Natural Cures Not Medicine: The Oldest Man In Recorded History

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The Oldest Man In Recorded History

Can it be? He did eat the right stuff!..

Li Ching-Yuen was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor who lived to the age of 256 having over 200 descendants during his life span and surviving 23 wives.

How did he do it?
Ching-Yuen is reported to have lived off a diet of herbs and rice wine inculding lingzhi, Goji Berries- wild ginseng, he shou wu and gotu kola.

Where is the proof?
In a 1930 New York Times article, Professor Wu Chung-chieh of the University of Chengdu found Imperial Chinese government records from 1827, congratulating Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday. Further documents later congratulate him on his 200th birthday in 1877. (Wikipedia 2013).

Natural Cures Not Medicine!
Eating healthy is health insurance!


  1. You report this as fact, then link to his Wiki page which clearly stated he was unlikely to be born pre-1810!!! Come on!

    1. and wiki is always the truth of the gods? Come on!

      Godly people have lived over 200 years...

    2. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!! America and the WORLD are going down SOON!!! WAKE UP!!!

    3. Look at the reference first before.... There are other links to pdf of actual books and magazine related to the issue. :S

  2. this is funny. Even if it were true (which it almost definitely isn't) one person living to an extraordinary age does not, in any way, refute the fact that modern medicine has increased our lifespan significantly. Why? Well, on one side we have one solitary person that lived to a very old age, on the other side we have billions upon billions of fully documented short lifespans.

    This is the problem with the mind-set that believes natural is best - it simply does not understand how to build a valid argument.

    1. and if everyone wasn't given vaccines and hormones and antibiotics then only the strong and the healthy continue to procreate not the constant procreation of stupidity then the population would live longer. its the interference of man that thinks he is an all knowing being and can change nature that causes premature and untimely death.

    2. means, naturally long living, strong and healthy people = intelligent ones?
      modern mankind had several thousand years to procreate whithout vaccines, manipulated hormones and antibiotics...but somehow major stupidity is verifiable in every age of mankinds history.

    3. Sugarcane, you are very uninformed, sadly my children are dying from vaccines and unhealthy food, and they are strong, do the research this isn't about the guy that lived a long time this is about the choice to live a long time! Do some research and wake up others. thank you

    4. Sugarcane, you are a fucking moron.

    5. Sugarcane, you are a fucking moron.

    6. The populations would show the unique beauty of each and everyone of them if are life was not prolonged by drugs. No man wants to live for ever, just to do their part well they are here. Death is not a punishment, but a reward.

    7. I don't see my post. But Wiki is not fact and people don't want to live that long. Do your part well your healthy and save yourself the trouble and die.
      that is my plan anyways.

    8. Are you bloody kidding? Just because billions live relatively short life spans does not mean that taking herbs is not the best for you. Billions around the world are malnutritious, have poor supply of water, others die from murders (yes war is considered murder as well), animal attacks, cancer treatment, diseases of many kinds, accidents, among many other ways of people dying. It has been proven through science that the majority of herbs, spices, and eatable plants are very good for the human body which keeps you along with exercise and a strong mind in great shape. A person eating mcdonalds every day will most likely die young and from a cornucopiapic myriad of diseases, while a healthy person living off of food from the earth will most likely live a much longer more favored life.

    9. Daun Klonowski, I am in agreement with you. It is a very harsh statement because nobody wants to admit that there are people on this planet that just should not procreate. Over population is the root of all problems in this world. Think about it. You have to go deep. If it wasn't for the amount of people on this planet we would not be depleting our Earth of Her resources. We would not have food shortages or have to create chemical substitutions to go in our food and grow our foods, those which start the cycle of disease. Then come the chemical pharmaceuticals that cause even more problems. Then Health care goes though the roof. and so on & so on. It is now a vicious cycle, so involved, do you see any solution? The thing is to try to make your own world better in hopes it may catch on. And anyway, who the hell wants to live that long? I could go on about the effects of over population but a lot of people would get insulted or angry. Just don't be greedy. 2 is enough! I expect to get a lot of flack on this. I would love to hear people's true opinions.

