Natural Cures Not Medicine: immune system

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Showing posts with label immune system. Show all posts

Top 10 Foods to Eat Daily for a Healthy Immune Response

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Staying well while those around you sniffle and sneeze requires that you extract as much nutrition from your diet as you can, loading up on the foods that pack the biggest nutritional punch.

Avoiding processed foods, grains and sugar will go a long way toward strengthening your immune system. However, you can do even more by selecting foods that are loaded with the specific immune boosting nutrients.

1. Fermented Foods
If you are serious about boosting your immunity, then adding traditionally fermented foods is essential.
One of the most healthful fermented foods is kefir. Kefir is an ancient cultured, enzyme-rich food full of friendly microorganisms that balance your “inner ecosystem” and strengthen immunity. Besides kefir, other good fermented foods include natto, kimchi, miso, tempeh, pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt (watch for sugar), and olives.
Friendly bacteria have a powerful, beneficial effect on your gut’s immune system, your first line defense against pathogens, and aid in the production of antibodies.

2. Raw Organic Eggs From Free-Range ChickensBefore you wrinkle up your nose, raw eggs are an inexpensive and amazing source of high-quality nutrients that many people are deficient in, especially high-quality protein and fat. I am a proponent of raw eggs because they have been so helpful to my own health.
As long as you have a good source for fresh, organic raw eggs, you need not worry about salmonella. To find free-range pasture farms, try your local health food store, or go to or

