Natural Cures Not Medicine: healing herbs

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Showing posts with label healing herbs. Show all posts

Little Known Chinese Herb & Iron Kill 98% of Cancer Cells in 16 Hours

According to studies that were published in an issue of Life Sciences, artemesinin – a derivative of the wormwood plant used in Chinese Medicine - can kill 98% of breast cancer cells in less than 16 hours. The herb used alone caused a 28% reduction in breast cancer cells, but when paired with iron, sweet wormwood was able to eradicate cancer almost entirely. What’s more, normal human breast cancer cells were not affected in the experiment by this treatment.

Artemisinin has been used in the past as a powerful anti-malarial herb, but it now has been proven to be a cancer-fighter, too. When subjects in the published study were given an iron supplement, which often accumulates in the breast tissue but especially so in cancerous cells, the artemisinin was able to selectively target ‘bad’ cells and leave ‘good’ cells alone.
“Taken together, our results demonstrate that the artemisinin disruption of E2F1 transcription factor expression mediates the cell cycle arrest of human breast cancer cells and represents a critical transcriptional pathway by which artemisinin controls human reproductive cancer cell growth.”
Iron accumulates in cancerous cells due to special receptors that help them in cell division, called transferrin receptors. Normal cells likely have these receptors as well, but cancerous cells have them in greater abundance, and thus can be targeted by the iron-artemisinin combination, like a 1-2 punch.
There have been many experiments now that prove this sweet wormwood derivative can effectively eradicate disease in the presence of iron. The extract has been used for thousand of years in China to treat malaria. The malaria parasite cannot live in the presence of artemisinin because they are iron-rich, but the treatment works just as well for cancerous cells, too. Bioengineers Henry Lai and Narendra Singh of the University of Washington, Seattle were the scientists who initially made this discovery. This is yet another example of a natural herb causing cancerous cell apoptosis.
While the sweet wormwood extract has been somewhat difficult to obtain for a fair price for countless years, it is now on its way to being mass-produced by biotech. Will the result be positive and promising?
“It’s the volatility that really makes the supply chain for this life-saving drug just a complete train wreck,” says Jack Newman, chief scientific officer of the California-based biotech firm Amyris. ”When we first started talking about this,” Newman says, “we gave it 1,000 to 1 odds of ever working. “

French drugmaker Sanofi is expected to make 50 to 60 tons of artemisinin each year, striving to supply enough demand for the global market.

Herbs for the Thyroid

Unless you suffer from a thyroid condition, it is easy to ignore the function of the thyroid gland. Although small, this endocrine gland – situated just below your neck – plays a big role in regulating metabolic processes in your body. With a dysfunctional thyroid, the functioning of almost all your organs is likewise disrupted. Thyroid disorders generally fall under 3 categories: an overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism, an under-active thyroid or hypothyroidism and an enlarged thyroid characterized by the presence of nodules.

Herbs For Thyroid

Unfortunately, thyroid conditions are usually misdiagnosed as most of their symptoms (such as weight gain or loss, chronic fatigue, depression, skin and hair dryness, constipation or diarrhea and menstrual irregularities) can be quite similar to those of other disorders. To make things even more confusing – the 3 types of thyroid disorders can even have overlapping characteristics.
Therefore before embarking on any treatment, whether herbal or medicinal, it is important to have a medical professional diagnose your symptoms and identify the disorder first. Likewise, it is important to use remedies with an understanding of the mechanisms involved in promoting thyroid health. For instance, while some herbs improve overall thyroid conditions, some herbs can only benefit hyperthyroidism but conversely may be detrimental to its extreme counterpart, hypothyroidism and vice-versa.
Either way though, most herbs for thyroid are not like pharmaceutical medications that attempt to replace thyroid hormones, decrease hormone production or the size of the thyroid gland. Instead, they are regarded as being able to provide the appropriate thyroid support – acting preventative and facilitating the healing process. Although some clinical studies do not find evidence of traditional herbal medicine being able to totally treat thyroid conditions, herbs are however thought by some to contribute to lower relapse rates, less adverse effects, relief of symptoms and improvement of thyroid antibody conditions and thyroid functioning. Here are 10 herbs thought beneficial for the thyroid:

10 Herbal Remedies for Thyroid Health


A popular herb used to boost the immune system, echinacea is considered helpful for those suffering from hyperthyroidism or thyroiditis. One expert who has over 20 years of experience with autoimmune conditions gives the roots of echinacea to his patients and has rarely encountered any major adverse issues.


