Natural Cures Not Medicine: health insurance

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Showing posts with label health insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health insurance. Show all posts

Health benefits of eating peanut butter

3 Health benefits of eating peanut butter

  1. Heart health:  The vitamin E in peanut butter is a powerful antioxidant and therefore helps prevent heart disease.  Peanut butter also has fiber which helps reduce bad cholesterol.  Peanut butter also contains monounsaturated fats linked to a decrease in heart disease.
  2. Anti aging:  Resveratrol is another antioxidant linked to lower heart disease and even cancer risk.  Studies suggest it also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Energy boost:  Healthy monounsaturated fats, protein, vitamin b3, tryptophan, and manganese spell a good healthy sustained energy boost.

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Uses for coconut oil

Health benefits of berries

Join the march against monsanto

Healthy sweetener: it exists!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is Nature's health insurance."

Health benefits of berries

Nature's candy has some extra perks!

Blueberries:  A well known heavy hitting antioxidant, blueberries protect tissue from damage causing free radicals and toxins.  Blueberries also promote good heart health, reduce inflammation, and even contain several compounds with anticancer properties.  Triple negative breast cancer, one of the deadliest varieties, can be inhibited by phytochemicals found in these berries.  The juice of wild blueberries has been shown to help with memory function in elderly people and may even help to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Strawberries:  Strawberries have anticancer properties.  They can also help protect organs and tissue in the body from the assault of oxidative damage.  Strawberries are thought to reduce cellular inflammation which can help to prevent some serious diseases and slow down the aging process.  This particular fruit is also known to promote eye health, boost the immune system, and helps with bone health.

Raspberries:  A good source of iron and folate, raspberries are known to promote healthy blood cell production.  Raspberries contain vitamin C, also known as the detox vitamin, which eliminates harmful impurities from the blood stream.  These berries are heart friendly, being low in calories and free of cholesterol and sodium, they can make a delicious guilt free snack.  Raspberries are also loaded with antioxidants and anticancer compounds.

Blackberries:  Blackberries carry an impressive nutritional profile.  They are rich in vitamins A and K and contain multiple minerals.  Blackberries may prevent several different types of cancer and are known to promote healthy digestion.

Now that you know something sweet and delicious can actually improve your health and guard against several terrifying diseases, skip candy and get some fresh picked berries!

Read more about each of these healing berries:

Blackberries Fight and Prevent Cancer

Health bonuses of eating strawberries

How raspberries boost your health

Blueberries could save your life!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Using Lemons To Detox

Lemons are another powerful food.

If you're up for a natural detox - 

check out some of the health benefits of a lemon detox:

- Aids in digestion
- increases concentration
- Flushes liver and kidneys
- Suppresses the appetite
- Boosts the immune system
- Makes hair shiner and stronger
- Cleansing the blood
- Removing radiation from the body

Dosage is important so make sure to do your homework before choosing any method.
Here you can learn a lot more about lemon detox

Here is one way to make a Lemon Detox Drink:

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Dry Body Brushing

Naturally reduce inflammation.

Foods that eliminate bad breath

Super Foods for Diabetics

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance"

Super Foods for Diabetics

Here is a video with TOP foods for Diabetics!

If you like natural cures 
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They are trying to outlaw saving your own seed in Europe

Cure Severe Flu with Omega-3 acids

MSG is Toxic and should be avoided

Foods that eliminate bad breath

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Naturally reduce inflammation.

Several diseases and serious health conditions can be attributed to inflammation in the body. 

Just about all of our habits in life either cause or reduce inflammation.  There is no such thing as a free lunch, so if you want to avoid chronic health problems due to inflammation, a nutritional approach is a must.

     Up front, inflammation can be associated with increased aging but many people may not realize that inflammation is a hidden cause behind some of the most serious age and non age related diseases.  Inflammation is actually a reaction by the body to protect itself from trauma and toxins, but too much inflammation in the body can send your system into chaos.  Autoimmune disorders, asthma, arthritis, and allergies are related to inflammation but chronic systemic inflammation in the body can give rise to frightening health problems such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, and even cancer.
     Unfortunately our environment is filled with toxins and microbes that cause the body to have an immune response which includes inflammation.  What makes it worse is that a large part of the diet of a person living in a developed country includes processed food items that further cause inflammation, literally keeping your body "under attack" constantly.  If you are willing to make the proper lifestyle choices, you can prevent some serious illnesses and even slow down aging.  More and more people are taking the nutritional approach to health rather than taking a gamble with overly processed, chemical laden, cheap food and ending up in the hospital.  Remember that nutrition is natures health insurance and each time you eat you have the opportunity to strengthen every cell in your body or pump your system full of toxins.
     We all know that junk food is not good for you but keep in mind that it can actually kill you if you eat it regularly and eating healthy to promote good health and avoid the doctor's office doesn't mean you have to eat unappetizing food.  Olive oil makes a great delicious alternative to butter.  Avocado and nuts are good substitutes for meats.  Fruit juices in moderation and water in place of soft drinks will boost your health significantly.  Gluten free breads, pastas, and cereal alternatives are growing in numbers and being carried by more and more grocers.  Forget diets and make a lifestyle change that will save you pain and suffering and will even keep you looking younger for longer.

