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Health benefits of chlorella

If its impressive nutritional profile is not enough, the healing powers of chlorella should have you searching the grocery aisles for this green superfood!

More and more people are learning about this wonder food which does many different things from anti aging to immune system support.

     The rise of modern society has brought new problems as well as breakthroughs.  Industry pushes forward and our environment becomes more toxic due to this.  Air, food, water, and even psychological pollution is rampant and has a negative effect on our physiology.  Cigarette smoke in a bar contains cadmium, a harmful substance that causes atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.  Heavy metals like lead and arsenic are present in our drinking water.  Studies also show that negative attitudes and stress cause further harm in the body.  Improper metabolism of foods and secretions from bacteria in the colon result in the release of toxins which wreak havoc in the body, causing increased aging internally and externally.  Heavy industrial pesticides on our fruits and vegetables offer a cocktail of cancer causing toxins that beat down the immune system and cause damage to living tissue wherever they are present.  Did you know that 100 years ago hardly any people died from cancer?  Luckily, there are some steps that you can take to prevent cancer and other horrible diseases resulting form our toxic environment, and most important among them is nutrition.  This is where chlorella comes in.
     One of the biggest perks that is known to come with consuming chlorella regularly is anti aging.  The fact that the cell walls of chlorella bind very effectively to toxins and "escort" them out of the body makes this super food an obvious choice for people who want to detoxify their body.  Free radicals and toxins are known to cause inflammation throughout the body when they are present in the blood stream, and it is this systemic inflammation that speeds up aging and gives rise to horrible afflictions such as cancer and heart disease.  Getting rid of these toxins is important, but it is only half the battle.  A nutritious diet can promote immune health and chlorella is an excellent source of immune boosting nourishment.  The production of critical immune components is helped along by consuming chlorella regularly.  T-cells, our body's cancer and virus killers, are crucial to immune function.  Data shows that keeping chlorella in your diet helps the body to produce more T-cells.  B-cells do battle with harmful bacteria in the body and are also produced more effectively with the introduction of chorella in our diet.  Macrophages, the body's cancer busters, also are shown to increase when this super green food is consumed regularly.  Weight problems, ulcers, seizures, asthma, cold, flu, high blood pressure, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, add, and ulcers are among a long list of conditions that can be treated and prevented by making chlorella part of your daily intake.

This really is a miracle food and the sooner you start eating it the sooner you will feel amazing!

See more of our recent posts:

Health benefits of eating peanut butter

Uses for coconut oil

Health benefits of berries

Surprising health benefits of sesame seeds!

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Health benefits of eating peanut butter

3 Health benefits of eating peanut butter

  1. Heart health:  The vitamin E in peanut butter is a powerful antioxidant and therefore helps prevent heart disease.  Peanut butter also has fiber which helps reduce bad cholesterol.  Peanut butter also contains monounsaturated fats linked to a decrease in heart disease.
  2. Anti aging:  Resveratrol is another antioxidant linked to lower heart disease and even cancer risk.  Studies suggest it also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Energy boost:  Healthy monounsaturated fats, protein, vitamin b3, tryptophan, and manganese spell a good healthy sustained energy boost.

If you like this you might want to check out our other natural health posts:

Uses for coconut oil

Health benefits of berries

Join the march against monsanto

Healthy sweetener: it exists!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is Nature's health insurance."

Uses for coconut oil

Coconut oil is growing in popularity.  With some impressive health boosts and practical uses, it is no surprise.

Oral health:  Coconut oil aids in the absorption of calcium into the body and therefore can promote healthy teeth.  coconut oil is also believed to stop tooth decay for an added benefit to your dental health.

Kidney health:  Coconut oil may help to dissolve kidney stones and helps prevent disease of the kidneys and gall bladder.

Heart health:  Coconut oil is packed with lauric which helps to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. This compound is also believed to help regulate blood pressure as well.

Diabetes:  Utilization of blood glucose is aided with the addition of coconut oil in your diet and blood sugar and insulin management in the body is helped along by coconut oil as well.

Digestion:  Since coconut oil has anti microbial, anti fungal, and anti parasitic effects, it can help to prevent indigestion resulting from unwanted invaders.  This oil also helps with the absorption of vital nutrients as well further improving the process of digestion.

Brain health:  Healthy fats like those found in coconut oil help to promote brain function and prevent decline.  Some data shows that this oil can not only treat but maybe even prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Liver health:  Fatty acids and healthy triglycerides help to prevent liver disease and also lessen the accumulation of fat within the liver.

