Natural Cures Not Medicine: detox

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Showing posts with label detox. Show all posts

Health benefits of blackberries

Yet another delicious berry that heals throughout!

Don't let your smoothies or yogurt go without these!

Anticancer: Blackberries derive their dark color from a plant based compound known as anthocyanins.  These compounds reduce inflammation and can prevent cancer that results from it.  Ellagic acid is also found in blackberries which has been shown to have cancer fighting effects.  Vitamin C, the detox vitamin, is also found abundantly in blackberries, which is known to remove free radicals from the body, boost the immune system, and prevent a variety of cancers.

Digestive system:  Blackberries are an excellent source of dietary fiber.  One cup of these berries contains about a third of the daily recommended value of fiber.  Fiber helps to normalize bowel movements and push toxins out of the body.  

Heart health:  Anthocyanins in blackberries coupled with vitamin C make for a powerful detoxifying duo.  Removing free radicals and other toxins from the blood stream is crucial in preventing tissue damage and systemic inflammation, which causes scores of serious diseases including heart disease.  The abundant fiber in these berries also serves to balance cholesterol levels and thus promotes healthy cardiovascular system function.

Diabetes:  Due to the fact that blackberries contain a significant amount of fiber, they are a great choice for diabetics as they help to manage blood sugar levels.  Fiber helps to promote a balanced absorption and distribution of nutrients and calories from food and can prevent drastic spikes or drops in blood sugar, both of which have negative effects.

Brain function: Again the anthocyanins, which are responsible for the dark purple color of blackberries, prove to be a very useful tool in boosting your health since they promote memory function in the brain

Eye health:  Vitamin C is abundant in blackberries, which is a powerful antioxidant known to help prevent vision problems that come with age such as macular degeneration.  Vitamin A is also found in blackberries which is well known to promote overall eye health and prevent vision problems.

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Dry Body Brushing

Photo courtesy of Oasis Advance

Dry body brushing has been around for centuries. It is a great way to detoxify the skin, aid in lymphatic drainage, and helps in reducing cellulite, to name but a few of the many benefits.

Used widely in health spas as a slimming and / or detox treatment, body brushing can also be done at home. It is an easy technique to learn and all you need is a natural fiber brush, which can easily be found online or obtained from your local store. (See below for our recommended brushes from Amazon.) Be sure to choose a natural fiber brush as synthetic fibers may irritate or damage the skin.

The benefits are tremendous.

  • Softens,smooths and firms skin
  • Removes dead skin cells
  • Improves nervous system
  • Removes cellulite
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system
  • Aids in draining excess fluid from the body
  • Helps tone muscles
  • Aids digestion
  • Natural and relaxing
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Reduces the need for body lotions and creams by stimulating the oil glands
How to Dry Body Brush Your Skin:
Dry body brushing is best to do in the morning, as its invigorating and awakening effect can interfere with sleep if done at night. Never brush cut or broken skin.
Make sure you are in a warm, dry room with somewhere to sit that is comfortable so that you can reach your legs and feet. Make sure to use firm, even strokes in the direction of the heart and go over each area several times in order to ensure the whole part of the body you are brushing is covered.
Start in a sitting position, working on one foot and make your way up to your buttocks. Repeat on the opposite leg.
Next move on to your arms. Start at the palms of the hands, working in towards the body. 
When brushing the abdomen, always use clockwise circular motions and slightly less pressure than on your arms and legs.
Once completed, move on to the neck and chest. These areas can be sensitive and it is recommended to use much lighter strokes.
Last of all, the face. It is beneficial to use a brush that is designed for the face or even a face cloth. It is essential to be very gentle to this area to get the maximum benefit and avoid any damage to the skin from excessive rubbing.

The key to remember is that this should be stimulating to the skin. You don't want to brush too hard as this can irritate or damage your skin's surface.The whole procedure should take no longer than 10 minutes. For maximum effects take a warm shower after dry brushing.

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The powerful effects of different colored food!

This is a General* guide. 

There are always exceptions!

White foods tend to have Immune supporting abilities!

Green foods are great for detoxification!

Yellow foods keep you beautiful by keeping your skin and hair healthy!

Orange foods are great for fighting cancer!

Purple foods will extend your life! 

Eating Healthy is health insurance!

Here are some other great powerful foods!

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

Liver cleaning foods!

Your liver protects your blood stream from impurities and toxins, but what protects the liver?

