Natural Cures Not Medicine: 10/14/13

Most Read This Week:

Emergency Food: Vegetable Survival Seed Heirloom (Non GMO)

This seed bank contains approx. 5,000 seeds of 30 varieties and instructions for planting, harvesting, and reusing the seed stock. 

International shipping available. FREE shipping in the US. 

Are you are concerned with our ever depleting food supply? Are you are aware of the health risks with hybrid and GMO seeds? Are you are looking to have a safety net in the event of a food crisis? Why should you buy this kit versus another? Simple Answer…. Not all seed banks are created equal! Seed Count and Viability Most seed kits use the seed count as the largest selling point for the kit. Having a good quantity of seeds is important however, more important is the variety and viability of the seed. These kits will produce germination rates of up 99% with most of the seeds in this kit. All of our seeds are both lab and “real-world” tested to insure the highest quality. The seeds chosen for our kits are extremely hearty plants that will adapt to grow in most areas. Nutritional Content and Diversity Other kits offer a limited selection of vegetables or duplicate the same types. Our kits have 30 different varieties. This offers a wider range of food options and increases the vitamin content your body needs to survive. The seeds are carefully selected to offer the best range of nutritional content. Planting and Harvesting The vegetable seeds included in these kits are specifically chosen to provide you with a garden that is easy to plant, maintain, and harvest. For instance some seed kits include pole beans, which are fine, but require more effort to maintain. We select bush style beans which produce high yields and require almost no effort to establish and maintain.

Shelf-life and Stability 
In order for seeds to remain viable over long periods of time certain variables must be controlled. Temperature, humidity, exposure to UV light and oxygen all play a crucial part in determining whether or not your survival garden will be a success or failure. Our seed banks are hermetically sealed in a tough Mylar pouch. This pouch is impermeable to UV light, oxygen, and moisture. Our seed banks our held in a temperature controlled environment prior to packing and shipping. You should store the seed bank in a cool dark place until ready to use. A refrigerator or freezer is best. The seeds in this kit will remain viable for 7+ years if properly stored. Sustainability For a seed kit to be of real value, the seeds must be open-pollinated and not genetically modified. These types of seeds allow you to plant, grow, harvest, and collect seeds for reuse indefinitely. Our seeds are tested and guaranteed to 99% purity rate. All of our kits use non-hybrid, non-GMO, open-pollinated seeds.

Knowledge is Power! Each seed bank includes a planting and harvesting guide as well as detailed instructions on seed saving. End users should educate themselves on how each included variety will perform at their location and formulate a strategy on planting and harvesting times. Proper planning prevents poor performance! is a proud member of the seed safe pledge. The Council for Responsible Genetics recognizes as commercial vendor that pledges, "For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want an alternative, We pledge that we do not knowingly buy, sell or trade genetically engineered seeds or plants. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately healthy people and communities." We appreciate your business and support!! -

All kits include 30 individual packs that may include but not limited to the following varieties of seeds: 

  • Blue Lake Bush Beans 
  • Gold Crop Wax Beans 
  • Detroit Red Beets 
  • Green Sprouting Broccoli 
  • Catskill Brussels Sprouts 
  • Golden Acre Cabbage 
  • Hales Best Cantaloupe 
  • Red Core Carrots 
  • Bantam Sweet Corn 
  • Boston Pickling Cucumber 
  • Mixed Green Lettuce 
  • Clemson Spineless Okra 
  • Evergreen Long Bunching Onion 
  • Oregon Sugar Snap Peas 
  • Jalapeño Hot Peppers 
  • Sweet Banana Peppers 
  • Hungarian Wax Yellow Hot Peppers 
  • Sugar Pie Pumpkins 
  • Long Standing Spinach 
  • Yellow Crookneck Summer Squash 
  • Black Zucchini Squash 
  • Sugar Baby Watermelon 
  • Ace Tomato 
  • Roma Tomato 
  • Turnips 
  • Cauliflower 
  • Pinto Beans 
  • Lima Beans 
  • Eggplant 
  • Parsnips 
  • Radish

Everyone should have a kit like this at home, especially in times like these. You can visit their site directly if you want to buy seeds, or if you want to try to win this emergency food stash for free all you have to do is comment here (and share the facebook post to double your chances)

Following these rules:
  • How many years of oil does the world have left?
  • How long have you been following Natural Cures Not Medicine on facebook?
  • Use #FreeOrganicSeeds when you share this on facebook or twitter.

