Natural Cures Not Medicine: 07/21/13

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Is Time To Boycott 'Big Grocery'?

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There are several reasons why a boycott of major grocery producers would be a rational and appropriate response. Issues like genetically modified foods (GMO) and the mistreatment of animals bred for consumption are a couple that come quickly to mind.
However, there is currently a piece of major legislation being considered by the U.S. Senate, known as the Food Safety Modernization Act, which has drawn out the ire and political clout of the grocery industry. Senator Diane Feinstein of California is pushing for an amendment that would ban a substance calledBisphenol-A (or BPA as it is more commonly called) from use in all food and beverage containers. The scientific research is very convincing that BPA is a dangerous toxin, but groups such as the Grocery Manufacturers Association and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are up in arms about the proposed amendment. The bottom line is money – to no surprise – as these groups are more concerned with profits than they are about the health of their customers.

Just How Bad is BPA?

Currently, there are more than 200 studies that have established a link between BPA and major health issues such as breast and other cancers, reproductive problems, and development issues, particularly in children.
Millions of pounds of BPA are manufactured every year, and a large part of it ends up in plastic food containers, water and baby bottles, and in the epoxy resins used to line food cans, including canned baby formula. Thus, BPA is one of the most commonly found chemicals in the modern world.
BPA, which has been in use since it was first formulated in the 1930’s, was considered a boon to the plastics industry because it makes manufacture of some types of plastic easier and cheaper.
Since then, BPA has been classified as an endocrine disrupter when introduced into animals and humans. In fact, before its use in plastics, BPA was originally developed as a synthetic estrogen. This is where the problem lies, because BPA mimics natural estrogen, thus disturbing the hormonal balance in the body. The result is increased risk and incidence of breast and other reproductive cancers, in much the same way that synthetic HRT has been linked to similar problems.
An organization called The Breast Cancer Fund, whose mission it is to explore and eliminate environmental causes of breast cancer, is also lobbying Congress about the food safety bill. As a clearinghouse for issues relating to breast cancer and other health concerns for women and children, they are appealing to Senators and trying to get them to look at the large body of evidence pointing towards the risks involved with BPA exposure.
Because of its chemical structure, BPA can easily leech into food products, such as baby formula, especially when containers are heated, as in a microwave. In several studies, BPA has been discovered in developing fetuses, placental tissue and amniotic fluid, and in human breast milk. The scientific verdict is becoming increasingly clear regarding the risks of BPA. In fact, the use of BPA in certain applications has already been restricted in five states, and thirteen more have similar legislation in process. Norway, Canada, and Taiwan are also considering limits to BPA usage.

Big Grocery and the FDA

While the rest of the world, it seems, is coming to terms with the obvious – that BPA is a toxic health risk – the FDA has been dragging their feet. They have stated they plan to study the effects of BPA over the next two years, and groups like the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are jumping on this. GMA claims that BPA should not be restricted or banned until the FDA decides what to do about this. It is clear that two years is far too long to await their decision, and the FDA’s track record of pandering to Big Business – at the risk of the American public – does not speak well of their objectivity in such rulings. Given all of this, a boycott of Big Grocery seems like a logical choice especially since their blatant actions prove that they do not have the consumer’s interest at heart.

Ideas for a Boycott

Perhaps it’s time for us as consumers to flex our own muscles. Even if BPA weren’t an issue, we can take a huge step forward in our wellness by making alternative choices in the way we eat.
  • Grow your own produce. Organic gardening is the best way to ensure a steady supply of toxin-free and fresh fruits and vegetables that have maximum nutrition.
  • Shop at local health food stores, co-ops and local farms. Choose real food that is not only BPA-free, but healthier in many other ways, too.
  • Avoid commercial meats. Meat is one of the most profitable – and unhealthy – products for Big Grocery. If you opt to eat meat, go with organic and/or range-fed/pasture finished.
  • Look for BPA-free. When you do patronize the grocery store, search out items that do not use BPA in packaging. This may encourage the introduction of more such products. Vote with your pocketbook!
We are certainly at the point where it is much safer for our health and well-being to by-pass the local grocery store and the “dead” foods that it markets, not only for ourselves but for our children.  It is my opinion that if we do not wake-up to the un-healthy condition of our food supply, we will likely witness the first generation (children right now) who will have a shorter lifespan than their parents.

More Information

How To Fight Radiation Exposure Naturally

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With the recent nuclear catastrophe happening in Japan as well as the probability that nuclear events will continue to be a part of our world, it’s prudent to have good reference information as to how the body can be supported (using natural means) and protected should high radiation exposure become a reality.  Knowledge and information empower and should always propel one toward effective preparation and planning, not fear. The power of fear is destructive in that it paralyzes resulting in unwise decisions.  Along with knowledge and preparedness, we must also be aware of the very real probability that the general public will not be privy to factual information. Hopefully my readers will copy this information and place in a safe place for future reference.