Avocado:  Glutathione is produced in the body to help remove harmful toxins that can cause damage to healthy cells in the body.  Consuming avocados regularly can help the body produce more of this substance which will help maintain a clean liver.

Green tea:  A well known antioxidant, can protect the liver by preventing the accumulation of toxins that would cause damage to tissue.  Also, green tea is believed to help eliminate excess fat cells in the liver, allowing for proper liver function.

Garlic:  Allicin is a well known super antioxidant contained in garlic which is known not just for its anti cancer properties, but also effectively cleans out the liver.  Garlic also contains other compounds that clean and promote the health of the liver.  Consuming at least some garlic daily has been shown to help the body with the production of liver enzymes that actively remove toxins.

Turmeric:  Known already as a powerful natural anticancer, this spice also helps with the vital enzyme process within the liver that deals with toxins.

Grapefruit:  Another liver enzyme booster, grapefruit also contains vitamin C which helps in the detoxification of the blood and is known as the detox vitamin.

Walnuts:  Arginine is an ammino acid contained in walnuts that helps the liver process ammonia.  Walnuts also contain multiple compounds that support normal liver function.

Green leaf veggies:  Packed with chlorophyll and natural fiber, toxins are no match for these veggies and liver health is improved by regular consumption of varieties such as kale, spinach, and mustard greens.

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Why you need seaweed in your life!

Data shows that seaweed is an excellent superfood!

Data shows that people who live in regions of the world where consumption of seaweed is high have outstanding health.  These people with seaweed rich diets enjoy healthy hair and skin and often live to and beyond 100 years!

-Seaweed is super-dense in minerals due to growing in the ocean.

-The detox powers of seaweed are supercharged and it can even remove harmful radioactive elements from the body.

-Seaweed helps to maintain the protective mucus lining of the stomach.

-Seaweed delivers vast nutrients while containing few calories and no fat.

-Seaweed has been shown to help naturally lower blood pressure.

Photo by

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

Nutrition is nature's health insurance

How parsley helps your health

Parsley has been cultivated for thousands of years and is a staple side garnish, but did you know it can help you stay healthy?

Photo by Donovan Govan

Parsley  has high levels of vitamin C, also known as the detox vitamin, which helps lower the risk of arthritis and other health problems related to tissue damage brought on by harmful free radicals in the body.  Parsley also contains iron, which is better absorbed into the blood thanks to the presence of vitamin C.  The combo of these nutrients helps to stave off fatigue and anemia while repairing blood cells and improving the health of blood vessels.  Oils like alpha thujene, myristicin,  and limonene contained in parsley help to prevent cancers in the body by working against carcinogens and could be helpful to people at a higher risk of cancer such as cigarette smokers.  If you have always viewed parsley as just a side garnish, it may be time to give the leafy green herb a try in the middle of your plate as part of the main course, or even the main part of a healthy crisp salad!

Here are a couple more health benefits and some fun facts about parsley:




-Blood pressure


-Hair and skin

Here is a cool video with some facts about parsley:

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Basil Beats Bacteria!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

7 Anti inflammatory foods

  Our cells and tissue react to harmful agents with a critical defensive response which known as inflammation.  Inflammation in the body is not always a bad thing.  Unfortunately, since our environment is so toxic, many people suffer from excessive inflammation, diminishing their quality of life.  Here are some natural anti inflammatory foods to look for the next time you are in the produce section.

Remember that processed foods and meat can cause inflammation throughout the body and that fresh fruits and veggies can reduce inflammation and may be the way to go for you.

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Natural Cures Not Medicine
Nutrition is nature's health insurance.

Why you should eat citrus regularly

From legendary antioxidant properties to fresh breath, citrus fruits have a variety of flavors and health benefits.  

Here are a few of the benefits of eating citrus fruits!

Oranges:  Oranges are packed with vitamin C, the detox vitamin, and flavanoids which remove free radicals and help reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Grapefruit:  Grapefruit lowers cholesterol, helps lose excess weight, and helps prevent certain types of cancer.

Mandarins:  Hesperidin, a flavanoid present in mandarin oranges, works together with vitamin C to produce collagen making it a valuable snack for the beauty conscious.

Limes:  Lime juice can be used to help become more alkaline.  Limes have more vitamin C then lemons and are also helpful with constipation.  Limes are good for the skin and can be used as a natural deodorant.

Pomelos:  Pomelos help with digestion, fight cancer, and are potassium rich which also contributes to heart health.