    10. Well Bella, I know families with more than 2 that live off of about 70% less than the average American, and they are very content. I don't think it's about the numbers as much as it is about the greed. I see 2 children families that are wasteful and extravagant. We live in a fast-food society that wants it all and wants it now. Change that in the world and there will be more than enough for everyone!

    11. So, Bella, you want population control, do you? Who decides who lives, who dies, who procreates? People like you, unfortunately have become tyrants in this world. Hitler was one. People like you fail to see that we do not live in a closed existence. There is space for all. Look around you, look below you look above you.

    12. @Bella Luna
      1. There's no food shortage. There's money shortage for buying food. There's plenty of food.
      2. How do you know that nobody wants to live that long?
      3. Who decides who lives and who doesn't?

    13. There is a huge food shortage actually.. just saying, its a fact. Scientists estimate that by the year 2025, the number of people without food will be 10 times the current number, which is already astronomically high!

    14. You people that think Wiki and Snopes are the truth, are fucking braindead morons! Just saying..

  3. Has nothing to do with Big Quack Medical Club Doctors at ALL!!! Wake up Sheeple and do your own leg work!!!

  4. Well, he claimed to have been born in 1736, which would still offer a lifetime of almost 200 years, it was other sources that claim he was born in 1677. I'd be more inclined to believe him. Honestly, the article where this originally came from is probably an effort to make the Chinese Empire look better. I'll believe it when I see a series of scientific/historical papers from outside China confirming that he was actually as old as he claimed.

    1. ? Chinese Empire? The article didn't say that it was bec of his gov that he lived so long. Many in China suffer from terrible unregulated work conditions & die young. Don't know how you got this out of the article. The fact is Chinese herbal healing predates western medicine by a Looong time. So does their diet. China has been called China for 2,000+ years. United States... since 1776. You do the math. Americans have a lot to learn about being healthy. America, we're #1... in obesity, heart disease, diabetes...

    2. ? Chinese Empire? where does it mention that his gov had anything to do with his lifestyle choices? Many in China die young from terrible unregulated working conditions. He's just one guy they didn't say anything about all Chinese.

    3. Most often people focus more on rewards after death then rewards in life. Where should the focus be? Were we born to just earn rewards now then in after life we will seek and enjoy them? Some would say we existed before we entered this life so if this is true we were already in a after life of love and beauty and isn't that the ultimate reward? Make your life beautiful right now don't wait for death to come knocking.

    4. how abt we find where this bugger is buried and then do extensive testing.. ;)

    5. heard some famous figures in the past like Prophet Noah lived to be 500 years.. but were they still counting years as we do now :P

  5. Why can't I acces the blog to read about other articles realted? It says my account can't acces....please, help, I'm interested...

  6. The story IS true....... I am his greatx15 grandson....The secret to his longevity was HE NEVER MARRIED!!!!!!

    1. But he apparently survived over 20 wives... which means he was married 20 times!

  7. That's because America is full of idiots we didn't have fucken polution or cancer we were free from diseases drinkin fresh water ya its true its stupid fucken people like u who have negative thoughts ur brain is powerful u can do whatever u put ur mind into stop being a puppet and open ur brain for just one second the government hides this from us so we can't do it but yes we can hell ya we can and when I turn 256 ill be like I told u so..

    1. jeff, you're the only one that makes sense out of all these skeptical idiots on this comment box

    2. And when you die before you reach 256 I'll call you a lunatic.

    3. And when you die before 256, I'll call you a lunatic.

  8. Woah are you kidding? Cancer is caused by idiots? Hey, it's a good job we've got a medical genius over here...Good luck with that...