Read some of our other recent posts:

A win in the conscious revolution: Peru Bans GMO

Health benefits of berries

Join the march against monsanto

Healthy sweetener: it exists!

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Nikola Tesla - The Untold Story

Just in case you were wondering. We can get plenty of free energy with today's technology. And it's about time we start doing it the sustainable way or we may find ourselves in some serious trouble. We would just like to share with you a friend of ours Nikola Tesla. Here is his "untold" story. You won't find much of this in the mainstream reports. This is not everything... But its a great tribute to a wonderful man that has helped invent so many devices that help your every life. Without this man ... who knows where we would be.

How to turn soda cans into solar panels

How to turn soda cans into solar heating panels

Make sure to share this article with friends and family. Information is worth more than silver or gold.

Here is a natural way to make solar panels. Not so much related to health. But this is way too cool not to share. We hope this inspires a few of you.

Peter Rowan left his job as a "corporate weenie" in 2010 to live a life with less stuff and fewer expenses and with more time to pursue his dreams. Since downsizing his life, he's begun writing fiction from home (in addition to a teaching gig) so for a bit more privacy, this year he decided to single-handedly convert the family's unused garage into his off-grid writing retreat. Crafting it mostly out of repurposed materials, he decided to heat it using a home-made, recycled can solar panel.
After collecting 275 cans (soda, juice, mineral water and beer), he began to drill holes into the ends, glue them together and fit them into a box crafted from plywood and 2 by 4's. Adding a bit of black spray paint and some plexiglass, he created his home-made solar panel. He salvaged a couple of fans from an old computer to create a system for pushing cold air into the solar panel and pushing the hot air out and into his office.
In this video, Mary Rowan used her iphone to film her husband's month-long process building a solar heater with recycled cans. Granted Seattle may not be the ideal spot for solar, but Peter says that it seems to heat up the space by about 5 or 6 degrees even on a "crummy day" and when the sun is out it can provide too much heat.

Instructions for building a solar heater with recycled cans:

If you like this - You are going to love this! 
--> Build your own solar electricity panels:

Do not attempt to play the picture above. It is just a picture, used when this article is shared as the thumbnail because blogger and youtube decided they were not friends any more and don't serve a thumbnail, unless you create your own. So there you go. 

A win in the conscious revolution: Peru Bans GMO

Peru has banned all GMO. But so have other countries. Fear not. You can join them too. You just have to stand up and fight. Freedom isn't free. 

A win for the conscious revolution!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Health benefits of berries

Nature's candy has some extra perks!

Blueberries:  A well known heavy hitting antioxidant, blueberries protect tissue from damage causing free radicals and toxins.  Blueberries also promote good heart health, reduce inflammation, and even contain several compounds with anticancer properties.  Triple negative breast cancer, one of the deadliest varieties, can be inhibited by phytochemicals found in these berries.  The juice of wild blueberries has been shown to help with memory function in elderly people and may even help to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Strawberries:  Strawberries have anticancer properties.  They can also help protect organs and tissue in the body from the assault of oxidative damage.  Strawberries are thought to reduce cellular inflammation which can help to prevent some serious diseases and slow down the aging process.  This particular fruit is also known to promote eye health, boost the immune system, and helps with bone health.

Raspberries:  A good source of iron and folate, raspberries are known to promote healthy blood cell production.  Raspberries contain vitamin C, also known as the detox vitamin, which eliminates harmful impurities from the blood stream.  These berries are heart friendly, being low in calories and free of cholesterol and sodium, they can make a delicious guilt free snack.  Raspberries are also loaded with antioxidants and anticancer compounds.

Blackberries:  Blackberries carry an impressive nutritional profile.  They are rich in vitamins A and K and contain multiple minerals.  Blackberries may prevent several different types of cancer and are known to promote healthy digestion.

Now that you know something sweet and delicious can actually improve your health and guard against several terrifying diseases, skip candy and get some fresh picked berries!

Read more about each of these healing berries:

Blackberries Fight and Prevent Cancer

Health bonuses of eating strawberries

How raspberries boost your health

Blueberries could save your life!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Join the march against monsanto

Small steps. But we the people are in charge... not men in suits. YOU are in change. Only what you allow will continue. Join the march against monsanto. Lets change the first on this list. May 25th everywhere. 

Healthy sweetener: it exists!

Not just a natural sweetener, but a wonder herb all in itself!

Beware sugar free items at the grocery store.  Lowering your sugar intake is a good idea, but you must be careful to avoid toxic artificial sweeteners.  Stevia not only is without negative side effects, but it may actually make you healthier in addition to sweetening up your dessert or beverage.