Lemons:  Lemons detox your body, help prevent viral infections, and can help the body increase healthy LDL cholesterol.  Drinking water with lemon helps to balance out the body's PH.

Read more about healthy fruits and veggies:

Amazing healing power of lemons

Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

Cancer Fighting Foods

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Healthy Eating is Health Insurance!

Why water should be the first thing you have when you wake up.

When you wake up, water first!

  • When you wake up in the morning, drinking water on an empty stomach stimulates activity in your organs, essentially waking them up.
  • Drinking nothing but water first when you wake up allows the body to detox by removing waste that accumulated while you slept.  
  • Starting the day with a 16 ounce glass of chilled water can boost your metabolism by up to 24%, helping to to lose excess weight.
  • A glass of water first thing in the morning will cleanse your digestive system thus making it easier for the body to absorb more nutrients.
  • Since water helps the body remove waste and toxins, beginning your long day with a glass of water will have a positive effect on the health of your skin, leaving it looking more healthy.
  • That first glass of water when you rise from your slumber stimulates production of more muscle and blood cells.
  • Kick off your day with a glass of water and it will help to balance your lymph system. 

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How wheat grass can improve your health

There seems to be a trend forming in juicing wheat grass, but what makes the green juice so beneficial to our health?  Here are some of the health benefits.

Wheat grass juice is a powerhouse of nutrition, even in small doses, and can be added to any smoothie to give you a huge health boost.  With more than 90 minerals, 19 amino acids, and over 30 enzymes as well as beneficial chlorophyll, wheat grass has been promoted by nutritionists and healers alike for its mind blowing health effects.  Wheat grass is thought to improve the overall nutritional profile of people who take it but also is being credited for anti cancer effects and even is thought to help prevent heart disease.  Studies have shown patients who take wheat grass have less need for blood transfusions.

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How to beat jet lag.

If you travel for work or just have a lot of family living abroad, you may be familiar with dreadful jet lag.  Fear not, for there are some steps you can take to lessen the effects jet lag.
File:Far Eastern Air Transport Airliner.JPG
The condition known as jet lag is caused when you travel across several time zones.  The human body runs on a schedule or what is referred to as an "internal clock," maintained based on the pattern of sunlight, night, and day.  Jet lag tends to be worse when you cross 4 or more time zones and has a variety of symptoms including difficulty concentrating, daytime fatigue, sleep problems, and muscle soreness.
Chances are if you are traveling far you may not want to waste time when you reach your destination trying to cope with the time change and the effects of jet lag, especially if you are traveling for business purposes.  Here are a few ways you can minimize the effects and maybe sidestep jet lag altogether!

Melatonin:  When your body can detect that the day is coming to an end and the night is here, it produces melatonin which helps you fall asleep at the right time.  You can take melatonin supplements to help outsmart your internal clock and reset it once you are at your destination.  Be careful when you head to the U.K. because you must have a perscription for it.

Sunlight:  Sun exposure in reasonable doses is good for you but it can also help with adjusting your internal clock to a new schedule.  When you reach your destination, be outside during prime sunny hours and get some good exposure  to orient your body to the new day/night schedule.  If you are too restless at a late hour, turn the lights down low and close your curtains to get rested and sleepy.  Use an eye mask if needed.

Diet:  Jet lag is caused by a shift in time zones that throws off the body's internal clock due to a difference in daylight and night time hours, but the effects of jet lag can be made worse by dehydration and or toxicity.  Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat healthy leading up to and after your trip and try to avoid processed sugar, alcohol, and caffeine as they create toxicity in the body and tend to dehydrate.  Be sure to detox before you leave for the airport.

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Health wonders of pineapple

Pineapple is a popular tropical fruit.  You can find it as an ingredient in fruit salads, cooked dishes, or as a meal in itself.  Not only is pineapple delicious and versatile for cooking but you can also benefit greatly from eating it.  Pick up a pineapple from the grocery store, enjoy a nutritional boost and grow a pineapple tree!
Forget candy or greasy donuts, nutrition is nature's health insurance.  Here is how you can prevent disease by enjoying pineapple and how you can turn any pineapple you eat into a pineapple tree of your own!

Vitamin C:  Vitamin C is hailed as "the detox vitamin," removing free radicals from the body that may cause damage to various organs and tissue.

Alleviate arthritis:  The natural anti inflammatory effects of pineapple can do wonders for arthritis patients.  Pineapple also strengthens the bones and can be helpful with similar conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and gout.

