Natural Cures Not Medicine: toxins

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Showing posts with label toxins. Show all posts

Health benefits of Celtic sea salt

Forget boring old table salt, nature has your back!

Throughout the day we perspire, losing much needed water and minerals.  Did you know that salt can actually help you retain some of that life giving water as well as help prevent illness?

Immune system:  Celtic sea salt is believed to help prevent illnesses and disease when consumed regularly.

Ph:  Maintaining alkalinity is key to preventing several illnesses including cancers and makes your body an unsuitable environment for harmful bacteria and viruses.  This salt can help to alkalize the body at the cellular level and the mineral load of celtic sea salt furthers the process of balancing your body's ph.

Muscle health:  Celtic sea salt contains sodium as well as a great deal of electrolytes which can help to naturally prevent muscle cramps.

Brain health:  Neurons in the brain can benefit from the intake of Celtic sea salt.  Furthermore, this salt helps to remove excess acidity and toxins from brain cells, preventing damage and promoting healthy transmission of neuron signals.

Energy:  The proper balance of salt and hydration is crucial to maintaining stamina and healthy energy levels throughout the demanding day.  Electrolytes present in Celtic sea salt further promote sustained energy.

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Naturally reduce inflammation.

Several diseases and serious health conditions can be attributed to inflammation in the body. 

Just about all of our habits in life either cause or reduce inflammation.  There is no such thing as a free lunch, so if you want to avoid chronic health problems due to inflammation, a nutritional approach is a must.

     Up front, inflammation can be associated with increased aging but many people may not realize that inflammation is a hidden cause behind some of the most serious age and non age related diseases.  Inflammation is actually a reaction by the body to protect itself from trauma and toxins, but too much inflammation in the body can send your system into chaos.  Autoimmune disorders, asthma, arthritis, and allergies are related to inflammation but chronic systemic inflammation in the body can give rise to frightening health problems such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, and even cancer.
     Unfortunately our environment is filled with toxins and microbes that cause the body to have an immune response which includes inflammation.  What makes it worse is that a large part of the diet of a person living in a developed country includes processed food items that further cause inflammation, literally keeping your body "under attack" constantly.  If you are willing to make the proper lifestyle choices, you can prevent some serious illnesses and even slow down aging.  More and more people are taking the nutritional approach to health rather than taking a gamble with overly processed, chemical laden, cheap food and ending up in the hospital.  Remember that nutrition is natures health insurance and each time you eat you have the opportunity to strengthen every cell in your body or pump your system full of toxins.
     We all know that junk food is not good for you but keep in mind that it can actually kill you if you eat it regularly and eating healthy to promote good health and avoid the doctor's office doesn't mean you have to eat unappetizing food.  Olive oil makes a great delicious alternative to butter.  Avocado and nuts are good substitutes for meats.  Fruit juices in moderation and water in place of soft drinks will boost your health significantly.  Gluten free breads, pastas, and cereal alternatives are growing in numbers and being carried by more and more grocers.  Forget diets and make a lifestyle change that will save you pain and suffering and will even keep you looking younger for longer.

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Health benefits of curry leaves

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

How using a sauna can improve your health

If you are not in the hot seat, you may want to be...

Our environment is filled with pollution.  Among these are air, water, food, sound, and bad attitudes.  It should be no surprise that heat can help melt the stress away and help us flush out toxins.

Saunas are great for getting away from the grind of the day and collect your thoughts.  The stress relief is just one part of the overall benefit from regular sauna use.  The heating effect causes improved blood circulation which can help improve healing.  Also, heat has been known to relieve pain, especially resulting from strenuous physical activity.  Sauna use is also thought to help ease pain resulting from arthritis.  When the body's temperature is raised a certain amount, endorphins are released which help to relax and relieve pain.  The increased blood flow also improves skin health while toxins and bacteria are removed from the pores via sweat.  Using a sauna can improve heart health, it has been shown to effect the heart rate and can be used to strengthen heart muscles and is believed to help people enjoy a deeper sleep.  Always be careful to not stay in the sauna for too long and avoid saunas if you are pregnant or have some health problems.

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14 Powerful Red Fruits And Vegetables

Natural Cures Not Medicine

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Why water should be the first thing you have when you wake up.

When you wake up, water first!