     With obesity rates going up and major illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and depression being linked to sugar people are looking for an answer.  Knowledge of the harm caused by chemically synthesized sweeteners such as aspartame, which was originally formulated in a government bio weapons lab, is spreading and even some natural sweeteners like agave syrup are turning out to be not quite as healthy and safe to consume regularly as once thought.  The natural answer is stevia, a leafy plant that has been cultivated and used for centuries in South America.
     The problem for most people is the fact that stevia tends to have an aftertaste that is not suitable to the discerning pallet.  There are extracts and powdered forms of stevia that can be used instead of the crushed leaves and supposedly offer more of the sweetening effect without adding flavor.  The best feedback has been from people who use the liquid extract, which is several times sweeter than table sugar but passes very little flavor of the plant on to your food or beverage.

- Tooth decay, mouth sores, and gingivitis can be treated using stevia.  Add a few drops to your toothpaste or take a cup of room temp water and add a few drops and use it to gargle as a mouthwash.  This can be a great alternative to commercial mouthwashes that actually contain harmful ingredients and toxic flouride which can be absorbed systemically and cause harm throughout the body.

-Adding stevia to your tea or other beverages daily can potentially help with bone health and may benefit people who suffer from osteoporosis.  Tests on chickens have shown that, when given stevia regularly, egg shells from the chickens had a much higher calcium content.  It is believed that the presence of stevia in the blood stream aids in the absorption of calcuim from our daily diet.

-Applying a mask of crushed stevia leaves and coconut oil for about 15 minutes before going to sleep can help slow aging and repair damaged stressed skin.  Powerful antioxidant and antiseptic properties make for significant skin rejuvenation.

-It is believed that adding stevia to your daily routine can help to naturally lower blood pressure.

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Foods that eliminate bad breath

Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

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Surprising health benefits of sesame seeds!

One of the oldest culinary and medicinal seeds known to mankind does more than you might think.

Here are some impressive facts about sesame seeds:

Heart health:  Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, sesame seeds promote a healthy lipid profile which can naturally reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering harmful LDL cholesterol and raising healthy HDL cholesterol.

Brain health:  Sesame seeds are loaded with the B-vitamin complex niacin which helps with brain activity, helping to reduce neurosis and anxiety.

Antioxidants:  Within these seeds are abundant amounts of phenolic antioxidants, such as sesamol and sesaminol, which protect tissue in the body from exposure to free radicals and harmful toxins resulting from metabolism and exposure to a toxic environment.

DNA:  Folic acid is found in sesame seeds.  Folic acid is an important part of the creation and maintenance of you DNA and pregnant women are recommended to maintain a good intake of folic acid to prevent birth defects.

Natural Protein:  100 grams of sesame seeds contain more than 30% of the daily value of protein needed by the human body.  Along with amino acids, these plant based proteins are a vital part of growth, especially in early life.

Blood health:  Rich in vitamins and minerals, sesame seeds provide the needed nutritional payload for red blood cell production as well ass several other vital body functions.  Several B-vitamins, zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper can be found in these seeds.

Add sesame seeds to your breakfast omelette, smoothie, or fried rice to experience some of these health boosts.  You can also cook with sesame seed oil instead of butter or heavily processed oils from GMO crops as a healthy substitute that will have you feeling top notch!

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The Power of Broccoli

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Beat The Backache Naturally!

Foods That Boost Your Energy

Liver cleaning foods!

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Health boosting seasonings for your food

Garlic and Onions:  These contain phytochemicals that break down fat in the body.  They also break down LDL cholesterol,raise HDL(good) cholesterol.  They even eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protect against heart disease!  Quercetin found in onions is a strong anticancer and the allicin found in garlic fights several types of cancers as well.

Turmeric:  This spice has more beta carotene than any other source.  Beta carotene is an antioxidant that helps protect the liver against free radical damage.  Turmeric also allows your liver heal while it helps the body metabolize fat by reducing the rate of fat storage in liver cells.  Several studies have shown that turmeric protects against brain damage, including diseases like alzheimer's and parkinson's.  Turmeric also has astounding anti cancer effects!

Cinnamon:  Research from the USDA showed that 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with a meal helps to metabolize sugar up to 20 times more effective!  Limiting the amount of sugar in the blood can help to curb excess fat storage and thus help to avoid other various weight-related illnesses.  The fact that it balances sugar levels also makes cinnamon useful for stabilizing mood and energy levels.