This herb is important in maintaining a balance among glands so that thyroid patients who often suffer from fatigue have improved energy. Moreover in 2011, the Institute of Biosciences and Technology in Texas isolated synthetically derived constituents of triterpenoid glycyrrhetinic acid, a major component of licorice and found it to inhibit the growth of highly invasive thyroid cancer cells. This demonstrates licorice’s potential in clinical treatment of thyroid cancer and other endocrine-related disorders.


In a 2013 study involving 403 patients with mild hyperthyroidism which assessed the effects and safety of an extract of bugle in tablet or drops form, scientists observed statistically and clinically significant improvements in the symptoms of those given the tablet. These improvements were noted without any major side effects. Because of bugleweed’s effectiveness in alleviating mild hyperthyroidism, some experts believe it can gradually replace regular taking of maintenance medications like methimazole or PTU.


This is an herb with antioxidant properties that directly works on the thyroid by producing just the right amount of hormones. Aside from hormonal balance, ashwaganda is known to help the body fight stress by improving the immune system and has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects.


Researchers confirm the potency of bacopa as a thyroid stimulating drug to fight hypothyroidism. It has been found to regulate thyroid hormone concentrations by as much as 41% without adverse reactions.


Popular as Siberian ginseng, eleuthero is considered a wonder herb for people suffering from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Siberian ginseng is believed to be effective in treating hypothyroidism by regulating the levels of hormones in the body. Furthermore, this potent herb contains substances that assist in the normal functioning of the thymus and adrenal glands.


Aside from hypothyroidism, bladderwrack is considered as an essential herb for many health conditions. This algae or seaweed contains high levels of natural iodine which is known to stimulate the thyroid gland. Bladderwrack contains substances that help in restoring the normal functioning of the thyroid gland as well as in reducing the size of thyroid goiters. It is thought to play a role in stimulating an increased production of thyroid hormones in order to prevent the development of thyroid diseases.


Flaxseeds are known to be rich in essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which is thought to be good for thyroid health. In a study conducted at the University of Maryland Medical Center, it was found out that consumption of foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, like flaxseed, helps in boosting the production of thyroid hormones. This results to reduced susceptibility to hypothyroidism.

Black Walnut

Aside from seafoods, black walnut is considered as one of the richest sources of iodine. Research shows, iodine is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in optimizing the health and functioning of the thyroid glands. Furthermore, it was found out that insufficient amount of iodine usually lead to a number of conditions which include chronic fatigue, depression, mental impairment, and goiters.

Lemon Balm

Coming from the mint family, lemon balm is an amazing herb that is considered beneficial to the thyroid glands. Research shows that this herb is useful in normalizing the activities of overactive thyroid glands. It reduces the production of thyroid hormones and eases the symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism.

Constantly Tired? Here Are 10 Herbs To Increase Energy

How difficult is it for us to achieve a work-life balance? How much more difficult is it to achieve a life-energy balance? And does it not seem that there are never enough hours in the day to achieve any balance at all? You’re not alone. Your days may seem that way, but in truth the balance is always there, always available and always achievable. That doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult, but a few ancient herbal formulas will certainly help you achieve the balance you never thought possible. Skip your daily sugar boost, coffee or red bull because in the long-term they will always let you down. Adaptogenic herbs will give you sustained energy and vitality while allowing your mind to think freely, calmly and without excessive stimulation.

Adaptogenic herbs demonstrate a nonspecific enhancement of the body’s ability to resist a stressor. Modern herbalists say adaptogenic herbs are plants with properties that exert a normalizing influence on the body, neither habit-forming, over-stimulating nor inhibiting normal body function, but rather exerting a generalized tonifying effect. They increase your resistance overall against physical, chemical and biological stressors.