3. Coconuts and Coconut Oil
Besides being excellent for your thyroid and your metabolism, coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which converts in your body to monolaurin. Monolaurin is the actual compound found in breast milk that strengthens a baby’s immunity.
A great deal of research has been done establishing the ability of lauric acid to enhance immunity. This medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) actually disrupts the lipid membranes of offending organisms.
When selecting coconuts and coconut oil, make sure you choose organic ones that are unrefined, unbleached, made without heat processing or chemicals, and non-GMO.
4. Locally Grown Organic Vegetables
When it comes to fighting off pathogens, you simply can’t do any better than eating a variety of fresh, organic and preferably raw vegetables for the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes they contain. However, the amount and type of vegetables you should eat daily will depend on your nutritional type.
Make sure the veggies you choose are fresh. The nutrient value drops to practically zero once a fruit or vegetable is canned. For example, take a look at the ORAC value of peaches.
ORAC Values
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, and an ORAC unit or ORAC “score” is a standardized method of measuring the antioxidant capacity of different foods and supplements. The higher the ORAC score, the more effective a food is at neutralizing free radicals. The less free radicals you have, the healthier you will be.
Back to Peaches
A raw, fresh peach has an ORAC score of 1,814. A can of peaches in heavy syrup has an ORAC score of 436, meaning that more than 75 percent of the antioxidants are lost in the canning process.
You can check the ORAC score for many different things at The higher the score, the better. Please be aware, though, that the total antioxidant capacity of a food alone does not determine its health benefit, which depends on how it is absorbed and utilized by your body. ORAC score is a useful guide, but it is only part of the picture.
5. Blueberries and Raspberries
Blueberries and raspberries rate very high in antioxidant capacity (ORAC of 6,520), compared to other fruits and vegetables. Wild blueberries in particular are potent immune boosters. They contain powerful phytochemicals, such as anthocyanin, which is the pigment that gives blueberries their color. And they are lower in sugar than many other fruits.
Blueberry juice contains tons of fiber, and is also very high in Vitamin C. One of the qualities of antioxidants is that they can lower inflammation, and so there’s some indication that blueberries may have some effect on age-related cognitive abilities. And don’t forget that blueberries are very low in calories.
6. Mushrooms
Mushrooms strengthen your immune system because they are rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and even vitamin D – one of the only foods that can provide you with this essential immune strengthener.
Mushrooms make up a large part of the fabric of the earth. According to Paul Stamets, one of the world’s leading authorities on the health benefits of mushrooms, one cubic inch of soil can contain eight miles of mycelium.
Mushrooms also contain powerful compounds called beta glucans, which have been long known for their immune enhancing properties. The beta glucans in medicinal mushrooms (especially Reishi, Shiitake and Maitake) are notable for their ability to activate/modulate the immune system.
Beta glucan enhances immunity through a variety of mechanisms, many of which are similar to those of echinacea or astragalus root. For example, it binds to macrophages and other scavenger white blood cells, activating their anti-infection activities.[iv] Numerous studies support this.
7. Chlorella
As foods go, chlorella is nearly perfect.
Chlorella is a single-cell freshwater algae that acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins, such as mercury, and carries them out of your system. It is the chlorophyll in chlorella that makes it so powerful. Chlorophyll helps you process more oxygen, cleanses your blood and promotes the growth and repair of your tissues.
8. Propolis
Propolis is a bee resin and one of the most broad-spectrum antimicrobial compounds in the world, if not the broadest spectrum, according to master herbalist Donnie Yance. Propolis is also the richest source of caffeic acid and apigenin, two very important phenolic compounds that aid in immune response.
9. Teas
Green Tea and Matcha
Matcha is the most nutrient-rich green tea and comes in the form of a stone-ground powder, completely unfermented. The best Matcha comes from Japan and has up to seventeen times the antioxidants of wild blueberries, and seven times more than dark chocolate.
Green teas are rich in polyphenols, in the form of natural chemicals called catechins. The most powerful catechin in tea is epigallocatechin (EGCG), which was found in one study to be 25 to 100 times more potent than antioxidant vitamins C and E. And Matcha is more than 100 times as potent in EGCG as regular brewed green tea.
Tulsi tea, coming from the holy basil herb, has been used for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic medicine of India. Not only is this tea loaded with antioxidants, but it has multiple positive health benefits, including supporting your immune health, memory, heart health and vision.
White Tea
The anti-bacterial and anti-viral effect of white tea has been found to be even greater than that of green tea. White tea extract may help inactivate bacteria, viruses and fungi that affect humans.
10. Herbs and Spices
Herbs and spices are at the top of the list of high ORAC value foods on planet Earth. There are simply too many good ones to summarize here! So I will simply highlight a few that deserve special mention.
Although not at the top of the ORAC chart (5,346), garlic is incredibly beneficial to your immune system because it offers a triple-whammy: it’s antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal. You should be eating garlic every day. One of the best things about garlic is that bacteria, viruses, and yeast build up no resistance to it, unlike with synthetic antibiotics.
For optimal benefits, garlic should be fresh since the active ingredient is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic cloves. In other words, garlic capsules are basically useless.
Garlic contains allicin, a chemical that is anticarcinogenic. It also has been shown to lower LDL, lower total cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of blood clots and stroke, lower homocysteine, and even prevent insect bites — including mosquitoes and ticks.
Herbs and Spice and Everything Nice
Immunity from common infections involves not only preventing pathogens from taking hold, but also moderating the immune response to invading pathogens.
Complications arise when you experience an over-response to the infection, which is why H1N1 is taking its toll on healthy young adults. Their bodies are over responding — something called a “cytokine storm.” It’s basically a severe inflammatory response.[vi]
One wonderful thing about plants (and herbs especially) is that they don’t all stimulate the immune system—some modulate it, or act as a buffer.
Here are some of the best herbs and spices for building a strong immune system that functions correctly:
* Honeysuckle and chrysanthemum: good antivirals
* Artemisia: antimalarial
* Andrographis, aka “King of Bitters”: antiviral, and helps modulate inflammatory response
* Licorice: buffers the inflammatory response by increasing steroid output by the adrenal glands; a good buffer if your immune system is over responding to the flu.
Turmeric: ORAC score of 159,277; general immune system booster due to its high antioxidant capacity, and an anticancer agent as well; turneric is 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamins C and E, and even strong enough to scavenge the hydroxyl radical, which is considered by some to be the most reactive of all oxidants
* Black Pepper: Increases the bioavailability of just about all other foods–herbs and other things
Oregano: ORAC 13,970; active agent is rosmarinic acid, a strong antioxidant; one tablespoon of oregano has the antioxidant capacity of one medium apple
Cinnamon: ORAC 267,536; powerful antimicrobial agent—found to kill E. coli and many other bacteria; also has antiinflammatory compounds
* Cloves: THE BIG ORAC GRAND PRIZE WINNER AT 314,446, highest of all foods tested! Contains eugenol; its mild anaesthetic benefits are useful for toothaches and sore throats; good antiinflammatory
Dr. Joseph Mercola cited an interview with herbalist Donnie Yance, who shared his basic remedy for flu, should you come down with one.
Make this special tea from a combination of herbs that synergistically cause your body to sweat – which is very desirable if you want to eradicate a virus from your system. And then drink it hot and often:
1. Elderflower (used for hundreds of years for flu)
2. Boneset (eupatorium)
3. Yarrow
4. Linden
5. Peppermint
6. Ginger
By incorporating some of these fantastic foods, you’ll not only evade the circulating viruses but improve your overall health and longevity at the same time.

