Natural Cures Not Medicine

Most Read This Week:

Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis

Dirt is GOOD for your immune system!

At present, our culture is overly obsessive about germs, cleanliness, and hygiene. Parents are constantly washing their children's hands, using antibacterial soap, alcohol tinged wipes or changing them the second they have dirt on their clothes. I don't know about you, but when I was a child I liked to make mud pies, walk around barefoot and climb any tree I could find. Instinctively I craved to immerse myself in the natural environment. When I had my own children I reminded myself of this as they shoveled sand into their mouths at the beach or tasted a pebble or a leaf. It is natural for children to be as close to nature as possible. Well, now the research is out about whether there is a connection between getting dirty and a strong immune system and they have found that this modern obsession with germs and cleanliness might be leading to the rise in allergies, asthma and inflammatory bowel disease.

What is it About a Child's Attraction to Dirt?

According to Mary Ruebush PhD, author of Why Dirt is Good: 5 Ways to Make Germs Your Friends, the attraction is based on millions of years of evolution. Just like any other muscle in our body, the immune system needs to be exercised in order to fully develop and become strong enough to resist illness and disease. Eating dirt as a child turns out to be the ideal training to build your immune system’s overall fitness. "What a child is doing when he puts things in his mouth is allowing his immune response to explore his environment,” Mary Ruebush wrote “Not only does this allow for ‘practice’ of immune responses, which will be necessary for protection, but it also plays a critical role in teaching the immature immune response what is best ignored." Children who grow up on farms and are exposed to all sorts of bugs, worms and natural elements have demonstrably less allergies and autoimmune problems than urban children who spend most of their time indoors. Playing outside barefoot every now and again and digging in the dirt more often would do wonders for the health of today's youngsters.

Our Natural Instinct is to Love Dirt

New research says that it is possible that children are 'too' clean and would be better off sticking to their natural instincts There was a study done in 2012, where researchers tested what would happen to mice if they were bred to lack stomach bacteria and how it would effect their immune system. It found that exposure early in life to microbes helped to train certain immune cells to resist disease later in life. Exposure to those same microbes as an adult did not have the same effect. The immune cells affected were generally those in the lungs and colon due to hyperactivity in T cells. This is similar to that found in humans with asthma. The most important point from the research is the idea that during the early years of life their are some crucial biological developments that happen which cannot be recreated later on in life and building a strong immune system is one of them.

Playing in Dirt Builds a Strong Immune System

By no means am I suggesting that you feed your child spoonfuls of dirt, I am rather letting you know that you can stop worrying and place your energy elsewhere. People are so worried about their children catching a cold or flu that they are obsessively focused on whether their child is clean and germ-free. However, this seems to be against the natural rhythm of life. Science has proven that dirt is beneficial to a child's life. Children love dirt because they instinctively know it is good for them in order to grow up having strong immune systems. We can now relax and trust that our children will actually be healthier the dirtier they get. Take a deep breath and enjoy watching the joy your child has playing in dirt while knowing that they are building their intuitive side and a strong immune system.

With Gratitude,
Alex is a renowned speaker, (R)evolutionary teacher and world traveler, having lived and studied in the United States, South Africa and Costa Rica. She has a BA in Environmental Studies, a Masters Degree in Psychology and is a qualified Yoga instructor. She is a continuous source of inspiration to thousands of women around the world and has spent her life tirelessly researching ways to maintain a fully balanced life. 

Foods you must buy organic

Some foods are grown in a way that exposes them to more toxic chemicals than others and some foods are notorious for being exceptionally filthy when you get them at the grocery store.  Here is a list of produce you should make sure you buy organic to avoid the toxins.  They may look healthy, but unless they are organic, they are contaminated:

Kale:  Though a super food, kale is usually heavily contaminated with pesticides.

Lettuce:  More than 50 different pesticides have been found on lettuce.

Potatoes :  More than 35 pesticides have been detected in tests conducted by the USDA.

Grapes:  Imported grapes can have over 30 chemical pesticides and raisins have high pesticide residue tests as well.

Spinach:  Has tested positive for a whopping 50 different chemical pesticides.  Frozen spinach usually has about the same amount.

Strawberries:  A regular on the dirty dozen list, unfortunately these delicious berries have been shown to have over 60 different pesticides on them though frozen strawberries have less.

