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GMO feed is causing diseases in pigs
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Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Collecting Rain Water
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Harrington, of Eagle Point, Oregon, has been fighting for his right to do what he wishes with water since 2002. Now more than a decade after he first defended himself over allegations that the man-made ponds on his 170 acres of land violated local law, Harrington has been sentenced to 30 days behind bars and fined over $1,500.
Authorities say that Harrington broke the law by collecting natural rain water and snow runoff that landed on his property. Officials with the Medford Water Commission contested that the water on Harrington’s property, whether or not it came from the sky, was considered a tributary of nearby Crowfoot Creek and thus subject to a 1925 law that gives the MWC full ownership and rights. Therefore prosecutors were able to argue in court — successfully — that three homemade fishing and boating ponds in Harrington’s backyard violated the law.
For filling “three illegal reservoirs” on his property with runoff water, Harrington has been convicted on nine misdemeanor charges in Circuit Court. He says he will attempt to appeal, but as long as the conviction stands to serve 30 days of imprisonment. He has also been sentenced to an additional three years of probation.
Thirty days in jail for catching rainwater?” Harrington tells the Mail Tribune. “We live in an extreme wildfire area and here the government is going to open the valves and really waste all the water right now, at the start of peak fire season.”
“When it comes to the point where a rural landowner can’t catch rainwater that falls on his land to protect his property, it’s gone too far,” he adds to the Associated Press. “This should serve as a dire warning to all pond owners.”
Sources: Raw For Beauty
Harrington, of Eagle Point, Oregon, has been fighting for his right to do what he wishes with water since 2002. Now more than a decade after he first defended himself over allegations that the man-made ponds on his 170 acres of land violated local law, Harrington has been sentenced to 30 days behind bars and fined over $1,500.

For filling “three illegal reservoirs” on his property with runoff water, Harrington has been convicted on nine misdemeanor charges in Circuit Court. He says he will attempt to appeal, but as long as the conviction stands to serve 30 days of imprisonment. He has also been sentenced to an additional three years of probation.
Thirty days in jail for catching rainwater?” Harrington tells the Mail Tribune. “We live in an extreme wildfire area and here the government is going to open the valves and really waste all the water right now, at the start of peak fire season.”
“When it comes to the point where a rural landowner can’t catch rainwater that falls on his land to protect his property, it’s gone too far,” he adds to the Associated Press. “This should serve as a dire warning to all pond owners.”
Sources: Raw For Beauty
Monsanto Officially Gives up on GMOs in Europe
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Monsanto, "the most evil company in the world", has officially given up on jamming it's GMO crops down the throats of unwilling Europeans. A Monsanto spokesman told the LA Times that GMO applications in Europe "have have been going nowhere fast for several years.”
The surprising yet very welcome news comes as fierce opposition from consumers and grass-roots activists across Europe have forced politicians to label and outright ban GMOs, while holding up Big Agra's new applications to produce frankencrops in the EU.
After the last round of worldwide March Against Monsanto protests, current and ongoing political activism surrounding the use of GM crops, the discovery of genetically contaminated wheat being exported globally from Oregon, and recent studies suggesting bees may be dying off due to Monsanto products; they are battered and bruised but still very much alive and well. Despite the latest backlash and revelations, Monsanto has posted huge quarterly profits and expect 20% revenue growth in fiscal year 2013.
So despite the massive opposition that Big Agra and the GMO industry faces, these companies are still making a killing off of the average consumer's health, the health of our environment, and the health of our bees. What can we do? Strike the root, hit them where it hurts: their bottom line.
Grow your own organic fruits vegetables and get as many people you know to do the same. See our recent article on easy ways to get started on an organic garden at home.
Boycott Monsanto and all GMO products and pesticides: here's a quick reference list http://www.realfarmacy.com/printable-list-of-monsanto-owned-food-producers/
Get active. There's another March Against Monsanto protest coming up on October 12th in a city or town near you. Find one here: http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/
Spread awareness. If you are already awake to the health problems we face with GMOs and the crony policies of Monsanto, then do your part to tell your friends and family about them. Invite them over for an organic dinner and see if they can taste and feel the difference, you'll make a believer out of them in no time.