Chilies:  These delicious peppers can add a kick to any meal but did you know they also kick your metabolism into gear?  Chilies also lessen pain and inflammation in the body.  A cancer research study conducted in 2006 concluded that the capsaicin in chilis helped stop the spread of prostate cancer.

Remember that when adding some flavor to your next dish, you can add some years to your life also.

Read other recent posts of ours:

Using Lemons To Detox

Lemons are another powerful food.

If you're up for a natural detox - 

check out some of the health benefits of a lemon detox:

- Aids in digestion
- increases concentration
- Flushes liver and kidneys
- Suppresses the appetite
- Boosts the immune system
- Makes hair shiner and stronger
- Cleansing the blood
- Removing radiation from the body

Dosage is important so make sure to do your homework before choosing any method.
Here you can learn a lot more about lemon detox

Here is one way to make a Lemon Detox Drink:

Check out some of our other posts:

Dry Body Brushing

Naturally reduce inflammation.

Foods that eliminate bad breath

Super Foods for Diabetics

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance"

Super Foods for Diabetics

Here is a video with TOP foods for Diabetics!

If you like natural cures 
check out a couple of our last posts!

They are trying to outlaw saving your own seed in Europe

Cure Severe Flu with Omega-3 acids

MSG is Toxic and should be avoided

Foods that eliminate bad breath

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Foods that eliminate bad breath

Bad breath can be bad for business and also can spell awkward social interactions.  Naturally boost your breath with these food items.
Boom!  Now you can have fresh breath and be healthy while you are at it.

There is no replacement for dental maintenance such as brushing, flossing, and regular checkups and cleanings.  Consider, though, that many people stand to suffer the side effects of taking conventional means to improve breath.  Mouthwashes often contain fluoride which can be absorbed through the capillaries in the mouth and is toxic to all tissue in the human body.  
Many brands also include artificial sweeteners and coloring agents.  Chewing gum that is marketed as sugar free usually contains aspartame, the most highly contested FDA approved food item in history.  Aspartame has been tied to several health problems including migraines and different cancers.  This sweet poison even converts to formaldehyde in the body after consumption. 
 Other sweeteners such as sucralose are used which are heavily processed and have negative side effects as well.  Thankfully, nature provides us with a bounty of options to improve breath and they don't harm your body but actually have decent nutritional profiles.

Read some more of our recent posts:

Argan Oil is Liquid Gold

Animal Farm - The truth about GM chicken

Mushrooms - Another great way to get your vitamin D

Beat The Backache Naturally!

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Naturally reduce inflammation.

Several diseases and serious health conditions can be attributed to inflammation in the body. 

Just about all of our habits in life either cause or reduce inflammation.  There is no such thing as a free lunch, so if you want to avoid chronic health problems due to inflammation, a nutritional approach is a must.

     Up front, inflammation can be associated with increased aging but many people may not realize that inflammation is a hidden cause behind some of the most serious age and non age related diseases.  Inflammation is actually a reaction by the body to protect itself from trauma and toxins, but too much inflammation in the body can send your system into chaos.  Autoimmune disorders, asthma, arthritis, and allergies are related to inflammation but chronic systemic inflammation in the body can give rise to frightening health problems such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, and even cancer.
     Unfortunately our environment is filled with toxins and microbes that cause the body to have an immune response which includes inflammation.  What makes it worse is that a large part of the diet of a person living in a developed country includes processed food items that further cause inflammation, literally keeping your body "under attack" constantly.  If you are willing to make the proper lifestyle choices, you can prevent some serious illnesses and even slow down aging.  More and more people are taking the nutritional approach to health rather than taking a gamble with overly processed, chemical laden, cheap food and ending up in the hospital.  Remember that nutrition is natures health insurance and each time you eat you have the opportunity to strengthen every cell in your body or pump your system full of toxins.
     We all know that junk food is not good for you but keep in mind that it can actually kill you if you eat it regularly and eating healthy to promote good health and avoid the doctor's office doesn't mean you have to eat unappetizing food.  Olive oil makes a great delicious alternative to butter.  Avocado and nuts are good substitutes for meats.  Fruit juices in moderation and water in place of soft drinks will boost your health significantly.  Gluten free breads, pastas, and cereal alternatives are growing in numbers and being carried by more and more grocers.  Forget diets and make a lifestyle change that will save you pain and suffering and will even keep you looking younger for longer.