Apples:  Over 40 chemicals have been found on apples.  Apple sauce and apple juice also contained pesticide residue.

Peaches:  We all love peaches, but not the 60 plus pesticides found on them.  Canned peaches have much less but it is best to go organic. 

Celery:  Tests on this crunchy enjoyable veggie turned up over 60 chemicals. 

Nectarines:  Overall, 33 different pesticides have been found on these, though domestic grown nectarines tend to be less contaminated then imported fruits.

Bell peppers:  Nearly 50 chemicals on these and every color variety of sweet bell peppers are contaminated.

Blueberries:  Pushing over 50 varieties of chemical residues, these berries should be bought from the organic section. 

Other great posts by Natural Cures Not Medicine:

Natures Most Potent Allergy Blockers

Alkaline blood vs acidic blood

When the body has a low ph, or is acidic, pathogens thrive and cancer forms.

Try to eat alkaline foods, and if you are acidic, baking soda can lemon water are 2 good ways to balance out your ph and lower your chances of getting sick.  Also, try to avoid processed sugar and alcohol to help correct your ph.

See some more of our recent posts:

Why water should be the first thing you have when you wake up.

High protein foods for vegetarians!

How To Make Fluoride Free Toothpaste

How to make your own fluoride free toothpaste:

  • 3 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 3 Tbsp baking soda
  • 35 Drops eucalyptus essential oil - or mint extract
  • 3 tsp fine sea salt

optional (1 packet of stevia)

That's it! It works great and it's a lot safer.

Thanks to:
Natural Aid Kit

Natural Cures Not Medicine!

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Foods with magnesium

Did you know that magnesium deficiency is wide spread?  

Your body uses magnesium to transmit nerve signals, form healthy teeth and bones, remove toxins, produce energy, and regulate body temperature.  Magnesium is required for over 300 biochemical reactions within the body.  Magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium as well.  Magnesium can help manage blood pressure and reduce the risk for heart disease as well.  Magnesium is also believed to be an effective natural treatment for depression and sleep disorders.

Make your quota of vitamins and minerals daily by crafting a fresh delicious salad.  Use green leafy veggies and raw almonds.  Add flax seed oil, chives, diced tomato, and basil with a splash of lime juice and  for a magnesium boost salad!

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Health Benefits Of Cayenne Peppers

109 Year Old Man Shares His Health Secrets

10 helpful tips for diabetics

6 Natural Pain Killers

Health Benefits Of Cayenne Peppers

The health benefits of Cayenne peppers are wonderful:

  • They help with digestive health and circulatory problems.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • Enhancing blood circulation.
  • Reducing blood clots
  • Lowers blood pressure

Cayenne pepper can stop the bleeding immediately if you have a small cut.

Rat problems? - Mix the dry spice with some water or vinegar to keep them away! Also you may want to spray or keep a small cup of the mixture close to where they live. When they smell the stuff they wont return!

Thanks to Natural Aid Kit for this great photo.

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Keep healthy using nature

Why you should eat citrus regularly

From legendary antioxidant properties to fresh breath, citrus fruits have a variety of flavors and health benefits.  

Here are a few of the benefits of eating citrus fruits!

Oranges:  Oranges are packed with vitamin C, the detox vitamin, and flavanoids which remove free radicals and help reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Grapefruit:  Grapefruit lowers cholesterol, helps lose excess weight, and helps prevent certain types of cancer.

Mandarins:  Hesperidin, a flavanoid present in mandarin oranges, works together with vitamin C to produce collagen making it a valuable snack for the beauty conscious.

Limes:  Lime juice can be used to help become more alkaline.  Limes have more vitamin C then lemons and are also helpful with constipation.  Limes are good for the skin and can be used as a natural deodorant.

Pomelos:  Pomelos help with digestion, fight cancer, and are potassium rich which also contributes to heart health.

Lemons:  Lemons detox your body, help prevent viral infections, and can help the body increase healthy LDL cholesterol.  Drinking water with lemon helps to balance out the body's PH.

Read more about healthy fruits and veggies:

Amazing healing power of lemons

Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

Cancer Fighting Foods

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Healthy Eating is Health Insurance!

Apples Prevent Obesity And Diabetes

They say: "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." And now science says it actually does!
 (according to new research.)