Our manager Jennifer will email or facebook the winners and request your address for shipping. We will notify 10 winners by the end of October. Date posted Oct.14.

See we told you there were no gimmicks ;) 

Social Connection Between People Found To Be As Essential As Food and Water

by April McCarthy |

It may be hard to believe but social networking may serve a basic human need. A growing body of research shows that the need to connect socially with others is as basic as our need for food, water and shelter.

The conclusion comes from studies in UCLA professor Matthew Lieberman's first book, “Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect,” published this week by Crown Publishers.

“Being socially connected is our brain’s lifelong passion,” said Lieberman, a professor of psychology in the UCLA College of Letters and Science and a professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral science at UCLA’s Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. “It’s been baked into our operating system for tens of millions of years.”

Lieberman is one of the founders of social cognitive neuroscience, a discipline that analyzes how brain function underlies social thinking and social behavior. In “Social,” he explains that our predisposition to be social may explain our need to interact through social media, iPhones and gossip, as well as why people are interested in watching others’ social interactions on soap operas and reality television, for example.

The book, which cites more than 1,000 published and unpublished studies, is the story of how 250 million years of evolution have produced major differences in the brain that distinguish us from our ancestors. That evolution ultimately has made today’s humans “more connected to the social world and more dependent on the social world,” according to the book.

“Mammals are more socially connected than reptiles, primates more than other mammals, and humans more than other primates,” Lieberman said. “What this suggests is that becoming more socially connected is essential to our survival. In a sense, evolution has made bets at each step that the best way to make us more successful is to make us more social.”

By far the majority of a person's success is attributable to social, emotional intelligence. Trumping general intelligence, previous academic achievement and personality, these qualities "uniquely predict objective academic achievement."

Lieberman suggests that our institutions -- from schools and sports teams to the military and health care institutions -- would perform better if they were structured with an understanding of our social nature.

“Some day, we will look back and wonder how we ever had lives, work and schools that weren’t guided by the principles of the social brain,” he writes.

Remarkably, over the last 50 years, opportunities for children to play freely have declined continuously and dramatically in the United States and other developed nations; and that decline continues, with serious negative consequences for children’s physical, mental, and social development. There is mounting research suggesting a correlation between the decline of free play and socializing in developed nations and the rise of depression, suicide, feelings of helplessness, and narcissism in children, teens, and young adults.
For example, Lieberman explains that middle school education could be dramatically improved by tapping the brain’s social potential. The book notes that U.S. students’ interest in school tends to wane when they reach the seventh and eighth grades -- an age when humans become extremely social.

“But our school system says to turn off that social brain,” Lieberman said. “We typically don’t teach history by asking what Napoleon was thinking; we teach about territorial boundaries and make it as non-social as possible. Too often we take away what makes information learnable and memorable and emphasize chronology while leaving out the motivations.

“Eighth graders’ brains want to understand the social world and the minds of other people. We can tap into what middle school students are biologically predisposed to learn, and we can do this to improve instruction in history and English, and even math and science.”
Research also suggests that students are more likely to remember information when they take it in socially. Schools could apply that lesson by having older students tutor younger ones.

“If you have an eighth grader teach a sixth grader, the eighth grader’s motivation is social: to help this other student and not embarrass himself,” Lieberman said. “Getting everyone to be both teacher and learner would create enthusiasm for learning.”

In the book, Lieberman also suggests that business leaders might benefit from understanding people’s social motivations. Studies by other researchers have shown that feeling liked and respected in the workplace activate the brain’s reward system in the same way that financial compensation does--and that social rewards might be at least as effective as money in motivating workers. And a study by Lieberman demonstrated that people were usually willing to return money that had been given to them if it meant that others would write kind words about them.

The book also describes a study of 60,000 leaders which found that less than 5 percent excel at both achieving important results and building social relationships. “Not many people effectively combine the two,” Lieberman said.

