Natural Cures Not Medicine

Most Read This Week:

"I Cure Cancer" trailer - Full film at!

14 years ago my girlfriend cured herself of terminal cancer.  So I made this film:

20 Health Benefits of Yoga

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Cancer Fighting Foods

Cancer fighting foods!

The 3 blue links are articles we have previously written about the chosen wonderful food:

Make sure you get loads of these! -  jalapenos, kale, lemons, mustard green, broccoli, green tea, seaweed, ginseng, figs, wild berries, swiss chard, cabbage, avocado, flax seeds, turmeric, chili peppers, ginger, romaine lettuce, cauliflower, grapefruits, green juice, garlic, tomatoes, rosemary, 

Thanks for the image

Magic Promises - A touching video from father to children

This was sent to us by a friend of This page will blow your mind - A lovely touching film made for his children. We thought this was a lovely way to express some natural healing for the world. Love - hope and happiness :)

Vale jailed for 5 years for selling apricot seeds for Cancer.

Vale jailed for 5 years for selling apricot seeds that were curing people of cancer.  Footage from my current project "I Cure Cancer" Too. part II - excerpt of Dr Nick Gonzalez MD on cancer healing

Top Alternative Cancer Treatment Dr. Gonzalez M.D. on treating cancer for my film being made now "I Cure Cancer" Too. 

Ty Bollinger int's Ian Jacklin on Robert Scott Bell show,

I was on this last week talking about my new film "I Cure Cancer" Too.  (working title)

Something You Should Know About Your Meat Products!!

What is in your meat? 
Thrombian, or Transglutaminase (TG), otherwise  known as "Meat Glue" is an enzyme that catalyzes covalent bonds between free amine groups, like glutamine. These bonds are pretty durable and resist degradation once the food has been formed. Thrombin is made from a pig or cow's blood. Basically, the enzyme enables food processors to stick various scraps of meat together and sell it to you as a regular cut. Food processors    do this primarily to make uniform portions that "cook evenly", look good and reduce waste. They also use this practice to bind meat mixtures like sausage without casings. Basically, any meat product that has been formed into almost identical shapes contain TG. The "wonders" of this product can also be found in Tofu, Bread, Yogurt, Milk & even Cosmetic Products. According to the Food and Drug Administration, Transglutaminase is classified as a GRAS product (generally recognized as safe) when used properly. Some studies have shown that stomach enzymes have difficulty breaking down proteins after they have been bonded by TG. Other studies have been shown that these bonded proteins are absorbed and broken down in the body into normal products as though they had never been bonded. This is one of many problems with the meat industry. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose what you put in your body. With cancer & other crippling diseases on the rise, one would wonder if this could be a contributing factor?  


We are making our pets cannibals

Why don't people watch this stuff more careful! This is terrible!
Are we allowing our pets to eat other dogs and cats? The shocking truth is yes. All you have to do is google "dead animals in pet food" you will come in contact with information that will blow your mind. Naturally the next question is, well, what should we feed our pets? We can't fully answer this question just yet, but we do know a lot of what we eat so can they with a few exceptions that are common knowledge. Shocking...
This is a shipment of cats and dogs from shelters that have been put down. They later are turned into dog and cat food....

Same with many other farm animals. They toss it all in. 

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - The Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is just part the the "Stuff they don't want you to know". Great, but what is it? The fda standard measurement of testing a new drug against a sugar pill. Does it perform better than a sugar pill? Great. Approved. The point they over look is that we are far more powerful than many allow you to believe and it's time we all start finding the truth. The power of the mind goes much further than just being able to cure simple health problems. If you research "Spontaneous Recession" and "Cure cancer in 3 Minutes" you can find further examples of the power of the mind and curing cancer.

Cure Cancer 3 minutes! Bet you didn't learn this in school

Eric Mead: The magic of the placebo (video)

Your mind is far more powerful than many believe. It's time to wake up and remember who you already are.

Anthony Atala: Growing new organs (video) TED

Growing organs, printing skin, and much more on the way. The future is bright. Fear not.