Fighting Radiation & Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs, & Vitamins by Steven R. Schechter, ND was required reading when I was studying for my ND. It’s difficult now to find copies at a reasonable price of this out of print but very informational book.  Below are some of the chapter titles and information that Dr. Schechter deals with in his book as well as some of my own research/suggestions.
“These foods and food substances will enhance the immune system and protect
against the dangerous side effects of radiation.” –Dr. Steven R. Schechter. 
The time to implement these foods is now in order to build up the body as well as the immune system.  Most of the foods and vitamins/minerals are “protective” meaning that they should be implented before a radiation event occurs.
Each of these can be researched individually on the Internet such as “bee pollen+nuclear radiation protection”, etc. in order to find out how it is helpful/useful to the body.

Fighting Radiation with Food

Sea Vegetables – According to a 1964 McGill University study published in the “Canadian Medical Association Journal,” sodium alginate from kelp reduced radioactive strontium absorption in the intestines by 50 to 80 percent. The sodium alginate allowed calcium to be absorbed through the intestinal wall while binding most of the strontium, which was excreted out of the body.  Some of the more popular sea vegetables to consume are kelp, arame, wakame and kombu. Canadian researchers reported that sea vegetables contained a polysaccharide substance that selectively bound radioactive strontium and helped eliminate it from the body. In laboratory experiments, sodium alginate prepared from kelp, kombu, and other brown seaweeds off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts was introduced along with strontium and calcium into rats. The reduction of radioactive particles in bone uptake, measured in the femur, reached as high as 80 percent, with little interference with calcium absorption. “The evaluation of biological activity of different marine algae is important because of their practical significance in preventing absorption of radioactive products of atomic fission as well as in their use as possible natural decontaminators.” Source: Y. Tanaka et al., “Studies on Inhibition of Intestinal Absorption of Radio-Active Strontium,” Canadian Medical Association Journal 99:169-75, 1968.
The Atomic Energy Commission recommends for maximum protection against radioactive poisoning for humans, taking a minimum of 2 to 3 ounces of sea vegetables a week or 10 grams (two tablespoons) a day of sodium alginate supplements. During or after exposure to radiation, the dosage should be increased to two full tablespoons of alginate four times daily to insure that there is a continual supply in the GI or gastrointestinal tract. There may be a rare concern of constipation but this can be avoided if the sodium alginate is made into a fruit gelatin. Agar, derived from sodium alginate in kelp, is a safe, nontoxic substance that can be used as a thickening agent or gelatin.
Bee Pollen – Studies show that bee pollen can significantly reduce the usual side effects of both radium and cobalt-60 radiotherapy and also the sickness after massive abdominal x-rays. One study showed that the proliferation of cancer cells stopped in cancerous tumors induced in mice.  (This is only indicative and does not purport to be medical advice. One should go to the source and study the relevant information before drawing conclusions. Try to get real bee pollen from an organic bee keeper, uncooked.)
Bee Propolis - Besides the healing and anti bacterial qualities of this substance, it has been effective in clinical stages of radioepithelitis, i.e. inflammation of epithelial tissue due to radiation. (Same as above.  Get unheated, raw organic honey; it is a good source of pollen, royal jelly and propolis.)
Beets – Beets have been shown to rebuild hemoglobin of the blood after exposure to radiation. Rats fed a diet of 20 percent beet pulp were able to prevent cesium-137 absorption and 97 to 100 percent more effectively than rats given no beets.
Dried, Primary-Grown Nutritional Yeast – Besides having Vitamin E,  it also contains the nucleic acids RNA and DNA, both of which have been shown to have radio protective qualities.  It has been shown to help rebuild and regenerate cells damaged by radiation, and also to produce relief from radiation poisoning and it’s many horrible symptoms.  Nutritional yeast has a good amount of many important nutrients.  Primary –grown yeasts bonds with and absorb heavy metals such as uranium, lead and mercury!
Garlic - Garlic’s high sulfur content supports natural antioxidant systems like glutathione. Garlic extracts protect red blood cells from radiation damage by a glutathione-related mechanism. In mice, garlic extracts prevented radiation damage to chromosomes in vulnerable bone marrow cells.
Onions – Cysteine, present in onions, binds with and deactivates both the radioactive isotopes and toxic metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury. The sulfur in cysteine helps the kidneys and liver detoxify the body.
Chlorophyll – A Report by Scottist in 1986 and report from Japan showed that increase absorption of Cadmium by Chlorella and increased excretion of Cadmium by threefold after intake of Chlorella from animal testing. Chlorella can also detoxify Uranium, Lead, Copper, PCB. Source: ” A good Health Guide: Chlorella ” by William H Lee. R. Ph.D. and Michael Rosenbaum, M.D. Guinea pigs on a diet rich in chlorophyll showed increased resistance to lethal X-rays.
U.S. Army report in 1950
Oils – Plant oils such as unrefined and cold-pressed olive oil, flaxseed oil.
Foods rich in pectin – Pectin is able to bind radioactive residues and remove them from the body. It also acts as a natural chelating agent. Apples, guavas, plums, gooseberries, oranges and other citrus fruits are recommended.  Be sure to effectively wash all fruit/vegetables before consuming.