“Social” also gives real-life context for research by Lieberman and colleagues that used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to show that neural mechanisms make us profoundly social beings.
The importance of social connection is so strong, he writes, that when we are rejected or experience other social “pain,” our brains “hurt” in the same way they do when we feel physical pain.

“Social and physical pain are more similar than we imagine,” Lieberman said. “We don’t expect someone with a broken leg to ‘just get over it.’ Yet when it comes to the pain of social loss, this is a common -- and mistaken -- response.”

Our social nature is so powerful that it even may dictate how effective we are in developing new innovations and producing major societal changes. “We’re wired to see things and think, ‘How can I use this to help other people that I know?’” Lieberman said. “I can have the most brilliant idea for an invention, but if I can’t convey that to other people in a way that they’ll help me build it and market it to other people, it’s just an idea in my head. If we’re not socially connected, even great ideas wither.”

April McCarthy is a community journalist playing an active role reporting and analyzing world events to advance our health and eco-friendly initiatives.


Farm Bill Amendment could Wipe Out State GMO Labeling Laws

A 2013 Farm Bill is one step closer to reality after last week’s decision by the House and Senate to go to conference to hammer out the differences be their two versions.

The bad news is that the House version still contains an amendment, introduced by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) that could wipe out state laws on food and farming, including state laws requiring labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Please call your Senator or Representative (listed below) and ask them to drop the King Amendment from the Farm Bill.

The King Amendment is intended to block California from implementing a law, already passed, that requires farm animals to be given enough space to spread their limbs and turn around. But the way the amendment is written, it would take away states' rights to pass laws on food and farming, including GMO labeling laws like the ones passed earlier this year in Maine and Connecticut, and the citizens’ initiative we’re working so hard to pass next month in Washington State.

On Saturday, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives chose a group of legislators who are now tasked with hammering out the differences between their two versions of the Farm Bill. You're receiving this email because your Senator or Representative is going to be part of this Farm Bill conference committee.

The King Amendment is only in the House version of the bill, so the conference committee could choose to drop it. And the committee is a lot more likely to do that if members get thousands of phone calls from constituents warning them not to pass this anti-democratic law that helps factory farms, hurts animals and takes away states' rights to regulate food and farming.

The conference committee members are listed below with their phone numbers. Please call the one that represents your state or district.

You can say:

"I'm calling because my congressperson has been chosen to join the Farm Bill conference committee. I oppose the King Amendment in the House version of the bill and urge my congressperson to remove it. The King Amendment is aimed at blocking the implementation of a California law I support that says farm animals should have enough space to spread their limbs and turn around. Farm animals shouldn't be tortured in factory farms. It's cruel to the animals and crowded conditions create food safety problems. But the King Amendment doesn't just block one law; it takes away the rights of states to enforce any law that regulates food or farming. Please tell my congressperson to stop the King Amendment."

House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R., Okla.) 202-225-5565
Rep. Michael Conaway (R., Texas) 202-225-3605
Rep. Rick Crawford (R., Ark.) 202-225-4076
Rep. Steve King (R., Iowa) 202-225-4426
Rep. Austin Scott (R., Ga.) 202-225-6531
Rep. Glenn Thompson (R., Pa.) 202-225-5121
Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Ala.) 202-225-3261
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R., Texas) 202-225-4005
Rep. Martha Roby (R., Ala.) 202-225-2901
Rep. Kristi Noem (R., S.D.) 202-225-2801
Rep. Rodney Davis (R., Ill.) 202-225-2371
Rep. Jeff Denham (R., Ca.) 202-225-4540
Rep. Steve Southerland (R., Fla.). 202-225-5235

