Natural Cures Not Medicine: water

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Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Salt Water for Sore Throat

Sore throats are a common symptom that most of us will suffer from time to time. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including viruses (including cold and flu), bacteria (such as streptococcus), sinus drainage, or simply breathing through the mouth due to nasal congestion, but the pain itself is usually a result of inflammation. While certain medications may be required depending on the underlying cause, most sore throats can be soothed in the meantime with simple natural remedies.

Salt Water to Soothe Sore Throat


  • Gargle a mixture of 1 teaspoon salt and 1 cup warm water 2-3 times daily. For best results, alter the pitch of the sound you make while gargling (low, to medium, to high) to move the salt water to different areas of your throat.

Why It Works

The salt draws out some of the fluid in the throat that causes the swelling and inflammation, thereby reducing the pain.


Do not overdo the salt in your gargle, as it will dry out the tissues in the throat, leading to greater irritation. Please contact your healthcare provider if your sore throat does not improve within 24-48 hours, as this may be a sign of serious illness.


Tap water, well water, distilled water...Which one is best for you?


Water... This amazing matter found everywhere on our beautiful planet and in ourselves.

Without it, there would simply be no Life of any forms. Water is the source of any life forms, from the creation of our planet to the last state of the human evolution passing by the survival of the worlds flora to the air we breath. Water is THE most important element on Earth and without it nothing would exist.

Some people always like to argue with me saying that Water is not the most important element to survive and that we could live without it as long as there is Oxygen in the air. Obviously, those people have no idea and knowledge of basic biology. Here is the reason why Water is the most important element for survival:

When you hear about Scientist and Astronomers looking for other life forms and Earth like planets that could maybe sustain Life, the first thing they are looking for is Water and nothing else. Now think about for a second how oxygen is produced. Oxygen is produced by plants and trees around the world. Plants and trees uses CO2 (Carbon dioxide) to survive and produce O2 (oxygen) as a waste product that is then released into the air and therefore allows us to breath. However, in order for a plant or tree to survive, it also needs water, and a lot of it. Without water, there would be no plants and trees, without plants and trees there would be no oxygen, without oxygen and water there would be no Life. It is all a circle called the circle of Life, that goes round and round but always comes back to the same point, in this case: Water is the source of Life and survival and without it, there would be plain nothing!

Now, let's focus more on us, humans. Our body is made of 70% water. Water is part of our natural and organic structure. Water in our body plays a major role in keeping the body functions at maximum levels by a process called hydration. Proper hydration of your body on a daily basis is essential and the purest water must be used to sustain and offer the best benefits to the body.

Now, there are a lot of different types of water out there that you can drink to satisfy your thirst and hydration. However, like everything else, some water are better than others and that is what we are going to look at now.

Let's start by the most popular of all, TAP WATER. Well, to make it simple, like my Naturopathic teacher liked to say to us, shame on you if you drink tap water lol. Tap water comes from collected waters from grounds, river, lakes, reservoir or recycled and then is treated with a bunch of different chemicals to "purify it". They are more than 350 chemicals detected in most tap water, out of these 350, 4 are of major concern for our health. Chlorine, which is added to kill bacterias has been showed to be carcinogen in high levels. Chlorine destroys your natural guts flora thus depletes the immunity, leaked to colon and bladder cancer, dries skin and hair out and could lead to vaso-constrictive effects for asthmatics if used in a steam form. Fluoride, as most of you know, is a poison added to many of our everyday products like tap water, toothpaste, cheap commercial teas, beauty products, etc... fluoride is a toxic substance, leading to mainly health problems like bones, dental, neurological, mental and emotional disorders as well as affecting the memory and intelligence of individuals. The problem with fluoride is that most people are not aware that they are two main forms of it, the first being SODIUM FLUORIDE, which is an aluminium waste product sold to companies by chemical industries instead of paying for the aluminium waste removal for destruction. Sodium fluoride is used as additive agents as well as preservative and has absolutely no beneficial effect for humans. Sodium fluoride get stocked in the body and builds up instead of being flushed out, that is when toxicity arise. The other form of fluoride is CALCIUM FLUORIDE which is not used in common daily products unfortunately for obvious non profitable reasons. Calcium fluoride is a natural compound found on Earth, proven to be much more efficient, safe and natural than sodium fluoride, do not lead to toxicity and build up in the body as it is processed and flushed out very easily via natural excretions, support bone and dental health. So quit the sodium fluoride loaded products, read all labels and choose fluoride free, supplement in calcium fluoride via fresh balance diet, mostly via fruits, veggies, all raw on a daily basis and if you have dental or bone issues, CALC FLUOR  as homeopathic remedy is the best to complement and help the body to self heal. Then there are nitrates and aluminium sulfates which as fluoride and chlorine are inorganic compounds and not recognized by the body. Those two compounds depletes vitamins, minerals and hormonal levels and linked to neurological disorders like Alzheimer's, dementia. etc....

