. The root cause of female
sexual dysfunction is an excess of estrogen – interestingly, vitamin E (600 to
800 IU daily) helps the woman’s body produce estriol and progesterone which
help balance estrogen, and thus bring high estrogen levels back to their normal
Alkalizes the Body:
Acid-producing foods that are highly acidic (such as meat, dairy
& eggs, processed foods, coffee, white sugar, and alcohol) can cause the
body to not function at its prime state, resulting in disease and illness (7).
Numerous studies over the years have correlated acidic environments to perfect
cancer-thriving conditions (8, 9, 10), thus is it crucial that we maintain an
alkaline state in the body through a diet rich in foods that promote an
alkaline effect on the body (namely, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds).
The mango is a perfect example of a fruit that alkalizes the body. It is
considered an alkaline-forming food, so that when you eat it, the end products
of digestion and nutrient assimilation will result in alkaline ash which gets
buffered. Since mango is so alkaline, our buffering system doesn’t need to work
as hard as if we ate a steak, which can over burden our buffer systems, and
turn to other areas of the body such as our bones to draw upon calcium reserves
which can result in osteoporosis. Muscle also has the ability to break down in
an acidic body, so that alkalizing amino acids from the muscle can help support
our buffer system and bring our pH back to normal levels. This results in
muscle wasting.
Thus, consuming alkaline fruits and vegetables (all fruits and vegetables this
includes, in fact, the most alkaline is the lemon! The effect it has in the
body is the opposite from it’s label – acidic fruits does not mean that they
have acidic effects in the body).
Improves Digestion:
Mangoes contain 25 grams of fibre per fruit, which accounts for
around 20% of our daily fibre intake. Fibre helps to fill the stomach and
intestines and stimulates healthy muscle contractions which moves food smoothly
through the GI tract. Fibre absorbs water in the intestine and gathers waste
which helps to create smooth and regular bowel movements. It helps to prevent
constipation and diarrhea.
Digestive enzymes are crucial for a healthy GI tract – and mangoes contain just
that. They contain a similar digestive enzyme as the papaya, called papain,
which soothes the digestive tract and helps break down proteins and fats.
Mangoes also contain enzymes such as mangiferin, katechol oxidase, and lactase,
all of which stimulate our metabolism and purify the intestines.

Lowers Cholesterol:
Plant stanol esters (such as those in the mango) are very efficient
in reducing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. They inhibit cholesterol absorption from
the intestine in humans. Plant stanol esters at around 2-3 grams per day are
efficient in reducing LDL cholesterol by 10-15% (11).
Mangoes are also rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C controls the transformation of
cholesterol into bile acids in the liver, and helps reduce cholesterol
accumulation in blood serum as well as the liver (12). Vitamin C also works to
lower the risk of cardiovascular disease via higher plasma HDL- and HDL2
cholesterol (13), thus it helps to increase our good cholesterol while lowering
our bad cholesterol.
Pectin also helps reduce cholesterol levels, and mangoes contain significant amounts
of this fibre type. Pectin is a form of soluble fibre and has been shown to
provide cholesterol-lowering benefits. One study found that mean
serum-cholesterol levels fell significantly when participants consumed up to 36
grams of pectin over a two-week period (14). Pectin can reduce cholesterol
levels by preventing glucose absorption in the gut, and thereby prevent blood
sugar spikes and elevated triglyceride levels. It’s gel-like consistency also
acts as a physical barrier in the intestines to prevent absorption and movement
of cholesterol in the GI tract.
Improves Memory & Concentration:
Mangoes contain glutamine which converts into glutamic acid in the
brain and becomes an important excitatory neurotransmitter which has numerous
benefits for our memory and concentration. Glutamic acid stimulates glutamate
receptors in the brain which helps in hippocampal long-term potentiation and
memory processing (15). Glutamic acid is also thought to play a role in mental
alertness, which is beneficial for children in school who have a hard time
concentrating, or for individuals with the inability to concentrate and/or
focus on projects/work for long periods of time.
In addition, mango extracts and their antioxidants called mangiferin, have the
ability to prevent glutamate-induced excitotoxicity of cerebral cortex neurones
(16). In general, mangiferin is a neuroprotector that has therapeutic potential
to treat neurogenerative disorders such as dementia which can develop into
Alzheimer’s disease.
Mangana Smoothie Recipe:
3 Mangoes, peeled and chopped into cubes
3 Bananas, peeled
1 Cup fresh young thai coconut water
2 sprigs of mint leaves
3-4 stalks of kale (stalks removed, with leaves left over)
Place kale, mint leaves and fresh young thai coconut water into a blender and
blend until smooth (it is okay if your blender is not incredibly strong and
there are some tiny pieces left over). Next, place in the fruit (mango &
banana) and pulse blend (to reduce oxidation) until uniformly mixed. Pour into
a glass and enjoy!
(1) Hiraganahalli, B., Chinampudur, V., Dethe, S., Mundkinajeddu, D., Pandre,
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Shaw, P., Robers-Thomson, S., Monteith, G., & Gidley, M. (2011) Bioactivity
of mango flesh and peel extracts on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
gamma (PPARy) activation and MCF-7 cell proliferation: fraction and fruit
variability. Journal of Food Science, 76,
(3) Noratto, G., Bertoldi, M., Krenek, K., Talcott, S., Stringheta, P., &
Mertens-Talcott, S. (2010) Anticarcinogenic effects of polyphenolics from mango
(Mangifera indica) varieties. Journal of Agricultural Food
Chemistry, 58, 4104-4112.
(4) Meda, N., Chevalier, P., & Mathieu-Daude, C. (2000) Ocular
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(5) Ribeiro, S., Queiroz, J., Queiroz, M., Campos, F., & Sant’Ana, H.
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(6) Chan, S., Gerson, B., & Subramaniam, S. (1998) The role of copper,
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(7) The University of California at San Diego: Acid and Alkaline foods.
(8) Park, H., Lyons, J., Ohtsubo, T., & Song, C. (1999) Acidic environment
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(9) Gatenby, R., & Gillies, R. (2007) Glycolysis in cancer: A potential
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(10) Xu, L., & Fidler, I. (2000) Acidic pH-induced elevation in interleukin
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(11) Nguyen, T. (1999) The cholesterol-lowering action of plant stanol esters. The American Society for Nutritional Sciences, 129,
(12) Ginter, E. (1973) Cholesterol: vitamin c controls its transformation to
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(13) Hallfrisch, J., Singh, V., Muller, D., Baldwin, H., Bannon, M., &
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HDL2 cholesterol. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 60,
(14) Jenkins, D., Newton, C., Leeds, A., & Cummings, J. (1975) Effect of
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(15) Flood, J., Baker, M., & Davis, J. (1990) Modulation of memory
processing by glutamic acid receptor agonists and antagonists. Brain Research, 521, 197-202.
(16) Lemus-Molina, Y., Sanchez-Gomez, M., Delgado-Hernandez, R., & Matute,
C. (2009) Mangifera indica L. extract attenuates glutamate-induced
neurotoxicity on rat cortical neurons. Neurotoxicology, 30,
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