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Handmade Healing Cream for Eczema and Psoriasis

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Skin conditions of any sort can be uncomfortable, but Eczema and Psoriasis are probably two of the most common and irritating. Both are genetic auto-immune skin conditions that result in flaky, inflamed skin that can itch terribly and leave you feeling helpless and even embarrassed. If you or someone close to you suffers from one of them then you'll know just how much it can affect a person's life. Outbreaks are often red and swollen and can appear on any part of your body, from your hands to your knees to your face. While affected skin can often appear unsightly, it's the pain and tenderness that can affect people's lives for the worse.

There is no cure for Eczema or Psoriasis and treatment is limited to simply controlling the severity of the outbreaks and soothing the symptoms. Keeping the skin clean and moisturised is the usual remedy however some of the prescribed medications and products can be a bit suspect. One of these is the use of mineral oil and petroleum jelly on the skin. Both are by-products of petroleum (gas and petrol) production and while they do help the skin stay moist they clog the pores and prevent air from reaching your skin. The other treatment which is more specifically for Psoriasis involves sitting in a bath with essence of coal tar which is literally the by-product coal being turned into coke. A close family member of mine has Psoriasis and I can still remember the smell of these baths - it's similar to the smell of tarmac being laid.

However there are natural non-petroleum based options for treatment of Eczema and Psoriasis and at least one which can effectively clear up breakouts: Neem oil. Extracted from the fruits and seeds of the Neem tree, Neem oil is a thick red or green oil which is not only highly moisturising but is naturally anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and provides external pain relief. Though its smell can be quite strong its medicinal qualities are impressive and it's relatively safe to use as a self-prescribed treatment. In fact the Indian culture has been using Neem oil for thousands of years for anything from skin diseases and inflammation to fevers and insecticide.

There are Neem oil skin creams already on the market and if you're interested in simply buying one then you'll have no problem locating a few varieties. However, making a topical cream yourself is easy, relatively inexpensive and safe. It also allows you to control just how much Neem oil you want in the product: though Neem is a natural oil, it is strong in both effect and scent.

Neem Cream
Makes one 110g pot

10g* /0.35oz* Neem oil (raw and cold-pressed)
40g /1.41oz Shea Butter
30g /1.06oz Cocoa Butter
20g /0.70oz Castor oil
10g /0.35oz Sweet Almond oil (alternative: Grapeseed oil)**
5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil (optional)
5 drops of Lavender essential oil (optional)

* 10g of Neem oil will result in quite a strong smelling and acting lotion. If you'd prefer, you can reduce the amount by half to 5g to mask the smell and create a gentler cream. It's also possible to add more than 10g of Neem oil to this recipe but please test your cream on a small part of your infected skin before using it all over. Neem can be quite strong and if it's placed on the skin undiluted it's possible that it can cause contact dermatitis.

** For a more liquidy cream add more liquid oil in this recipe

1. Take all the ingredients except for the essential oils and place them into a double-boiler. You can also place them in a metal or glass bowl which can be floated in a pan of hot water. The point of the double boiler (also known as a Bain-marie) is that you want to heat the oils slowly, evenly, and through an indirect heat source.

2. Melt the oils over a medium heat until they are completely liquid. Stir well and place the bowl in the freezer for five minutes.

3. Take the bowl out and beat it with a whisk, adding the essential oils in at this time if you've opted to have them in. These fragrances will help mask the scent of the Neem and are both ingredients that will help inflamed skin. Lavender essential oil is extremely soothing and anti-inflammatory and Tea Tree essential oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial as well as having a soothing medicinal scent.

4. Make sure to scrape any oil that's hardened along the edge of the bowl back down into the liquid oils then place the bowl back in the freezer for another five minutes - then take it out and beat it again. Repeat this process until the oils appear opaque and creamy then spoon it into a container which is fitted with a lid. You can use the cream after it's set for about a day.


Do vaccines cause autism? New Highly informative video

Narrated by famous actor Rob Schnieder

This isn't the first time Rob Schnieder has taken the stand. Here he warns us before:

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"Why aren't we taught this in school?"

Scientists Implant False Memories into Mice

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Another 16 Year Old Genius: Elif Bilgin

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The 2013 Google Science Fair awarded Turkish 16 year old student, Elif Bilgin, for successfully creating plastic from banana peels instead of petroleum. Do you realize what this could do for our world!??!!

