Natural Cures Not Medicine: 05/17/13

Most Read This Week:

US Approves Pesticide as EU Bans

The EPA has sided with industry lobbyists over public health in approving a highly dangerous pesticide that the European Union recently decided to ban over fears of environmental devastation. Not only have neonicotinoid pesticides been linked repeatedly to mass bee deaths, also known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), but the continued use of such pesticides threatens other aspects of nature (and humans) as well. What’s even more amazing is that the decision not only comes after the EU publicly discussed the major dangers surrounding the use of the pesticides, but after the USDA released a report surrounding the continued honeybee deaths and the related effects — a report in which they detailed pesticides to be a contributing factor. Just the impact on the honeybees alone, and we now know that these pesticides are killing aquatic life and subsequently the birds that feed upon them, amounts to a potential $200 billion in global damages per year. We’re talking about the devastation of over 100 crops, from apples to avocados and plums. And there’s countless scientists and a large number of environmental science groups speaking out on this. The EPA has no lack of information the subject. And sure, there are other contributing factors to bee deaths, there’s no question about that. We have an environment right now being hit with Monsanto’s Roundup even in residential areas, we have chemical rain, we have insane amounts of EMF — but it’s pretty clear that neonicotinoid pesticides are at least a major contributing factor. And beyond that, they have no place in the food supply to begin with.

Pesticides damage bee brains:
GMO facts and studies:

May 12th, 2013 

10 Years Later - A review of GM crops from the farmers

10 Years Later - A review of GMO crops from the farmers who planted them. Are they happy?

Survey Says No!

Well.. You heard it first. Straight from the farmers mouth. Here is a short look into the life of farmers that have chosen to grow GM crops. Here we discover the birth of "superweeds" - and cross contamination from bird droppings (in this case) but even just pollen blowing in the wind could lead to you being sued. They even explain how Tank-mixing is actually patented by Monsanto. It's not much they don't have their sticky fingers in at the moment. The epic grip-hold on these poor farmers hopefully is enough to stop or prevent other farmers from going GM or GE. Please let this message be heard.

Above Photo and other GM info from: -

Please watch the video below to hear this tragic tale:

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Jeff Merkley Pushes To Repeal 'Monsanto Protection Act'

Sen. Jeff Merkley (A democrat from Oregon) is planning to push an amendment into the upcoming farm bill that would repeal the secret provision known as the "Monsanto Protection Act" a highly ambiguous loophole attached anonymously to a spending bill that sailed through Congress in March.

The Alarming Truths About GMO

The Truth About How GMO's are Made

This is a great video, which describes how GMO's are made, why they are bad for your health and the detrimental affect they are having on the food supply chain. 

This video was made to raise awareness of the Washington I-522 initiative to ensure all GMO foods are labeled. 

Further GMO artices from Natural Cures Not Medicine below:

GMO Facts - Studies - Reports and Documentaries

David Suzuki speaks out against GMO's

Why thousands of farmers are committing suicide after choosing to grow GMO crops:

Connecticut is pushing to lable GMOs:

The moment kenya banned GMOs:

Help New Hampshire become first state to BAN GMO:

Russia suspends GMO:

Vermont passes GMO labeling:

Peru bans GMO:

Join the right to know in your state:

India's rice revolution without GMO!:

The sad truth about GMO:

28+ Countries have banned GMO:

GMO food exposed: And experiment on man and nature

Save our Monarch butterflies and ban GMO's

Study finds long term effects of GMO are terminal

Genetically modified food: Myths and Truths

How GMO Foods Alter Organ Function

How GMO Foods Alter Organ Function

"The more genetically modified food you consume the less human you become." New studies are showing that biochemically you truly are what you eat. Everyone should listen to this 13 minute presentation.

Thanks Mike Adams from for this report.