Help the less fortunate. In the US Monsanto and the entire GMO industry is subsidized by the government. Not only are there farm subsidies that favor the GM industry; food stamps, EBT, and other welfare programs that are meant to feed the poor also heavily favor Monsanto and their co-conspirators. Over 90% of baby formula available through welfare are have GMO ingredients. It's important for those who are able, to help end this GMO madness in the poor communities. One way we can help the less fortunate is by getting REAL food into urban areas. See our previous article on starting a community garden: http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2013/07/10-easy-steps-for-starting-community.html
Look into apps that you can use to boycott Monsanto, GMOs and more: http://www.realfarmacy.com/new-app-lets-you-boycott-monsanto-and-more-by-scanning-your-shopping-cart/
Happy Healthing!
Monsanto, "the most evil company in the world", has officially given up on jamming it's GMO crops down the throats of unwilling Europeans. A Monsanto spokesman told the LA Times that GMO applications in Europe "have have been going nowhere fast for several years.”

After the last round of worldwide March Against Monsanto protests, current and ongoing political activism surrounding the use of GM crops, the discovery of genetically contaminated wheat being exported globally from Oregon, and recent studies suggesting bees may be dying off due to Monsanto products; they are battered and bruised but still very much alive and well. Despite the latest backlash and revelations, Monsanto has posted huge quarterly profits and expect 20% revenue growth in fiscal year 2013.
So despite the massive opposition that Big Agra and the GMO industry faces, these companies are still making a killing off of the average consumer's health, the health of our environment, and the health of our bees. What can we do? Strike the root, hit them where it hurts: their bottom line.
Grow your own organic fruits vegetables and get as many people you know to do the same. See our recent article on easy ways to get started on an organic garden at home.
Boycott Monsanto and all GMO products and pesticides: here's a quick reference list http://www.realfarmacy.com/printable-list-of-monsanto-owned-food-producers/
Get active. There's another March Against Monsanto protest coming up on October 12th in a city or town near you. Find one here: http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/
Spread awareness. If you are already awake to the health problems we face with GMOs and the crony policies of Monsanto, then do your part to tell your friends and family about them. Invite them over for an organic dinner and see if they can taste and feel the difference, you'll make a believer out of them in no time.
Help the less fortunate. In the US Monsanto and the entire GMO industry is subsidized by the government. Not only are there farm subsidies that favor the GM industry; food stamps, EBT, and other welfare programs that are meant to feed the poor also heavily favor Monsanto and their co-conspirators. Over 90% of baby formula available through welfare are have GMO ingredients. It's important for those who are able, to help end this GMO madness in the poor communities. One way we can help the less fortunate is by getting REAL food into urban areas. See our previous article on starting a community garden: http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2013/07/10-easy-steps-for-starting-community.html
Look into apps that you can use to boycott Monsanto, GMOs and more: http://www.realfarmacy.com/new-app-lets-you-boycott-monsanto-and-more-by-scanning-your-shopping-cart/
Happy Healthing!
Lyme Disease: The Most Misdiagnosed Disease
Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/naturalcuresnotmedicine
Who would ever think that the bite of a poppyseed sized tick could wreck so much havoc on the body? A tick that is now believed to contain many other bacteria organisms causing people to have a myraid of symptoms that quickly evolve into chronic disease. Who would have ever guessed this little critter known as the deer tick would be the source of a very mysterious and debilatating disease? A disease with symptoms overlapping those of many other diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to name a few. The disease? Lyme Disease.

In 1981 the cause, a spiral shaped bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi (B. burgdorferi) was discovered, yet not many in conveniontal medicine knew what to do with this newly discovered bacteria. This spirochete is now known to be able to invade every organ in the body. It has now become far more prevalent than AIDS and West Nile virus and is showing up in states where Lyme has never been known to exist. We now know that isn’t just carried by ticks. It can be found in semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, saliva, tear ducts and even the blood supply. Co-infections are growing and Lyme is now recognized by some to be a mutating disease. There is also suggestion that we need to label Lyme as an STD because teens are giving it to each other through unprotected sex.
Even though Lyme Disease is now a world-wide health epidemic and because doctors are not quick to look for Lyme, patients are continually told that their symptoms are not Lyme related. Doctors who actually test for and treat Lyme Disease are being ostrasized by the medical community and many choose to go out of business. Correct diagnosis in the initial stages of Lyme is extremely important to the success of treatment yet many doctors don’t seem to feel it necessary to even ascertain the possibility of a Lyme’s Disease disgnosis until symptoms have become pronounced and thus very difficult to treat effectively. At this point the disease has become chronic with life-lasting health concerns.