Now let's talk about the second most common form of water we know, which is the BOTTLED WATER. Bottled water is found anywhere. This water is classified by the source it comes from, either be spa, spring, factory and it's mineral content. It can be found either still or sparkling. Sparkling bottled water is a water that has been carbonated either naturally or artificially with carbonate. Sparkling water can interfere with digestion if consumed while eating. In any cases, if you drink bottled water, which most of us do, always choose the natural spring one or bottled at source and read the label to see if any fluoride has been added. However, bottled water is still not the best water you can drink as it is still a chemically processed form and in most cases high levels on chlorine.

SPRING WATER as said above is a form of natural water rising straight to Earth's surface from underground natural reserves. Even though this kind of water is better than tap and bottled, always look out for the environmental area, farming, pollutant, close highways and cities all depletes the pure state of spring water. The best spring water i have found so far is when i went hiking in Switzerland, at 2000 meters altitude, in the middle of the mountains with nothing around but Nature. Untouched, unspoiled water that the locals like to call the Source of Life.

REVERSE OSMOSIS water is a form of water that has been filtered through microscopic filters which removes all minerals and toxins, pesticides and herbicides. However, nitrates can still remain, mainly nitrates from fetilizers. This water is about 80 to 95% pure. There is a way to get reverse osmosis water at 99%pure by de-ionoze it with a resin which attracts and removes all remaining impurities. Excellent form of water.

Now the last one, DISTILLED water which is considered to be the best form of water for the body. Distilled water is made by boiling it to create a steam and then collect this pure steam which is free of any pollutant, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, minerals etc... the result of this is a 100% pure water. Distilled water is acidic and therefore excellent in the removal of heavy metals and toxic inorganic matter build up in the body. Distilled water is used in the Gerson therapy for cancer treatments. Patients raises their Ph levels by drinking all fresh raw juices alongside distilled water to help push away the toxins and facilitate natural excretion and elimination. Distilled water is the most hydrating water there is for your cells and contrary to certain rumors and myths made by modern medical researches, it does not pull out your organic minerals from your body. Do not store distilled water in plastic bottle due to its acidity.
So, what can we conclude of all this then?

Well, always look for the purest form of water, try out reverse osmosis or distill it yourself or even better if you have a natural source up high in the mountain with no negative environmental interference, go get some. Look at the labels, remember that inorganic compounds are not processed and well recognized by your body and are not eliminated naturally like it should, so they build up in your body leading to hardening and toxicity, therefore imbalances and disease. Organic and natural is the key to survival. Fresh, natural water, 1.5 to 2 litres a day alongside a proper, balance, fresh nutrition, some forms of exercises, positive thinking, chillax times is what your body needs. Just remember to not drink while eating. It dilutes the stomach acids and make the digestion harder. Drink 30 minutes before and after each meal for maximum stomach functions.

Water is source of Life, source of energy so respect it, learn from it, love it and most importantly don't waste it!