Fighting Radiation with Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin A – In 1974, researchers from India found that vitamin A, when taken internally by humans, hastened recovery from radiation.  In 1984, Dr. Eli Seifter and a team of researchers fro the Albert Einstein College of Medicine….reported vitamin A and beta-carotene counteracted both partial and total body gamma radiation. It also improved the healing of wounds; reduced weight loss, thymic and splenic atrophy, and adrenal enlargement; and prevented gastro-ulceration and an abnormal decrease in red and white blood cell formation.  (The therapeutic purposes, 25,000 to 35,000 IU are recommended for adults.  During emergencies or crisis situations, intensive exposure may warrant as much as 40,000 to 100,000 IU of beta-carotene, but should be taken for no more than three to four weeks. Infants should not consume high amounts. This info is only very partial and you should consult the book for specifics.)
Vitamin C & Bio-flavonoids – Italian researchers in 1966 found that Vitamin D, in combination with vitamins A and the entire B Complex, helps remove radioactive isotopes such as strontium-85 and strontium-90 from the bones and the body. Vitamin D also helps protect against some common pollutants, including lead and cadmium, according to Airola in How to Get Well.
Vitamin E (natural not synthetic) – Radiation destroys leukocytes in both tissues and the blood, according to S. L. Robbins in Pathologic Basis of Disease ( W. B. Saunders, 1974).  In Japan, I. Kurokawa and co-workers found that blood given vitamin E maintained a white cell count twice as high as blood not given vitamin E but exposed to the same radiation.  Vitamin E has also been shown to produce internal and external protection in mice irradiated by cesium-137. Vitamin E and selenium are best taken at the same time since selenium preserves vitamin E.
Interesting to note about the ACE (Vitamins A-C-E) - A remarkable study among X-ray technicians reveals just how powerful antioxidant vitamins can be. Radiology techs are nominally protected by elaborate shielding, but they’re still exposed to unnaturally high levels of radiation over the course of a lifetime. As a result they tend to have higher levels of tissue oxidation. But when a group of techs was supplemented with vitamins C (500 mg) and E (150 mg) daily for 15 weeks, their markers of tissue oxidation plummeted, and their levels of natural antioxidants (such as glutathione in red blood cells) rose significantly. (Kayan M, Naziroglu M, Celik O, Yalman K, Koylu H. Vitamin C and E combination modulates oxidative stress induced by X-ray in blood of smoker and nonsmoker radiology technicians. Cell Biochem Funct. 2009 Oct;27(7):424-9.)
B3 Nicotinic Acid – Have on hand the Acid form of B3 rather than the salt form, Niacinamide, which is basically useless.  Several sources indicate that large doses of niacin B3 were used in treating victims of radiation poisoning after the Chernobyl meltdown. B3 will cause the body to detox and therefore it is wise to make sure that your liver has been detoxed and is supported properly.  Chemical poisoning slows down the liver.
Calcium – Protects against strontium-90, calcium-45 and other radioisotopes.

Magnesium – Like Calcium, magnesium prevents the uptake of strontium-90 and other radioisotopes.  It helps to eliminate already absorbed strontium-90 as well.  One study has shown that exposure to gamma radiation can decrease calcium and magnesium levels in the blood.  As a result, optimal levels of both minerals in the diet are essential after one is exposed to higher amounts of radiation.
Selenium – As selenomethionine. Has been shown to decrease the mortality rate of rats exposed to irradiation, and to alleviate leucopenia (abnormal decreases of white blood corpuscles).  Selenium greatly reduces cancer in animals exposed to cancer-causing agents.
Zinc – Natural zinc will help the body eliminate several toxic heavy metals, including cadmium, aluminum, lead, and excess copper.

