Natural Cures Not Medicine: potassium

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Showing posts with label potassium. Show all posts

Natural Cures For PMS

Many women the world over suffer from PMS. Symptoms can vary, the most common being, headaches, bloating, mood swings, breast tenderness, hot flashes, lower back and abdominal pain.
Fortunately, there are ways to combat the bothersome monthly demon without the use of pain killers. Foods and herbal supplements can all be beneficial. Understanding which foods our bodies need in the time leading up to and during a menstrual cycle can really make a big difference. Making simple changes to your food diet at least a couple of weeks in advance can actually help. It wont necessarily eliminate the problems completely, but studies have shown that they can certainly have a massive, positive impact.

Beat PMS with these superfoods:                                                

  1. Iron rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, egg yolks and for those who are not vegetarian, red meat, shellfish and poultry. Add some vitamin C rich foods or supplements to maximize the absorption of iron into the body. This will help account for the tiredness due to blood loss during a menstrual cycle.
  2. Bananas are a fantastic way to ward off  PMS. They are a fantastic source of potassium, zinc, fiber, calcium,  folic acid, B6, and iron. It's because they are packed full of goodness that they can replenish depleted nutrient levels caused by menstruation.
  3. Fat, the healthier type can actually help stop unwanted food cravings. Eating foods such as walnuts, oily fish or adding healthy oils such as coconut and olive in your meals can be of great benefit. 
  4. Calcium and Vitamin D can reduce symptoms of pain, bloating, cramps and food cravings. Excellent sources of calcium (other than dairy products) are brazil nuts, collard greens, molasses, kelp, sesame seeds and fish.
  5. B Vitamins are a great way to relieve PMS symptoms. B6 and B12, folate, thiamin and niacin. Top foods containing these are beans, dark leafy vegetables, milk, red meat and oranges. 

Herbal Supplements for PMS:

  1. Vitex or Chaste Tree, is probably the most common used herbal supplement for PMS.  It helps with heavy bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles and general reproductive health.
  2. Cramp Bark, is well known for easing (as the name suggests) menstrual cramps.
  3. Raspberry Leaf Tea, is fantastic for strengthening the uterus and helping symptoms of heavy bleeding and pain.
  4. Black Cohosh balances hormones due to its natural estrogen properties.
  5. Ginger helps relieve pain, gas and bloating.

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How raspberries boost your health

Considered one of the most popular berries, raspberry can also be a big hit with your health and nutrition.

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  • Anti inflammatory
  • Anti cancer
  • Fat free
  • Cholesterol free
  • Help to lower blood pressure
  • Low in calories
  • High in fiber
  • Good source of iron and folate
  • Potassium rich
  • Loaded with antioxidants
  • Sodium free
  • Help eye health
  • High in vitamin C

There are over 200 types of raspberry.  The plant actually produces a great amount of berries and is very hearty.  Raspberry plants can produce in the spring, in the fall, or be ever bearing.  About 90% of the raspberries eaten in the U.S. are grown in Washington, Oregon, and California.  British Colombia produces about 80% of the raspberries enjoyed by Canadians.

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Natural Cures Not Medicine
Healthy Eating Is Health Insurance!

Natural ways to beat a hangover!

We all look forward to the weekend.  Spending time with friends, taking a load off, and sometimes unhealthy practices such as heavy drinking can ensue.  The price to pay for a great night can be an awful morning, unless you have the right natural approach to slaying your hangover.

When you drink several, usually 5 or more, alcoholic beverages, you can most likely expect to feel pretty rough the next morning.  Hangovers have been attributed to dehydration but the truth is that dehydration just plays a part in the process.  Toxicity better explains the problem and the combination of toxicity and dehydration can take a toll and interfere with your ability to complete tasks set forth for the day after the debauchery.  When you binge drink, several chemical reactions occur within your body, causing it to retain water and go into "fight mode" to remove toxins.  This process can feel similar to a viral infection and is where the infamous hangover begins.  There are a few natural ways that you can treat the symptoms of having too much fun and thus too much to drink.

In the early hours after heavy drinking, you will regret the memories.  Here are a few tools to help you cheat your hangover:

Bananas:  Binge drinking has the tendency to wipe out the potassium in your body.  Bananas will help restore that balance and will give your blood sugar a boost.