House Agriculture Committee ranking member Collin Peterson (D., Minn.) 202-225-2165
Rep. Mike McIntyre (D., N.C.) 202-225-2731
Rep. Jim Costa (D., Calif.) 202-225-3341
Rep. Tim Walz (D., Minn.) 202-225-2472
Rep. Kurt Schrader (D., Ore.) 202-225-5711
Rep. Jim McGovern (D., Mass.) 202-225-6101
Rep. Suzan DelBene (D., Wash.) 202-225-6311
Rep. Gloria Negrete McLeod (D., Calif.) 202-225-6161
Rep. Filemon Vela (D., Texas) 202-225-9901
Rep. Ed Royce (R., Calif.) 202-225-4111
Rep. Tom Marino (R., Pa.) 202-225-3731
Rep. Eliot Engel (D., N.Y.) 202-225-2464
Rep. Dave Camp (R., Mich.) 202-225-3561
Rep. Sam Johnson (R., Texas) 202-225-4201
Rep. Sandy Levin (D., Mich.) 202-225-4961

Senate Agriculture Committee chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.) (202) 224-4822
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) (202) 224-4242
Sen. Tom Harkin (D., Iowa) (202) 224-3254
Sen. Max Baucus (D., Mont.) (202) 224-2651
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio) (202) 224-2315
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) (202) 224-3244
Sen. Michael Bennet (D., Colo.) (202) 224-5852

Senate Ag Committee ranking member Thad Cochran (R., Miss.) (202) 224-5054
Sen. Pat Roberts (R., Kan.) (202) 224-4774
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R., Ga.) (202) 224-3521
Sen. John Boozman (R., Ark.) (202) 224-4843
Sen. John Hoeven (R., N.D.) (202) 224-2551


Alexis and the OCA Team

Source: Organic Consumers Association

6771 South Silver Hill Drive - Finland, MN 55603 - Phone: 218-226-4164 - Fax: 218-353-7652
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Science abandoned: New cancer drugs now being allowed to skip clinical trials

(NaturalNews) The regulatory framework that guides the approval process for new pharmaceutical drugs is becoming increasingly compromised, as drug companies continue to chip away at its core functions. And according to a new report by Reuters, new cancer drugs are among the worst regulatory offenders these days, with many of them now completely bypassing the normal clinical trial process, as they are rushed to market as quickly as possible.

Framed as a positive development for the thousands of people suffering from cancers that do not respond to traditional chemotherapy and radiation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) relatively recent expedited review process for immunotherapy cancer drugs is making experimental medications more widely available to desperate patients. But is Big Pharma taking advantage of this desperation by using it as an opportunity to skip the clinical trial process?

Since the typical approval process for new drugs is both lengthy and costly, sometimes lasting a decade or more and costing upwards of $1 billion per drug, according to some reports, drug companies have long sought shortcuts that might help bypass this laborious process. And now they have finally found a way, convincing higher-ups at the FDA to shorten the approval process and get new drugs to market more quickly.

Back in August, we reported that the FDA passed a new "Safety and Innovation Act" back in 2012 that allows untested, but allegedly promising, drugs to be rushed to market under the designation of "breakthrough therapy." Such therapies do not have to undergo full-scale clinical trials and can simply be approved based on preliminary clinical evidence that points to "substantial improvements" over existing drugs.

But the process is largely arbitrary and serves to benefit the drug industry far more than suffering patients. According to Dr. Alexander Eggermont, chief executive of the Institut Gustave-Roussy, France's largest cancer center, the immunotherapy class of drugs has the potential to become a $35 billion a year market, which means rapid approvals will translate into big bucks for Big Pharma.

"We won't have to do those dinosaur trials," Dr. Eggermont is quoted as saying by Reuters, noting that immunotherapy drugs are the "biggest game changer" the industry has ever seen. "It will change the whole attitude in drug development."

Big Pharma sidestepping regulatory approval process with bogus claims of drug price decreases

In a further attempt to legitimize this obvious sidestepping of regulatory standards, the drug industry has also posed the idea that its drugs may become less expensive as a result of having to wade through fewer regulatory hurdles. As anyone with a family member who has gone through the traditional cancer treatment process can attest, the costs of chemotherapy drugs and radiation can top hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, which makes lower costs enticing.

But many experts are already saying that this is not actually the case, and that drug prices have yet to drop in any substantial way. Even though the typical clinical trial process for drug approvals is estimated to represent more than one-third of the overall research and development (R&D) costs for drug companies, the adoption of an expedited process for some drugs has not led to any significant changes.

