Natural Cures Not Medicine: heavy metals

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Showing posts with label heavy metals. Show all posts

Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS, Depression and Bipolar Disorder All Linked To Metal Toxicity

Metal toxicants entering the part of the brain that deals with stress and panic have been linked to disorders dealing with the central nervous system. Increasing evidence indicates that damage to the locus ceruleus (LC), is present in a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases including demyelinating and psychiatric disorders. 

There are a growing number of Clinicians and Scientists who are convinced that excitotoxins and heavy metals play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders, including migraines, seizures, infections, abnormal neural development, certain endocrine disorders, specific types of obesity, and especially the neurodegenerative diseases; a group of diseases which includes: ALS, Parkinson's disease,Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and olivopontocerebellar degeneration.

The locus ceruleus (LC) is a nucleus in the pons (part of the brainstem) involved with physiological responses to stress and panic. It is the principal site for brain synthesis of the hormone and neurotransmitter norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
It has been known for many years that toxicants (i.e., poisons that are put into the environment or human body by human activity) that block the uptake of noradrenaline can damage the LC of experimental animals.

The recent finding that a metal toxicant, inorganic mercury, selectively enters the cytoplasm of human LC neuron has prompted researchers to investigate how these toxicants cause many of these CNS disorders.

The Locus Ceruleus Is Upregulated By Stress

An increased output of noradrenaline from the LC can be elicited by a wide range of acute and chronic stressors, in particular those that are physical (e.g., pain), psychological (e.g., anxiety), or social (e.g., isolation). Chronic stressors can keep noradrenergic neurons in a highly active state permanently. Stressors can increase the uptake of circulating toxicants that use neurotransmitter transporters to enter LC neurons.

Stress has been implicated in the onset or relapse of a number of neurodegenerative, demyelinating and psychiatric conditions. The increased activity of the LC during stress, with a concomitant increase in neurotransmitter release and re-uptake, encourage circulating toxicants to enter the terminal axons of LC neurons.
Studies indicating which elements of the LC-Toxicant hypothesis relate to particular CNS disorders.

CNS Regions Are Innervated By The Locus Ceruleus
About 70% of all CNS noradrenaline comes from the LC innervate in particular CNS regions that are involved in Alzheimer’s disease (hippocampus, neocortex, basal forebrain), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (brain stem and spinal motor neurons), and mood disorders (amygdala). The substantia nigra, which is damaged in Parkinson’s disease, also receives innervation from the LC.
The normal human brain contains about 32,000 LC neurons and is estimated to contain capillaries with a total length of 640 kilometres. This means that, on average, each LC neuron is responsible for innervating 20 meters of capillaries. No other neuronal system has such widespread contact with circulating blood.

Noradrenaline plays an important part in maintaining the integrity of the blood-brain barrier and in responding to stressors by increasing cerebral blood flow. With their large exposure to the blood circulation, LC neurons could take up toxicants even if they were at low levels in the blood.
Noradrenaline also suppresses inflammation, mostly because of its affects on microglia, which have a high expression of adrenoreceptors. Inflammation would be further increased if a permeable blood-brain barrier, caused by noradrenaline depletion, allowed inflammatory cells to enter the CNS. 

The Locus Ceruleus Has Been Shown To Be Damaged In Neurodegenerative, Demyelinating, and Psychiatric Disorders
A man who injected himself intravenously with metallic mercury had mercury staining in the cytoplasm of about 70% of his LC neurons. This individual committed suicide a few months after the mercury injection, so mercury uptake by the LC may have been aided by stress-induced upregulation of the LC neurons. This is the first time that a metal toxicant has been found to be able to enter the human LC selectively.

Neuromelanin, a dark pigment produced neurons in the LC, increases during aging and may influence cell function. Neuromelanin could initially play a protective role by chelating certain circulating metal toxicants such as mercury and lead and when production is inhibited could dramatically affect uptake.

Recent reviews have highlighted the extent of LC damage in neurodegenerative, demyelinating, and psychiatric disorders.
The LC-Toxicant hypothesis can explain a number of puzzling features of neurodegenerative, demyelinating and psychiatric disorders, which are grouped below under the term “neurodegenerative disorders”.
One agent that enters neurons at an early age and cause damage later in life is a heavy metal, since metal toxicants persists within human neurons for many years.

CNS and Neurogenerative Disorders

In Parkinson’s disease, cell loss is more severe in the LC than in the substantia nigra. This fits with suggestions based on animal experiments that in Parkinson’s disease LC damage occurs first, and that the noradrenaline-deficient substantia nigra is then more susceptible to toxic insults.

The topographical distribution of cell loss in the LC varies in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and depression. he type of pathology differs as well, with LC cell loss in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, gliosis in multiple sclerosis, and neuronal shrinkage in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. These topographical and pathological differences suggest that toxicants affect LC neurons in different ways.