Potassium – Cesium-137, cesium-134, potassium-40, and potassium-42 are radioactive, competitive sister elements of natural potassium, all of which are in the same chemical family.  These radionuclides are absorbed by the body when there is a deficiency of natural potassium.  They concentrate primarily in the reproductive organs and the muscles. Cesium-137 is common in nuclear fallout, and can often be detected in our food, soil, and water.  The authors of one study described our biosphere as “contaminated with radiocesium.” Researchers discovered that after the accident at Chernobyl, iodine-131 and cesium-137 were the most prevalent radionuclides in samples of food from the USSR and from Poland, Hungary, and other parts of Eastern Europe.  Cesium-137 is also already being used in some countries to irradiate foods as a means of extending their shelf life at the supermarket.  Research by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences demonstrates that natural potassium decreases the concentration of radiocesium.  Begin to add potassium rich foods such as bananas, potatoes+peels, etc.  If a nuclear event escalates in which cessium is being released, then also adding supplemental potassium is recommended. Potassium regulation is affected by magnesium.  For magnesium deficiency include leafy green veggies, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and black beans
Iron – Research done in Czechoslovakia showed that whole body irradiation disturbed absorption of iron, and functions of red blood cells, plasma, and bone marrow.  Other researchers found that amma-irradiation of the whole body or of the abdomen decreased absorption of iron, vitamin B12 and lipids.
MSM – As plants take in MSM from the soil they change it into amino acids such as methionine, cysteine and taurine which can protect against radiation as well as chelate heavy metals for elimination from the body. MSM also regulates the fluid that covers the airway surface of the lungs, preventing an inflammatory response and helping to regulate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Fighting Radiation with Herbs

Siberian Ginseng – Soviet researchers have reported that eleuthero extract has radioprotective abilities, and can be used therapeutically in conditions of acute and chronic radiation and sicknesses such as hemorrhaging, severe anemia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting , and headaches due to x-rays.
Panax Ginseng – Hemorrhage was a symptom of humans exposed to atomic radiations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Japanese research doctors found that “Panax ginseng prevented hemorrhaging tendency after x-irradiation.”  Bone marrow death is one result of radiation damage to blood-forming tissues.  It occurs ten to twenty days after exposure to high doses of radiation.  Panax ginseng extract prevents bone marrow death and accelerates normalization of red and white blood cell counts in animal studies.
Gingko Biloba – According to Science News Daily, extracts of its leaves contain antioxidant compounds including glycosides and terpenoids known as ginkgolides and bilobalides.  These compounds are thought to protect cells from damage by free radicals and other reactive oxidizing species found in the body. These are generated continuously by the body’s normal metabolism, and in excess in some diseases or after exposure to pollution or radiation. They damage proteins, DNA and other biomolecules and left unchecked can kill cells. Results suggest that ginko biloba extracts can neutralize the free-radicals and oxidizing agents produced in the cells by the radiation and so prevent them from undergoing apoptosis.
Black & Green Tea – The polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) derived from green tea protects animals from whole-body radiation, blocking lipid oxidation and prolonging life span. Several sources indicate that there were hundreds who survived Hiroshima at ground zero and the one thing they all had in common was drinking 20 cups of green tea per day.
Astragalus – An article published in Cancer, a publication of the American Cancer Society, reported that the aqueous extract of Astragalus membranaceus restored the immune functions in 90 percent of cancer patients studied.
Milk Thistle & Liver Support - A report suggests that milk thistle may prevent radiation toxicity. It enhances liver regeneration after exposure to heavy metals, radiation, or toxic chemicals. It reduces DNA damage and extends survival in animals exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.  Silymarin’s free radical scavenging and direct antioxidant effects are credited with producing these results.

