Natural Cures Not Medicine: inflammation

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Showing posts with label inflammation. Show all posts

Health benefits of chlorella

If its impressive nutritional profile is not enough, the healing powers of chlorella should have you searching the grocery aisles for this green superfood!

More and more people are learning about this wonder food which does many different things from anti aging to immune system support.

     The rise of modern society has brought new problems as well as breakthroughs.  Industry pushes forward and our environment becomes more toxic due to this.  Air, food, water, and even psychological pollution is rampant and has a negative effect on our physiology.  Cigarette smoke in a bar contains cadmium, a harmful substance that causes atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.  Heavy metals like lead and arsenic are present in our drinking water.  Studies also show that negative attitudes and stress cause further harm in the body.  Improper metabolism of foods and secretions from bacteria in the colon result in the release of toxins which wreak havoc in the body, causing increased aging internally and externally.  Heavy industrial pesticides on our fruits and vegetables offer a cocktail of cancer causing toxins that beat down the immune system and cause damage to living tissue wherever they are present.  Did you know that 100 years ago hardly any people died from cancer?  Luckily, there are some steps that you can take to prevent cancer and other horrible diseases resulting form our toxic environment, and most important among them is nutrition.  This is where chlorella comes in.
     One of the biggest perks that is known to come with consuming chlorella regularly is anti aging.  The fact that the cell walls of chlorella bind very effectively to toxins and "escort" them out of the body makes this super food an obvious choice for people who want to detoxify their body.  Free radicals and toxins are known to cause inflammation throughout the body when they are present in the blood stream, and it is this systemic inflammation that speeds up aging and gives rise to horrible afflictions such as cancer and heart disease.  Getting rid of these toxins is important, but it is only half the battle.  A nutritious diet can promote immune health and chlorella is an excellent source of immune boosting nourishment.  The production of critical immune components is helped along by consuming chlorella regularly.  T-cells, our body's cancer and virus killers, are crucial to immune function.  Data shows that keeping chlorella in your diet helps the body to produce more T-cells.  B-cells do battle with harmful bacteria in the body and are also produced more effectively with the introduction of chorella in our diet.  Macrophages, the body's cancer busters, also are shown to increase when this super green food is consumed regularly.  Weight problems, ulcers, seizures, asthma, cold, flu, high blood pressure, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, add, and ulcers are among a long list of conditions that can be treated and prevented by making chlorella part of your daily intake.

This really is a miracle food and the sooner you start eating it the sooner you will feel amazing!

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Health boosting seasonings for your food

Garlic and Onions:  These contain phytochemicals that break down fat in the body.  They also break down LDL cholesterol,raise HDL(good) cholesterol.  They even eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protect against heart disease!  Quercetin found in onions is a strong anticancer and the allicin found in garlic fights several types of cancers as well.

Turmeric:  This spice has more beta carotene than any other source.  Beta carotene is an antioxidant that helps protect the liver against free radical damage.  Turmeric also allows your liver heal while it helps the body metabolize fat by reducing the rate of fat storage in liver cells.  Several studies have shown that turmeric protects against brain damage, including diseases like alzheimer's and parkinson's.  Turmeric also has astounding anti cancer effects!

Cinnamon:  Research from the USDA showed that 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with a meal helps to metabolize sugar up to 20 times more effective!  Limiting the amount of sugar in the blood can help to curb excess fat storage and thus help to avoid other various weight-related illnesses.  The fact that it balances sugar levels also makes cinnamon useful for stabilizing mood and energy levels.

Chilies:  These delicious peppers can add a kick to any meal but did you know they also kick your metabolism into gear?  Chilies also lessen pain and inflammation in the body.  A cancer research study conducted in 2006 concluded that the capsaicin in chilis helped stop the spread of prostate cancer.

Remember that when adding some flavor to your next dish, you can add some years to your life also.

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Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

For relief from psoriasis, first turn to nature.

Psoriasis is a wide spread skin problem that causes great discomfort, sleep problems, and greatly diminishes quality of life for those who suffer from it.  Here are some natural remedies and some additional health bonuses you can enjoy from using them:

Apple cider vinegar:  Also apply to skin to remove warts and age spots.  If taken internally, apple cider vinegar can help to cleanse the liver, lymph system, and help balance out the body's alkalinity.

