Natural Cures Not Medicine: A win in the conscious revolution: Peru Bans GMO

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A win in the conscious revolution: Peru Bans GMO

Peru has banned all GMO. But so have other countries. Fear not. You can join them too. You just have to stand up and fight. Freedom isn't free. 

A win for the conscious revolution!

Natural Cures Not Medicine


  1. Awesome! This is great news. Loving the updates, keep 'em coming!

  2. I am so sorry but this is not true. Even though the peruvian government has declared a 10 days moratory for importing GMS products, this is what is really happening.
    The Devil wears masks - many ones - and has deep pockets...
    1.- GM corn in 5 valleys in Perú by 2008
    2.- From 13 products tested, 11 contained GMO's
    3.- MONSANTO is selling GMO's frrely in Perú

  3. Jorge, I think it is true.

    "It's also the only country in the Americas to put a 10-year ban on genetically modified food, with a law that was first introduced in 2011, and went into effect at the end of last year. Its basic intention, say Schiaffino and others, is to protect Peru’s biodiversity, as well as the practices that have kept it intact for so long."

    You have concerned me about genetic contamination in Peru, though.

  4. I'm moving back to Lima, Peru in January. I'll do some research :)


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