Photo from

sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions

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10 Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance

Author: Dr. Amy Myers 

More than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s estimated that 99% of the people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed. It is also estimated that as much as 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant. Could you be one of them? If you have any of the following symptoms it could be a sign that you have gluten intolerance:

1.) Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and even constipation. I see the constipation particularly in children after eating gluten.

2.) Keratosis Pilaris, (also known as ‘chicken skin’ on the back of your arms). This tends be as a result of a fatty acid deficiency and vitamin A deficiency secondary to fat-malabsorption caused by gluten damaging the gut.

3.) Fatigue, brain fog or feeling tired after eating a meal that contains gluten.

4.) Diagnosis of an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Scleroderma or Multiple sclerosis.

5.) Neurologic symptoms such as dizziness or feeling of being off balance.

6.) Hormone imbalances such as PMS, PCOS or unexplained infertility.

7.) Migraine headaches.

8.) Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. These diagnoses simply indicate your conventional doctor cannot pin point the cause of your fatigue or pain.

9.) Inflammation, swelling or pain in your joints such as fingers, knees or hips.

10.) Mood issues such as anxiety, depression, mood swings and ADD.

Source: Eat Local Grown

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Recent Study Proves Organic Food Healthier than GMO and 'Conventional' Foods

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TORONTO, Canada (IPS/GIN) - Organic foods protect children from the toxins in pesticides, while foods grown using modern, intensive agricultural techniques contain fewer nutrients and minerals than they did 60 years ago, according to two new scientific studies.

A U.S. research team from Emory University in Atlanta analyzed urine samples from children ages three to 11 who ate only organic foods, and found that they contained virtually no metabolites of two common pesticides, malathion and chlorpyrifos.

However, once the children returned to eating conventionally grown foods, concentrations of these pesticide metabolites quickly climbed as high as 263 parts per billion, says the study, which was published Feb. 21.

Organic crops are grown without the chemical pesticides and fertilizers that are common in intensive agriculture.

There was a dramatic and immediate protective effect" against the pesticides while consuming organically grown foods, said Chensheng Lu, an assistant professor at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University.

These findings, along with the results of another study published in Britain earlier in March, have fueled the debate about the benefits of organically grown food versus conventional, mass-produced foods. According to the new British analysis of government nutrition data on meat and dairy products from the 1930s and 2002, the mineral content of milk, cheese and beef declined as much as 70 percent in that period.

"These declines are alarming," Ian Tokelove, spokesman for The Food Commission that published the results of the study, told Tierramerica. The commission is a British non-governmental organization advocating healthier, safer food.

The research found that parmesan cheese had 70 percent less magnesium and calcium; beef steaks contained 55 percent less iron; chicken had 31 percent less calcium; and 69 percent less iron, while milk also showed a large drop in iron, along with a 21 percent decline in magnesium. Copper, an important trace mineral (an essential nutrient that is consumed in tiny quantities), also declined 60 percent in meats and 90 percent in dairy products.

Although controversial, a number of other studies have also found differences between conventionally produced foods and foods grown organically or under more natural conditions. Organic fruits and vegetables had significantly higher levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants, according to a 2003 study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The organic plants produced these chemical compounds to help fight insects and competing plants, researchers said.

A 2001 report by Britain's Soil Association looked at 400 nutritional research studies and came to similar conclusions: Foods grown organically had more minerals and vitamins.

"Modern plant breeding for quick growth and high yields could also be affecting the nutritional quality," says Katherine Tucker, director of the nutritional epidemiology program at Tufts University in Boston.

Farmers in other parts of the world should not adopt the intensive farming practices of North America or Europe, says Ken Warren, a spokesman with The Land Institute, which is based in Kansas.

"It's an unsustainable system that relies heavily on chemical fertilizers ... to keep yields high and produces hollow food," he told Tierramerica.

"Hollow food" contains insufficient nutrition and is suspected in playing a role in the rapid rise in obesity, as people may be eating more to get the nutrition they need, he explained.

Crops take minerals, trace elements and other things from the soil every year. Modern agriculture only puts back into the land some chemical fertilizers, which do not replace all that has been lost, Mr. Warren noted.

Moreover, herbicides and insecticides kill microorganisms in the soil that play an important role in maintaining soil fertility and helping plants grow.

Pesticide residues in modern agriculture are another cause for concern. A 2003 University of Washington study found that children eating organic fruits and vegetables had concentrations of pesticide six times less than children eating conventional produce.

The Land Institute advocates what it calls natural systems agriculture." This involves the use of perennial crops in polycultures: planting several different crops together as has been practiced in traditional gardens and farm plots in many parts of the world.

