Natural Cures Not Medicine: 9 Unique Tips To Lose Weight

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9 Unique Tips To Lose Weight

With obesity on the increase and GMO's being proven as a key cause, natural alternatives to pills and drastic surgery seem a much healthier, less invasive option. 

Obesity is on the increase. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 35.7% of American adults are obese [1]. GMO foods have been named a major factor in this increase. According to a Norwegian study undertaken over 10 years, it was found that animals in this test that were fed GMO corn, gained weight faster and retained it for longer, compared to those fed a non-gmo diet. [2]
There are a number of diet fads, miracle pills claiming to make you lose weight quickly and expensive surgeries such as gastric bands. However the risks of using these methods can be costly to both one's health and bank balance.
The key to losing weight is simple and easy. By making changes to the types of foods you eat, portion sizes and getting a decent amount of exercise on a daily basis will have a far greater impact than any other method. Not only will your body look better, but your health will be greatly improved also. 

These 9 tips are great for losing weight:
  1. Honey approximately 10 grams mixed with lukewarm water is a great natural home remedy to help with obesity. 
  2. Cabbage is well known on the fad diet list for helping with weight loss. Although when eaten with a healthy diet can be extremely beneficial. The chemical tartaric acid in cabbage works by stopping the body from converting sugar and carbohydrates into fat.
  3. Raw tomatoes eaten in the morning will have a significant impact over 3 months. 
  4. Curry leaves work by flushing out fat and toxins in the body. Eating 10 -12 leaves daily for 4 months will achieve results.
  5. A lemon, cayenne pepper, honey combination is another detox method for losing weight. A teaspoon of honey , a dash of pepper and 3 teaspoons of lemon juice daily for 3 months will aid in reducing body fat.
  6. Dandelion root in the form of a tea (or tisane) aids digestion, is a natural detox and thus aids the natural weight loss process. Green Tea is known to help boost metabolism. Drink 3 cups daily.
  7. Ginger and Lemon tisane is a great appetite suppressant which can be very beneficial when reducing portion sizes.
  8. Mint paste has been known to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
  9. Carrot juice, drank regularly, is packed full of dietary fiber which aids in digestion and keeps your stomach and intestinal tract healthy.  
Remember the best way to lose weight and stay healthy is to drink plenty of water, eat natural foods that mother nature intended and take exercise regularly. 


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  1. Blaming GMOs for increase in weight in Americans is ridiculous, blame Wendy's, MacDonalds and all the junk food in the grocery stores that they live on for the increase in weight and obesity problems. I have never ever been in any country in this world like in the USA where the fresh produce section constitutes less than 1/100th of the floor space. But yet you have 4 dedicated aisles for breakfast cereals which have zero nutritional value whatsoever. And you still question why Americans are so fat? Seriously?

    1. So are you talking about ALL Americans or just the rich ones, or the ones of color or the white ones? I am confused at which ones are fat. I guess you are from America because you look like you could shed a few pounds of fat there Feisty, but It just still be baby fat and you may still yet grow into it. By the way, I have never seen 4 isles of cereal in any supermarket I have been in. I am not saying the grocery stores are not shit because they are. I do have a problem with you putting all Americans in the category as fat because that's just not true. The are plenty of healthy people here that take care of themselves and believe me we Americans get a lot of shit about that too.People of other countries say we are too worried about our teeth health also. I mean wtf is that shit all about. Being an American means taking shit from other people (countries) and their society's idea of their standard image that we don't live up to. I say fuck you and all the fucking horses you ride in on. Take a look at yourself and get right with all that's wrong in your life and stop pointing you goddamn fingers at other people!

    2. So are you talking about ALL Americans or just the rich ones, or the ones of color or the white ones? I am confused at which ones are fat. I guess you are from America because you look like you could shed a few pounds of fat there Feisty, but It just still be baby fat and you may still yet grow into it. By the way, I have never seen 4 isles of cereal in any supermarket I have been in. I am not saying the grocery stores are not shit because they are. I do have a problem with you putting all Americans in the category as fat because that's just not true. The are plenty of healthy people here that take care of themselves and believe me we Americans get a lot of shit about that too.People of other countries say we are too worried about our teeth health also. I mean wtf is that shit all about. Being an American means taking shit from other people (countries) and their society's idea of their standard image that we don't live up to. I say fuck you and all the fucking horses you ride in on. Take a look at yourself and get right with all that's wrong in your life and stop pointing you goddamn fingers at other people!

    3. Yea, nice white horse you are riding on Feisty.

    4. What the hell store did you go to??? I've never seen one like that here. That is ridiculous.

    5. What the hell store did you go to??? I've never seen one THAT bad here. That is ridiculous.

  2. "GMO foods have been named a major factor in this increase."
    They didn't point out that it was only the GMO foods fault, they also point out that food "like mother nature intended" , exercise and drinking lot's of water is still the best way to go. Luckily, I can still buy stuff from small farmers in The Netherlands and I grow my own vegetables also. Fast food will always be tempting though..

  3. Here is an observation that most people do not get to experience. I worked as a freelance chef for the Mega yachts that travel all over the world. In between jobs I stayed in crew housing which is set up like a Hostile with several beds in a room. The majority of these people working on yachts are foreign,with most being from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Eastern block countries. While people came to South Florida to look for their dream jobs on yachts everyone of them gained between 15-20 pounds within the first month of living in the USA. What I observed is that most were quite healthy eaters shopping at the grocery store and preparing meals with an occasional fast food. The fast food chains are in ALL of their countries so it is not something they flock too like Americans. My point being that I DO BELIEVE that American food has a problem and if you do not think so then YOU are also the cause to our problem and you need to STOP burying your head in the sand and fight for your right to have healthy food and the right to know what you are eating. The fact is we are a Capitalist country that has run amuck with greed and Corporatism and YOU are the guinea pig for our eventual demise.


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