"The costs should be coming down tremendously," says Paul Workman, head of drug discovery at the UK's Institute of Cancer Research, as quoted by Reuters. "What's disappointing is that we haven't seen it happen yet."


Other sources for this article include:

Mexican Judge Rules GMOs Imminent Threat, Bans Monsanto GM Corn

Environmental And Food Justice

An October 10 press release with Mexico City byline announces the banning of genetically-engineered corn in Mexico. According to the group that issued the press release, La Coperacha, a federal judge has ordered Mexico’s SAGARPA (Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca, y Alimentación), which is Mexico’s Secretary of Agriculture, and SEMARNAT (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales), which is equivalent of the EPA, to immediately “suspend all activities involving the planting of transgenic corn in the country and end the granting of permission for experimental and pilot commercial plantings”.

The unprecedented ban was granted by the Twelfth Federal District Court for Civil Matters of Mexico City. Judge Jaime Eduardo Verdugo J. wrote the opinion and cited “the risk of imminent harm to the environment” as the basis for the decision. The judge’s ruling also ruled that multinationals like Monsanto and Pioneer are banned from the release of transgenic maize in the Mexican countryside” as long as collective action lawsuits initiated by citizens, farmers, scientists, and civil society organizations are working their way through the judicial system.

The decision was explained during a press conference in Mexico City yesterday by members of the community-based organizations that sued federal authorities and companies introducing transgenic maize into Mexico. The group, Acción Colectiva, is led by Father Miguel Concha of the Human Rights Center Fray Francisco de Vittoria; Victor Suarez of ANEC (National Association of Rural Commercialization Entertprises); Dr. Mercedes Lopéz of Vía Organica; and Adelita San Vicente, a teacher and member of Semillas De Vida, a national organization that has been involved in broad-based social action projects to protect Mexico’s extraordinary status as a major world center of food crop biodiversity.

According to the press release, Acción Colectiva [Collective Action] aims to achieve absolute federal declaration of the suspension of the introduction of transgenic maize in all its various forms – including experimental and pilot commercial plantings – in  Mexico, “which is the birthplace of corn in the world”.
This ruling marks a milestone in the long struggle of citizen demands for a GMO-free country, acknowledged Rene Sanchez Galindo, legal counsel for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, adding that the ruling has serious enforcement provisions and includes the possibility of “criminal charges for the authorities responsible for allowing the introduction of transgenic corn in our country”.
Father Miguel Concha said the judge’s decision reflects a commitment to respect the Precautionary Principle expressed in various international treaties and statements of human rights. Concha emphasized that the government is obliged to protect the human rights of Mexicans against the economic interests of big business.The lawsuit seeks to protect the “human right to save and use the agrobiodiversity of native landraces from the threats posed by GMO maize”, said the human rights advocate.

The class action lawsuit is supported by scientific evidence from studies that have – since 2001 – documented the contamination of mexico’s native corn varieties by transgenes from GMO corn, princiupally the varieties introduced by Monsanto’s Roundup ready lines and the herbicide-resistant varieties marketed by Pioneer and Bayer CropScience. The collection of the growing body of scientific research on the introgression of transgenes into Mexico’s native corn genome has been a principal goal and activity of the national campaign, Sin Maíz, No Hay Paíz [Without Corn, There Is No Country].
Originally published: Environmetal Food and Justice.


49 Healthy Uses for Pineapples

A recent report even suggests that pineapple may be a great alternative treatment for arthritis!


How To Detox Your Liver Naturally

Your liver is like the maid of your body, cleaning up all the toxins you put into it. The liver keeps all internal systems running smoothly. The modern diet, environmental pollutants, and our increasing dependence on toxic personal care products have put our livers on serious overtime.

So, what can you do about it? Well, you could try a quality liver detox supplement, or you could use some items found at your local health food store, your grocery store, or even some that are already in your kitchen. Here is how to clean your liver with 5 common food items.

How To Naturally Detox Your Liver

1. Warm Lemon Water – Warm lemon water is a great way to detox your liver every single morning. This isn’t lemonade, so don’t add sugar or anything else. Just purified water and a healthy dose of fresh lemon juice. Some experts, like author A.F. Beddoe who wrote the book Biological Ionization as Applied to Human Nutrition, also believe that the liver produces more enzymes in response to water with lemon than to any other food.