Dead sea mud:  In addition to exfoliating skin, black dead sea mud also helps to maintain healthy looking skin and improves circulation.  This special mud is a heavy duty moisturizer and can be used to also treat eczema and acne. 

Olive oil:  Applied topically, olive oil rejuvenates and repairs skin but also yields significant health benefits if taken orally such as reducing the risk of heart disease and aiding in digestion.

Goldenseal:  Goldenseal has dozens of other uses including aiding in digestion, antiseptic properties and promotion of healthy heart function.  Nausea, vomiting, and night sweats can also be treated with this ancient herb.

Epsom salt:  Bathing in Epsom salt can help with skin inflammation and rashes in addition to psoriasis and has the added effect of relieving joint pain, muscle pain, and fibromyalgia.

Comfrey:  Comfrey stimulates rapid skin regeneration so effectively that it has been used frequently by battlefield medics.  Comfrey is also used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, mouth sores, and promotes cardiovascular health.

Aloe Vera:  Psoriasis can be effectively treated using the gel from this plant which is also widely used to relieve traumatic burns and overexposure to the sun.  Aloe Vera can also be used to treat skin abrasions and acne.

Coconut oil:  In addition to being an effective treatment for multiple skin problems including psoriasis, coconut oil can also be used for healthy hair and promotes heart health.  Data shows that coconut oil, if ingested regularly, can promote brain health and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Dead sea salt:  Studies show that all the symptoms of psoriasis can be alleviated by taking dead sea salt baths.  Muscle relaxation is another plus and even people who suffer from osteoarthritis have reported having reduced pain as a result of trying dead sea salt.

Tea tree oil:  Other skin conditions such as boils, acne, and warts can be effectively treated using this essential oil as well.  Soar throat, congestion, dandruff, and lice are also treatable using tea tree oil.

Sunlight:  Calcium and phosphorus absorption are aided by the production of vitamin D resulting from sun exposure, helping to promote bone health as well as skin health.  Sunlight has been shown to help with depression as well.

Neem leaf oil:  Neem leaf oil can also help with head lice, eczema, and scabies.

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Health benefits of alfalfa sprouts

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Surprising health benefits of avocado!

Who doesn't like a bit of guacamole?  Well it may turn out that there is much more to like about the super-fruit avocado than just the flavor!

Nature's health insurance!

Anti Cancer:  Avocados are a rich source of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking the absorption of certain fats in the intestines.  Scientists also suspect that avocados may be useful in treating viral hepatitis, a cause of liver cancer.

Helps Diabetes:  Avocados are absolutely packed with monounsaturated fats also known as "the good fat."  These fats actually help lower bad or LDL cholesterol and raise beneficial HDL cholesterol in the blood.  Cholesterol management is crucial for diabetes patients due to the heightened heart disease risk due to diabetes.  Monounsaturated fats may also help the body process insulin and glucose more readily.  Avocados also tout high levels of Vitamin E which is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and nerve damage in diabetics.

Reduces Inflammation:  Since avocados remove free radicals, they prevent cell damage and reduce inflammation throughout the body.  Some even believe that consuming avocados regularly can slow the process of aging!

Remember that avocados can be incorporated into several recipes and even help you absorb more of the nutrients from the meals in which they are included and even aid in weight loss!  The darker part of the fruit closest to the skin contains most of the beneficial compounds so don't let any go to waste!   Oh yeah, plant the seed too.

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Bread Alert: Gluten could be deadly!