Prevent macular degeneration:  Macular degeneration, which is caused by damage to the retna, is a major cause for vision loss in adults.  Pineapples contain beta carotene which helps maintain eye health.

Fiber:  Fiber is an important part of the digestive process.  It helps move food through the body and remove waste while also lowering cholesterol and managing blood sugar levels.  When you eat food that contains a good amount of natural fiber, you will feel more full too.

Improve digestion:  Pineapples contain bromelain which helps tremendously with digestion.  Bromelain helps to process fluids taken into the body to make sure that they are not too acidic and regulates pancreatic secretions to aid in digestion.  Brmelain also has a good impact on the digestive track because it has protein digesting properties.

Vitamin B:  Pineapple contains vitamin B which can aid the body in metabolizing fats and digesting proteins.  Vitamin B is also thought to help lower the risk of developing cancer as well as heart disease.

Grab a whole pineapple, cut off the spiny outer skin, core it, and lob off the stem that has leaves growing out of it on the top.  Place the top in some fresh water and some sunlight until it grows roots and then plant in your garden or a flower pot to transplant later.  Enjoy the fruit and enjoy watching your new pineapple tree grow!

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Naturally remove heavy metals from your body.

Heavy metals are in our environment and even if you live a healthy lifestyle, you need to detox and remove harmful particles from your system.  Here are some natural approaches to doing so.  Remember that nutrition is nature's health insurance.

Garlic:  Garlic has antimicrobial and antiviral properties.  It helps cleanse the liver, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.  Garlic contains the powerful antioxidant allicin. 

Blue green algae:  As well as containing an impressive amount of nutrients, algae have been shown to have strong antioxidant effects and bind to heavy metals to detox and remove them from the body.

Bentonite clay:  Bentonite clay can remove up to 25 times its own weight in impurities from the body.  Made from volcanic ash, this clay can be used topically for acne or other skin conditions and the purest form can be taken internally.

Onion:  Onion removes heavy metals from the body, has antimicrobial properties, and even reduces cholesterol.  Onion can also treat allergy symptoms and congestion.

Cilantro:  Cilantro can remove heavy metals such as mercury from the body.  Consuming this herb can also help with reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.  Cilantro also has anti inflammatory effects.

Burdock Root:  Burdock has anti bacterial, anti fungal, and anti tumor  properties.  Burdock helps with liver health and is used as a natural anticancer.  It removes toxins as well as heavy metals from the body.

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How mangoes boost your health

Mangoes are grown all around the world but are thought to originate from India.  Their amazing flavor makes them a popular fruit for snacks, cocktails, and several recipes, but the effect mangoes have on the human body may be enough reason to try these tropical delights.

File:Samayapuram Mariyamman Temple - Mangoes.jpg

  • Mangoes are rich in vitamin B-6, vitamin E, and vitamin C.  Vitamin C is known as the detox vitamin and not only guards against infectious agents, but also removes free radicals that cause damage to tissue.  Vitamin B-6 is needed for GABA hormone production in the brain and controls homocystiene levels in the blood therefore reducing the risk of stroke.
  • A new study has found that mango battles multiple types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, and leukemia.  It is believed that polyphenolic antioxidant compounds contained in mangoes can guard against breast and colon cancers.
  • Mangoes contain a moderate amount of copper.  Copper is vital for the production of many enzymes in the body and is also required for the creation of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin A is another great nutrient found in mangoes along with flavenoids like beta carotene, alpha carotene,  beta cryptoxanthin.  Consuming fresh fruit that contains carotenes is known to reduce the risk lung and oral cavity cancers.  These compounds also have strong antioxidant properties.

Amazing healing power of lemons

When life gives you lemons, well, you feel incredible!

  • Lemons contain citric acid which can help to dissolve calcium deposits, kidney stones, and gallstones.
  • Lemons are rich in vitamin C which is regarded s the detox vitamin that removes free radicals that cause inflammation and pain and helps with illnesses as well.
  • Lemons contain hesperetin which could help with diabetes as it lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Helps restore the body's PH and makes you more alkaline.
  • The peel of the lemon contains a phtyonutrient called tangeretin which has been proven to be helpful for brain disorders.
  • Rutin can be found in lemons and has been found to relieve the symptoms of eye disorders.
  • Lemon contains terpene limonoids which have proven antiviral effects.
  • The hesperetin found in lemons helps with allergy symptoms.

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