Genetic variation is unlikely to account for the variations in incidence of neurodegenerative disorders that have been described between city and country living, or for increases or decreases of disease incidence over time. Here environmental factors are more likely. The LC would be subjected to different toxicants in the city versus the country, and would be exposed to different levels of pollutants over time. Geographic differences in toxicant exposure could interact with other environmental factors in a disorder such as multiple sclerosis, where a reduction in sunlight and vitamin D levels at increased latitudes has been implicated.

Herbicides, pesticides, vaccinations, medications and industrial exposures may be the most effective approach likely to define groups with known exposures to certain toxicants and then look for genetic variants (either single nucleotide, copy number, or epigenetic) in the biological pathways that normally protect individuals from these toxicants. An analysis could then be undertaken to see if these genetic variants are more common in people within these defined groups who have neurodegenerative disorders.

What is Heavy Metal Toxicity and What Can you Do About It?

Heavy metal toxicity is something i think we don't talk enough about in the holistic industry. However, heavy metals are everywhere, surrounding us in our daily lives and activities.

First of all, i would like to give you a definition of what toxicity means:

-Toxins are proteins formed by bacteria, animals or plants. We talk about toxicity when we evaluate the property of a toxin of being poisonous. Toxicity spreads around the body, taking differents paths through the blood and tissues. When not flushed properly through natural excretion pathways like stolls, urine and sweat, build up and accumulation of toxins appears and usually get stored in our fatty tissues. This is what we call Toxaemia. Toxaemia results in the overall body malfunctions. The immune system is compromised, Ph of blood and tissues acidifies, depression symptoms appears, skin rashes, thyroid problems, chronic migraines, mental and neurological disorders like Alzheimer, Parkinson's, MS, ADD, metallic taste in mouth and chronic inflammation, low libido, PMS, prostate problems, impotence, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease and many more might be the result of toxaemia.

Your body is clever and know how to flush those toxins, but sometimes overload might occurs and this is when trouble comes. Overlaod is most of the time the result of poor lifestyle choices and nutrition. Daily heavy metal poisoning can be due to many factors like cigarettes smoking, high alcohol intake, acidic diet made of too much meat, refined product, inflammatory foods and not enough alkaline forming foods, drinking tap water, conventional dental fillings, lack of physical exercise and recreational drug intake, non-organic foods.

Now there are different types of Heavy metals:

-Arsenic affects neurological functions and can lead to chronic migraines, apathy, confusion. Ways to find out if you are toxic in arsenic is to see if your breath smells like garlic even though you didn't eat any garlic lately. White spots on the nails can also be a high toxicity in arsenic (as well as deficiency in zinc and iron).

-Lead affects hormonal functions and memory. High toxicity can lead to insomnia, tingling of the limb, depression, unusual taste in mouth, light blue pigmentation on the skin might appear in severe cases. Lead is found in water pipes, canned fruits, car batteries.

-Cadmium affects the kidneys, respiratory and squeletal system. High toxicity can lead to bone fragility, gout, loss of smell, hair loss, zinc deficiency, raise in blood pressure. Cadmium is heavily absorb by the lungs. It used in fertilisers, industrial beers production, cigarettes, sodas. So if someone for example drinks too many beers and sodas and smokes too much, a accumulation of cadmuim might occurs and lower zinc levels which could be a result of prostate problems as prostate needs a lot of zinc to maintain proper functions.

-Mercury affect many things like coordination, gums problems, excessive salivation, neuropathy, depression, irritability, fibromyalgia, fear, apathy, abnormal heartbeat. Mercury is all over the place, from longer fish, to vaccines, passing by tap water and conventional dental fillings, it is hard to avoid mercury.

-Aluminium is a neurotoxin which lead to hypersensitivity, migraines, lower kidney functions, sleep disorders and neuro-muscular disease. It is found everywhere too and especially in vaccines.

-Copper affects mainly the emotions. Mood swing, depression, agitation, ADD, anxiety, chronic stress, insomnia, fibromyalgia, raise of blood pressure and hair loss can all be results of high copper toxicity. Copper can also accumulate in the thyroid leading to hyperthyroism. The pill increase the accumulation and retention of copper in the kidneys. It is mainly found in hot water tabs as the hot water pipes are made of copper.

There are many ways to remove and facilitate the excretion of those nasty little things.

My favorite is fresh crushed garlic, everyday with a green salad, with turmeric and cayenne pepper or just the way you like it the most. (avoid on a first date ;) ) Then Coriander is excellent is the removal of heavy metal, take it as a tea, infuse for 5 to 10 minutes with fresh orange peal, 3 times daily for 2 months minimum. Then there is Chlorophyl, fresh juice of it, around 50ml everyday, in the morning before breakfast is absolutely amazing in the general detox of the body and removal of heavy metals. Then, there is the Glutathione-skin brushing-epsom salt-exercise combo which works very well too.