2. Garlic - Add some garlic to your cooking or thinly slice a clove into your next salad. Garlic contains sulfur compounds that can help activate enzymes in the liver. It contains allicin and selenium, which are both good for liver protection.

3. Avocados - As if you need another reason to add avocados to your diet, a Japanese study found that avocados contain compounds that can protect the liver from damage. When compared with 21 other fruits, avocados had the most promise in protecting the liver from galactosamine, a “powerful” toxin that has been shown to produce a liver damage much like human viral hepatitis.

4. Cilantro - This versatile herb can be added to just about any dish, including salads or smoothies. This herb can help remove heavy metals from the body, something your liver could be struggling with right now.

5. Turmeric - Another powerful spice with a long list of benefits, turmeric is said to not only protect the liver from damage, but also encourage regeneration of liver cells. In addition, it increases natural bile production and aids in keeping the body toxin-free.

Amazing chandelier inspired by nature

Made by designers Thyra Hilden and Pio Diaz --

Modern Wheat Is The ‘Perfect Chronic Poison’ Says Expert

by Natasha Longo | Prevent Disease

The world’s most popular grain is also the deadliest for the human metabolism. Modern wheat isn’t really wheat at all and is a “perfect, chronic poison,” according to Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist, author and leading expert on wheat.

Approximately 700 million tons of wheat are now cultivated worldwide making it the second most-produced grain after maize. It is grown on more land area than any other commerical crop and is considered a staple food for humans.

At some point in our history, this ancient grain was nutritious in some respects, however modern wheat really isn’t wheat at all. Once agribusiness took over to develop a higher-yielding crop, wheat became hybridized to such an extent that it has been completely transformed from it’s prehistorical genetic configuration. All nutrient content of modern wheat depreciated more than 30% in its natural unrefined state compared to its ancestral genetic line. The balance and ratio that mother nature created for wheat was also modified and human digestion and physiology could simply could not adapt quick enough to the changes.

Davis said that the wheat we eat these days isn’t the wheat your grandma had: “It’s an 18-inch tall plant created by genetic research in the ’60s and ’70s,” he said on “CBS This Morning.” “This thing has many new features nobody told you about, such as there’s a new protein in this thing called gliadin. It’s not gluten. I’m not addressing people with gluten sensitivities and celiac disease. I’m talking about everybody else because everybody else is susceptible to the gliadin protein that is an opiate. This thing binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people stimulates appetite, such that we consume 440 more calories per day, 365 days per year.”

Asked if the farming industry could change back to the grain it formerly produced, Davis said it could, but it would not be economically feasible because it yields less per acre. However, Davis said a movement has begun with people turning away from wheat – and dropping substantial weight.

“If three people lost eight pounds, big deal,” he said. “But we’re seeing hundreds of thousands of people losing 30, 80, 150 pounds. Diabetics become no longer diabetic; people with arthritis having dramatic relief. People losing leg swelling, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and on and on every day.”

To avoid these wheat-oriented products, Davis suggests eating “real food,” such as avocados, olives, olive oil, meats, and vegetables. “(It’s) the stuff that is least likely to have been changed by agribusiness,” he said. “Certainly not grains. When I say grains, of course, over 90 percent of all grains we eat will be wheat, it’s not barley… or flax. It’s going to be wheat.

The Nutrional Value of Wheat is Practically Non-Existent In Its Current Form

So-called health experts in nutrition who continue to promote the health benefits of wheat are extremely uninformed about the nature of modern wheat and its evolution from growth to consumption. It is shocking how many professionals in public health still recommend wheat products without an assessment of their individual requirements, especially considering the amount of evidence regarding its lack of nutrition and health risks for proportionally large segments of the population.

The majority of wheat is processed into 60% extraction, bleached white flour. 60% extraction–the standard for most wheat products means that 40% of the original wheat grain is removed. So not only do we have an unhealthier, modified, and hybridized strain of wheat, we also remove and further degrade its nutritional value by processing it. Unfortunately, the 40% that gets removed includes the bran and the germ of the wheat grain–its most nutrient-rich parts. In the process of making 60% extraction flour, over half of the vitamin B1, B2, B3, E, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, and fiber are lost. Any processed foods with wheat are akin to poison for the body since they cause more health risks than benefits. The body does not recognize processed wheat as food. Nutrient absorption from processed wheat products is thus consequential with almost no nutritional value.