Know if you have gluten intolerance

All to often is gluten intolerance misdiagnosed.  Symptoms are mistaken for a different condition while the patient continues down the path that led to health problems in the first place.  Although some people are highly allergic to gluten and cannot have any in their diet at all, there are also varying degrees of sensitivity and many don't know that gluten is a problem for their health.  Aside from the fact that gluten can cause a great deal of inflammation, it also blocks the body from absorbing nutrients and has been also linked to excessive weight gain also known as "wheat belly."  There are several food and even non food products that contain gluten but it is worth the effort to eliminate it from your diet as much as possible.  There is a growing number of gluten free products and many gluten free breads taste even better than regular wheat or bleached flour breads.  Pastas, pancake mixes, and cereals are sold in major supermarkets that are gluten free and can soften the blow of removing wheat and other gluten containing foodstuff from your meal plan permanently.  Take action now!  Here are some symptoms of gluten intolerance.

-Dizziness and feeling off balance

-Gas and bloating 

-Feeling run down after eating a meal containing gluten

-Depression and anxiety


-Diagnosis of several different types of autoimmune disorders

-Hormone imbalances or infertility



-Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia

Photo credit: 3268zauber

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The health benefits of walnuts

The health benefits of walnut!

photo by: thesupermat

-Walnuts are rich in B vitamins.  Among these are pantothenic acid, riboflavin, folates, and niacin.  B vitamins help the body manage energy levels and build new blood cells.

-Walnuts are loaded with omega 3 essential fatty acids.  Just 25 grams of walnut will yield about 90% of your daily need for omega 3 fats.  These fatty acids are absolutely crucial for good health and not only help to manage blood pressure but can also naturally prevent heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol levels in the body.

Walnuts are a great brain food!:

-Walnut oil can be used to help the skin.  It has astringent properties and can also protect against dryness.

-Walnuts are packed with phytonutrients that could boost the overall antioxidant properties of these nuts.  Included are vitamin E, melatonin, carotenoids, and poly-phenolic compounds which could be effective against cancer, inflammation, aging, and neurological disorders.

-Walnuts have a great amount of vitamin E.  Vitamin E helps prevent damage to cells in the body by guarding against oxygen free radicals.

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Health benefits of sweet potatoes

Mashed or fried, sweet potatoes impress the taste buds and are a staple in home cooking around the world. What is even more impressive than the flavor is the impact sweet potatoes can have on your health and well being!
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Digestive tract:  Research shows that sweet potatoes may help remove heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic from the digestive tract.  They also have a good amount of dietary fiber which promotes a healthy digestive system.

Anti inflammatory:  Consuming sweet potatoes lowers inflammation in brain tissue and nerve tissue throughout the body.  The vitamin C, beta carotene, manganese, and vitamin B-6 in sweet potatoes are very effective at treating internal and external inflammation.

Blood sugar:  The abundance of chlorogenic acid in sweet potatoes may help decrease insulin resistance.  Sweet potatoes also are high in fiber which can help to manage cholesterol and blood sugar levels, while the carotenoids present in sweet potatoes help your body respond to insulin and stabilize your blood pressure.

Antioxidants:  Anthocyanin, the antioxidant pigment which is abundant in the starch of sweet potatoes, may protect the body against oxygen radicals and heavy metals.  Sweet potatoes are also loaded with vitamins A and C, which are thought to protect against several types of cancer.  Storage enzymes found in the sweet potatoes adds to the overall antioxidant punch of this food.  

Arthritis:  Sweet potatoes contain vitamin C which helps to maintain collagen and prevents some forms of arthritis.  Beta-cryptoxanthin, also found in sweet potatoes, helps guard against inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, reducing the risk by up to 50% in some cases.

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Health benefits of lavender

Most likely known for its use in lotions, perfumes, and soaps, lavender is known for its wonderful smell and brilliant purple blooms.  However, there are some other uses for this special herb that could surprise you.


-Lavender relieves tension and anxiety naturally.  Crush the leaves in your hands or rub lavender essential oil on your temples for some stress reducing aromatherapy.

-Adding lavender essential oils to your bath will help to soothe and relax tired muscles.

-If you have a burn, inflammation, or irritation, you can use lavender oil topically to soothe.

-Lavender can provide a natural alternative to chemical laden perfumes and colognes.

-Lavender helps you sleep better.  Add some lavender essential oil to a spray bottle and lightly mist your bedspread and pillows before calling it a night.

-A natural antiseptic, lavender oil can be applied to skin abrasions to guard against infections.