Fighting Radiation with Miscellaneous Substances

Distilled Water -  Dr. Kenneth Sutter recommends drinking lots of distilled water for radiation poisoning. A tiny pinch of good quality sea salt in several glasses of distilled water each day will provide one with all the minerals and trace elements they need to stay healthy.
N-acetylcysteine – A glutathione precursor. As a source of sulfhydryl groups, NAC stimulates glutathione (GSH) synthesis, enhances glutathione-S-transferase activity, promotes liver detoxification by inhibiting xenobiotic biotransformation, and is a powerful nucleophile capable of scavenging free radicals. Studies at the Louisville School of Medicine have shown that Glutathione possesses a unique ability to slow the aging process. While Glutathione aids in the protection of all cells and membranes, a study at Harvard Medical School found that glutathione is especially able to enhance immune system cells, protecting against damage from radiation and helping to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, x-rays, and alcohol. As a detoxifier of metals and drugs, glutathione also aids in the treatment of blood and liver disorders.
SSKI – Super Saturated Potassium Iodide. Protects ONLY the thyroid from radioactive idoine.  If it is radioactive cessium that is being released, potassium iodide will not be effective for the areas where cessium will accumulate – mainly the reproductive system, kidneys and liver. (see potassium recommendations above)   FDA – “It is also notable that the thyroid radiation exposures after Chernobyl were virtually all internal, from radioiodines. Despite some degree of uncertainty in the doses received, it is reasonable to conclude that the contribution of external radiation was negligible for most individuals. This distinguishes the Chernobyl exposures from those of the Marshall Islanders. Thus, the increase in thyroid cancer seen after Chernobyl is attributable to ingested or inhaled radioiodines. A comparable burden of excess thyroid cancers could conceivably accrue should U.S. populations be similarly exposed in the event of a nuclear accident. This potential hazard highlights the value of averting such risk by using KI as an adjunct to evacuation, sheltering, and control of contaminated foodstuffs.” This may reduce the risk of developing thyroid cancer in the future. Potassium iodide does not provide immediate protection from radiation damage, and does not have protective effects against other radiation exposure complications.
SSKI Dosage information:  Adults: dose = 130mg KI; Children between 3 and 18 years of age: dose = 65mg KI; (Children who are 150 pounds or over should take the adult dose regardless of age.); Infants and children between 1 month and 3 years of age: dose =32mg KI; This dose is for nursing and non-nursing infants/children Newborns from birth to 1 month of age: dose = 16mg KI This dose is for both nursing and non-nursing newborn infants. Take one dose every 24 hours until the danger is past.
Beta-1,3 Glucan:  Extracted from the cell walls of baker’s yeast it is a potent immune enhancer. It activates important macrophages and is also an anti oxidant.  Studies by the Army showed that glucan was a powerful protectant against a lethal dose of radiation.
Lecithin – 2-3 tbsp. a day, will help counteract harmful effects of radiation.
Papain -  In one particular study, 50 percent of rats that were given papain survived a normally lethal dose of radiation.
Thymus Extract – Animal studies demonstrate that thymus tissue extract can re-create immunity even after doses of radiation powerful enough to kill the all- important lymphoid tissue. The idea of thymus glandular feeding in cases of mild to extreme radiation exposure has been applied in numerous cases.
Charcoal – Has the ability to absorb and neutralize radioactive substances and some toxic materials.  Researchers report that 10 grams or 1 tablespoon of charcoal can absorb about 3 to 7 grams of materials.  German researcher found that charcoal air filters removed more than 70 percent of radioactive iodine from the air.   Taking finely powdered charcoal has been found to be one-and-a-half times as effective as the tablets.
Organic Germanium 132 – Should be used in gram amounts for effectiveness. According to one study, “Radioactive rays release electrons that destroy cells and blood corpuscles….Germanium floating near the blood corpuscles skillfully catches those released electrons and lets them move around its nucleus.”  In other studies mutagenesis of cells exposed to cesium-137 and gamma rays, was “remarkably reduced” without affecting cellular growth or survival.  It seemed to improve the fidelity of DNA replication.  Ge-132 protects cysteine, an amino acid with known protective value. Dose:  25 mg. to 100 mg. per day is often used in Japan.  It can be derived from onions, pearled barley, and watercress.

Other Recommendations

Natural Geiger Counter: There is a plant that is a natural Geiger counter. The spiderwort plant is so sensitive to changes in radiation levels (its petals change color upon exposure) that it’s often used as a natural radiation detector (dosimeter), just as they use canaries in mines as detectors of poisonous gas. Some people like knowing that they have an ongoing monitoring system for radiation in the environment, and this is just another tip available in “How to Neutralize the Harmful Effects of Radiation or Radioactive Exposure.”
Sea Salt & Baking Soda & Clay - Add one pound of good quality sea salt and 1 pound of baking soda to chlorine-free water. Soak for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Adding one pound of betonite, or other safe clay, to the sea salt and baking soda will increase the removal of radiation. Some specialists who work with radioactive isotopes use this method to remove radiation from their body. For an abnormaly high level of radiation exposure one can use this method three times a week for one month.
Sodium Bicarbonate – Dr. Mark Sircus writes, “So useful and strong is Sodium Bicarbonate that at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, researcher Don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with uranium. Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium, separating it from the dirt; so far, York has removed as much as 92 percent of the uranium from contaminated soil samples…the United States Army recommends the use of bicarbonate to protect the kidneys from radiation damage…sodium thiosulfate can be added to baths and that instantly neutralizes any chlorine in the bath water while simultaneously providing sulfur for the vital sulfur pathways.” “Uranium is one of the only metals that get significant bonding from carbonate. Just flushing a lot of bicarbonate through the system, along with whatever kidney support you are going to use, will be very helpful,” writes Dr. Chris Shade.
Probiotics - A 2007 study of 490 patients receiving radiation for various types of cancer found that those consuming probiotics throughout treatment were less likely to experience radiation-induced diarrhea.
Zeolite - Zeolites have been used to decontaminate animals, particularly sheep and reindeer, which have ingested radiation following nuclear disasters such as Chernobyl.  Addition of zeolites to contaminated soils has shown to reduce up-take of radionuclides by plants, and hence, reduce the spreading of contamination through the food chain. (Introduction to Zeolite Science and Practice by Herman van Bekkum). Do not take any product containing zeolite if you are taking any prescription medication containing heavy metals, such as lithium, or containing platinum, which can be found in some cancer medications or Radiotherapy with chemotherapy check with your practitioner.
More Info for Contemplation
People Died at 3 Mile Island
Radiation Monitoring Map for the USA
1. Steven R. Schechter, N.D., “Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs and Vitamins”, 1997.
2. Life Extension –
3.  Treatments for Nuclear Contamination by Mark Sircus