  • When you wake up in the morning, drinking water on an empty stomach stimulates activity in your organs, essentially waking them up.
  • Drinking nothing but water first when you wake up allows the body to detox by removing waste that accumulated while you slept.  
  • Starting the day with a 16 ounce glass of chilled water can boost your metabolism by up to 24%, helping to to lose excess weight.
  • A glass of water first thing in the morning will cleanse your digestive system thus making it easier for the body to absorb more nutrients.
  • Since water helps the body remove waste and toxins, beginning your long day with a glass of water will have a positive effect on the health of your skin, leaving it looking more healthy.
  • That first glass of water when you rise from your slumber stimulates production of more muscle and blood cells.
  • Kick off your day with a glass of water and it will help to balance your lymph system. 

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Natural ways to beat a hangover!

We all look forward to the weekend.  Spending time with friends, taking a load off, and sometimes unhealthy practices such as heavy drinking can ensue.  The price to pay for a great night can be an awful morning, unless you have the right natural approach to slaying your hangover.

When you drink several, usually 5 or more, alcoholic beverages, you can most likely expect to feel pretty rough the next morning.  Hangovers have been attributed to dehydration but the truth is that dehydration just plays a part in the process.  Toxicity better explains the problem and the combination of toxicity and dehydration can take a toll and interfere with your ability to complete tasks set forth for the day after the debauchery.  When you binge drink, several chemical reactions occur within your body, causing it to retain water and go into "fight mode" to remove toxins.  This process can feel similar to a viral infection and is where the infamous hangover begins.  There are a few natural ways that you can treat the symptoms of having too much fun and thus too much to drink.

In the early hours after heavy drinking, you will regret the memories.  Here are a few tools to help you cheat your hangover:

Bananas:  Binge drinking has the tendency to wipe out the potassium in your body.  Bananas will help restore that balance and will give your blood sugar a boost.

Honey:  The Royal Society of Chemistry claims that eating a breakfast comprising of toast with honey on it is the best ways to best a hangover.  Like bananas, honey is rich in potassium.  Honey also has antioxidants and provides a robust energy and immune boost.

Water:  Though not the cause, dehydration worsens the dreadful effects of a hangover.  Don't wait till the morning after you party, drink water before, during, and after you consume the cocktails and leave out the pain medications which react badly with alcohol.

Avoid caffeine:  Some people will tell you to drink an energy drink, coffee, or tea when you have a hangover to help you feel better, but the truth is that caffeine is not your friend and will actually dehydrate you further.  Instead, go for fruit juice but if your stomach is upset you may want to avoid orange juice since it is so acidic.

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Is spirulina worth the hype?

It looks strange, tastes odd, and heals everything!
Spirulina is a type of algae that is very high in protein and nutrients.  When cultivated properly, it is one of the most potent nutrient sources available.  Since spirulina has a high amount of proteins and amino acids, it is very useful to vegetarians and vegans.  High iron content along with protein also make spirulina a good food source when pregnant, recovering from surgery, or whenever your immune system needs a boost.  This green super food is also very high in chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the blood and aids in the production of new blood cells.  Spirulina is also a great source of calcium for people who live a diary free lifestyle. 

Utilizing a high-ph environment, you can cultivate your own spirulina!

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10 helpful tips for diabetics

File:Insulin pen.JPG
While the standards of processed foods plunge, the instance of chronic illness rise along with health insurance costs.  In 2011 25.8 million adults and children were diabetic.  Here are 10 steps you can take to ease the symptoms of diabetes:

  1. Do some kind of exercise every day.
  2. Do not eat immediately after working out.
  3. Don't eat fast, chew, taste, enjoy each bite to the fullest before swallowing.
  4. Add wheat bran to wheat flour to a 50/50 ratio which increases beneficial fiber in the diet.
  5. Eat at designated times and do not overeat!
  6. Drink a lot of water.  It helps to remove toxins from your body.
  7. Have a fresh salad before or with every meal.
  8. If you are taking insulin, make sure you eat 3 proper meals a day and have snacks in between.
  9. Eat at least 20 to 25 grams of raw onion each day.
  10. Make sure the gaps between your meals are short and avoid fried food and sweetmeats.

Another thing you could do to improve your overall health is to reduce the amount of heavily processed foods you eat, avoid tobacco, and avoid alcohol.


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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