In all cases, keep a balance lifestyle, exercise, eat fresh and organic as much as possible, have fun, be happy, dream a lot, explore your limits, do regular mini detox, socialise and don't be a purist, just be realistic and live your life the way you think is best for you and gives you the motivation to get up every morning and looking forward to a new day.


About the author

Brandon from Brighton
I am a Holistic Health practitioner. I am all about take it easy, keep things simple and balanced and enjoy what Life, World and Nature have to offer. Check my Facebook page out : The Holistic Dude

12 things you didn't know about the labels on your food

Are you confused about food label claims and what they really mean? That’s part of the strategy of the global food giants, of course: confuse you with so much noise that you give up trying to make sense of it all.
That’s why I wrote this article: to demystify food label claims and give you the low-down on what they really mean. Most of these points will probably surprise you…

#1) “Kosher” does not mean non-GMO
Genetically engineered ingredients are openly allowed in Kosher-certified foods. The Kosher certification does not involve testing for GMOs, and Kosher certifications are routinely found on foods containing GMOs.

#2) “Organic” does not mean low in heavy metals
The USDA certified organic certification process does not test for heavy metals. Foods that are very high in lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and even aluminum are openly allowed to be labeled USDA certified organic.

#3) “Non-GMO” does not mean organic
Just because a food is certified non-GMO doesn’t mean it is organic. Even conventionally-raised crops such as corn, soy and canola can be certified non-GMO if they are grown without genetically engineered seeds.
There are several snack chips on the market right now which use non-GMO ingredients grown with chemical pesticides.

#4) “All Natural” doesn’t mean anything at all
The phrase “All Natural” is not regulated in any way by the FDA. Any foods, including foods made with artificial colors, chemical sweeteners, chemical preservatives and GMOs, can be labeled “all natural.”
“All natural” is the trick used by large food corporations to try to mislead consumers into thinking their junk food products are somehow organic.

#5) “Trans-Fat Free” does not mean free from trans fats
The FDA currently allows foods containing up to 0.5g of trans fats per serving to claim ZERO grams of trans fats per serving.

The FDA, you see, has been completely hijacked by food and drug corporations, and they have convinced the FDA to allow food labels to blatantly lie to consumers about what the food really contains. Everywhere else in the world, 0.5 does not equal zero. Even in high school math class, it’s rounded up to one. But at the FDA, 0.5 somehow means zero.

#6) “Non-GMO” does not mean certified non-GMO
There are many foods, superfoods and even nutritional products currently claiming to be “non-GMO” but failing to provide any certification of that status. A company that self-proclaims its products to be “non-GMO” is most likely trying to pull a fast one on you unless it can back up that claim with certification.
Only certified non-GMO means something. The next time you see a label that claims “non-GMO,” ask yourself, “Certified by whom?” “Where’s the proof?”

#7) “Gluten-free” foods are often GMO
Beware of GMOs in gluten-free foods. Because gluten-free foods are often based on corn, they are usually made with genetically modified corn containing BT toxin, a deadly insecticide.
Avoid gluten-free unless it’s also certified non-GMO.

#8) “Organic” foods can still contain a small amount of GMO
GMOs are so widespread that they have now contaminated virtually the entire food supply. Foods that are certified organic can still contain trace levels of GMOs.

How much are they allowed to contain? “there aren’t specific tolerance levels in the USDA organic regulations for GMOs,” says the USDA. “National Organic Program policy states that trace amounts of GMOs don’t automatically mean the farm is in violation of the USDA organic regulations. In these cases, the certifying agent will investigate how the inadvertent presence occurred and recommend how it can be better prevented in the future. For example, they may require a larger buffer zone or more thorough cleaning of a shared grain mill.”

Even though certified organic foods can still contain trace levels of GMOs, they are still far healthier for you than conventionally-grown foods, by the way.

#9) “Organic” foods are now being routinely grown in heavily polluted countries such as China
An increasing percentage of “organic” foods, superfoods and raw materials used in nutritional supplements are being imported from China. Natural News has found that these raw materials are consistently higher in heavy metals than competing products grown in North America.

But because they are significantly lower in case, they are being increasingly used in nutritional products or sold at health food stores after being labeled “organic.”

Organic certification standards openly allow organic farms in China to grow produce in fields that are heavily polluted with cadmium, lead and mercury. There is no limit on the heavy metals levels in soils used to produce USDA certified organic foods.

#10) The FDA currently has no limit on the amount of heavy metals allowed in foods, either
The FDA does, from time to time, conduct food contaminant tests on imported foods. However, the FDA does not publish or set any official limits on heavy metals in imported foods.