Source: Oasis Advanced Wellness

How To Remove Fluoride From Tap Water

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Fluoride has a dubious history starting with the mass fluoridation of people under Nazi rule. In recent years, there has been a push to remove fluoride from the tap water in the US, behind most European countries which have already removed the poisonous chemical from their water supplies.

Most politicians erroneously support fluoridation due to heavy lobbying in favor of the chemical, but more and more activists and consumers are making a stand for their water supply. It may only be a few years until we totally eradicate this twisted fluoridation scheme, but here is one way to remove fluoride and 99.9% of all other contaminants from your tap water: Distillation. The first video will show you how to remove fluoride and all other contaminants from your tap water. The second video will show you the dangers of fluoride being used in our water supply.

The Dangers Of Fluoride In Drinking Water

DIY Non-Fluoride Toothpaste

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Are you aware of the health dangers of fluoride? Fluoridation (adding fluoride chemicals into public water supplies) began 68 years ago in hopes to eliminate tooth decay, lower dental bills, and put dentists out of business. But just the opposite happened. The creation of fluoridated dental products and tooth decay have become multi-billion dollar industries.

Many countries including China, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary, Japan, and nearly all of Europe have banned water fluoridation. However, the addition of fluoride in water supplies, juice, soda, wine, coffee, soups, processed foods and baby formulas is widespread in the Americas.

Fluoride enters our system through multiple means:
- Toothpaste with fluoride
- Water
- Baby formula
- Foods cooked with fluoride
- Canned soup, or restaurant-made soups
- Food cooked in Teflon cookware
- Coffee and tea made with fluoridated water
- Packaged and processed foods
- Fruit juice from a box/glass container
- Soda pop and soft drinks
- Beer and wine
- Anesthetics
- Cigarettes

Dangers of fluoride:
1. Known to cause dental fluorosis (defect of tooth enamel caused by fluoride’s interference with developing teeth) – dental fluorosis is characterized by yellow or mottled teeth.

2. Associated with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It has also been associated with low IQ and mental retardation in children.

3. Known to cause skeletal fluorosis (crippling bone disease – aka. chronic joint pain, very similar to what those with arthritis experience). Could also be the cause of rising numbers in arthritis cases.

4. Impairs activity of the thyroid gland. Fluoride can depress activity of the thyroid and can result in an under-active thyroid, a common cause of obesity.

5. Disrupts normal hormone function. Fluoride can reduce melatonin levels (because fluoride likes to accumulate in the pineal gland), leading to disturbances in sleep-wake cycles and chronic insomnia. Fluoride also destroys the male reproductive system.

6. Interferes with brain function; interferes with learning and behaviour and another cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

Make your own Fluoride-free Toothpaste!
- Coconut oil
- Baking soda
- Peppermint or spearmint essential oil
- Stevia

1. Take 1/4 cup coconut oil, and 1/4 cup aluminum-free baking soda (like Bob’s Red Mill)
2. Mix together, and add a few drops of peppermint or spearmint essential oil (optional) for flavour, and a bit of stevia (1/4 tsp or so) for sweetness.
3. Mix the above, and put into a glass container with a lid and use as needed.


Study Reveals E-Cigarettes Contain Formaldehyde and Produce Toxic Secondhand “Smoke”

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The trendy e-cig may not be as “safe” as originally thought. A new study shows that they contain volatile organic compounds, acetone, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzopyrene as well as silicate and various metal particles. The German Cancer Research Center, Heildelberg calls the e-cigarette, “An uncontrolled experiment with Consumers.”
Electronic cigarettes are not emission-free. E-cigarettes contain volatile organic substances, including propylene glycol, flavors and nicotine, and are emitted as mist or aerosol into indoor air. Study showed that these ultrafine liquid particles of less than 2.5 micrometer in diameter may penetrate deeply into the lungs. Study further showed that these e-cigarettes produce substantially fewer ultrafine particles than conventional cigarettes, however, the substances emitted by e-cigarettes may be inhaled by non-users when used indoor. Second-hand exposure to e-cigarette emission which may lead to adverse health effects cannot be excluded says the German Cancer Research Center, Heildelberg.
The study goes on to say that the findings revealed the following about the emissions of e-cigarette: a) besides glycol (the main ingredient), nicotine, flavors, tobacco-specific nitrosamines, volatile organic compounds, acetone, formaldehyde. acetaldehyde, benzo(a)pyrene as well as silicate and various metal particles are present, and b) the particle size is between I00 and 600 nanometers, which is comparable to the particle size found in tobacco smoke of conventional cigarettes. The levels of most harmful substances are lower in thee-cigarettes than in conventional cigarette smoke, but they do accumulate in indoor air.