To learn more about GMO health risks try these past posts from us:

GMO Facts - Studies - Reports and Documentaries

David Suzuki speaks out against GMO's

Why thousands of farmers are committing suicide after choosing to grow GMO crops:

Connecticut is pushing to lable GMOs:

The moment kenya banned GMOs:

Help New Hampshire become first state to BAN GMO:

Russia suspends GMO:

Vermont passes GMO labeling:

Peru bans GMO:

Join the right to know in your state:

India's rice revolution without GMO!:

The sad truth about GMO:

28+ Countries have banned GMO:

GMO food exposed: And experiment on man and nature

Save our Monarch butterflies and ban GMO's

Study finds long term effects of GMO are terminal

Genetically modified food: Myths and Truths

Bill Gates on GM foods, Vaccines and Monsanto

Bill Gates on GM foods, vaccines and Monsanto

Is it just me... Or does he have an un-easy evil smirk on his face through out this video...

Here is another you may find interesting. Some say this is the connection to why Bill Gates has invested so much money into monsanto... Something about world depopulation because he has worked out an equation assuming that global warming is real and that we need to bring down one of these numbers near to 0. 

There are a few other facts you may want to consider. 

Bill Owns 500,000 Shares of Monsanto

(worth 23+ million US dollars)

Bill Gates Funding Corporations Caught in Child Slave Rings:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has even teamed up with Cargill to sell GMO soy in the third world. Cargill, is a 133 billion dollar corporation that also has been found in direct violation of human rights. Cargill was sued by the International Labor Rights Fund for trafficking children from Mali and forcing them to work on cocoa bean plantations 12 to 14 hours each day without pay, food, or sleep. The company continues to purchase cotton from Uzbekistan, where it is well known that child slave labor is used in the cultivation. Anything to make a buck huh?

Bill Gates himself even filmed commercials for Monsanto’s GMOs, explaining them as the ‘solution’ to world hunger even though the United Nations admitted that GMOs cannot fight hunger as effectively as traditional farming.

Health benefits of grapefruit juice

If you enjoy a fresh glass of grapefruit juice with breakfast, here is some good news!

Anticancer:  By blocking an enzyme that activates cancer causing chemicals, grapefruit juice can help prevent the development of lung cancer.  Grapefruit also has been shown to trigger apoptosis in colon cancer cells, which means the cells undergo a programmed cell death that does not cause damage to surrounding tissue like necrosis does.  Naringenin, another compound found in grapefruits, has been shown in studies to repair damaged DNA in the cells of the prostate gland.  Grapefruits contain limonoids, a group of phytonutrients that stimulate the liver to remove more toxins from the body.

Ph:  The juice of grapefruits, when digested, causes the body to become more alkaline.  Acidity in the body can be linked to several different illnesses including cancer, viruses, and bacterial infections.

Cholesterol:  A recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry concluded that people who consume grapefruit regularly show lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol than those who do not.

Weight loss:  Grapefruits contain fiber which helps with regular digestion, helping with eight loss, and also contain no fat.  Fat burning enzymes are also found in this fruit which alter insulin levels in the body, therefore stimulating metabolic changes.

Kidneys:  D-limonene has been shown to prevent the formation of and also dissolve kidney stones.  Drinking grapefruit juice regularly helps to alkalize the urin, which lowers the chances of these stones forming and promotes overall kidney health.

More great posts from Natural Cures Not Medicine:

A New App That Can Boycott Monsanto

Magnesium rich foods

Health benefits of mangosteen

Red fruits and vegetables

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

A New App That Can Boycott Monsanto

Here is a new app that helps you boycott products:

A buycott is the opposite of a boycott. Buycott helps you to organize your everyday consumer spending so that it reflects your principles.

During the SOPA/PIPA debate in 2012, a number of companies pushed to pass legislation that reduced online freedom of expression, while other companies fought hard to oppose the legislation. With Buycott, a campaign can be quickly created around a cause, with the goal of targeting companies with a boycott unless they change their position, or buycotting a company to show your support. When you use Buycott to scan a product, it will look up the product, determine what brand it belongs to, and figure out what company owns that brand (and who owns that company, ad infinitum). It will then cross-check the product owners against the companies and brands included in the campaigns you've joined, in order to tell you if the scanned product conflicts with one of your campaign commitments.

The Honest Coca-Cola Obesity Commercial

Omg! This is great you must check this out... The most honest coca cola commercial in the world!


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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