Many people have the same story in that they have spent thousands of dollars and it has taken years, sometimes 15+, to get a correct diagnosis of Chronic Lyme’s Disease. Some of these people never had a bite and never had a rash. Unfortunately the medical community has a history of misdiagnosing the symptoms of Lyme’s as emotional or psychological illness.
Below is the 2009 video “Under Our Skin“. Under Our Skin exposes the hidden epidemic of Lyme disease and reveals how our corrupt health care system is failing to address one of the most serious illnesses of our time. In the 1970s, a mysterious and deadly illness began infecting children in a small town in Connecticut. Today it’s a global epidemic! Please take the time to watch, listen and learn about this disease that often goes misdiagnosed. (There are commercials but please don’t let them stop you from watching this important video). Length is 1 hour and 44 minutes.
Source: Oasis Advanced Wellness
Foods To Lower Blood Pressure
Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/naturalcuresnotmedicine
If you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), or consume a diet which places you at risk for developing high blood pressure, you are at risk for experiencing heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney failure. Most people have high blood pressure and don’t even know it until they get a heart attack or stroke!
If you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), or consume a diet which places you at risk for developing high blood pressure, you are at risk for experiencing heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney failure. Most people have high blood pressure and don’t even know it until they get a heart attack or stroke!
highly processed foods like fast food with incredibly high sodium levels are
extremely damaging and is often the main culprit in raising your blood
pressure. Another factor that puts you at risk for high blood pressure is fat –
that is, the highly saturated and trans fatty acids which clog your arteries
and make it hard for blood to flow freely through your veins, causing build-up
and thus, high blood pressure.
that help reduce high blood pressure
can change your cholesterol levels and naturally lower your blood pressure
levels with garlic! In fact, most members of the allium family (onions, garlic,
leeks, etc.) have been shown to reduce cholesterol, high blood pressure and the
flu. Countries who consume large amounts of garlic have also been correlated
with the lowest levels of cardiovascular disease.
recent study in 2011 found that just 3 kiwis a day may naturally lower blood
pressure (opposed to eating just one apple a day). The study took place over 8
weeks, and at the end of the study, individuals who consumed the kiwis had
significantly lower systolic blood pressure than those who ate only 1 apple a
day. Kiwis are lutein-rich (an antioxidant), which helps beat free radicals
which are often linked to high blood pressure. Kiwis are also one of the most
antioxidant-rich fruits, as reported by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (along with grapes, and wild
study at the University of Michigan showed that grapes may help fight high
blood pressure and heart disease (especially if you consume a salty diet).
Grapes are incredibly high in antioxidants which fight off free radicals that
normally lead to heart failure and hypertension. Grapes also lower inflammation
in the body and allow the blood vessels to breathe and relax to prevent higher
blood pressure.
Leafy Lettuces
green leafy vegetables on a consistent basis can help lower your risk for developing
high blood pressure. Leafy greens are incredibly vitamin and mineral rich (with
things like calcium, potassium, and manganese) which protects against heart
disease and stroke. Lettuces are also nitrate-rich which has been linked to a
reduction in blood pressure.
are very high in potassium which helps regulate blood pressure. Foods with
potassium nitrate (like bananas and dates) have been reported to be even better
than supplements using potassium chloride for lowering blood pressure,
according to a UK study. Eating just two bananas a day can lower blood pressure
by up to 10%!
in watermelon helps to normalize blood pressure. Eating up to 1/2 of a large
watermelon per day can help lower high blood pressure, especially when the
fruit is ripe, and when this antioxidant is at it’s highest levels. Citrulline
is a type of amino acid that is converted into another amino acid, called
Arginine (which people normally take to help lower their blood pressure). However,
eating the more natural form of this compound is best, so make sure you eat the
whole watermelon in it’s true, natural form!
Source: Live Love Fruit
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Tips for Starting an Apartment Garden
Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/naturalcuresnotmedicine
Whether you’ve got a certified green thumb and are lamenting your move
to a yard-less apartment or you’re a longtime apartment dweller looking for a
nature-friendly hobby, apartment gardening can be a rewarding way to spend some
time, decorate your home, and maybe even grow something edible. This article
shares a few tips for getting an apartment garden started.
Location is a primary concern for an apartment garden. Perhaps you have
a small—or, if you’re lucky, medium-sized—patio or balcony. If so, that’s a
great place to put some pots. Getting down and dirty won’t be as much of a
problem outside, and the plants will also be able to absorb more sunlight. If
you don’t have any outdoor space to speak of, putting some plants by your
windows or growing highly shade-tolerant varieties are also good options.