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Death by sugar!

Some experts compare processed sugar to heavy drugs

Processed sugars are among the top unhealthy food components that are far too prevalent in the modern diet.  Diabetes, tooth decay, and even cancer are connected to the excessive consumption of processed and refined sugars.  Try to get your sweet fix by munching on some fresh berries, a banana, or an crisp juicy apple which all contain fiber that will balance out the natural sugars and provide a sustained natural energy boost.  Here are some of the negative effects of consuming processed sugar:

-Heightened diabetes risk

-Oral health problems

-Disrupted metabolism

-Faster aging

-Weakened immune system

-Heightened cancer risk

-Weight problems

-Kidney damage

-Skin problems

-Sleep disruption

Since sugar is separated from its nutritional components when it is refined, it is considered empty calories.  In fact, refined sugar actually requires the body to spend important nutrients in order to process the pure sugars which cause shock in the system.  Consuming fructose increases the uric acid presence in the body which can cause low level inflammation, leading to various other health problems.  Consuming processed sugars over a long period of time creates a suitable environment within the body for infections and bacteria to thrive.  Acidic blood, which is achieved through a poor diet usually consisting of too much processed and even natural sugars, greatly increases the risk for developing cancer as well.  There is a misconception that juicing fruits is a healthy practice, but the fiber from the fruits must be consumed along with the plant based sugars to help digest and moderate blood sugar absorption.  Instead, eat or blend the fruit and save green vegetables for the juicing.

Photo by: Lauri Andler

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Health boosts from kiwi fruit!

A study at Rutgers University claimed that, ounce for ounce, kiwi is the world's most nutrient dense fruit.

A study in Italy showed that children suffered less from coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath at night when they consumed 5 to 7 servings of citrus or kiwi weekly.  People who suffer from asthma had impressive results from consuming kiwi, even if only eating kiwi 1 or 2 times a week.  Kiwi fruit can also help to reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing triglycerides and lowering the chance of forming blood clots.  A study concluded that kiwi can heal the body from damage to the DNA which also helps protect against cancer.  1 serving of kiwi contains 230% of the daily value for vitamin C which increases iron absorption, helps heal wounds,  boosts the immune system, and removes toxins from the blood stream.  Kiwi also contains zinc, which is good for the health of you teeth, hair, nails, and skin.

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Natural treatments for hepatitis C

Schisandra:  A study was conducted on a Japanese herbal medicine that contains schisandra showing the mix to have antiviral effect on hepatitis C.

Ginseng root:  Ginseng is used to strengthen the immune system and may even be useful for other types of liver conditions.

Milk Thistle:  Probably the most studied and widely used herbal remedy for hepatitis C is also safe to take with few side effects.  A study showed milk thistle may reduce the levels of hepatitis C virus in individuals who did not benefit from conventional treatments.