Printing New Skin: Saving Lives with Ink Jet Printers

That's right folks, they can print skin now, even ears, grow organs and much more. Stay tuned as we catch you up to speed with amazing new technological break throughs that can repair where nature fails. Leave your email with us for a daily summary post! Thanks for being here! Natural cures not medicine!

In Transition 2.0 Trailer

Kale Info & Great Tasting Healthy Recipe(video)

Kale has wonderful health benefits!

Kale is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat. Kale is high in iron; Iron is essential for good health. Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef. Iron helps the formation of hemoglobin and enzymes, transporting oxygen to various parts of the body, cell growth, proper liver function and more. Kale is high in Vitamin K. Eating a diet high in Vitamin K can help protect against various cancers; Vitamin K can also help people with Alzheimer's disease. Kale is filled with powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants, such as carotenoids and flavonoids help protect against various cancers. Kale is great for cardiovascular support as well as an awesome anti-inflammatory food. Kale is also high in Vitamin A & C that keep your body healthy inside and out. Kale is high in calcium. Per calorie, kale has more calcium than milk! Calcium aids in preventing bone loss, osteoporosis and helping to maintain a healthy metabolism. Kale is great if you are trying to detox your body. Kale is filled with fiber and sulfur, both great for detoxifying your body & keeping your liver healthy.  Check out our friend +Heather Nauta's video on how to prepare a Baby Kale Salad With Apple!   

Scientists Confirm Reality is Illusion - A 3D Hologram

Still think that's air you're breathing?

A Message To Humanity!

A huge natural healer, love, hope, passion, giving, and doing what you love. Help others. Love yourself.

The 7 Most Alkaline Foods

Get more energy, better digestion, lose weight, tend aches, pains and disease by eating alkaline foods.
Alkaline foods are known to have strong cancer fighting properties.
Kale, Cucumber, Avacado, Broccoli, Peppers, Celery, Spinach

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Hult Prize offers a million dollars for social entrepreneurs helping save planet

This is a fantastic opportunity for people to get the funding they need to help change the world. Do you have an idea? Submit it... Who knows... If you win and you found it here. Make sure to tell us! :) Goodluck!

To enter try here:

The best times to drink water

The importance of drinking water at the correct time maximizes it's effectiveness on the human body.

1. Drinking 2 glasses of water just after you wake up stimulates your organs.

2. Drinking a glass of water half hour after a meal helps digestion.

3.  A glass of water before a bath helps lower blood pressure.

4. A glass of water before bed lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack.

A natural cure for standard education

The worlds first mobile highschool. An amazing upgrade to standard education

Thunder God Vine Proven To Kill Cancer

Commonly known as ‘thunder god vine’ (Tripterygium wilfordii) or lei gong teng, this plant is gaining heavy attention around the world. The Chinese plant has been used in Chinese medicine for ages as a remedy for a number of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis.

According to research from the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center, this thunder god plant compound after being used led to no signs of tumors after a 40 day trial period, even after stopping the treatment. Published in the journal Science Translational Medicine and funded by the National Institutes of Health.  The main known active ingredient is triptolide, which has been identified for being a cancer fighter in previous research.

The study leader and vice chairman of research at the Cancer Center commented to Bloomberg "
This drug is just unbelievably potent in killing tumor cells."

The TOP 10 Worst Processed Foods

1. Chicket Nuggets
2.  Hot dogs
3. Fake cheese
4.  Lunchables
5. Spam
6. Twinkies
7. Soda
8. Artificial sweeteners
9. Diet versions
10. French fries

Grape seed extract health benefits and information

Secret Tip #349 - Grape Seed Extract Can Help Unclog Arteries - It's an anti-oxidant - 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and beta carotene. Thus meaning it can successfully fight cancer - prevent heart disease - increase immunity - help fight diabetes - prevents cramps - It's an anti-inflammatory - reduces pain - protects your skin - helps prevent UV damage - better eye health - memory enhancer - anti-stress - anti-depressant - combats migraines - and even can increase sperm quality - Dosage is important so make sure to do it right. But with all these striking healing powers it's no wonder you aren't prescribed it by the doctor. It's too easy to grow or get cheap. And no we don't sell it. Feel free to bookmark this info and speak to some more people about this.