The Aesthetic
Just because you don’t have a garden plot to plant in doesn’t mean you
can’t grow something beautiful or beneficial. Container gardening presents many
options for growing a variety of plants, from asparagus to zinnias. It’s also a
great opportunity to be creative. Almost anything can serve as a receptacle for
soil with a modification or two. From overturned football helmets to watering
cans to old boots, you can create a patio- or window-full of eclectic containers
holding exciting plants. Even if you’re just using plain ol’ terra cotta pots,
consider painting them in interesting ways to help liven up your balcony.
Drainage holes are the main necessity for any container being used for plants.
If you can’t or don’t want to put holes in a particular pot, think about how to
fit a smaller container already equipped with drainage holes inside the pot in
question. This can be a good way to hide the not-so-pretty plastic containers
you might buy your plants in. You may have to empty the larger containers of
water and clean them every so often, but it’s a small price to pay for having
better-looking pots.
Consider style
And much as you planned a decorating scheme for your apartment itself,
you’ll want to plan a decorating scheme for your garden. Should it be country?
Cutesy? Modern and austere? Make sure your containers match each other, as well
as your balcony’s general construction and the atmosphere of the rest of your
house. If you have a colorful house with eclectic decoration, a dull garden
with terra cotta pots will seem out of place. Likewise, if your house overflows
with Victorian decor, a set of bright, funky flowerpots painted like cartoon
characters might seem a bit out of place next to your Chippendale cabinet.
Eschew clutter
The multitude of exciting plant container possibilities might send you
overboard, prompting a shopping spree at the nursery and quickly cluttering up
your balcony. Before getting too involved, think realistically about what you
can handle, both in terms of time and money. At the same time, you’ll want to
remain conscious of any clutter that might develop in your small garden scheme.
You may get very gung-ho about the container gardening thing, but that doesn’t
mean your patio will look attractive or organized with 1000 tiny plants on it.
Consider having a few larger “core” plants around which you can arrange some smaller
ones. Larger plants are trickier to grow in smaller pots, but some, like the
ever-popular Japanese maple, come in smaller or dwarf varieties and can be very
happy in container situations.
In addition to being practical for small spaces, container gardening is
also convenient and beneficial in other ways. It allows for a lot of
experimentation without a lot of investment. Instead of trying to purchase and
cultivate enough of an interesting ornamental grass to cover a quarter of your
backyard, you can just fill a medium-size container. You can also easily move
your plants around to see what looks best, or which plants can provide shade
(or thrive in it), all without the mess and uncertainty of constant
transplanting. Come winter, you probably won’t need to cover, trim or
transplant your entire garden—instead, you’ll just be able to lug some
containers inside to brighten up your home.
Get wild
Keep in mind that, depending on their size, your containers by no means
need to hold only one type of plant. Many plants thrive in symbiotic
relationships with one another in nature, and you can replicate these
beneficial pairings in containers. Furthermore, you can create beautiful arrays
of color by joining different types of flowers in the same pot or window box.
Your neighbors will gasp in envy over the rainbow of hues on your porch!
If you want to read more about starting an apartment garden click here> Read More
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Urban Guerrilla Gardening Like a Boss
6 Tips On Healing Scars Naturally
Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/naturalcuresnotmedicine
Try some of these 6 natural remedies which will visibly improve the appearance of scars over time.
Try some of these 6 natural remedies which will visibly improve the appearance of scars over time.
Source: Dave Sommers
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10 Fruits You Should Be Adding To Your Smoothies Today!
Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/naturalcuresnotmedicine
are a great way to increase your consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Over the past 10 years of perfecting smoothies, I have found that certain
fruits work better in smoothies than others, and that including
high-antioxidant rich fruits into your smoothie will give you the biggest bang
for your buck. Read on to find out 10 different fruits that you should
definitely start adding to your smoothies TODAY!
are a popular summer fruit and should be eaten while they are in season. They
are very high in antioxidants called anthocyanins, which help lower your risk
of developing heart disease and cancer. They also help promote healthy skin and
brain cells. Cherries are also great anti-inflammatory fruits, and have been
shown to act just as effectively as the painkiller ibuprofen. Make sure you
choose deep, dark, red cherries (not light coloured – those are un-ripe), and
be sure to pit the cherries before you blend.