Herbal formulas found in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine restore a healthy stress response typically using traditionally prepared as formulas. However, each herb can be taken on its own in the appropriate dosage depending on your specific requirements. For the exact dosages, please consult with a master herbalist or natural health practitioner well-versed in herbal formulas to increase energy and vitality. Here are the ten best adaptogenic herbs:


Rhodiola rosea (Golden Root, Roseroot, Aaron’s Rod) is effective for improving mood and alleviating depression. Its effects are potentially mediated by changes in serotonin and dopamine levels.

Used for centuries in Asia and Scandinavia, Rhodiola is still relatively new to the Western market, but its popularity is growing, in large part because of what an incredibly versatile — and relatively inexpensive.


Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an annual plant native to the high Andes of Peru and Bolivia. It has been harvested and used by humans in the Andean Mountains for centuries.

Darker colored maca roots (red, purple, black) contain significant amounts of natural iodine, a 10-gram serving of dried maca generally containing 52 micrograms of iodine.

It is highly beneficial for reducing fatigue, enhancing energy and endurance, as well as being a superlatively effective adaptagen for everyday living. Maca contains 55 phytochemicals that are known to have vitality-enhancing effects in the body, in addition to being incredibly mineral dense and nutritious.

Maca has the ability to heighten libido and improve semen quality. Its favorable effects on mood, may decrease anxiety and improve sexual desire. The effects of Maca are due to the root’s unique nutritional profile, which provides optimum levels of nutrients utilized by the body’s endocrine system. It may even alleviate medication-induced sexual dysfunction caused by pharmaceutical antidepressants.


Ashwangandha (Withania somnifera) is one of the premier restorative herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It is known to help stabilize mood and support optimal physical and emotional well-being. It is also known to improve memory and focus and endurance. It is believed to reduce the effects of stress on the body. The berries and leaves of ashwangandhaare locally applied to tumors, tubercular glands, carbuncles, and ulcers.


Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis) is a deciduous woody vine native to forests of Northern China and the Russian Far East. Its berries are used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs. They are most often used in dried form, and boiled to make a tea. Medicinally it is used as a tonic and restorative adaptogen with notable clinically documented liver protecting effects. It supports the immune system, relieves anxiety, increases energy, and it can improve mental clarity. It’s sometimes called the “five flavors berry,” because it tastes sour, bitter, sweet, salty and acrid all at once.


Considered the “ginseng of mushrooms”, Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) are known to have a truly awesome effect on endurance and stamina. Research has shown that Cordyceps are highly effective in treating respiratory ailments, enhancing aerobic performance, increasing sex drive, strengthening the immune system, as well as having anti-stress properties. Researchers have also noted that a polysaccharide isolated from Cordyceps has a hypoglycemic effect and may be beneficial for people with insulin resistance.


Panax ginseng roots are taken orally as adaptogens, aphrodisiacs, nourishing stimulants. It is perhaps one of the most studied medicinal herbs in the world — and might be one of the most widely used. It is a proven anti-inflammatory, can regulate blood sugar and can even inhibit some characteristics associated with cancer.

It’s used most commonly to promote a sense of well-being and endurance, as an anti-depressant, for memory and calmness, for energy (it’s one of the ingredients in most energy drinks).


Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) has been found in many studies to be equivalent to many modern painkillers. It is also know to protect from radiation poisoning. Within the tradition of Ayurvedic medicine, it is used to alleviate stress, headaches, colds, digestive problems and inflammation. Recent studies have also shown that it’s also a powerful antioxidant and may even be able to reduce blood glucose levels and cholesterol.


Astragalus has a history of use as a herbal medicine and is used in traditional Chinese medicine. Either alone or in combination with other herbs, has potential benefits for the immune system, heart, and liver, and as an adjunctive therapy for cancer.

Found to help restore compromised immune response due to excessive stress and toxicity from the environment. Cited as being extra beneficial for those with chronic immune deficiencies, it is recommended above Echinacea for its ability to provide deeper assistance to those who’ve consumed large quantities of antibiotics and have become susceptible to infections. Astragalus is consumed through capsules, tinctures, or in a tea. For best results, it is used for several weeks to several months at a time.