About the author

Brandon from Brighton
I am a Holistic Health practitioner. I am all about take it easy, keep things simple and balanced and enjoy what Life, World and Nature have to offer. Check my Facebook page out : The Holistic Dude

Solar Seawater Distiller Turns Salt Water into Drinking Water Using Only Sunlight

Italian designer Gabriele Diamanti (@GabDiamanti) has invented Eliodomestico, an eco-distiller running on solar power, to provide safe drinking-water for people in developing countries: a very simple way to produce healthy, bacteria-free water. Eliodomestico is an open source project.

Winner at Core77 Design Award 2012 - social impact category; Finalist at the Prix Émile Hermès 2011 competition.

Cilantro Can Be Used to Purify Water. Here's How

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Developing countries often can’t afford to use in-home water purification systems or more advanced technology to purify drinking water. There is a need for lower-cost, sustainable alternatives, and researchers are conducting studies on various natural materials that can latch on to heavy metals in a way that can filter water.

Mexico, in particular, does not have a system to filter out heavy metals. Professor Douglas Schauer, Ph.D., from Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana, along with six of his students, traveled to Mexico’s Universidad Politécnica de Francisco I. Madero in Hidalgo. Their purpose was to study the effectiveness of an ingredient growing right in their backyards—cilantro.

Schauer and his students worked with scientists from Mexico’s university in small-scale experiments. They found that cilantro may be more effective than some other methods, such as activated carbon, in removing heavy metals from water.

Cilantro’s potential purification abilities could be attributed to the architectural structure of its cells, which lends itself to absorb heavy metals, researchers said. Schauer said their studies suggest that cilantro shows promise as a way to remove toxic heavy metals from water and that it could be used like tea-bags or reusable water filter cartridges to purify drinking water.

Much more research, however, needs to be done to confirm the herb’s purification abilities.

These findings were presented in the 246th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society.


Press release

Dr. Dean Burk: "Fluoridated Water Amounts to Murder on a Grand Scale"

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“When you have power you don’t have to tell the truth. That’s a rule that’s been working in this world for generations. And there are a great many people who don’t tell the truth when they are in power in administrative positions.”
—Dr. Dean Burk former head of National Cancer Research Institute

Source: Raw For Beauty

These Foods Will Help You Live Longer

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Do you follow a lifestyle that helps you age slower, and promotes longevity? If you aren’t, you should think about starting! These foods can actually enhance your longevity and make you feel healthier, stronger and younger. They have the potential to slow biological aging by providing antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and an array of other nutrients that help enhance our immune system, combat inflammation, and defend against free radicals.

Image: BP/Barcroft Media
Berries are loaded with antioxidants which rapidly slow down the aging process by preventing the damage done by free radicals. A variety of studies have shown that berries, one of the most antioxidant rich fruits, have the ability to improve our memory and keep our brains sharp as we age – say goodbye to dementia and Alzheimer’s!

A large majority of the population is not getting enough water, but drinking water is one of the key elements to increasing your longevity. Drinking at least 2 litres of water daily will help improve your cellular function, metabolism, and organ function. Our bodies are made up of about 60-70% water, so this substance is incredibly essential to proper health!

Raw broccoli is incredibly high in sulforaphane (especially broccoli sprouts). This substance has been found to be very effective in preventing cancer which is one of the main causes of age-related death today (via DNA mutations which naturally occur with age). Broccoli is also loaded with other antioxidants to help protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals, leaving us feeling and looking youthful!

Kale is a cruciferous vegetable, like broccoli, and thus makes it a wonderful cancer-fighting vegetable that you should be including in your diet at least 3 times a week. It clears out free radicals in the body, and contains a ridiculous amount of nutrients like vitamin K (key regulator of inflammation), vitamin C, iron and calcium which are crucial for prolonging our life span.

Once upon a time, thyme was used as a preservative in the Mediterranean due to it’s amazing antioxidant properties – in fact, Egyptians once used it for embalming bodies. It’s principal oil called thymol has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which neutralize disease-causing pathogens such as E.coli and staphylococcus.