are an amazing power food! They help individuals overcome depression because of
their high levels of tryptophan (which is converted into serotonin in the
brain; the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter). They protect against muscle
cramps during workouts and counteract calcium loss during urination and build
strong bones. They also improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms and help
individuals lose weight via their fat-metabolizing resistant starch. Make sure
to include ripe, spotty bananas in your smoothies as these are the kind that
will help you gain these awesome benefits!
are one of the best foods to include in your smoothies, especially because they
are the fruits with the highest levels of antioxidants. Berries help lower your
risk of certain cancers, and improve memory function and urinary tract health,
as well as promote healthy aging. Berries are also very high in fiber which
helps to maintain a healthy GI tract, lower blood cholesterol and reduce heart
disease. Another compound in berries called “ellagic acid” is a potent
anti-carcinogen, which has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. I would
recommend putting around 1-2 cups of berries per smoothie (make sure you buy
organic berries! Conventional berries are one of the highest sprayed fruits out
& Nectarines
and nectarines are both very high in beta carotene which is essential for eye
health (helps improve vision health by increasing circulation of blood in the
eyes, and other body parts). Vitamin C content in these two fruits are also
wonderful for skin care and reducing dark circles under the eyes and fine lines
and wrinkles. Peaches and nectarines are great toxin cleansers as well, and
their high fiber and potassium content reduces kidney related diseases and
reduces risk of developing ulcers. Add 1 or 2 peaches or nectarines to your
next smoothie – be sure to remove the pit!
compounds in mango have been found to protect against a variety of cancers like
colon, break, leukemia, and prostate. Mangos are high in fiber, pectin, and
vitamin C too, which helps lower serum cholesterol levels and helps clear the
skin. Adding a cup or two of mango to your smoothie will ensure your body
benefits from the mango’s amazing properties.
doesn’t love pineapple? Make sure you choose ripe pineapple (the green leaves
on top start to turn brown when it is just about ready), otherwise, you will
have battery-acid mouth for the rest of the day! Did you know that pineapples
are incredibly high in vitamin C, so they help boost the immune system and keep
our gums healthy. Pineapples are also high in manganese, which is a trace
mineral needed by your body to help build bones and connective tissues. They
also lower your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and the
bromelain in pineapple helps alleviate inflammatory-related diseases like
are a definite power food! They literally dissolve the mucus in your body and
get rid of nasty blockages that may be causing a variety of underlying bodily
issues. Oranges are rich in limonoids which help fight a number of cancers
including skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. They also help reduce the risk
of kidney stones and help lower cholesterol because of the high content of
soluble fiber. Not only that, but this fruit is very high in potassium, an
electrolyte mineral required for proper heart and nerve function. Last but not
least, we all know the orange is high in vitamin C, which keeps our immune
system strong and healthy! Juice a couple oranges for your next smoothie
instead of buying pasturized orange juice which is very low in bioavailable
is a great fruit for improving skin health and fighting against acne and skin
infections. It is very rich in fiber which helps lower cholesterol levels and
contains enzymes which prevent the oxidation of cholesterol (in turn, helping
to prevent heart attacks). The enzymes in papaya are also wonderful for
relieving constipation and diarrhea, and helps to cure infections of the colon.
The seeds are great for ridding the body of intestinal worms too! Put 1-2 cups
of ripe papaya in your next smoothie!
contain resveratrol which helps assist with weight loss by 1) reducing the
cells’ ability to store fat; and 2) causing the fat to disintegrate 246% higher
than normal! Resveratrol also improves blood vessel dilation, allowing blood to
flow more easily through blood vessels. Grapes also protect the brain, thanks to
resveratrol which cleans up brain-damaging plaques and free radicals (both of
which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease). I sometimes like making an all-grape
smoothie, with 1-2lbs of grapes in a blender, pulse blended for 30 seconds and
you are good to go!
the kiwi is a great fruit to add to your smoothies! They contain a
protein-dissolving enzyme which helps digest meals more efficiently and have
high levels of potassium which helps manage our blood pressure. Kiwis have been
found to protect the cell DNA from oxidative damage (something that leads to
many cancers), and the high vitamin C content boosts your immunity. The fiber
on kiwis are great for removing toxins from your intestinal tract too! Putting
a couple ripe kiwis
in your smoothie will allow you to reap these awesome benefits!
Source: Live Love Fruit
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Red fruits and vegetables
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