Honey:  The Royal Society of Chemistry claims that eating a breakfast comprising of toast with honey on it is the best ways to best a hangover.  Like bananas, honey is rich in potassium.  Honey also has antioxidants and provides a robust energy and immune boost.

Water:  Though not the cause, dehydration worsens the dreadful effects of a hangover.  Don't wait till the morning after you party, drink water before, during, and after you consume the cocktails and leave out the pain medications which react badly with alcohol.

Avoid caffeine:  Some people will tell you to drink an energy drink, coffee, or tea when you have a hangover to help you feel better, but the truth is that caffeine is not your friend and will actually dehydrate you further.  Instead, go for fruit juice but if your stomach is upset you may want to avoid orange juice since it is so acidic.

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A dozen reasons to eat Brussels sprouts

Ok, not the most popular veggies among children but they could be nature's health insurance if you include these strange looking greens in your diet.

Brussels sprouts have been cultivated for food since the 16th century.  Cultivation in the U.S. began in the 8th century when French settlers brought them to Louisiana.  Like broccoli, they contain a chemical called sulforaphane which is believed to have strong anti cancer properties.  Brussels sprouts also contain indole-3-carbinol, a substance that helps repair DNA in the cells and appears to block the growth of cancer cells.  The best way to prepare Brussels sprouts in order to maintain the potent nutritive and healing value is to steam or stir fry rather than boiling. 

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Fig leaves, just as healthy as the figs themselves

Figs are a healthy and delicious natural snack, but did you know that the leaves of a fig tree are also edible and may even have more positive impacts then the fruit for which the tree is named?
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Here is a list of health benefits of consuming both figs and fig leaves.

  1. Ulcer remedy:  Chewing and eating fig leaves is a popular natural means of treating ulcers.
  2. Fiber rich:  Figs are full of fiber which helps lower cholesterol, removes waste from the body, and even may have a laxative effect.
  3. Treats diabetes:  Studies have shown that consuming fig leaves could lessen the amount of insulin needed by diabetics.
  4. Packed with antioxidants:  A study concluded that by consuming just two medium dried figs can substantially increase the amount of antioxidant activity in the body.
  5. Lower triglycerides:  When the body produces too many triglycerides, there is a heightened risk of obesity and heart disease.  According to research, fig leaves can help lower triglyceride levels.
  6. Potassium rich:  Potassium helps to manage blood pressure and other important bodily functions and is a nutrient many people are deficient in.  Eating figs is an excellent way to up your potassium levels.
  7. Bronchitis remedy:  Fig leaf tea is a popular home remedy for bronchitis and other lung ailments such as asthma.

5 health boosts from bananas

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Here are a handful of health benefits from eating bananas

Blood health:  Bananas are just loaded with vitamin B-6 which converts tryptophan to serotonin and helps the body produce hemoglobin, a crucial component of your blood.  Vitamin B-6 also helps manage blood sugar levels and is essential for immune system health since it aids in producing antibodies

Bone health:  Since bananas are rich in potassium, they can promote bone health due to the fact that regular intake of potassium suppresses calcium excretion from the body thereby reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis. 

Digestive health:  Notably good for children with problems with digestion.

Heart health:  Potassium, which is present in bananas, is essential for muscle contraction so therefore plays an important role in muscle actions such as heart function.  Lower potassium intake has been linked to heart disease.

Kidney health:  Regular intake of potassium minimizes calcium secretion in the ruin and thus reduces the risk of developing kidney stones.

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Bananas are amazing in flavor and in healing properties.  Make a smoothie or add some to your steel cut oats with a spoonful of raw honey!

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Why You Should Eat An Avocado A Day

Avocado's have 35% more potassium than bananas!
They protect your eyes.
They keep your heart healthy with Oleic acid - packed with vitamin b6 and folic acid.
Avocado's have more natural fiber than any other fruit! 
They are a great natural digestive aid and helps maintain regular blood sugar levels.
- Also a powerful antioxidant "Glutathione" - boosting your immune system and keeping your nervous system healthy!

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Healthy Eating is Health Insurance!

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How to Whiten Teeth with Banana Peel

Take a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes. The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium, magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them.! A fantastic little tip to keep in mind! Natural cures not medicine!


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