  9. even if this isn't true, the idea is VERY VERY REAL.
    yes, people used to live a lot shorter. they were unclean and had no medical knowledge. if we used what we know today about how disease spreads and how to keep ourselves clean AND combined that with eating all organic food that comes from this green earth (in case you forgot, we are a product of this same earth) rather than eating foods that are contaminated and man made, WE WOULD LIVE MUCH LONGER.
    natural herbs and vitamins are the best medicines. the more we eat medicine and get vaccinated the sicker we get. we weaken our own immune systems by not letting them do what they're supposed to by taking medicine. we eat foods that over time cause cancer and other diseases.

    WAKE UP.

    1. I agree. I'm 23 years old, a young age I agree, but the last time i was vaccinated or took medication was about when i was 13-14 and in grade school. I get sick less than once a year. I laugh at people who get vaccinated and or catch influenza/other common maladies. I eat organic as much as possible, I stay away from processed foods especially refined/bleached sugar. Eat right, let your body do it's damn job and you will be happier and healthier with the proper diet.

    2. and thats the truth and the truth shall set us free ;)

    3. Let's just cure cancer with this ginseng... No that didn't work. It's time for you to understand that herb's stopped working long ago. Did we cure the plague with herbs? No. That killed thousands. And you're entire "anti-man made foods" is also off because what would we eat? God made food? No. We have farmers who make our food. You are against MACHINE-made food, not man. Death is necessary for our world to continue. Without it, Earth would become over-populated.

  10. id have to question it however in old records there are actually a lot of people who lived long lives and there stories were told (google it) then there a decline in long lives which int hat time hasnt really come up we have a rare few each few years celbrating milestones but if you do think about it cancer wasnt even diagnosed back then so thats an argument that cant be used really. we do a lot of proccessed foods and vaccines so areliving longer as far as we know it, however are we as healthy as our ancestors should be the question we have life three times as easy as they did yet we dont live to a grand old age?? make you ask a few questions mankind killing itself off like everything else??

  11. i would have to question it but as the old book goes man lived for hundreds of years but our diet was not full of proccessed fatty unhealthy foods our lives were harder but we were stronger fromthe work whhich yes took longer a lot longer than it does now with all this technology basically making us lazy beings but other than that as nature goes the strongest will always survive! im inclined to go with 1736 than 1677.noone will ever know the full truth these things just arent documented enough

  12. Maybe dig up his grave and do that thingy modern science does with bones to determine the exact date he was born.

    My guess it will be 9 billion years ago like every other bone found.

  13. herbs, rice wine and goji berries...
    I knew someone who te that little, she landed in the hospital

  14. You say you're not religious but scientific and actually think that stuff in the old testament is true ? So Noah somehow managed to get a pair of every species of animal onto a boat , survived 40 days and 40 nights , then repopulated the world . What did they all eat ? Where did all that water come from then go to , the whole world over ? How did the carnivores survive ?

  15. " we all know that the great flood did indeed happen " . Oh really ? Is that the part where the water level in the whole world rose up enough to cover all of the land for 40 days and 40 nights and Noah gathered a pair of every species of animal on the planet and put them on one boat , and they all got along together for 40 days . Then all of that water just disappeared and Noah and his family and the boatload of animals that got along great together for 40 days without eating each other or drinking anything hopped off and repopulated the planet ? Yeah that's pretty scientific .

  16. Survived 23 wives... THAT must be one heck of a strong man or maybe a fast runner?

  17. Survived 23 wives... THAT deserves recognition...

  18. So what's the lesson of this story?
    Don't live like Li Ching-Yuen. If everybody did there would be like 20 million people on earth now!

  19. You think modern medicine is the thing to thank for longevity?? I would challenge that theory whole heartedly in favour of natural medicine and alternative therapies.. Modern Medicine kills 250,000 people every year.. add to that environmental factors and our stupidity by destroying the Earth that keeps us alive.. I dare say all those who are devoted to modern medicine and chemical constitutions filling your bodies will see a slow decline in mortality rates (not caused by serious injury) Look after the Earth and the Earth will look after you.. Hippocrates was not an idiot...


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