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Health Benefits of the Humble Oat

Oats have been made into nutritious and delicious meals for hundreds of years.  Some of the health benefits that eating oats can provide are:

  • Lower cholesterol levels in the fight against heart disease
  • Contains its own unique antioxidant compounds avenanthramides, known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Enhance immune response to infection by aiding the body to respond more quickly and eliminate bacteria
  • A great natural breastfeeding aid which can help increase milk supply
  • Whole grains are renowned in the prevention of heart failure
  • Beta-glucan and magnesium, found in oats, have been reported to stabilize blood sugar and substantially lower type 2 diabetes risk
  • The fibre contained in oats is thought to protect against breast cancer
  • Studies have shown that children who consume whole grains significantly decrease their risk of childhood asthma
 There are many different ways to include them in your diet.  They are ideal as a breakfast cereal, in cookies, bread recipes, soups, stews, casseroles and face masks.

Benefits of Coconut During Pregnancy

 Coconuts are packed full of essential nutrients which is why they are so beneficial to pregnant women

Here are some of the reasons why coconuts can boost a woman's health during pregnancy:

  • Rich in anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, it can help prevent colds, flu and other viruses and strengthens the immune system.
  • It has been known to relieve heartburn and constipation.
  • It contains high amounts of electrolytes which can hydrate and  help combat exhaustion during pregnancy.
  • Coconuts are naturally sterile and free from any chemicals.
  • Coconuts are fat free and can help lower cholesterol levels.

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Cinnamon and honey, super healing duo!

Both honey and cinnamon are, by their selves, helpful for natural healing.  Mix the two, and you may have some surprising benefits.

Try making some toast and spreading coconut oil over it, then sprinkle some cinnamon on it, and finally add some honey on top.  You can also make some hot tea and add both raw honey and cinnamon to it.  Cinnamon and honey also can be combined and worn as a mask to help with skin surface problems like pimples and acne.

Read some related posts:

The Health Benefits of Cinnamon & Honey

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Lower cholesterol naturally

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in several countries around the world.  Take the preventative rout by including some food in your diet that will help you manage your good and bad cholesterol.

Here are some natural choices for help with maintaining healthy cholesterol levels:

-Soluble fiber:  Consuming ten grams of soluble fiber daily can lower harmful, or LDL, cholesterol by around 5%.  Broccoli, sweet potatoes, apples, carrots, and oats are all good sources of soluble fiber which helps slow the abosorption of cholesterol in the intestines.

-Green tea:  A Brazillian study on green tea conducted by giving participants extract from green tea in capsules concluded that LDL cholesterol levels dropped approximately 4.5%. 

-Artichoke leaf extract:  This extract could help increase the flow of cholesterol secretion from the liver, and may limit cholesterol synthesis in the body.

-Nuts:  Many nuts contain healthy fats which help to lower levels of LDL cholesterol in the body.

-Niacin:  Niacin is not without side effects and should be taken carefully with doctor supervision but could lower harmful or LDL cholesterol by as much as 10% and raise healthy or HDL cholesterol levels by between 15% and 30%.

-Red yeast rice:  Red yeast rice contains natural compounds called monacolins which are converted to a chemical that inhibits the production of cholesterol in the body.  Consuming red yeast rice as part of an overall diet can help to maintain normal cholesterol levels.

Other post from Natural Cures Not Medicine:

Why you should start juicing carrots today!

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Strawberry Face Mask for Acne

Treat Acne and Feel Great with a 

Face Mask made with Strawberries

Strawberries are well known for their antioxidant properties. The flavanoids from this fruit contain anti-inflammatory properties. Using them as a face mask can help treat acne and soothe skin.
Strawberry face masks are simple to make at home and a great alternative way to enjoy this super fruit.

For the perfect treatment:
 1/4 cup fresh strawberries
1/4 cup sour cream or natural yogurt (without any added flavorings)
Allow the strawberries and the yogurt/cream to get to room temperature. Mix together in a blender or mash up with a fork. Spread on face and wash after 10 to 15 minutes. 

Below are our related posts about Strawberries: 

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Home Made Natural Fruit Juices

Top Left - Lime Juice - Limes are great for womens health. They combat aging - are anti-carcinogenic - prevent formation of kidney stones and can lower cholesterol.

Top Right - Orange and Blueberries - Oranges are great for activating the body's natural detoxification process and blue-berries are great for fighting off free radicals with their powerful anti-oxidants.

Bottom Left - Lemon and Raspberries - Raspberries contain about a third of your daily dietary need of fiber. And lemons boost your immune system!

Bottom Right - Strawberries (and more strawberries) - They have the 4th highest level of anti-oxidants of recently tested foods. - Anti-oxidants are great for protecting your body from free radicals that are linked to aging and disease.

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High protein foods for vegetarians!

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Surprising mushroom facts!

If you like mushrooms, then you are going to love the health benefits of eating the healing fungus among us.