Licorice root:  A substance found in the dried roots can be used to treat hepatitis C.  When used in conjunction with milk thistle and other herbs, those who took the mix had improved measures of liver enzymes.  Licorice root has some side effects and can interact with medications such as heart medications, diuretics, and corticosteroids so be careful.

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How to grow wheat berries for juicing

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Juicing Wheat grass has several positive impacts on the health.
  • Diabetics can benefit from the fact that wheat grass regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Wheat grass cleanses the skin.
  • It purifies the blood and cleanses the liver, kidneys, and urinary tract.
  • It enhances capillaries and reduces high blood pressure thus helping prevent heart disease.
  • Wheat grass acts as an appetite suppressant.
  • It helps the nervous system and immune system
  • It contains antioxidants which protect cells from damage and rejuvenate aging cells. 

Soak wheat berries over night in luke warm water, covered, and in a dark place.  Rinse and drain and set in a dark area for another day.  Rinse a few more times and when there are white shoots about an 8th of and inch long, you can plant them in a medium, preferably organic soil that drains well.  Harvest the wheat grass for juicing early on when the nutrients are best for the taking.

Aloe Vera: the healing powerhouse!

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Aloe vera, in Russia, is referred to as "the elixir of youth" and has been revered since ancient times for its substantial healing effects.  Aloe vera is not just antibacterial but also anti viral and anti fungal and can even be used as a natural food preservative.  Since aloe contains 20 amino acids, it helps tremendously with muscle production.  It contains vitamins A, C, D, E, B, B-1, B-2, choline, B-12, folic acid, and several key enzymes which help break down food and improve nutrient absorption.  Aloe vera also loaded with minerals including copper, iron, zinc, sodium, calcium, potassium, chromium, and manganese.

Here are some health effects you can expect from Aloe Vera!

Helps with ulcers, heartburn, and diverticular disorders.

Can be used to treat acne.

File:Aloe vera leaf.jpgImproves oxygen levels in the blood.

Helps to boost immune system function.

Can reduce the time of healing for wounds.

Aloe juice can help with respiratory problems.

Natural anti inflammatory.

Can be used to treat eczema.

Has anti cancer effects.

Health bonuses of eating strawberries

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Strawberries are loved the world around and are included in many desserts, salads, frozen treats, and smoothies.  But, how many people actually know the numerous health benefits from eating the tasty natural treat?

Helps lower cholesterol

Enhances cognitive function

Promotes prenatal health

Protects eyes

Fights cancer cells

Helps with bone health

Helps reduce oxidative damage

Boosts the immune system

Has anti aging properties

Reduces cellular inflammation

Protects against cataracts

The next time you make a smoothie or bowl of oatmeal, make sure you don't leave this fruit out!

More info on strawberry health effects

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Start eating kale now!

Here are a handful of health pluses you can count on when adding kale to your routine.

  • Anti inflammatory:  Kale contains omega-3 fatty acids which help alleviate arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and asthma.
  • Detox and weight-loss:  The fiber and sulfur in kale aid with digestion and liver health.  The vitamin C in kale helps with hydration and increases your metabolism, leading to weight loss and healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Heart health:  Since kale is a good source of fiber, eating it can help lower cholesterol levels which in turn reduces the risk for heart disease.
  • Immune system:  Kale's impressive concentration of nutrients strengthens the immune system while fighting bacteria and viruses.  Kale has more iron than beef, making it an excellent source for vegetarians and vegans.  It helps more oxygen get to your blood and greatly helps those who are anemic.
  • Vision:  Kale's vitamin A content helps prevent optical disorders that come with age.  It also helps store vitamins in the retina.

Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

Lemon is a natural energizer. It hydrates and oxygenates the body so it feels revitalized and refreshed!
Lemon water can boost your immune system
Balance pH
Flush out unwated materials
Decrease wrinkles and blemishes, relieve tooth pain,
relieves respirtory problems, cures throat infections,
excellent for weight loss, reduces fever and can be a blood purifier!


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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