Here is a great article explaining a few more great health benefits of grape seed extract or (GSE)

The Sour Sop Can Kill Cancer

The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo.

The Catholic University of South Korea reports that Graviola was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Unlike chemotherapy which is great news. Natural cures not medicine!

Read more about the people fighting to get this known!

In laboratory studies, graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to particular chemotherapy drugs. But there haven’t been any large scale studies in humans. Source: Cancer Research UK.

Cure Cancer 3 minutes! Bet you didn't learn this in school

Can we train ourselves to Cure cancer with the power of our mind? Self healing?. This is a few minutes out of the "The divine matrix."

That's right guys he said a "medicine-less hospital" - Shocking information when your are raised surrounded by so many drugs. Here is the worlds largest if you don't believe they are real.

ChiLel - World's Largest Medicineless Hospital

Ever heard of the Placebo Effect?
Learn more about the power of the mind:

Apricot seeds can cure cancer!

 Apricot seeds have quickly gained a lot of attention. Many claim they have potent cancer killing properties. Here you can buy some if you like, they are healthy regardless if you have cancer or not. Please look into the amazing effects of apricots! And please share this info! Click this picture here if you want to look into buying some seeds ------------>
For best results you need the RAW, BITTER, ORGANIC seeds with the highest content of laetrile in the apricot seeds
Not all apricot seeds are equal. You should get the highest potency 
 - Providing Quality Vitamin B17 products since 1998 

Fresh RAW, BITTER, ORGANIC Non-Dried California-Grown,
Bitter Apricot Kernels (Seeds)
From: $24.95 $12.95 per lb.

How to Make Rick Simpson's Medicinal Hemp Oil Safely

We don't want you to break the law, but information is always useful.

FORBIDDEN Cures - You won't see this on TV

How to Heal yourself with Dandelions from your Backyard

The Health Benefits of Cinnamon & Honey

The health benefits of cinnamon and honey! Natural cures not medicine!

Zen Planet Relaxation Meditation

Meditation is a great way to relax and destress. Hopefully we all by now know the dangers of stress.

Coconut Oil is a Superfood

Coconut Oil is a superfood and a staple of the tropics!

Oxidize, boost your metabolism, lower your risk of diabetes, used to treat pneumonia, and dementia, Coconut oil is also known to have many cancer fighting compounds.

How to Whiten Teeth with Banana Peel

Take a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes. The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium, magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them.! A fantastic little tip to keep in mind! Natural cures not medicine!

Our Universe Is A Giant Brain!

As above so below:

Tommy Chong says HEMP OIL WORKS!

Watch this film if you are a non believer or to learn more:

Or maybe even this one too:

And just in case here is one more:

Man Eats Hottest Pepper in World, The Bhut Jolokia (Naga Ghost Chili)

Woah, be careful ! This man eats the hottest pepper in the world. The Bhut Jolokia or Naga Ghost Chili

The Best Exercise for LOWER BODY (Thighs and Butt)

Here are some really good tips on the best way to exercise your lower body (thighs and butt). Keeping healthy is easy, you just need to eat well and excercise. It's not rocket science. We are here to help take the mystery out of being healthy, NATURAL Cures, not medicine is needed!

Still drinking coca cola? Watch this!

Scary! The health hazards of drinking coke! A video you may want to watch!

Fatty Foods Are As Addictive As Hard Drugs

The truth about obesity, mcdonalds, fatty foods and how they are as addictive as hard drugs! We need more natural cures not medicine! Learn to eat healthy!

Cancer Cure Hemp Oil - Rick Simpson and testimonies

Cancer cures with Hemp Oil - Rick Simpson and testimonies

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)

Cured by Cannabis - A true story - by David Triplett. It may be time we start taking this serious.

RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Documentary - Hemp oil Cures Cancer

This movie is highly recommended by Tommy Chong, Rick Simpson and Ian Jacklin. Hemp Oil Works and can Cure Cancer! Share this with everyone. Help save a life.

Want to learn to make hemp oil? We shared the video here:

Garlic Oil Kills cancer

In this video here is a man named Lester, he had a cancer on his neck. Garlic and garlic oil killed the cancer. This video shows what occured in the month that followed. Barry W. Bittinger says garlic also killed his cancer. He is trying to show people what to do to kill cancer by the use of Garlic Oil (1000 mg or stronger) and by eating garlic bulbs

Secret of the Benefits of Garlic

H2S - Dr. David Kraus + Dr. Gloria Benavides share the research they have been working on for the health benefits of eating garlic.

The Health Benefits of Ginger (video)

Ginger! It's so healthy! for over 5000 years people have been using this for its amazing health benefits!

Foods that KILL CANCER

What foods help kill cancer?

Eggplants, Tumeric, Garlic, Soursop, Broccoli, Wheat Grass

Also, Kale, Grapefruits, Tomatoes.

Organic Nutrition & Health (video)

Original content from Natural Cures not Medicine.

Produced by Matt Nunya

10 Health Benefits From Pomegranates


Punica granatum (aka) Pomegranate, is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree growing between 5-8 meters (16-26 ft) tall. Pomegranates have been cherished for their exquisite beauty, flavor, color, and health benefits for centuries. From their distinctive crown to their ruby red arils, pomegranates are royalty amongst fruit. They are symbolic of prosperity and abundance in virtually every civilization. Fortunately, this treasure's versatility and possibilities are as abundant as the juicy arils bursting forth within.                                                                                                                       Here are 10 examples of health benefits from Pomegranates & their Juice's:                                                                                                                                   1. Antioxidants - Pomegranates have an excellent source of antioxidants that fight free radicals to keep you disease-free.                                                                                                                          2. Blood Thinner - Pomegranate juice helps your blood circulation, making it easier for your blood to travel to your heart, brain and other vital organs.                                                                               3. Digestive Aid - Pomegranate juice is a natural remedy for diarrhea, dysentery and other digestive problems.                                                                                                                                    4. Anti-Inflammatory - Pomegranate juice has properties that help treat sufferers of arthritis. It can also cure a cough or sore throat.                                                                                                       5. Cancer Fighter - Pomegranate has been known to reduce and prohibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors.                                                                                                                                        6. Anemia Relief - Pomegranate juice is high in iron; it is a great home cure for anemia because it promotes higher levels of hemoglobin.                                                                                                     7. Artery Protection - Pomegranates help keep plaque from building up in your arteries.                  8. Cartilage Protection - Pomegranates help to prevent the deterioration of cartilage in your body. 9. Cholesterol Protection - Pomegranate juice is capable of lowering blood pressure 12% in daily drinkers.                                                                                                                                                     10. Depression - Pomegranate contains phytochemical compounds that stimulate serotonin and estrogen receptors, improving symptoms of depression.                                                                                                                                                   

How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

Everyone needs to know this. 

How to decalcify your pineal gland.

The pineal gland is one of the most mysterious glands of the human body, because it has many mystical properties. Modern scientists define the pineal gland as a pine cone shaped gland located at the middle of the brain that produces melatonin, and helps regulate sleep patterns and influences sexual development. Modern scientists definition of the pineal gland is accurate, but they are missing some of the most important features of the pineal gland.
Besides regulating sleep patterns and sexual development, the pineal gland acts like an inner portal that connects us to other dimensions, such as the dream and spiritual planes. Some researchers believe that the pineal gland has the ability to connect us to other dimensions because of its mystical properties.

Is the pineal gland the third eye?