Vitamin D:  No fruit or vegetable can provide this valuable nutrient.  In fact, mushrooms produce vitamin D when the sun hits them just like the human body.  Mushrooms that are exposed to sufficient sunlight have significantly higher levels of vitamin D and can provide a large share of your daily dose.

Immune system:  Several studies have shown that mushrooms not only help the maturation of immune system cells, but also help increase the production of antiviral proteins that cells release to protect their selves when they are healing.

Metabolism:  Mushrooms are packed with B vitamins which are known to help make available energy from the food you eat.  They also metabolize fats and protein.

Antioxidants:  A study out of Penn State University concluded that portabello and crimini mushrooms packed the same antioxidant punch as red peppers do.  Free radicals, which are a result of oxidation in the body, cause tissue damage and are removed by eating foods rich in antioxidants.

Read some more posts by Natural Cures Not Medicine:

Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Turmeric is a wonderful superfood that is a must have!

(it's so good at helping skin problems we accidentally wrote it twice!)

The health benefits of turmeric include:

  • Helps prevent gas
  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Natural Antibiotic
  • Aids in weight management
  • Natural antiseptic
  • Reduces the side effects of chemo
  • Natural analgesic
  • Improves skin conditions
  • Speeds up wound healing
  • Anti-arthritic
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Improves asthma
  • Heals stomach ulcers
  • Helps coughs
  • Blood Purifier
Turmeric is so great it's made it into all these previous articles from us!

Unusual Uses For Raw Honey

Raw honey has been used for thousands of years for it's great taste and health benefits.

Raw honey is great for:

Raw Honey Vs. Processed Honey: (video)

Cruciferous Vegetables Boost Immunity and Fight Cancer


Cruciferous vegetables fight cancer!


 “Green vegetables like - kale, collards, cabbage and broccoli, plus some nongreen vegetables such as cauliflower and turnips, are called “cruciferous vegetables.”

They are named for their flowers, which have four equally spaced petals in the shape of a cross—hence the Latin word crucifer, meaning “cross-bearer.” 

Vegetables contain protective micro-nutrients and phytochemicals, but cruciferous vegetables have a unique chemical composition: they contain sulfur compounds that are to blame for the bitter flavors. When the cell walls are broken by blending / chopping, a chemical reaction occurs that converts their sulfur compounds into isothiocyanates (ITCs) an array of compounds that have been proven to have powerful immune-boosting effects and anticancer activity.”

"Cruciferous vegetables have double the potency as other plant foods! In recent studies, a 20 percent increase in organic food intake generally corresponds to a 20 percent decrease in cancer rates, but a 20 percent increase in cruciferous vegetable intake corresponds to a 40 percent decrease in cancer rates. 28 servings of vegetables per week decreases prostate cancer risk by 33 percent VS. just three servings of cruciferous vegetables per week decreases prostate cancer risk by 41 percent.” - Joel Fuhrman M.D, 

Source: Young and Raw 

And graphic by Dave Sommers!

Natural Cures Not Medicine!
Helping you find the right foods to stay healthy naturally!

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Pineapples vs. inflammation

If you are looking for a natural anti inflammatory, look no further than the mighty pineapple!

In addition to its anti inflammatory properties, pineapple's fiber helps to naturally lower cholesterol and aid in healthy digestive function.  Pineapple has vitamin C and has strong antioxidant properties.

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Health benefits of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll, the mean green healing machine!

Sure it may look strange, but after seeing the many ways it impacts your health, you may just want to try out some chlorophyll filled green juice!  Here is what chlorophyll can do for your health:

-Helps mothers produce more milk

-Increases blood count

-Improves bowel function

-Alkalizes the body

-Reduces inflammation pain

-Increases blood circulation

-Anti microbial

-Reduces numbness

-Kills bacteria in wounds and speeds up healing

-Detoxifies and cleans the blood

-Relieves respiratory problems

-Improves skin conditions

-Relieves gastric ulcers

-Alleviates blood sugar issues

-Helps eliminate body odors

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How to make your own raw almond milk

Health Benefits Of Moringa Leaves

A Natural Acne Smoothie

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

Hidden Truths

Freshly uploaded ! - A dramatic look at food with hopes to inspire you to look at it another way.

Soda and weight gain

Soft drinks are hard on your health.

Regular consumption of sodas leads to cavities, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and scores of other health conditions.  Instead of juice or water, most children in some more developed countries are turning to soft drinks.when they are thirsty.  The excessive amounts of phosphorus in most soft drinks causes bone problems especially to women who are prone to osteoporosis.  Diet sodas are often just as bad or worst, often containing aspartame, an artificial sweetener that is linked to several types of cancer and is even believed to cause weight gain and increase the chances of developing diabetes.  Even the caramel color is now being found to have carcinogenic properties.  Next time you are thirsty, try brewing some green tea and add a touch of raw honey, or a glass of carrot juice with a shot of fresh squeezed orange and lemon juice mixed in for a toxin busting citris punch.  The health choices we make now determine if we can prevent heart disease, diabetes, and bone problems.  Remember that nutrition is nature's health insurance.