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Natural Cures Not Medicine
Nutrition is nature's health insurance.

Natures Most Potent Allergy Blockers

Spring and Fall are oh so beautiful times of the year as Mother Nature is changing so vibrantly during these seasons. However, these seasons also send millions of people around the world running for the pharmacy to buy the strongest and most expensive anti-allergy medication they can find. Most people believe that their allergies are caused by pollen, dander, cat or dog fur etc, but the truth about what causes these allergies is much more complex. Most of these 'allergens' are actually harmless because what REALLY causes most allergic reactions is YOUR OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM! It mistakes these incoming allergens as a serious threat and begins an all out immune system assault, resulting in the excessive sneezing, coughing,  mucus, itching eyes etc associated with an allergic reaction. The body then floods your system with special cells called 'mast cells' which release chemicals like histamine which in turn cause your allergy symptoms.

Your current health certainly has an impact on wether you will develop a reaction or not, so it is best to try to keep your immune system well supplied during these times to prevent your body from developing allergies. You should also do your own research when identifying a natural remedy that works for you. Some severe adverse reactions have been reported by some people while taking some of these remedies below and some are not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Below is a list of some of Natures most potent allergy blockers.

Butterbur Plant

  • Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) ~ This perennial plant is native to Europe and Northern Asia and is member of the Daisy family. It has been used for thousands of years by indigenous people for many physical ailments and modern medicine knew of it's amazing ability to curb severe migraines decades ago. However, scientists have recently been studying Butterbur in allergy reduction and prevention with amazing results. It does however contain a toxic element, Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid (PA's), that in high doses can causes severe physical reactions and cause various cancers. Many manufacturers have made butterbur extracts available by removing the PA's and always be sure that your butterbur product contains NO PA's before attempting to curb your allergies with Burrterbur.
  • Stinging Nettles ~ Stinging Nettles have been used in various forms for allergies all over the world and is considered one of the best natural histamine blockers. It can be used in the form of tea, freeze dried, capsulated or some people even eat the leaves raw (which we DO NOT recommend). They have long been used as an allergy medication because of their ability to curb histamine production therefore resulting in smaller allergic reactions. A few words of caution ~ nettles can affect menstrual cycles and they should not be used during pregnancy. If you are taking blood pressure medication, be aware that nettles can lower your blood pressure. Drink lots of water when using nettle as it also acts as a diuretic.
  • Burdock Root ~ This root has been used for many thousands of years and is a key ingredient in many ancient Chinese medicinal remedies. Burdock is a common weed that produces purple flowers. It has very volatile oils, carbohydrates, fatty oils, tannins and plant sterols. The root of this herb has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, which is why it has been used to treat allergic reactions.
  • Quercetin ~ This substance is found in the skin of onions, red grapes and apples among other plants and is natural antihistamine. It is a plant based chemical known as a flavanoid and further evidence shows that quercetin is effective in restoring normal insulin function that can lower risks from metabolic conditions including diabetes
  • Bromelain ~ This enzyme is primarily derived from the stems of pineapples, and has long been used for medicinal purposes by natives of Central and South America. It is thought to inhibit the bodies production of histamines, therefore reducing the severity of allergic reactions.
  • Bee Propolis ~ Bee Propolis is produced by, you guessed it, Bees! It is generally used by Bees in the hive for dozens of different purposes including sealing the hive, reinforcing hive strength and it is believed to help strengthen the human immune system, thereby helping to reduce allergic reactions. 
There are many manufactures of natural allergy remedies and I suggest you find one that works for you and your specific allergy needs.

Alex is a renowned speaker, (R)evolutionary teacher and world traveler, having lived and studied in the United States, South Africa and Costa Rica. She has a BA in Environmental Studies, a Masters Degree in Psychology and is a qualified Yoga instructor. She is a continuous source of inspiration to thousands of women around the world and has spent her life tirelessly researching ways to maintain a fully balanced life. 

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Keep healthy using nature.

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A dozen reasons to eat Brussels sprouts

Ok, not the most popular veggies among children but they could be nature's health insurance if you include these strange looking greens in your diet.