Some experts claim if you select 100% whole wheat products, the bran and the germ of the wheat will remain in your meals, and the health benefits will be impressive. This is again a falsity promoted by the wheat industry since even 100% whole wheat products are based on modern wheat strains created by irradiation of wheat seeds and embryos with chemicals, gamma rays, and high-dose X-rays to induce mutations. Whether you consume 10% or 100% of wheat is irrelevant since you’re still consuming a health damaging grain that will not benefit, advance or even maintain your health in any way.

Dr. Marcia Alvarez who specializes in nutritional programs for obese patients says that when it comes to nutrition, wheat may be considered as an evil grain. “Modern wheat grains could certainly be considered as the root of all evil in the world of nutrition since they cause so many documented health problems across so many populations in the world.” Dr. Alvarez asserted that wheat is now responsible for more intolerances than almost any other food in the world. “In my practice of over two decades, we have documented that for every ten people with digestive problems, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, arthritis and even heart disease, eight out of ten have a problem with wheat. Once we remove wheat from their diets, most of their symptoms disappear within three to six months,” she added. Dr. Alvarez estimates that between the coming influx of genetically modified (GM) strains of wheat and the current tendency of wheat elimination in societies, that a trend is emerging in the next 20 years that will likely see 80% of people cease their consumption of wheat from any form.

It’s Really A Wheat Issue

Some health resources, such as the Mayo Clinic, advocate a more balanced diet that does include wheat. But Davis said on “CTM” they’re just offering a poor alternative.

“All that literature says is to replace something bad, white enriched products with something less bad, whole grains, and there’s an apparent health benefit – ‘Let’s eat a whole bunch of less bad things.’ So I take…unfiltered cigarettes and replace with Salem filtered cigarettes, you should smoke the Salems. That’s the logic of nutrition, it’s a deeply flawed logic. What if I take it to the next level, and we say, ‘Let’s eliminate all grains,’ what happens then?

“That’s when you see, not improvements in health, that’s when you see transformations in health.”

Health Effects

A powerful little chemical in wheat known as ‘wheat germ agglutinin’ (WGA) which is largely responsible for many of wheat’s pervasive, and difficult to diagnose, ill effects. Researchers are now discovering that WGA in modern wheat is very different from ancient strains. Not only does WGA throw a monkey wrench into our assumptions about the primary causes of wheat intolerance, but due to the fact that WGA is found in highest concentrations in “whole wheat,” including its supposedly superior sprouted form, it also pulls the rug out from under one of the health food industry’s favorite poster children.

Each grain of wheat contains about one microgram of Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA). Even in small quantities, WGA can have profoundly adverse effects. It may be pro-inflammatory, immunotoxic, cardiotoxic … and neurotoxic.

Below the radar of conventional serological testing for antibodies against the various gluten proteins and genetic testing for disease susceptibility, the WGA “lectin problem” remains almost entirely obscured. Lectins, though found in all grains, seeds, legumes, dairy and our beloved nightshades: the tomato and potato, are rarely discussed in connection with health or illness, even when their presence in our diet may greatly reduce both the quality and length of our lives. Yet health experts dismiss the links between disease and wheat despite all the evidence.

Dr William Davis has documented several hundred clinical studies on the adverse effects of wheat. These are studies that document the neurologic impairments unique to wheat, including cerebellar ataxia and dementia; heart disease; visceral fat accumulation and all its attendant health consequences; the process of glycation via amylopectin A of wheat that leads to cataracts, diabetes, and arthritis; among others. There are, in fact, a wealth of studies documenting the adverse, often crippling, effects of wheat consumption in humans.

The other claim is that wheat elimination ‘means missing out on a wealth of essential nutrients. Another falsity. Dr. Davis states that if you replace wheat with healthy foods like vegetables, nuts, healthy oils, meats, eggs, cheese, avocados, and olives, then there is no nutrient deficiency that develops with elimination of wheat. Dr Davis also states that people with celiac disease may require long-term supplementation due to extensive gastrointenstinal damage caused by wheat.