Not that anyone needed a study to tell them that inhaling unknown vapors is unhealthy, but it is good to know that it does produce “secondhand” harms so people can take precautions around their children and others. The one thing that we can definitely count on from this study is that it will not be long before the state begins violating the property rights of business owners by mandating that they disallow e-cig smoking on their private property.


Monsanto Found Guilty of Chemical Poisoning in Landmark Case

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A French farmer who can no longer perform his routine farming duties because of permanent pesticide injuries has had his day in court, literally, and the perpetrator of his injuries found guilty of chemical poisoning. The French court in Lyon ruled that Monsanto’s Lasso weedkiller formula, which contains the active ingredient alachlor, caused Paul Francois to develop lifelong neurological damage that manifests as persistent memory loss, headaches, and stuttering during speech.
Reports indicate that the 47-year-old farmer sued Monsanto back in 2004 after inhaling the Lasso product while cleaning his sprayer tank equipment. Not long after, Francois began experiencing lasting symptoms that prevented him from working, which he says were directly linked to exposure to the chemical. Since Lasso’s packaging did not bear adequate warnings about the dangers of exposure, Francois alleged at the time that Monsanto was essentially negligent in providing adequate protection for its customers.
To the surprise of many, the French court agreed with the claims and evidence presented before it, declaring earlier this year that “Monsanto is responsible for Paul Francois’ suffering after he inhaled the Lasso product … and must entirely compensate him.” The court is said to be seeking expert opinion on how to gauge Francois’ losses in order to determine precisely how much Monsanto will be required to compensate him in the case.
“It is a historic decision in so far as it is the first time that a (pesticide) maker is found guilty of such a poisoning,” said Francois Lafforgue, Paul Francois’ lawyer, to Reuters earlier in the year.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to alachlor can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, spleen, and eyes, and may lead to the development of anemia and even cancer. The EPA apparently views alachlor as so dangerous, in fact, that the agency has set the maximum contaminant level goals (MCLG) for alachlor to zero in order to “prevent potential health problems.” (
In 2007, France officially banned Lasso from use in the country in accordance with a European Union (EU) directive enacted in 2006 prohibiting the chemical from further use on crops in any member countries. But despite all the evidence proving that alachlor can disrupt hormonal balance, induce reproductive or developmental problems, and cause cancer, the chemical is still being used on conventional crops throughout the U.S. to this very day. (
“I am alive today, but part of the farming population is going to be sacrificed and is going to die because of (alachlor),” added Francois to Reuters.


Scientifically-Supported Ways To Boost Happiness

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Some people are naturally happy. You probably know one, or maybe you are one. These people are quick to smile or offer the “bright side” when encountered with a friend who needs a boost. Minor setbacks are seen by this crew as just that—minor, rather than the serious life-changers that otherwise unhappy people experience. And while there is no true scientific formula for achieving happiness, there are indeed ways to be more happy more often, according to science.
Unfortunately, it seems that an astronomical number of Americans are lacking feelings of bliss and enjoyment. Instead, 21 million people (an underestimated figure, no doubt) suffer from depression, which is caused by everything from financial issues to a lack of love. And many individuals suffering from depression or sadness are on prescription drugs which are most often accompanied by more side-effects than benefits. While it’s hard to convince someone on depression medication that they may be able to reverse their situation completely naturally, it is possible.