Basil is known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties – inflammation leads to a variety of diseases and illness if left untreated for long periods of time. The better you feel, the better your body and mind function. Particularly, holy basil has been coined the term “the elixir of life,” having the ability to improve human health and longevity. It has been used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.

Sweet Potato
Sweet potato is wonderful for keeping your hormones in check, as well as boosting your immune system and strengthening your cardiovascular system. They are also rich in vitamin A, B6 and potassium which are linked to excellent heart health, especially with their ability to help regulate blood sugar. Include sweet potatoes in your diet, raw or cooked (yes, sweet potatoes are lovely eaten raw, and are not harmful – shred them in salads!).

Asparagus is loaded with beneficial nutrients which can help us live a long and healthy life. It is a natural detoxifier and diuretic making it effective in preventing kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs). The nutrients in asparagus range from vitamins A, C, B and K, as well as manganese, iron, fibre and folate. It helps promote good digestion, strong bones and a healthy heart, and contains antioxidants like glutathione which is the body’s strongest antioxidant!

Avocados are filled with heart-healthy oleic acid which helps lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. They are also high in potassium which protects or heart and reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure or suffering from a stroke. They contain folate, and a handful of antioxidants which fight off free radicals, protecting our organs and tissues from damage over time!

Garlic is definitely a power food! It contains sulfur compounds which protect our cardiovascular system and prevents heart attacks and stroke. Garlic is also incredibly useful in strengthening our immune system and fighting off free radicals which naturally lead to diseases like cancer and other illnesses.

Source: Live Love Fruit

Coca-Cola facing huge class action lawsuit over alleged false claims for Vitaminwater

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For years, the Coca-Cola Company has been deceptively marketing its “vitaminwater” beverage brand as a healthy alternative to plain water and sugary soda beverages, making outlandish claims that the drink can help boost immunity and even help people fight eye disease. But now the beverage giant is facing a monstrous class-action lawsuit over this marketing racket, none of which is true about the sugar-laden junk food drink.
The suit, which was originally filed back in 2010 by the nonprofit health advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), alleges that Coca-Cola has been engaged in what can only be described
as blatant labeling fraud. Vitaminwater’s “Power-C” flavor, for instance, claims to deliver “zinc and vitamin C to power your immune system,” while the “XXX” flavor is branded as containing “antioxidant vitamins to help fight free radicals and help support your body.”
Both claims are an immense exaggeration, as these two vitaminwater products are composed primarily of water, sugar, and a handful of synthetic vitamins, which is hardly a recipe for robust immunity. And yet this is the overall image being portrayed by Coca-Cola for its vitaminwater line of beverages, which is really nothing more than glorified soda pop without carbonation.

“The marketing of vitaminwater will go down in history as one of the boldest and brashest attempts ever to affix a healthy halo to what is essentially a junk food, a non-carbonated soda,” says Michael F. Jacobson, Executive Director of CSPI. “Vitaminwater, like Coca-Cola itself, promotes weight gain, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cannot deliver on any of the dishonest claims it has made over the years.”

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How To Remove Fluoride From Tap Water

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Fluoride has a dubious history starting with the mass fluoridation of people under Nazi rule. In recent years, there has been a push to remove fluoride from the tap water in the US, behind most European countries which have already removed the poisonous chemical from their water supplies.

Most politicians erroneously support fluoridation due to heavy lobbying in favor of the chemical, but more and more activists and consumers are making a stand for their water supply. It may only be a few years until we totally eradicate this twisted fluoridation scheme, but here is one way to remove fluoride and 99.9% of all other contaminants from your tap water: Distillation. The first video will show you how to remove fluoride and all other contaminants from your tap water. The second video will show you the dangers of fluoride being used in our water supply.

The Dangers Of Fluoride In Drinking Water

Juicing or Blending: Which is Better?

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I often get asked the question of whether it is better to blend or juice. In fact, both blending and juicing hold their own respective benefits, it simply depends on what stage of detoxing you wish your body to undergo. Both juices and smoothies play a very important role in any health and wellness program or lifestyle. Below I will compare these two methods as well as list out the specific benefits of each.

