Natural Cures Not Medicine: anti cancer

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Showing posts with label anti cancer. Show all posts

High protein foods for vegetarians!

Here is a challenge: find a way to maintain your meat-free diet and still get enough protein.  Luckily nature is up to the challenge and there are a few delicious choices, so dig in!
Some of these foods are not only protein rich but also have some special health benefits:

Avocado contains a good amount of natural protein and also is packed with monounsaturated fats which help manage cholesterol and prevent heart disease.  

Spirulina has a whopping 19 amino acids and is loaded with chlorophyll which helps with the production of blood cells.  

Broccoli contains plant protein but also has powerful antioxidant properties and is even thought to be an effective anti cancer.  

Kale packs a protein punch and brings a good amount of vitamins and antioxidant power to the table.

Figs, while also a rich source of plant based protein, can also help with ulcers, diabetes and lower the risk of heart disease.

A quick rundown on the most common high protein vegetarian foods.

Cutting meat out of your diet can have several positive impacts on your health, but make sure you include protein and iron rich foods to balance your nutritional profile. 

More posts about vegetarian friendly nutrition:

Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

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The Top 10 Detoxifying Foods

A dozen reasons to eat Brussels sprouts

Ok, not the most popular veggies among children but they could be nature's health insurance if you include these strange looking greens in your diet.

Brussels sprouts have been cultivated for food since the 16th century.  Cultivation in the U.S. began in the 8th century when French settlers brought them to Louisiana.  Like broccoli, they contain a chemical called sulforaphane which is believed to have strong anti cancer properties.  Brussels sprouts also contain indole-3-carbinol, a substance that helps repair DNA in the cells and appears to block the growth of cancer cells.  The best way to prepare Brussels sprouts in order to maintain the potent nutritive and healing value is to steam or stir fry rather than boiling. 

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Instant Cure For Hiccups

Naturally remove heavy metals from your body.

Heavy metals are in our environment and even if you live a healthy lifestyle, you need to detox and remove harmful particles from your system.  Here are some natural approaches to doing so.  Remember that nutrition is nature's health insurance.

Garlic:  Garlic has antimicrobial and antiviral properties.  It helps cleanse the liver, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.  Garlic contains the powerful antioxidant allicin. 

Blue green algae:  As well as containing an impressive amount of nutrients, algae have been shown to have strong antioxidant effects and bind to heavy metals to detox and remove them from the body.

Bentonite clay:  Bentonite clay can remove up to 25 times its own weight in impurities from the body.  Made from volcanic ash, this clay can be used topically for acne or other skin conditions and the purest form can be taken internally.

Onion:  Onion removes heavy metals from the body, has antimicrobial properties, and even reduces cholesterol.  Onion can also treat allergy symptoms and congestion.

Cilantro:  Cilantro can remove heavy metals such as mercury from the body.  Consuming this herb can also help with reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.  Cilantro also has anti inflammatory effects.

Burdock Root:  Burdock has anti bacterial, anti fungal, and anti tumor  properties.  Burdock helps with liver health and is used as a natural anticancer.  It removes toxins as well as heavy metals from the body.

Fruits and veggies that are good for detoxing

A Natural Way To Quit Smoking

7 foods loaded with antioxidants!

Aloe Vera: the healing powerhouse!

File:Aloe Vera with web.jpg
Aloe vera, in Russia, is referred to as "the elixir of youth" and has been revered since ancient times for its substantial healing effects.  Aloe vera is not just antibacterial but also anti viral and anti fungal and can even be used as a natural food preservative.  Since aloe contains 20 amino acids, it helps tremendously with muscle production.  It contains vitamins A, C, D, E, B, B-1, B-2, choline, B-12, folic acid, and several key enzymes which help break down food and improve nutrient absorption.  Aloe vera also loaded with minerals including copper, iron, zinc, sodium, calcium, potassium, chromium, and manganese.

Here are some health effects you can expect from Aloe Vera!

Helps with ulcers, heartburn, and diverticular disorders.

Can be used to treat acne.

File:Aloe vera leaf.jpgImproves oxygen levels in the blood.

Helps to boost immune system function.

Can reduce the time of healing for wounds.

Aloe juice can help with respiratory problems.

Natural anti inflammatory.

Can be used to treat eczema.

Has anti cancer effects.

10 Ways To Prevent and Slow Cancer Naturally

Prevent Or Slow Cancer Naturally:

  1. Get plenty of vitamin D - between 50 and 70 ng/ml. 
  2. Get a healthy amount of omega-3 fats.
  3. You can get most of your antioxidants from organic foods sources like: blueberries, beans, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and artichokes. 
  4. Try to ONLY eat fresh organic vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables have been identified as having powerful anti-cancer properties. 
  5. Avoid chemicals, pollutants, and toxins.  This also means you might even want to even get rid of household cleaners, certain soaps, air fresheners, insect sprays, pesticides, and insecticides. Replace them if you must with non-toxic alternatives. 
  6. Learn to manage stress – Stress has a serious impact on inflammation, which can activate underlying  chronic diseases that kill people prematurely and it can be avoided. 
  7. Maintain a healthy body weight.
  8. Get high-quality sleep
  9. Reduce cell phones and other wireless technology usage.
  10. Boil, poach or steam your foods, rather than frying or charbroiling them.

 (Eat as many of your foods raw as you can.)

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Healthy Eating Is Health Insurance!

Super spices you need in your life!

Garlic and Onions:  These contain phytochemicals that break down fat in the body.  They also break down LDL cholesterol, raise HDL(good) cholesterol.  They even eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protect against heart disease!  Quercetin found in onions is a strong anticancer and the allicin found in garlic fights several types of cancers as well.

Turmeric:  This spice has more beta carotene than any other source.  Beta carotene is an antioxidant that helps protect the liver against free radical damage.  Turmeric also allows your liver heal while it helps the body metabolize fat by reducing the rate of fat storage in liver cells.  Several studies have shown that turmeric protects against brain damage, including diseases like alzheimer's and parkinson's.  Turmeric also has astounding anti cancer effects!

Cinnamon:  Research from the USDA showed that 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with a meal helps to metabolize sugar up to 20 times more effective!  Limiting the amount of sugar in the blood can help to curb excess fat storage and thus help to avoid other various weight-related illnesses.  The fact that it balances sugar levels also makes cinnamon useful for stabilizing mood and energy levels.

Chilies:  These delicious peppers can add a kick to any meal but did you know they also kick your metabolism into gear?  Chilies also lessen pain and inflammation in the body.  A cancer research study conducted in 2006 concluded that the capsaicin in chilis helped stop the spread of prostate cancer.

If you want to read more about these spices natural weight loss properties:

Remember that when adding some flavor to your next dish, you can add some years to your life also.

Surprising health benefits of avocado!

Super Foods for Diabetics

Anti inflammatory foods and Inflammatory foods

Top Cancer Fighting Foods


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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