He Shou Wu (Fallopia multiflora) is also known as polygonum multiflorum, and is predominantly referred to as such in Pubmed. It is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a tonic to slow down the aging process. It is a restorative herb, calming to the nervous system, and has also been shown to promote hair growth, alleviate insomnia, and may aid with learning and memory.


Traditional Chinese medicine uses reishi to “calm the spirit.” Reishi, (literally “supernatural” mushrooms) have been used for more than 2,000 years, making them perhaps the oldest mushroom to be used medicinally. They can be helpful to reduce anxiety, alleviate insomnia, combat fatigue, and lower blood pressure.

In today’s modern age, with unparalleled stress and toxicity, it is more important than ever to fortify and protect one’s body from potential harm. While diet, exercise, and rest are key components in maintaining excellent health, the use of vitality enhancing herbs is indispensable. Their ability to increase energy, immune response, mental clarity, libido, and over-all homeostasis of the body make them a truly worthwhile investment of time and money. They are safe and easy to use, without side-effects and contraindications like pharmaceutical drugs. In light of their value, they are an obvious choice for anyone wanting to go a step beyond go health and on to higher vitality.

John Summerly is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.

Growing an organic pharmacy in your backyard

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Would you like to create your very own backyard pharmacy by growing medicinal plants?
There’s no better way to use whatever extra space you have at home than to create a garden space where you can grow medicinal plants.
In fact, even if you live in an apartment setting, you can create a windowsill garden where you can grow medicinal plants.
This is especially useful if you have little kids running around in the house who can acquire a burn, a shallow wound, a sore or strike up a fever.
Basically, the medicinal plants to grow in your very own little garden space should be ones with the most number of medicinal values.

Factors that You Need to Consider when Growing Medicinal Plants in a Garden

Before giving out the top 10 medicinal plants that you can grow in your very own garden, here are a few tips to get you started.
First, check on the area where you plan to grow the medicinal plants in. Will you be having a mini-garden or would you like to turn your lawn into a virtual resource of medicinal plants which you can call your very own backyard pharmacy?
After analyzing the extra space that you have, consider other factors like sunlight, water, type of soil, type of container and the time of the year when the medicinal plants will thrive the most.
By taking these factors into account, you can rest assured that your medicinal plants will be thriving in the mini-garden that you will create just for them.


Now that you already have an idea about the gardening basics, what exactly are the valuable medicinal plants that you can grow right in your very own garden space? Take a look at the following list:

1. Aloe Vera

If there’s one medicinal plant which has 101 uses, that is none other than aloe vera.
Let’s say that you or a kid in your home suffered from a minor burn, you can use the bottom stalk of aloe vera as a soothing balm by rubbing the exposed end on the burn.
aloe veraAside from minor cuts and wounds, this medicinal aloe vera is also great for burns, treating eczema and reducing inflammation.
Did you know that this medicinal plant can even be taken internally? You can actually drink aloe vera juice and use it to treat digestive problems, ulcerative colitis, chronic constipation and poor appetite.  This plant grows well under the sun, so it works best for outdoor gardens.

2. Great Burdock

Also called edible burdock or Lappa burdock, this medicinal plant is actually used as a root vegetable. In traditional medicine, the Great Burdock is used as a blood purifying agent, a diuretic and a diaphoretic.
great burdock
Aside from being medicinal, this plant also has great aesthetic value because of its purple-and-green thorny flowers which looks great against any garden.
If you would like to add this medicinal plant to your backyard pharmacy, this can actually grow even without shade; just make sure that the soil is always moist so that the plant will thrive. Other uses for this medicinal plant include boils, rashes, bruises, burns, acne, ringworm and bites.

3. Pot Marigold

The good thing about growing this medicinal plant in your garden is that it can thrive under any soil condition.
pot marigold
As long as you make sure that the Pot Marigold grows in moist soil, it will very easily thrive. It’s also a great-looking addition to your garden aesthetically because of its deep-orange color.
So what are the main uses of Pot Marigold medicinal plants? It can help heal bites, stings, sprains, sore eyes, wounds and even varicose veins. When taken internally, this medicinal plant can be used to treat chronic infections and fever.

