Natural Cures Not Medicine: heartburn

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Showing posts with label heartburn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heartburn. Show all posts

Do you have Heartburn (Reflux)?

Heartburn is generally caused from *inadequate* stomach acid, not too much.

For natural comfort, I'd try Tum-Ease or Gripe Water (fennel and ginger are the ingredients), or improving stomach acid and thus digestion, are safer solutions than antacids which don't address the *cause*.

When food is incompletely digested, it begins to putrefy in the stomach. Purification of food in the stomach causes gas, which regurgitates up the esophagus (with stomach acid).

Suppressing stomach acid only relieves the discomfort of the regurgitation. Suppressing stomach acid DECREASES the ability of the body from digesting food properly and completely into nutrients. Undigested or poorly digested food leads to further digestion issues in the gut (and nutrient deficiencies).

Inadequate stomach acid allows pathological bacteria to survive in the stomach.Undigested food is then sent to the small bowel where it increases the growth of "wrong" gut microbials and feeds candida, for instance.

Stomach acid is the first line of defense against disease, after saliva.

A squeeze of lemon juice in water or raw apple cider vinegar in water with meals, or a forkful of whole food probiotics with meals will improve stomach acid, digestion, nutrient absorption and gut microbial balance.

Cabbage juice, sauerkraut, zinc, apple cider vinegar, fermented vegetables, B12 all help to improve stomach acid naturally.

Spices, teas and herbs, i.e. camomile, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, nettles and other "bitters" etc. stimulate digestion also.

Eat beets. If they turn your urine pink/red, then you have low stomach acid. Stomach acid is a very important first step in digestion. Without enough, you can't absorb B12, and you have trouble absorbing zinc as well as several other nutrients.

If you don't have adequate stomach acid, proteins aren't broken down properly, and so they can cause trouble in the small intestine and/or get absorbed whole into the bloodstream. This leads to inflammatory issues, food intolerances, digestion and bowel issues, allergies and asthma as the body reacts to the *foreign* products in the blood.

If one system (digesting proteins with HCl in the stomach) doesn't work, then the next system addresses the problem, if it is functioning. If the HCl is present with zinc and B1 and B6, then the proteins are digested!!

This article was made by another great website you should check out --> HealThyself

Take Care of Hearburn With This Natural DIY Juice

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Image: Raw Edibles
Heartburn can be a very uncomfortable condition, and many individuals deal with it day to day. A major cause for heartburn is eating fatty greasy foods - eliminating these foods will help to reduce the occurrence of heartburn and acid reflux. Combining foods properly is also key to helping prevent heartburn.

If you are currently suffering from this condition I would suggest working at reducing the amount of fatty processed foods you consume and work towards eating a more whole foods diet. In the mean time, here is a juice that will help ease your symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn. Aloe vera juice is very alkaline which helps remove excess acid from the body. It is also helpful at detoxifying the body and works as an anti-inflammatory agent. These properties help repair damage to the esophagus that occur when someone experiences acid reflux or heartburn.

Cucumber is also very cooling, and alkaline, and buffers the acid in the stomach. Fennel, too, is a great food for acid reflux and actually seems to improve stomach function.

- 4 oz. organic, raw aloe vera juice (can be bought at any health food store like whole foods)
- 1 cucumber
- 1 fennel bulb
- 1 knob of ginger (I use 4 inches or so)
- 1-2 lemons

Juice the above ingredients (except for the aloe), and add aloe to your freshly pressed juice. Mix & serve!

Source: Live Love Fruit

Healing Herbs And Spices

Foods have super powers! 

Get to know them!

Healing Herbs and Spices:

Spice up your life, and your health!
Oregano - helps soothe stomach muscles - 
Thyme - relaxes respiratory muscles -
Mint - can ease hiccups - 
Turmeric - Anti cancer -
Ginger - anti nausea remedy - 
Basil - can relieve gas and soothe stomach upsets -
Garlic - Natural antiseptic - 
Black Pepper - helps relieve indigestion
Fenugreek - helps flush out harmful toxins - 
Cayenne - can stop a heart attack
Fennel - can reduce bad breath and body odor - 
Cinnamon - helps lower blood pressure
Clove - anti microbial - 
Dill - Treats heartburn - colic and gas
Sage - antiseptic and antibiotic - 
Rosemary - antioxidant -

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Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard

Natural Cures Not Medicine 

"Eating healthy is nature's health insurance!"

Aloe Vera: the healing powerhouse!

File:Aloe Vera with web.jpg
Aloe vera, in Russia, is referred to as "the elixir of youth" and has been revered since ancient times for its substantial healing effects.  Aloe vera is not just antibacterial but also anti viral and anti fungal and can even be used as a natural food preservative.  Since aloe contains 20 amino acids, it helps tremendously with muscle production.  It contains vitamins A, C, D, E, B, B-1, B-2, choline, B-12, folic acid, and several key enzymes which help break down food and improve nutrient absorption.  Aloe vera also loaded with minerals including copper, iron, zinc, sodium, calcium, potassium, chromium, and manganese.

Here are some health effects you can expect from Aloe Vera!

Helps with ulcers, heartburn, and diverticular disorders.

Can be used to treat acne.

File:Aloe vera leaf.jpgImproves oxygen levels in the blood.

Helps to boost immune system function.

Can reduce the time of healing for wounds.

Aloe juice can help with respiratory problems.

Natural anti inflammatory.

Can be used to treat eczema.

Has anti cancer effects.


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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