People with celiac disease do indeed experience deficiencies of multiple vitamins and minerals after they eliminate all wheat and gluten from the diet. But this is not due to a diet lacking valuable nutrients, but from the incomplete healing of the gastrointestinal tract (such as the lining of the duodenum and proximal jejunum). In these people, the destructive effects of wheat are so overpowering that, unfortunately, some people never heal completely. These people do indeed require vitamin and mineral supplementation, as well as probiotics and pancreatic enzyme supplementation.

Due to the unique properties of amylopectin A, two slices of whole wheat bread increase blood sugar higher than many candy bars. High blood glucose leads to the process of glycation that, in turn, causes arthritis (cartilage glycation), cataracts (lens protein glycation), diabetes (glycotoxicity of pancreatic beta cells), hepatic de novo lipogenesis that increases triglycerides and, thereby, increases expression of atherogenic (heart disease-causing) small LDL particles, leading to heart attacks. Repetitive high blood sugars that develop from a grain-rich diet are, in my view, very destructive and lead to weight gain (specifically visceral fat), insulin resistance, leptin resistance (leading to obesity), and many of the health struggles that many now experience.

Wheat gliadin has been associated with cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, gluten encephalopathy (dementia), behavioral outbursts in children with ADHD and autism, and paranoid delusions and auditory hallucinations in people with schizophrenia, severe and incapacitating effects for people suffering from these conditions.

According to statistics from the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, an average of one out of every 133 otherwise healthy people in the United States suffers from Celiac Disease (CD). However, an estimated 20-30 percent of the world’s population may carry the genetic susceptibility to celiac disease–and the way to avoid turning these genes ‘on’ is by avoiding gluten.

When you consider that undiagnosed CD is associated with a nearly four-fold increased risk of premature death, the seriousness of this food sensitivity becomes quite evident. The primary disease mechanism at play is chronic inflammation, and chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions are endemic to grain-consuming populations.

Changes in genetic code and, thereby, antigenic profile, of the high-yield semi-dwarf wheat cultivars now on the market account for the marked increase in celiac potential nationwide. “Hybridization” techniques, including chemical mutagenesis to induce selective mutations, leads to development of unique strains that are not subject to animal or human safety testing–they are just brought to market and sold.

Wheat-Free Options

* Note that many of the wheat-free options still contain gluten and many people sensitive to wheat may still experience digestive problems and bloating. Experiment in see what works best for you. Caution is advised with cereal grains if you have diagnosed with gluen intolerance.

1. Cereal Grains: Barley, millet, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, tef and wild rice are all in the same cereal grain family as is wheat. All flours ground from cereal grains may be used as a wheat substitute. Commonly available are barley, buckwheat, rice and rye flour. The less utilized flours may be purchased online or from natural food stores. Note: people with a gluten allergy must also avoid barley, oats and rye.

2. Non-Cereal Grains: Amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat are three grain-like seeds unrelated to cereal grains. (Despite its name, buckwheat is not a wheat-relative.) It is rare for anyone to develop a sensitivity to these non-cereal grains. Amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat are gluten-free and therefore not suitable for making leavened bread; however, they make excellent quick breads and cookies.

3. Nut Meal: Ground nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts make the richest flour substitute for cookies and cakes. Because their fragile fatty acid content gives them a brief shelf life, it’s preferable to grind your own nuts in a food processor just prior to use. Nut meal requires a binding agent such as eggs. Because chestnuts are lower in fat than other nuts, chestnut flour has a longer shelf life. It is available online.

4. Bean Flour: Dried beans, such as navy, pinto and chickpeas may be milled and used, in combination with other flours, as a wheat alternative. Bean flour is, however, not always recommended. It tastes like beans and makes baked goods dense and hard to digest.

5. Other Flour Substitutes: Potato starch, arrowroot powder, and tapioca are thickening agents that substitute for wheat in sauces and gravy. In baked goods these starchy ingredients serve as a binding agent.



Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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