Natural Cures Not Medicine: boost the immune system

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Showing posts with label boost the immune system. Show all posts

Amazing Miracle Cure Juice Including Beets

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Miracle Cure Juice
This is the miracle cure juice! It helps with a variety of issues in the body and helps regenerate cells and infuses them with nutrients in a fast, efficient manner. There are many benefits from drinking this juice such as:

1. Helping prevent cancer cells from developing and restraining their ability to proliferate and grow
2. It works at targeting and healing the liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas and can heal ulcers
3. Protects the respiratory system by strengthening the lungs, opening up the airways
4. Improves and opens blood pathways, and can thus reduce high blood pressure and help prevent heart attacks
5. Strengthens the immune system via antioxidants
6. Excellent for the eyes, eliminating red and tired or dry eyes
7. Replenishes tired and fatigued muscles from physical training and helps relieve pain
8. Helps eliminate constipation and/or diarrhea, and assists in making bowel movements more regular. Thus, it will help repair the skin and give you a healthy glow (great for eliminating acne).
9. It cleans from the inside out, so it clears bad body odour and improves bad breath
10. Reduces allergies, such as those who suffer from Hay Fever


Ingredients: (always choose organic whenever possible!)

2 large beets
4 long carrots
2 apples (of any kind)
6 stalks celery
2 limes
2 inches ginger

Juice and reap the amazing health benefits!


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Health benefits of blackberries

Yet another delicious berry that heals throughout!

Don't let your smoothies or yogurt go without these!

Anticancer: Blackberries derive their dark color from a plant based compound known as anthocyanins.  These compounds reduce inflammation and can prevent cancer that results from it.  Ellagic acid is also found in blackberries which has been shown to have cancer fighting effects.  Vitamin C, the detox vitamin, is also found abundantly in blackberries, which is known to remove free radicals from the body, boost the immune system, and prevent a variety of cancers.

Digestive system:  Blackberries are an excellent source of dietary fiber.  One cup of these berries contains about a third of the daily recommended value of fiber.  Fiber helps to normalize bowel movements and push toxins out of the body.  

Heart health:  Anthocyanins in blackberries coupled with vitamin C make for a powerful detoxifying duo.  Removing free radicals and other toxins from the blood stream is crucial in preventing tissue damage and systemic inflammation, which causes scores of serious diseases including heart disease.  The abundant fiber in these berries also serves to balance cholesterol levels and thus promotes healthy cardiovascular system function.

Diabetes:  Due to the fact that blackberries contain a significant amount of fiber, they are a great choice for diabetics as they help to manage blood sugar levels.  Fiber helps to promote a balanced absorption and distribution of nutrients and calories from food and can prevent drastic spikes or drops in blood sugar, both of which have negative effects.

Brain function: Again the anthocyanins, which are responsible for the dark purple color of blackberries, prove to be a very useful tool in boosting your health since they promote memory function in the brain

Eye health:  Vitamin C is abundant in blackberries, which is a powerful antioxidant known to help prevent vision problems that come with age such as macular degeneration.  Vitamin A is also found in blackberries which is well known to promote overall eye health and prevent vision problems.

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