Picture credit: Dave Sommers

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Health benefits of coconut water

Acid Reflux: How to beat heart burn

The Best Anti Aging Foods

Natural Cures Not Medicine

home made healing salad dressing recipe

Next time you chop up some fresh veggies for a salad, try putting together a home made dressing filled with invigorating and healing ingredients.

Everything we eat either contributes to our health or takes away from it.  Here is a good recipe for a delicious, natural, healing salad dressing:

2 cloves of garlic:  The allicin in garlic is a powerful antibiotic which even shows promise in use against serious infections such as tuberculosis and MRSA.  Garlic also detoxifies the body, and helps to lower the risk of heart disease.  Garlic was used by ancient Roman and Egyptian workers for improved physical stamina.

1 thumbnail sized slice of fresh ginger:  Ginger is a potent pain killer and has anti inflammatory effects.  Studies have shown that ginger can slow the growth of some cancer cells and even cause cell death in ovarian cancer cells.  Ginger can also be taken for motion sickness and heartburn.

1 lemon's worth of juice:  The citric acid in lemon juice can help to dissolve calcium deposits, kidney stones, and gallstones.  Lemons contain vitamin C, the detox vitamin, which sweeps away free radicals that can cause damage to tissue in the body.  The hesperetin found in lemons can help with allergy symptoms.

1/4 cup olive oil:  Monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil help the body to manage cholesterol.  Extra virgin olive oil triggers apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancer cells.  A chemical compound present in olive oil possesses anti inflammatory properties.

  1. Finely mince garlic and ginger.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Add to your favorite salad or grilled veggies.

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Natural tooth ache remedies

Even regular brushers and flossers run into tooth problems.  

Avoiding candy, soda, and refined sugar is a great way to help prevent developing cavities and other oral problems.  Here are a few natural sources of treatment for that annoying tooth ache:

-Cinnamon                                                                                            -Peppermint oil

-Plantain leaves                                                                                   -Oil of oregano

-Echinacea                                                                                           -Guava tree leaves

-Garlic                                                                                                  -Cabbage

-Turmeric                                                                                             -Myrrh

-Oil pulling                                                                                            -Ginger root

-Chamomile                                                                                          -Mango leaves and flowers

-Grapefruit seed extract                                                                      -Olive oil

-Mint oil                                                                                                -Green onion

-Wheatgrass juice                                                                                -Papaya tree bark

-Lavender oil(externally)

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The Oldest Man In Recorded History

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Eating healthy is nature's health insurance

Naturally restore your magnesium levels

Many people are magnesium deficient.  Are you among them?

In the U.S., 75% of people do not have enough magnesium in their diets.  Here are a few symptoms of magnesium deficiency. 




-Excess body odor

-Muscle cramps


-Impaired memory function



Magnesium deficiency can seriously diminish your quality of life.  Here are some natural sources of magnesium and tips that you can begin to work into your diet so that you can reach your daily value and prevent discomfort.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol:  Alcoholic beverages and those containing caffeine are appetite suppressants and deplete the body's supply of magnesium.

Eat organic green veggies:  The Chlorophyll in green leafy vegetables contains magnesium but be sure to choose organic as these types of vegetables tend to be the most contaminated with chemical residues from pesticides.

Take probiotics:  Fermented beverages and foods along with probiotics help maintain the proper balance of beneficial bacteria withing the stomach, allowing the body to better absorb magnesium.

Absorb sunlight:  Sunlight tends to be the primary source of vitamin D intake for the body and vitamin D is essential for the body to absorb magnesium.

Avoid sugar:  Sugar leeches nutrients out of the body and should be cut out of the diet to help rebound magnesium content in the blood.  It takes 54 magnesium molecules to process just 1 sugar molecule.

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Surprising brown rice facts

Brain Foods That Improve Memory

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Health benefits of sage

Add sage to your list of super herbs!

Sage can be added to a smoothie or incorporated into several different dishes.  Do to its flavanoid content, sage has many positive impacts on your health and can be used to prevent and treat several different ailments.  Here are a few reasons why you should consider eating sage more often:

-Natural antiperspirant 

-Increases bile flow and liver detoxification

-Natural cough suppressant 

-Aids in digestion

-Anti inflammatory

-Boosts memory

-Fights gum and mouth disease

-Natural cold remedy

-Relieves cuts, scrapes, and bruises.

-Natural soar throat remedy

-Anti swelling

-Diarrhea relief

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

Eat well, feel well!

Natural ways to fight and prevent colon cancer

Several things in our environment are becoming increasingly toxic, even the food we eat.  To naturally prevent colorectal cancer, turn to these food items.

Colon cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the U.S.  In 2009, 136,717 patients were diagnosed with colorectal cancer.  Among cancers that effect both men and women, this variety is the 3rd most common type and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in the United States with 51,848 deaths reported in 2009.  Screening is recommended to reduce the risk of cancer, but a nutritional preventative approach could save time, money, and most importantly your life.

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Cancer Cured in Canada

10 Ways To Prevent and Slow Cancer Naturally

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Eating healthy is nature's health insurance


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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