Why Are Blending & Juicing Different?

Juicing removes all indigestible fiber from fruit and vegetables and extracts the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients in juice form

This means that your body can access and absorb the nutrients faster, especially if you have impaired digestion (which is often a result of making bad food choices, or if you have ever taken a round of antibiotics). In addition, juicing helps give your digestive system a break, so that your body can focus on rest and repair.

Juicing also allows you to consume large amounts of vegetables that you wouldn’t normally consume. Some people find that eating that many vegetables in one sitting is very difficult, but by turning it into a juice, you can get them down quickly and efficiently.

Individuals who juice often report finer mental clarity and focus, weight loss, increased energy, better complexion and increased immunity. Juices also help cleanse our liver (especially if you add things like dandelion greens and beets) and fight off depression (thanks to their high mineral content).

Blending includes all fiber and nutrients from the fruit and vegetables

Blending produce into a smoothie helps preserve the fiber so these mixtures help regulate and keep our blood sugar levels balanced (and thus, keeps your energy levels balanced too). Smoothies also tend to be more filling than juices if you intend on going quite a while without a next meal.

Smoothies also ensure that toxins in the digestive tract get pushed out with healthy, regular bowel movements. They also help support the good bacteria in our gut needed for good digestion! Individuals who consume smoothies also report natural weight loss due to their ability to stave off cravings and hunger pains.

Lastly, smoothies are much cheaper to make than juices. Juicing often takes much more fruit and vegetables to create a hearty drink than it does to make a smoothie.

(1) When you consume smoothies or juices, make sure you swish around the mixture in your mouth for 20-30 seconds to assimilate enzymatic activity in your mouth and to prevent bloating and gas!

(2) Make sure you combine fruits, starchy vegetables, and low-starch vegetables properly. 

(3) Try you best to consume the smoothie or juice right away! The nutrients oxidize quickly, and you want to minimize this as much as possible. If you want to store your juice for a couple hours, make sure you keep it somewhere dark and cold like the fridge, and add some high vitamin-C foods like lemons (for juice) or oranges (for smoothies) to slow oxidation rate!

Source:  Live Love Fruit

Water Is Life For The Human Body

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The majority of us are chronically dehydrated and don't even know it. Did you know that when you are chronically dehydrated your body actually stops feeling thirsty? Also, often times when you feel hungry, it is just another way your body is trying to tell you it is thirsty.
It is impossible for your body to function properly while dehydrated.
You may have problems concentrating
Your blood slows down creating high blood pressure
Muscles can ache, cramp or you may even wake in the night with a Charlie Horse
Your liver does not function up to par which slows down your body's detoxification creating illness and diseases. Cancer occurs when your body cannot eliminate the toxins faster than you put them in. This is why the liver is vital for healing cancer
Your skin becomes dry and crusty. If you are looking to look younger, drinking plenty of water will help.
There are a lot of figures out there which will tell you how much water to drink but I'm going to say that if you don't drink at least 100 oz a day, your body is paying for it. Also, almost everything else you drink such as soda, coffee and alcohol all dehydrate you. This figure may sound high but your body will help you. The more water you drink the more your body tells you that it is thirsty. Build up to this number slowly if you need to. Just keep improving.

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Top Hydrating Foods

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As we transition from those early spring time months of warm beverages and apples galore, we enter a world transformed by summer heat and an abundance of sun-doused produce. Our disposition to spend more time in the heated outdoors, be it a trail run, time spent gardening or picnicking with friends, makes staying hydrated of the utmost importance! Now for the long-disputed question: Do we really need 8 glasses of water to maintain hydration?

The female human body is roughly 50-60 percent water and the male body is 60-65 percent! While it’s imperative to drink a healthy dose of fluid each day to maintain hydration, the quintessential recommendation of 8-10 glasses per day can come from a variety of sources, and is variable to one’s activity level and environment. Whereas water is the most pure form of hydration, we often rely on more flavorful sources like sports drinks, sodas, juices and coffee beverages. Although these items contain water, they are often high in calories and sugar.