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Health benefits of curry leaves

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Health benefits of alfalfa sprouts

Most of us know alfalfa as feed for livestock, but if you eat alfalfa sprouts, you may end up "as healthy as an ox" as well!

Adding sprouts to your morning breakfast could offer a huge health boost!

-Anti microbial:  Compounds called saponins found in alfalfa sprouts have a cleansing and infection fighting effect that can be useful in preventing illnesses caused by invading microbes in the digestive tract.

-Fiber:  Since alfalfa sprouts are a good source of fiber, they can be helpful to people who have digestive issues.  Also, dietary fiber is useful in maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.  

-Anti Cancer:  Plant based compounds within alfalfa sprouts are believed to fight and destroy cancer cells of several different types.  Among these are lung, colon, breast, and cancers of the blood.

-Anti viral:  Viral infections can be battled or even prevented due to plant based compounds called saponins contained within the sprouts of alfalfa.

-Anti inflammatory:  Consuming the sprouts of alfalfa can reduce the production of inflammation causing toxins within the alimentary canal of the digestive tract.

-Heart health:  Due to their anti inflammatory properties and the fact that the fiber contained in these sprouts helps with cholesterol levels, the chances of developing heart problems can be reduced by consuming them.

-Anti Fungal: Saponins contained in alfalfa sprouts have been shown to help clean out the colon, removing harmful fungal impurities.

-Arthritis:  Once again, inflammation causes havoc in the body but can be reduced by adding alfalfa sprouts to your sandwiches, soups, or smoothies daily.  Arthritis sufferers benefit greatly from foods with anti inflammatory effects.

It is important to remember that while some consider alfalfa seeds to be a good source of nutrition, you should wait and sprout them before consuming.  Data shows that saponins, the anti inflammatory healing agent contained in alfalfa sprouts, increase over 400% due to the chemical process within the plant of sprouting. 

Throw 1 banana, 3 strawberries, a tablespoon of raw honey, a cup and a half of almond milk, a tablespoon of coconut oil, a hanful of kale, and a half cup of alfalfa sprouts in a blender for a mega healing breakfast smoothie for 2 that tastes too good to be healthy!

Check out some more of our recent posts:

They are trying to outlaw saving your own seed in Europe

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Eating healthy is nature's health insurance."

Healing Herbs And Spices

Foods have super powers! 

Get to know them!

Healing Herbs and Spices:

Spice up your life, and your health!
Oregano - helps soothe stomach muscles - 
Thyme - relaxes respiratory muscles -
Mint - can ease hiccups - 
Turmeric - Anti cancer -
Ginger - anti nausea remedy - 
Basil - can relieve gas and soothe stomach upsets -
Garlic - Natural antiseptic - 
Black Pepper - helps relieve indigestion
Fenugreek - helps flush out harmful toxins - 
Cayenne - can stop a heart attack
Fennel - can reduce bad breath and body odor - 
Cinnamon - helps lower blood pressure
Clove - anti microbial - 
Dill - Treats heartburn - colic and gas
Sage - antiseptic and antibiotic - 
Rosemary - antioxidant -

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Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard

Natural Cures Not Medicine 

"Eating healthy is nature's health insurance!"

Eat Like Your Life Depends On It

Chow down, for health!

No this doesn't mean go eat lots of hamburgers or anything you can get your hands on! Haha this means if you eat healthy that is health insurance! Well not exactly but it helps you not need it. And today with all this health insurance talk - life insurance - GMO's - and the endless list of things that really make you reconsider what you are eating. We are so glad you you have visited us today in search for natural cures through healthy eating.  Listed below are some of our recent natural cures posts. So if you're interested in healthy eating to prevent disease and even help cure them then you are coming to the right place. We gather information from every corner of the globe through top sources, mainly activists, because this kind of information is hard to find in the mainstream!

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The powerful effects of different colored food!

This is a General* guide. 

There are always exceptions!

White foods tend to have Immune supporting abilities!

Green foods are great for detoxification!

Yellow foods keep you beautiful by keeping your skin and hair healthy!

Orange foods are great for fighting cancer!

Purple foods will extend your life! 

Eating Healthy is health insurance!

Here are some other great powerful foods!