Brussels sprouts have been cultivated for food since the 16th century.  Cultivation in the U.S. began in the 8th century when French settlers brought them to Louisiana.  Like broccoli, they contain a chemical called sulforaphane which is believed to have strong anti cancer properties.  Brussels sprouts also contain indole-3-carbinol, a substance that helps repair DNA in the cells and appears to block the growth of cancer cells.  The best way to prepare Brussels sprouts in order to maintain the potent nutritive and healing value is to steam or stir fry rather than boiling. 

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Surprising health benefits of black cherries

Besides tasting amazing, there are some other reasons to eat black cherries!
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  • Anti inflammatory:  Studies suggest that eating cherries can help with inflammation.  A study out of the Journal of Nutrition suggests that compounds in black cherries inhibit inflammatory pathways.
  • Sleep:  Black cherries contain both tryptophan and melatonin which help you sleep.  Sleep problems can lead to scores of other health problems including obesity, diabetes and depression.
  • Muscle recovery:  A study suggests that black cherries may help improve muscle recovery because of their anti inflammatory, antioxidant, and lipid peroxidation capabilities.
  • Treats gout:  Some studies show that black cherry juice can be  taken to reduce gout flare ups.  

6 health boosts from pomegranates

Pomegranate flavored drinks and treats seem to be a big hit, but where did all the hype come from?  It turns out this strange looking fruit has powerful effects when eaten.

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Heart health:  Pomegranate helps maintain normal blood flow to the heart.  Its antioxidant qualities reduce harmful cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.

Immune health:  The abundant antioxidants in pomegranates are believed to strengthen the immune system.

Skin health:  Pomegranate is credited with giving skin a more healthy appearance and also eases skin inflammation.

Protect against illness:  The antioxidants in pomegranates remove free radicals that cause tissue damage in the body but is also believed to have antiviral effects as well.  There are also claims that pomegranate can be useful for treating minor illnesses like a soar throat.

Prevent Alzheimer's:  Pomegranate may reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Prevent Cancer:  This wonder fruit is loaded with antioxidants called flavoring which may help counteract cancer agents in the body.

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Amazing healing power of lemons

When life gives you lemons, well, you feel incredible!

  • Lemons contain citric acid which can help to dissolve calcium deposits, kidney stones, and gallstones.
  • Lemons are rich in vitamin C which is regarded s the detox vitamin that removes free radicals that cause inflammation and pain and helps with illnesses as well.
  • Lemons contain hesperetin which could help with diabetes as it lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Helps restore the body's PH and makes you more alkaline.
  • The peel of the lemon contains a phtyonutrient called tangeretin which has been proven to be helpful for brain disorders.
  • Rutin can be found in lemons and has been found to relieve the symptoms of eye disorders.
  • Lemon contains terpene limonoids which have proven antiviral effects.
  • The hesperetin found in lemons helps with allergy symptoms.

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Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

Our environment is toxic, not just the air but the food we eat, the water we drink, and even our soap.  Cancer, heart disease, inflammation, and pain are on the rise due to these conditions which are brought on by careless industry.  Protect your body and your DNA by utilizing natures stockpile of detoxifying weapons!

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Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that is converted to vitamin A in the body.  And are believed to have potent anti cancer properties.  Consuming carrots regularly can help to flush toxins out of the body.

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Broccoli is a superfood that fights cancer and stimulates enzymes effectively.  Consuming broccoli can help stimulate the production of enzymes in the liver that neutralize the effects of cancer throughout the body and even slow down the progression of existing cancer cells.  Phytonutrients in broccoli enhance the phase II enzyme system that aids in the excretion of foreign molecules.
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Lemons are loaded with vitamin c aka the detox vitamin .  Consuming lemons helps convert toxins into a water soluble form that is easily shed by the the body.  Lemon juice added to water can help make your body more alkaline which guards against viruses, bacteria, and cancer.
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Garlic stimulates the liver enzymes that remove waste from the body.  Research also shows that garlic has anti cancer properties.  Garlic also has several additional health benefits including reducing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol.

Read more about natural detox foods

Start eating kale now!


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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