Therefore, the trick to maintaining good hydration while keeping calories at a minimum, aside from drinking water, is to eat fruits and vegetables of high water content.

Drinking water is a great way to quench thirst, however, when you eat a piece of juicy fruit, the water along with other nutrients and electrolytes present in the fruit, get absorbed together thus hydrating and maintaining water balance in every cell of the body.
Go ahead, give it a try! Use lettuce leaves as taco shells, muddle watermelon into your lemonade, eat berries for a snack, and add red cabbage to your salads for some extra crunch, color, nutrition and hydration!

Fruits and Vegetables Percent Water Calories Serving
Bibb Lettuce 96% 7 kcal 1 cup raw
Cucumber 95% 16 kcal 1 cup raw
Zucchini 95% 17 kcal 1 cup raw
Bell Pepper 94% 18 kcal 1 cup raw
Watermelon 91% 23 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Strawberries 91% 25 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Red Cabbage 90% 28 kcal 1 cup raw
Peach 89% 30 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Raspberries 86% 32 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Apricot 86% 37 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Blueberries 84% 42 kcal 1/2 cup raw
Pichuberries 84% 43 kcal 1/2 cup raw

Source: Dave Sommers, RAWBINA

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Natural Sinus Relief

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This can be used for colds or fevers or sinus and is an excellent all-around I want to be healthier drink. Action: warm water (not hot), 1 tbsp. local raw honey, 1 tbsp. organic apple cider vinegar -like Braggs, a squeeze of lemon juice (organic lemon), a pinch of cayenne pepper

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Why water should be the first thing you have when you wake up.

When you wake up, water first!

  • When you wake up in the morning, drinking water on an empty stomach stimulates activity in your organs, essentially waking them up.
  • Drinking nothing but water first when you wake up allows the body to detox by removing waste that accumulated while you slept.  
  • Starting the day with a 16 ounce glass of chilled water can boost your metabolism by up to 24%, helping to to lose excess weight.
  • A glass of water first thing in the morning will cleanse your digestive system thus making it easier for the body to absorb more nutrients.
  • Since water helps the body remove waste and toxins, beginning your long day with a glass of water will have a positive effect on the health of your skin, leaving it looking more healthy.
  • That first glass of water when you rise from your slumber stimulates production of more muscle and blood cells.
  • Kick off your day with a glass of water and it will help to balance your lymph system. 

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10 helpful tips for diabetics

File:Insulin pen.JPG
While the standards of processed foods plunge, the instance of chronic illness rise along with health insurance costs.  In 2011 25.8 million adults and children were diabetic.  Here are 10 steps you can take to ease the symptoms of diabetes:

  1. Do some kind of exercise every day.
  2. Do not eat immediately after working out.
  3. Don't eat fast, chew, taste, enjoy each bite to the fullest before swallowing.
  4. Add wheat bran to wheat flour to a 50/50 ratio which increases beneficial fiber in the diet.
  5. Eat at designated times and do not overeat!
  6. Drink a lot of water.  It helps to remove toxins from your body.
  7. Have a fresh salad before or with every meal.
  8. If you are taking insulin, make sure you eat 3 proper meals a day and have snacks in between.
  9. Eat at least 20 to 25 grams of raw onion each day.
  10. Make sure the gaps between your meals are short and avoid fried food and sweetmeats.

Another thing you could do to improve your overall health is to reduce the amount of heavily processed foods you eat, avoid tobacco, and avoid alcohol.

Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

Lemon is a natural energizer. It hydrates and oxygenates the body so it feels revitalized and refreshed!
Lemon water can boost your immune system
Balance pH
Flush out unwated materials
Decrease wrinkles and blemishes, relieve tooth pain,
relieves respirtory problems, cures throat infections,
excellent for weight loss, reduces fever and can be a blood purifier!


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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