4. Chamomile

One of the medicinal plants, chamomile can help treat more than 100 separate ailments and conditions including the common cold, digestive problems, diarrhea, eczema, gastrointestinal conditions, mucositis, toothache, earache, shoulder pain and the common wounds.
What’s good about chamomile is that planting them in your backyard will add a crisp and fruity fragrance to your garden.

5. Echinacea

This lovely-colored flowering medicinal plant is considered to be one of the world’s most important medicinal herbs. It’s actually an herbaceous plant which has several different species.
What makes the Echinacea plant a handy medicinal plant to be around is the fact that it has a wide array of uses, including the treatment of sores, burns, wounds, allergy relief, insect bites, stings and snakebites. This type of medicinal plants also have the ability to help relieve allergies by strengthening immune system.

6.  Great Yellow Gentian

Also called the Great Yellow Gentian, this medicinal plant comes from the mountains of southern and central Europe. It is actually a bitter herb which is used in traditional medicine, and its main function includes the treatment of digestive problems.
yello genatin
This type of medicinal plants also aids in the relief of exhaustion from chronic diseases, it stimulates the gal bladder and liver while at the same time strengthening the body.

7. Tea Tree

Look at the ingredients of any over-the-counter medicinal product or beauty product and you will see how tea tree oil is usually listed as one of its main ingredients. This just goes to show how useful the tea tree plant is medicinally.
tea tree
Tea tree oil comes from the leaves and twigs of the tea tree plant. It has a great many uses, including the treatment of acne, vaginal infections, athlete’s foot, warts, insect bites, cold sores, minor burns, thrush and chronic fatigue syndrome.

8. Peppermint

There’s probably no better-smelling plant that you can grow in your garden than peppermint. It’s considered to be the world’s oldest medicine which has been used by people from the ancient times to relieve whatever it is that is bothering them medically.
What makes peppermint such a medicinal garden essential is the fact that it is naturally rich in vitamins A and C, manganese and it helps reduce a number of symptoms including irritable bowl syndrome, upset stomachs, fevers, flatulence and spastic colon.

9. Ginseng

Ginseng is one of the most beloved and popular medicinal plants in eastern countries. What makes ginseng such a great addition to your medicinal plants garden is the fact that it promotes general health instead of just being useful for a particular type of ailment.
It’s the root of the ginseng which is particularly useful in relaxing the nervous system. It also helps reduce cholesterol levels, improve your immune system and stamina, and helps treat lack of appetite and sleep disorders.

10. Sage

Both a cooking herb and a medicinal plant, sage is a great salve for insect bites, skin infections, gum infections and mouth infections. It can also help with indigestion, flatulence, depression and even menopausal problems.
The Latin name, where sage was derived from, means ‘to heal’, which is an apt description for many ailments that can be resolved using this lush herb which doubles up as a medicinal plant.
These are just some of the top herbal medicinal plants which can serve as a great addition to your garden space. Aside from giving your dwelling that green and homey feel, these medicinal plants have a variety of uses for whatever it is that is ailing you.
Source: Higher Health

Healing Herbs And Spices

Foods have super powers! 

Get to know them!

Healing Herbs and Spices:

Spice up your life, and your health!
Oregano - helps soothe stomach muscles - 
Thyme - relaxes respiratory muscles -
Mint - can ease hiccups - 
Turmeric - Anti cancer -
Ginger - anti nausea remedy - 
Basil - can relieve gas and soothe stomach upsets -
Garlic - Natural antiseptic - 
Black Pepper - helps relieve indigestion
Fenugreek - helps flush out harmful toxins - 
Cayenne - can stop a heart attack
Fennel - can reduce bad breath and body odor - 
Cinnamon - helps lower blood pressure
Clove - anti microbial - 
Dill - Treats heartburn - colic and gas
Sage - antiseptic and antibiotic - 
Rosemary - antioxidant -

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