Natural Cures Not Medicine: Tumor

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Showing posts with label Tumor. Show all posts

GMO food linked to leukemia

Yet more bad news emerges about how genetically modified foods impact your health.

Time is running out to beat back GMOs!

     Leukemia and anemia have been linked to GMO, or genetically modified organisms, in a new study.  The toxins from these genetically engineered food products are absorbed into the body and wreak havoc on blood cells, causing damage and possibly deadly diseases as well.  Belin Poletto Mezzomo, Anna Luisa Miranda-Vilela, and a team of researchers from the Department of Genetics and Morphology at the University of Brasilia conducted tests of GMOs on lab mice.  The study was later published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic Diseases.  Toxins called Cry proteins were fed to the mice and immediately started to cause numerous blood abnormalities.  Anemia was caused at the lowest dose.  The introduction of these GMO toxins caused damage to bone marrow cells and and increased the number of leukocytes, a type of white blood cell associated with leukemia.  On the 7th day of testing, the blood abnormalities steadily worsened.
     Monsanto Corp, the leading producer of GMO crops and seeds, caught wind of this study and has now even threatened legal action against those who published this particular study.
     With the debate over the safety of genetically modified food products heating up, more and more data is showing that several serious and even deadly health conditions can result from consuming such items.  Other studies have shown that rats suffer from aggressive tumor development when fed GMO food and now Russia is banning imported food from the U.S. that is genetically modified.  Several countries across the world have banned or required labeling of edible products containing GMO ingredients, but the United States seems to be far behind on this topic.

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How GMO Foods Alter Organ Function

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10 Years Later - A review of GM crops from the farmers

Natural Cures Not Medicine 

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance"

Natural ways to shrink tumors!

Here are some proven cancer fighters, some may even be in your kitchen!

A diet rich in antioxidants and full of alkaline foods can help prevent and even fight cancers.  Here are a few anticancer items to add to your diet.

Green Tea
A study published in the journal Nanomedicine concluded that two-thirds of tumors treated with green tea extract shrank while causing zero side effects to healthy surrounding tissue.  Green tea is also a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body.

Reishi mushroom extract is a government registered anti cancer.  Reishi, shitake, oyser,  and even common crimini mushrooms all have anticancer properties.  Reishi mushrooms inhibit tumor growth and reduce size of tumors by increasing the body's production of interleukin 1 and 2.  Regular consumption of crimini mushrooms reduces the risk of hormone related breast cancer by inhibiting estrogen production.

An Ohio State University study has shown that blueberries shrink blood vessel tumors, the most common tumor in young children.  In 2005 a University of Illinois study concluded that wild blueberries inhibited the initiation and proliferation of bladder and liver cancer cells as well.

If you or someone you know has cancer, it may be worth your while to take the nutritional approach to healing.  Remember, nutrition is natures health insurance.  Chemo and radiation kill more people then they save and these natural remedies have no harmful side effects.  In fact, they taste delicious and are not nearly as expensive as poisonous conventional treatments.

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The best tea you never drank!

Natural Cures Not Medicine


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