5 Scientifically-Supported Ways to Boost Happiness

Here are a few research-backed strategies for increasing happiness in your own life:
·         1. Stop Eating Processed Foods and Fast Food- A study published in Public Health Nutrition found that those who consume fast food are 51% more likely to be depressed than those who abstain from unhealthy and processed foods. It was also found that the same held true for those eating baked goods and junk food. The abstract concludes with: “Fast-food and commercial baked goods consumption may have a detrimental effect on depression risk.”·         

         2. Sleep - Not only does quality sleep boost your chance of making healthful food choices, it helps improve your overall mood. You’ve probably experienced this first-hand, but if you’re not convinced, the Science Channel explains how your body increases stress hormone production when you aren’t well-rested. The magic number is different for everyone, but aim for around 7 hours each night.
·         3. Develop Healthy Personal Relationships - In this age of technology, you would think our over-connectedness would bolster our moods. You’d be wrong. Life satisfaction has actually fallen with the increase in “connectivity,” leading to the belief that nothing is a substitute for real (face-to-face, not Facebook) friendships.
·         4. Meditate - Several studies have indicated the positive link between meditation and mental health. When we are depressed, we are “consumed by negative preoccupations, thoughts and worries,” explains researcher Catherine Kerr. Meditation helps temper that. Mindfulness meditation can cut the recurrence of depression by up to 50%, a significant rate for a half-hour of your time.
·         5. Go Outside - Not only has vitamin D (sunshine vitamin) deficiency been linked to depression, studies have found that something as simple as a walk in the park can dramatically improve your mood and reduce depression symptoms.

5 Important Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherries are one of the most popular summer fruit, with around two million tonnes being produced worldwide every year! Thankfully, cherries are also wonderful for our health! That deep, dark red hue is a good sign that they pack an array of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The benefits of cherries range from helping to relieve pain, prevent diseases like cancer and slow down the aging process. Read on to find out how cherries can help improve our health.

Help Fight Cancer & Disease
Cherries are very rich in antioxidants – you can tell simply by observing their deep red hue. Antioxidants help scavenge free radicals which induce damage to our DNA and cells in our body. When we consume a large quantity of antioxidants, they replace the free radicals in our body before they can cause any harm to our health.

Cherries are rich in queritrin (a flavonoid), which has been found by researchers to be one of the most potent anti-cancer antioxidants. They also contain ellagic acid (potent anti-carcinogen and anti-mutagenic which eradicate cancer cells in the body) and perillyl alcohol (POH) which is extremely powerful in destroying proteins that the cancer cells need to grow.

Powerful Anti-Inflammatory (Arthritis, Gout, Migraines)
Cherries, similar to berries, help fight off inflammation in the body thanks to their high concentration of free-radical scavenging antioxidants. The anthocyanins and bioflavonoids in cherries slow down COX-1 and COX-2 pro-inflammatory enzymes, which means that individuals suffering from arthritis and gout will experience major pain relief from a reduction in inflammation.

By helping reduce inflammation in the body, cherries also help eliminate migraine headaches. In fact, cherries work so well at reducing headaches and migraines, that they have been found to be just as effective as aspirin and ibuprofen!

“Brain Food” – Improve Memory
Anthocyanins in cherries produce powerful effects in the brain, such that they improve circulation of blood and thus increase the ability of neurons to communicate more effectively. This means better memory and reduced risk of developing diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Help You Lose Weight
Cherries, like all fruit, can actually help you lose weight! Foods that are high in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients help signal to the brain that the body has received ample nutrients and will shut off the hunger signal. When we consume empty-calorie foods (anything highly processed and packaged), we feel as though we can eat 500 times the amount of those foods and STILL not be satiated. This is because these foods are stripped of nutrients, and thus our body gets confused and wants to keep eating until it has fulfilled it’s nutrient needs.

Cherries have been extensively studied and have proven to lower total body weight, reduce belly fat and cholesterol. Specifically, tart cherries have the potential to limit the uptake of fat into the body and help control blood cholesterol levels.

Reset Circadian Rhythms
Cherries contain the antioxidant melatonin which is released when we sleep, and helps regulate our circadian rhythms. Our body rapidly absorbs melatonin, so if you want to sleep easy, eat a cup or two of cherries before you go to bed. Not much melatonin is present in the body, so consuming foods that contain this antioxidant is a wonderful way to naturally treat insomnia and help you sleep better.


McCune, L., Kubota, C., Stendell-Hollis, N., & Thomson, C. (2010) Cherries and health: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 51, 1-12.

Kelley, D., Rasooly, R., Jacob, R., Kader, A., & Mackey, B. (2006) Consumption of bing sweet cherries lower circulating concentrations of inflammation markers in healthy men and women. American Society for Nutrition, 136, 981-986.

Seymour, E., Lewis, S., Urcuyo-Llanes, D., Tanone, I., Kirakosyan, A., Kaufman, P. (2009) Regular tart cherry intake alters abdominal adiposity, adipose gene transcription, and inflammation in obesity-prone rats fed a high fat diet. Journal of Medicinal Food, 12, 935-942.

Gonzalez-Gomez, D., Lozano, M., Fernandez-Leon, M., Ayuso, M., Bernalte, M., Rodriguez, A. (2009) Detection and quantification of melatonin and serotonin in eight sweet cherry cultivars (prunus avium L.)European Food Research and Technology, 229, 223-229.


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