Usually, when the FDA does find metals in foods (such as arsenic in rice), it declares the contaminant “too low to cause short-term health risks” while blatantly ignoring the long-term health risks.

As long as the food is dead and not carrying e.coli or salmonella, there is almost no food too polluted for the FDA.

#11) The use of “organic” ingredients does not automatically make the whole product organic
Some products sold today are being described as “organic” when only a fraction of their ingredients are organic. This does not qualify a product to be called organic.

Unlike the phrase, “all natural,” the term “organic” is highly regulated by the federal government and carries a specific meaning. The mere presence of organic ingredients in a product is not sufficient to be able to claim the entire product is organic.

Interestingly, even if ALL the ingredients used in a product are certified organic, the product itself still needs to be separately certified to be accurately called “organic.”

By the way, sometimes the cleanest product in a particular category is not the one that’s certified organic, as we discovered in our heavy metals tests of chlorella superfoods.

#12) “Low calorie” almost always means it is sweetened with a chemical sweetener
Look on the ingredients labels of “low calorie” foods or beverages, and you’ll almost always find sucralose, acesulfame potassium, saccharin, aspartame or other chemical sweeteners. The presence of such chemical sweeteners is almost ubiquitous on foods sporting the “low calorie” label.

And yet “low calorie” does not mean it’s healthier for you in any way whatsoever. In fact, low-calorie foods such as diet sodas can still contain extremely damaging ingredients such as phosphoric acid, a potent chemical that can eat away your teeth and bones.

What is the ultimate food, then?The ultimate commercially-available food would be certified organic, certified non-GMO, grown in your local country, certified Kosher and lab tested to be very low in heavy metals

But if you just grow it in your own garden, you don’t need all those labels and certifications in the first place. You’ve got real food right from your own yard.

That’s why I encourage everyone to grow what you eat and eat what you grow. The answer to pollutants, GMOs, pesticides and heavy metals in foods is found when you get on your knees and put some seeds in the ground.

Everything else in the marketplace — including quadruple-certified premium food — is vastly inferior to food you grow yourself.

How do you know you can trust me on this point? Because I sell superfoods and I’m still telling you to grow your own instead. In my vision of a perfect world, the Natural News Store wouldn’t even exist because everybody would be growing their own foods and superfoods in their own yards or greenhouses.

Source: Natural News

Health benefits of chlorella

If its impressive nutritional profile is not enough, the healing powers of chlorella should have you searching the grocery aisles for this green superfood!

More and more people are learning about this wonder food which does many different things from anti aging to immune system support.

     The rise of modern society has brought new problems as well as breakthroughs.  Industry pushes forward and our environment becomes more toxic due to this.  Air, food, water, and even psychological pollution is rampant and has a negative effect on our physiology.  Cigarette smoke in a bar contains cadmium, a harmful substance that causes atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.  Heavy metals like lead and arsenic are present in our drinking water.  Studies also show that negative attitudes and stress cause further harm in the body.  Improper metabolism of foods and secretions from bacteria in the colon result in the release of toxins which wreak havoc in the body, causing increased aging internally and externally.  Heavy industrial pesticides on our fruits and vegetables offer a cocktail of cancer causing toxins that beat down the immune system and cause damage to living tissue wherever they are present.  Did you know that 100 years ago hardly any people died from cancer?  Luckily, there are some steps that you can take to prevent cancer and other horrible diseases resulting form our toxic environment, and most important among them is nutrition.  This is where chlorella comes in.
     One of the biggest perks that is known to come with consuming chlorella regularly is anti aging.  The fact that the cell walls of chlorella bind very effectively to toxins and "escort" them out of the body makes this super food an obvious choice for people who want to detoxify their body.  Free radicals and toxins are known to cause inflammation throughout the body when they are present in the blood stream, and it is this systemic inflammation that speeds up aging and gives rise to horrible afflictions such as cancer and heart disease.  Getting rid of these toxins is important, but it is only half the battle.  A nutritious diet can promote immune health and chlorella is an excellent source of immune boosting nourishment.  The production of critical immune components is helped along by consuming chlorella regularly.  T-cells, our body's cancer and virus killers, are crucial to immune function.  Data shows that keeping chlorella in your diet helps the body to produce more T-cells.  B-cells do battle with harmful bacteria in the body and are also produced more effectively with the introduction of chorella in our diet.  Macrophages, the body's cancer busters, also are shown to increase when this super green food is consumed regularly.  Weight problems, ulcers, seizures, asthma, cold, flu, high blood pressure, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, add, and ulcers are among a long list of conditions that can be treated and prevented by making chlorella part of your daily intake.

This really is a miracle food and the sooner you start eating it the sooner you will feel amazing!

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