An apple a day can cut your heart disease risk nearly in half, according to a new study in the Journal of Functional Foods. The results: Eating an apple a day lowered blood oxidation of LDL (or “bad” cholesterol) in the blood by 40%. They also tested this with supplement users and found they also had lower levels, but not as significant as the apple eaters. High levels LDL can lead to atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries that can cause heart attack and stroke. Apples have a great content of polyphenol antioxidants, which could be what makes them so effective at blocking oxidation, says study author Robert DiSilvestro, PhD, a professor of human nutrition at Ohio State.

Thanks to and The Farmacy for the great photo.

How to Grow Wheatgrass

How to easily grow your own all natural Wheat Grass. A DIY video

Natural Cures Not Medicine!

Why would you want to grow wheatgrass?
Previous Posts From Us About Wheatgrass:

Wheatgrass Will Blow Your Mind!

Entire Countries Are Banning GMO's. Still think they are safe?

So you still think they are safe?

Entire countries are banning the stuff... Why do you think that is? You think they are stupid? You think GMO is safe? You might want to start researching. Here is a good start:

What countries have banned GMO crops?
Hungary Destorys all Monsanto GMO corn fields! WIN.

The GMO take over is most likely the most important topic of our decade. We beg you to share and investigate this information as well as petition to change these dangerous practices before it's too late.

Related Previous Posts From Us:

GMO Food Exposed: An experiment on Man and Nature

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Healthy Eating is Health Insurance!

The Oldest Man In The World: Jiroemon Kimura

Congratulations Jiroemon Kimura! You're a fine young man setting examples for the next generation. Keep laughing. Stay happy. Eat healthy.

He says his long life is attributed to eating small portions with meals three times a day of red bean cake and rice. For his last birthday, he dined on grilled fish, steamed rice and red beans. (Japanese tradition)

There are a few more people around the world over 110. We have posted about them because each of them claim their long life to eating the right foods.

Related Previous Posts From NATURAL CURES NOT MEDICINE:

The Oldest People In The World Share Their Health Secrets

Why water should be the first thing you have when you wake up.

When you wake up, water first!

  • When you wake up in the morning, drinking water on an empty stomach stimulates activity in your organs, essentially waking them up.
  • Drinking nothing but water first when you wake up allows the body to detox by removing waste that accumulated while you slept.  
  • Starting the day with a 16 ounce glass of chilled water can boost your metabolism by up to 24%, helping to to lose excess weight.
  • A glass of water first thing in the morning will cleanse your digestive system thus making it easier for the body to absorb more nutrients.
  • Since water helps the body remove waste and toxins, beginning your long day with a glass of water will have a positive effect on the health of your skin, leaving it looking more healthy.
  • That first glass of water when you rise from your slumber stimulates production of more muscle and blood cells.
  • Kick off your day with a glass of water and it will help to balance your lymph system. 

Here are some more recent posts:

High protein foods for vegetarians!

Here is a challenge: find a way to maintain your meat-free diet and still get enough protein.  Luckily nature is up to the challenge and there are a few delicious choices, so dig in!
Some of these foods are not only protein rich but also have some special health benefits:

Avocado contains a good amount of natural protein and also is packed with monounsaturated fats which help manage cholesterol and prevent heart disease.  

Spirulina has a whopping 19 amino acids and is loaded with chlorophyll which helps with the production of blood cells.  

Broccoli contains plant protein but also has powerful antioxidant properties and is even thought to be an effective anti cancer.  

Kale packs a protein punch and brings a good amount of vitamins and antioxidant power to the table.

Figs, while also a rich source of plant based protein, can also help with ulcers, diabetes and lower the risk of heart disease.

A quick rundown on the most common high protein vegetarian foods.

Cutting meat out of your diet can have several positive impacts on your health, but make sure you include protein and iron rich foods to balance your nutritional profile. 

More posts about vegetarian friendly nutrition:

Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

Soy, not a health food?

Chia Seeds: Another Superfood

The Top 10 Detoxifying Foods

Natural ways to beat a hangover!

We all look forward to the weekend.  Spending time with friends, taking a load off, and sometimes unhealthy practices such as heavy drinking can ensue.  The price to pay for a great night can be an awful morning, unless you have the right natural approach to slaying your hangover.