Check out some of our past posts this week:

home made healing salad dressing recipe

Natural Cures Not Medicine

What to eat in order to prevent Alzheimer's

There is a nutritional approach to preventing Alzheimer's Disease

When your body burns fat for energy, it produces ketones, which help promote brain health and are believed to be linked with lower Alzheimer's risk claims the National Institutes of Health.  While there are environmental and nutritional causes for Alzheimer's, there are also ways to cases of natural cures and ways to prevent the disease.  Here are a few items you can add to your daily diet to make sure you have plenty of ketones in your system. Eating healthy is health insurance!

Tree Nuts

    Coconut Oil


Stay active!  Remember that your body makes ketones available by oxidizing fat for energy so make sure you get plenty of exercise.

Baking soda prevents and even dissolves kidney stones!

Baking soda:  The miracle kidney remedy!

Kidneys provide the vital function of filtering your blood.  They regulate the amount of salt and minerals in your blood while removing waste and excess water.  Due to our increasingly toxic environment, many people face kidney disease, kidney stones, and even kidney failure.  You may have heard some horror stories about kidney stones, but did you know you can prevent them or even dissolve existing stones?  The solution is probably already in your kitchen.  Sodium Bicarbonate a.k.a. Baking Soda!

An acidic environment and diet can contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate or uric acid stones.  Taking sodium bicarbonate will eliminate the discomfort and even dissolve the stones.  Taking baking soda as a preventative will also help you save on health insurance deductibles in the future as it lowers the chances of stones forming.

Adding baking soda to your diet makes your blood and urine more alkaline which also makes infection much less likely.

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Natural respiratory remedies

Here are some natural approaches to treating lower respiratory disease

First you should look at your diet.  Nutrition, nature's health insurance, must be a priority for anyone wanting to treat their ailments and heal properly.  A diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in red meat and prepackaged foods is linked to lung weakness.
  Ginger, cabbage, radish, seaweed, watercress, garlic, onions, and leeks, in contrast, help with bronchitis.  Make sure to cut out items that will worsen your respiratory condition.  Alcohol, sugars, fruit juice, and dairy products should be avoided.

Another good approach is to steam with essential oils.  Many essential oils have strong antiviral and antibiotic properties.
  • Eucalyptus essential oil:  Effective decongestant effect.  Good for steaming or adding to a sauna or bath.
  • Basil essential oil:  Useful as an antispasmodic and for chest infections.
  • Thyme essential oil:  Strengthens body's resistance to infections and useful for respiratory infections.

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Health benefits from green tea

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Natural ways to shrink tumors!

Here are some proven cancer fighters, some may even be in your kitchen!

A diet rich in antioxidants and full of alkaline foods can help prevent and even fight cancers.  Here are a few anticancer items to add to your diet.

Green Tea
A study published in the journal Nanomedicine concluded that two-thirds of tumors treated with green tea extract shrank while causing zero side effects to healthy surrounding tissue.  Green tea is also a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body.

Reishi mushroom extract is a government registered anti cancer.  Reishi, shitake, oyser,  and even common crimini mushrooms all have anticancer properties.  Reishi mushrooms inhibit tumor growth and reduce size of tumors by increasing the body's production of interleukin 1 and 2.  Regular consumption of crimini mushrooms reduces the risk of hormone related breast cancer by inhibiting estrogen production.

An Ohio State University study has shown that blueberries shrink blood vessel tumors, the most common tumor in young children.  In 2005 a University of Illinois study concluded that wild blueberries inhibited the initiation and proliferation of bladder and liver cancer cells as well.

If you or someone you know has cancer, it may be worth your while to take the nutritional approach to healing.  Remember, nutrition is natures health insurance.  Chemo and radiation kill more people then they save and these natural remedies have no harmful side effects.  In fact, they taste delicious and are not nearly as expensive as poisonous conventional treatments.

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The best tea you never drank!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Surprising health benefits of avocado!

Who doesn't like a bit of guacamole?  Well it may turn out that there is much more to like about the super-fruit avocado than just the flavor!

Nature's health insurance!

Anti Cancer:  Avocados are a rich source of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking the absorption of certain fats in the intestines.  Scientists also suspect that avocados may be useful in treating viral hepatitis, a cause of liver cancer.

Helps Diabetes:  Avocados are absolutely packed with monounsaturated fats also known as "the good fat."  These fats actually help lower bad or LDL cholesterol and raise beneficial HDL cholesterol in the blood.  Cholesterol management is crucial for diabetes patients due to the heightened heart disease risk due to diabetes.  Monounsaturated fats may also help the body process insulin and glucose more readily.  Avocados also tout high levels of Vitamin E which is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and nerve damage in diabetics.

Reduces Inflammation:  Since avocados remove free radicals, they prevent cell damage and reduce inflammation throughout the body.  Some even believe that consuming avocados regularly can slow the process of aging!

Remember that avocados can be incorporated into several recipes and even help you absorb more of the nutrients from the meals in which they are included and even aid in weight loss!  The darker part of the fruit closest to the skin contains most of the beneficial compounds so don't let any go to waste!   Oh yeah, plant the seed too.

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