When we look at the external of the pineal gland, it looks like a pine cone. However, if we cut it open and look at its internal features, it looks somewhat similar to an eye. The interior walls of the pineal gland are made of rods and cones that are similar to those in the retina in our eyes. These features of the pineal gland may be the reasons why ancient civilizations and spiritual teachers always associated the pineal gland with the third eye or inner eye.
Another important feature of the pineal gland is that it may produce dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic chemical compound that can create hallucinatory effects similar to the effects of LSD. DMT and LSD should not be taken for long periods of time or in high doses, because they may cause damaging effects on the brain. The effects will vary depending on which type you are using.
Unlike our regular eyes, the pineal gland or third eye has the ability to see both physically and intuitively. The metaphysical properties of the pineal gland are most noticeable when we are asleep. Have you ever had an experience when you were about to fall asleep and started seeing your surrounding with a 360-degree view? This is your third eye being activated by your pineal gland. It is the all-seeing eye. This is why when you close your eyes and imagine hard enough, you can sometime see what you are imagining in your third eye.

Benefits of a healthy Pineal gland

The pineal gland plays an important role in our physical health because it regulates our sleep patterns and sexual development, and protects our bodies from the damaging effects of free radicals. Besides being beneficial for our physical health, the pineal gland is also important for our spiritual health because it is the gland that anchors our souls to our bodies. This allows our souls and bodies to bond and communicate. Without this bond, the body will die unless the body has no soul to begin with.
When we are more connected to our souls, our higher senses are more active, allowing us to feel more connected to the Universe and Creation. Our higher senses also make it harder for people to manipulate us. For these reasons, finding inner peace becomes easier.

How to decalcify the pineal gland

Stop ingesting fluoride

One of the main substances that calcifys the pineal gland is fluoride (sodium fluoride). Fluoride is very harmful to the pineal gland, because it disrupts the pineal gland’s natural functions by hardening its interior walls. Fluoride is also very toxic to the brain and other organs of the body.
The fluoride used for treating drinking water is not the natural calcium fluoride found in nature; rather, it is the synthetic industrial version, which is known as sodium fluoride. The natural version of fluoride (calcium fluoride) is not that harmful to us. It is usually found in the soil and spring water in very small quantities. The synthetic version of fluoride (sodium fluoride) is a hazardous waste containing very toxic chemicals.
The name fluoride is a cover up term for many of the dangerous chemicals that make up fluoride, including arsenic, lead, aluminum, cadmium, fluorosilicic acid and even radioactive materials. If you live in the U.S., fluoride is commonly found in drinking water, fluoridated toothpaste and conventional produce.
To effectively remove fluoride from drinking water, you will need to use a water purification system that has a special filter called activated alumina (AAL).  As for toothpaste, only use fluoride-free toothpaste.

Intake more iodine to detox

Studies have shown that iodine may help the body remove fluoride. Eat organic kelp because it is high in natural iodine.

Eat organic food

Most foods that are not organic usually contain harmful synthetic chemicals and heavy metals. Many of these toxins are toxic to the pineal gland. To reduce the level of these toxins in your body, you will need to eat organic food. Organic foods are produce with strict guidelines; therefore, they are not suppose to contain harmful synthetic chemicals and genetically modified ingredients.
The levels of nutrients in organic foods are usually higher than conventional foods. Many of these nutrients are essential for purging toxins from your body. Magnesium and calcium are two important nutrients for helping your body eliminate toxins, especially fluoride. 

Consume natural butter oil and cod liver oil

High-vitamin butter oil and cod liver oil are very beneficial for decalcification of the pineal gland, because it helps decalcify calcium deposits. 


GET INVOLVED! Help remove fluoride in your town.

Here is a guided meditation to help unblock your pineal gland 

Why Marijuana Is Illegal In The US

Noam Chomsky on Why Marijuana (hemp) is illegal and tobacco is legal.

His argument states that marijuana can be grown almost anywhere and has far too many uses and health benefits. The reason he speculates this would constitute being illegal is the fact that there is no profit for the corporations. Also - the prison population would be vastly lower and hence not as much cheap labor. Could our world really be so backward and messed up? When is enough enough? Only what you allow will continue.

Hemp seeds are extremely healthy: 

Check out this video:


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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