When you drink several, usually 5 or more, alcoholic beverages, you can most likely expect to feel pretty rough the next morning.  Hangovers have been attributed to dehydration but the truth is that dehydration just plays a part in the process.  Toxicity better explains the problem and the combination of toxicity and dehydration can take a toll and interfere with your ability to complete tasks set forth for the day after the debauchery.  When you binge drink, several chemical reactions occur within your body, causing it to retain water and go into "fight mode" to remove toxins.  This process can feel similar to a viral infection and is where the infamous hangover begins.  There are a few natural ways that you can treat the symptoms of having too much fun and thus too much to drink.

In the early hours after heavy drinking, you will regret the memories.  Here are a few tools to help you cheat your hangover:

Bananas:  Binge drinking has the tendency to wipe out the potassium in your body.  Bananas will help restore that balance and will give your blood sugar a boost.

Honey:  The Royal Society of Chemistry claims that eating a breakfast comprising of toast with honey on it is the best ways to best a hangover.  Like bananas, honey is rich in potassium.  Honey also has antioxidants and provides a robust energy and immune boost.

Water:  Though not the cause, dehydration worsens the dreadful effects of a hangover.  Don't wait till the morning after you party, drink water before, during, and after you consume the cocktails and leave out the pain medications which react badly with alcohol.

Avoid caffeine:  Some people will tell you to drink an energy drink, coffee, or tea when you have a hangover to help you feel better, but the truth is that caffeine is not your friend and will actually dehydrate you further.  Instead, go for fruit juice but if your stomach is upset you may want to avoid orange juice since it is so acidic.

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6 Natural Pain Killers

Is spirulina worth the hype?

It looks strange, tastes odd, and heals everything!
Spirulina is a type of algae that is very high in protein and nutrients.  When cultivated properly, it is one of the most potent nutrient sources available.  Since spirulina has a high amount of proteins and amino acids, it is very useful to vegetarians and vegans.  High iron content along with protein also make spirulina a good food source when pregnant, recovering from surgery, or whenever your immune system needs a boost.  This green super food is also very high in chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the blood and aids in the production of new blood cells.  Spirulina is also a great source of calcium for people who live a diary free lifestyle. 

Utilizing a high-ph environment, you can cultivate your own spirulina!

Read some more of our recent posts:

The best tea you never drank!

Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

The Oldest Man In Recorded History

Aloe Vera: the healing powerhouse!

How wheat grass can improve your health

There seems to be a trend forming in juicing wheat grass, but what makes the green juice so beneficial to our health?  Here are some of the health benefits.

Wheat grass juice is a powerhouse of nutrition, even in small doses, and can be added to any smoothie to give you a huge health boost.  With more than 90 minerals, 19 amino acids, and over 30 enzymes as well as beneficial chlorophyll, wheat grass has been promoted by nutritionists and healers alike for its mind blowing health effects.  Wheat grass is thought to improve the overall nutritional profile of people who take it but also is being credited for anti cancer effects and even is thought to help prevent heart disease.  Studies have shown patients who take wheat grass have less need for blood transfusions.

The Best Foods For Strong Bones

The best tea you never drank!

Hemp saved ex president Bush Sr.'s life

George H. W. Bush was part of the torpedo squadron VT-51, based in the pacific.  On September 2, 1944, Bush's plane was shot down during a bombing run over Chichi Jima island, an important strategic location for Japanese forces.  Bush and another one of his crewmen bailed out of the burning plane but the third crewman went down with the plane.  Bush was alone in the ocean right off the coast of the island when a submarine on patrol found and rescued him.  Bush's life saving technology, the parachute, was made from hemp, a strain of cannabis.
File:SBDs and Mikuma.jpg
It was not just his parachute that was made from hemp either...

-The stitching his shoes

-All the rigging ropes on the ship that transported him

-Parts of the plane's engine were lubricated with hemp seed oil

-The fire hoses on the ship

Even though hemp was outlawed in 1937, it was quickly reintroduced for the war effort in 1942.  100% of the parachute webbing was made from hemp and saved Bush's life that day but he has spent the greater part of his life trying to stifle the use of cannabis.

Learn more mind blowing cannabis info:

Huge results from juicing raw cannabis!

Tommy Chong says HEMP OIL WORKS!

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)

How cannabis can revolutionize our economy


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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