Read some more of our recent posts:

Health benefits of curry leaves

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Dry Body Brushing

Photo courtesy of Oasis Advance

Dry body brushing has been around for centuries. It is a great way to detoxify the skin, aid in lymphatic drainage, and helps in reducing cellulite, to name but a few of the many benefits.

Used widely in health spas as a slimming and / or detox treatment, body brushing can also be done at home. It is an easy technique to learn and all you need is a natural fiber brush, which can easily be found online or obtained from your local store. (See below for our recommended brushes from Amazon.) Be sure to choose a natural fiber brush as synthetic fibers may irritate or damage the skin.

The benefits are tremendous.

  • Softens,smooths and firms skin
  • Removes dead skin cells
  • Improves nervous system
  • Removes cellulite
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system
  • Aids in draining excess fluid from the body
  • Helps tone muscles
  • Aids digestion
  • Natural and relaxing
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Reduces the need for body lotions and creams by stimulating the oil glands
How to Dry Body Brush Your Skin:
Dry body brushing is best to do in the morning, as its invigorating and awakening effect can interfere with sleep if done at night. Never brush cut or broken skin.
Make sure you are in a warm, dry room with somewhere to sit that is comfortable so that you can reach your legs and feet. Make sure to use firm, even strokes in the direction of the heart and go over each area several times in order to ensure the whole part of the body you are brushing is covered.
Start in a sitting position, working on one foot and make your way up to your buttocks. Repeat on the opposite leg.
Next move on to your arms. Start at the palms of the hands, working in towards the body. 
When brushing the abdomen, always use clockwise circular motions and slightly less pressure than on your arms and legs.
Once completed, move on to the neck and chest. These areas can be sensitive and it is recommended to use much lighter strokes.
Last of all, the face. It is beneficial to use a brush that is designed for the face or even a face cloth. It is essential to be very gentle to this area to get the maximum benefit and avoid any damage to the skin from excessive rubbing.

The key to remember is that this should be stimulating to the skin. You don't want to brush too hard as this can irritate or damage your skin's surface.The whole procedure should take no longer than 10 minutes. For maximum effects take a warm shower after dry brushing.

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Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

For relief from psoriasis, first turn to nature.

Psoriasis is a wide spread skin problem that causes great discomfort, sleep problems, and greatly diminishes quality of life for those who suffer from it.  Here are some natural remedies and some additional health bonuses you can enjoy from using them:

Apple cider vinegar:  Also apply to skin to remove warts and age spots.  If taken internally, apple cider vinegar can help to cleanse the liver, lymph system, and help balance out the body's alkalinity.

Dead sea mud:  In addition to exfoliating skin, black dead sea mud also helps to maintain healthy looking skin and improves circulation.  This special mud is a heavy duty moisturizer and can be used to also treat eczema and acne. 

Olive oil:  Applied topically, olive oil rejuvenates and repairs skin but also yields significant health benefits if taken orally such as reducing the risk of heart disease and aiding in digestion.

Goldenseal:  Goldenseal has dozens of other uses including aiding in digestion, antiseptic properties and promotion of healthy heart function.  Nausea, vomiting, and night sweats can also be treated with this ancient herb.

Epsom salt:  Bathing in Epsom salt can help with skin inflammation and rashes in addition to psoriasis and has the added effect of relieving joint pain, muscle pain, and fibromyalgia.

Comfrey:  Comfrey stimulates rapid skin regeneration so effectively that it has been used frequently by battlefield medics.  Comfrey is also used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, mouth sores, and promotes cardiovascular health.

Aloe Vera:  Psoriasis can be effectively treated using the gel from this plant which is also widely used to relieve traumatic burns and overexposure to the sun.  Aloe Vera can also be used to treat skin abrasions and acne.

Coconut oil:  In addition to being an effective treatment for multiple skin problems including psoriasis, coconut oil can also be used for healthy hair and promotes heart health.  Data shows that coconut oil, if ingested regularly, can promote brain health and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Dead sea salt:  Studies show that all the symptoms of psoriasis can be alleviated by taking dead sea salt baths.  Muscle relaxation is another plus and even people who suffer from osteoarthritis have reported having reduced pain as a result of trying dead sea salt.

Tea tree oil:  Other skin conditions such as boils, acne, and warts can be effectively treated using this essential oil as well.  Soar throat, congestion, dandruff, and lice are also treatable using tea tree oil.

Sunlight:  Calcium and phosphorus absorption are aided by the production of vitamin D resulting from sun exposure, helping to promote bone health as well as skin health.  Sunlight has been shown to help with depression as well.

Neem leaf oil:  Neem leaf oil can also help with head lice, eczema, and scabies.

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