Natural Cures Not Medicine: dehydration

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Showing posts with label dehydration. Show all posts

Water Is Life For The Human Body

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The majority of us are chronically dehydrated and don't even know it. Did you know that when you are chronically dehydrated your body actually stops feeling thirsty? Also, often times when you feel hungry, it is just another way your body is trying to tell you it is thirsty.
It is impossible for your body to function properly while dehydrated.
You may have problems concentrating
Your blood slows down creating high blood pressure
Muscles can ache, cramp or you may even wake in the night with a Charlie Horse
Your liver does not function up to par which slows down your body's detoxification creating illness and diseases. Cancer occurs when your body cannot eliminate the toxins faster than you put them in. This is why the liver is vital for healing cancer
Your skin becomes dry and crusty. If you are looking to look younger, drinking plenty of water will help.
There are a lot of figures out there which will tell you how much water to drink but I'm going to say that if you don't drink at least 100 oz a day, your body is paying for it. Also, almost everything else you drink such as soda, coffee and alcohol all dehydrate you. This figure may sound high but your body will help you. The more water you drink the more your body tells you that it is thirsty. Build up to this number slowly if you need to. Just keep improving.

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Top Hydrating Foods

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As we transition from those early spring time months of warm beverages and apples galore, we enter a world transformed by summer heat and an abundance of sun-doused produce. Our disposition to spend more time in the heated outdoors, be it a trail run, time spent gardening or picnicking with friends, makes staying hydrated of the utmost importance! Now for the long-disputed question: Do we really need 8 glasses of water to maintain hydration?

The female human body is roughly 50-60 percent water and the male body is 60-65 percent! While it’s imperative to drink a healthy dose of fluid each day to maintain hydration, the quintessential recommendation of 8-10 glasses per day can come from a variety of sources, and is variable to one’s activity level and environment. Whereas water is the most pure form of hydration, we often rely on more flavorful sources like sports drinks, sodas, juices and coffee beverages. Although these items contain water, they are often high in calories and sugar.

Therefore, the trick to maintaining good hydration while keeping calories at a minimum, aside from drinking water, is to eat fruits and vegetables of high water content.

Drinking water is a great way to quench thirst, however, when you eat a piece of juicy fruit, the water along with other nutrients and electrolytes present in the fruit, get absorbed together thus hydrating and maintaining water balance in every cell of the body.
Go ahead, give it a try! Use lettuce leaves as taco shells, muddle watermelon into your lemonade, eat berries for a snack, and add red cabbage to your salads for some extra crunch, color, nutrition and hydration!

Fruits and Vegetables Percent Water Calories Serving
Bibb Lettuce 96% 7 kcal 1 cup raw
Cucumber 95% 16 kcal 1 cup raw
Zucchini 95% 17 kcal 1 cup raw
Bell Pepper 94% 18 kcal 1 cup raw
Watermelon 91% 23 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Strawberries 91% 25 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Red Cabbage 90% 28 kcal 1 cup raw
Peach 89% 30 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Raspberries 86% 32 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Apricot 86% 37 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Blueberries 84% 42 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Pichuberries 84% 43 kcal 1/2 cup raw

Source: Dave Sommers, RAWBINA

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Natural ways to beat a hangover!

We all look forward to the weekend.  Spending time with friends, taking a load off, and sometimes unhealthy practices such as heavy drinking can ensue.  The price to pay for a great night can be an awful morning, unless you have the right natural approach to slaying your hangover.

When you drink several, usually 5 or more, alcoholic beverages, you can most likely expect to feel pretty rough the next morning.  Hangovers have been attributed to dehydration but the truth is that dehydration just plays a part in the process.  Toxicity better explains the problem and the combination of toxicity and dehydration can take a toll and interfere with your ability to complete tasks set forth for the day after the debauchery.  When you binge drink, several chemical reactions occur within your body, causing it to retain water and go into "fight mode" to remove toxins.  This process can feel similar to a viral infection and is where the infamous hangover begins.  There are a few natural ways that you can treat the symptoms of having too much fun and thus too much to drink.

In the early hours after heavy drinking, you will regret the memories.  Here are a few tools to help you cheat your hangover:

Bananas:  Binge drinking has the tendency to wipe out the potassium in your body.  Bananas will help restore that balance and will give your blood sugar a boost.

Honey:  The Royal Society of Chemistry claims that eating a breakfast comprising of toast with honey on it is the best ways to best a hangover.  Like bananas, honey is rich in potassium.  Honey also has antioxidants and provides a robust energy and immune boost.

Water:  Though not the cause, dehydration worsens the dreadful effects of a hangover.  Don't wait till the morning after you party, drink water before, during, and after you consume the cocktails and leave out the pain medications which react badly with alcohol.

Avoid caffeine:  Some people will tell you to drink an energy drink, coffee, or tea when you have a hangover to help you feel better, but the truth is that caffeine is not your friend and will actually dehydrate you further.  Instead, go for fruit juice but if your stomach is upset you may want to avoid orange juice since it is so acidic.

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How to beat jet lag.

If you travel for work or just have a lot of family living abroad, you may be familiar with dreadful jet lag.  Fear not, for there are some steps you can take to lessen the effects jet lag.
File:Far Eastern Air Transport Airliner.JPG
The condition known as jet lag is caused when you travel across several time zones.  The human body runs on a schedule or what is referred to as an "internal clock," maintained based on the pattern of sunlight, night, and day.  Jet lag tends to be worse when you cross 4 or more time zones and has a variety of symptoms including difficulty concentrating, daytime fatigue, sleep problems, and muscle soreness.
Chances are if you are traveling far you may not want to waste time when you reach your destination trying to cope with the time change and the effects of jet lag, especially if you are traveling for business purposes.  Here are a few ways you can minimize the effects and maybe sidestep jet lag altogether!

Melatonin:  When your body can detect that the day is coming to an end and the night is here, it produces melatonin which helps you fall asleep at the right time.  You can take melatonin supplements to help outsmart your internal clock and reset it once you are at your destination.  Be careful when you head to the U.K. because you must have a perscription for it.

Sunlight:  Sun exposure in reasonable doses is good for you but it can also help with adjusting your internal clock to a new schedule.  When you reach your destination, be outside during prime sunny hours and get some good exposure  to orient your body to the new day/night schedule.  If you are too restless at a late hour, turn the lights down low and close your curtains to get rested and sleepy.  Use an eye mask if needed.

Diet:  Jet lag is caused by a shift in time zones that throws off the body's internal clock due to a difference in daylight and night time hours, but the effects of jet lag can be made worse by dehydration and or toxicity.  Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat healthy leading up to and after your trip and try to avoid processed sugar, alcohol, and caffeine as they create toxicity in the body and tend to dehydrate.  Be sure to detox before you leave for the airport.

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Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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