"Farmers in other parts of the world should learn from American agriculture's mistakes," Mr. Warren maintained. Looking to nature is a better model for farming."


Chicken to be Exported to China, Processed, then Imported Back to the US

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Catching up to this news, which dropped quietly just before the holiday weekend: In a first, the US Department of Agriculture has given permission for chicken products processed in the People’s Republic of China to be sold in the United States without labeling that would indicate where the chicken products came from.

The news was broken by Politico, whose writers obtained USDA documents before the agency released them, and then followed up by the New York Times, with some no-holds-barred analysis by Bloomberg Businessweek.
If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ll know that food safety in China is well below US standards. So it may be a surprise to hear that birds grown and slaughtered outside that country, but cooked and made into products in it, would be acceptable for sale here. Especially since the plants that USDA has approved for sales into the US market will not have USDA inspectors on site.
Here is the USDA notice, in the form of an audit issued by the Food Safety and Inspection Service.
This development fascinates me; it touches so many issues that have been percolating through food production and food safety.
First, there’s the decade of maneuvering between the US and China over meat exports in both directions. China, along with a number of other Asian nations, blocked US beef imports in 2003 after a Washington state cow tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy,  “mad cow” disease. Then in 2004, avian influenza flared in Asia; the US blocked imports of Chinese poultry, and in 2009 China brought a restraint-of-trade action against the US in front of the World Trade Organization. It won in 2010 — at about the same time that it accused the US of dumping chicken parts at below-market prices and slapped American poultry with tariffs of more than 100 percent.

The audit process that approved the Chinese plants began after the WTO decision; the USDA inspected, asked for corrective actions, inspected again, and finally approved the deal on Aug. 30. The audit allows China to sell back to the US only poultry that was raised and slaughtered in the US, or (as the audit documents say) a country “that FSIS determined to have a poultry slaughter inspection system equivalent to the US system.” But the magazine World Poultry notes: “Experts suggest that this could be the first step towards allowing China to export its own domestic chickens to the US.”
Second, there are the most recent moves around ensuring that imported food is safe. Most of the food consumed in the US is overseen not by USDA but by the Food and Drug Administration, which has been struggling for years with guaranteeing the safety of imports. Reports by the Government Accountability Office, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Pew Charitable Trusts and Center for Science in the Public Interest all found that the FDA could not keep up with the task; estimating that its inspectors were able to lay hands on no more than 2 percent of imported foods. The massive Food Safety Modernization Act tried to revamp the system for policing imports, which make up about 15 percent of the US diet; last July the FDA proposed regulations under that new law which said the best way forward was for companies handling imports to police their foreign suppliers themselves. The FDA rule is not final, but the USDA China audit seems to be following a similar pattern.

Third, there’s the already-contentious topic, “country of origin labeling,” known as COOL for short. The USDA has been implementing COOL for the past few years, requiring that retailers label meats, fish and shellfish, fruits and vegetables, and some nuts if they originated outside the US. Much of the US meat industry has been fighting COOL in court; the most recent hearing (covered by Food Safety News) was Aug. 27. Yet according to the USDA, the Chinese processing allowed under the new audit elides COOL requirements, because — no matter what is done in processing — the chicken meat originated in the US.

Last, there’s how neatly this spotlights the global nature of food production, especially the way that inexpensive transport has changed how food is raised and made. Just to reiterate what’s going to be allowed: chickens raised in the US (or “equivalent” countries), and slaughtered in the country where they were grown, are going to be shipped across the globe to be turned into processed products, and then shipped back to be sold. Developing-world labor, and containerized shipping (so well explained by Rose George in the new book Ninety Percent of Everything), are both so inexpensive that it is cheaper to send a chicken nugget around the world to be ground, formed and breaded than to do all that in the place where the chicken was raised.



This is how you get your kids to eat more vegetables

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Tips like cutting vegetables into shapes, covertly pureeing greens into sauces, and modeling healthy behaviors can improve our children's diets.

Where were the kale video games when I was growing up?

In this video Dr. Gregor explores some ways that have been tested and proven to get kids to eat vegetables. Very interesting!

Source: Raw For Beauty

How to Make Cheesey Mushroom Pull Apart Bread

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It’s weekend, and this is a reason to try something special in our kitchen, for us, for friends, for guests. Mushrooms and cheese make this pull apart bread so delicious you won’t be able to stop picking at it! You will need:

For the Mushrooms
12 oz sliced mushrooms
1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp chopped fresh thyme

For the Bread
1 unsliced loaf sourdough bread
12 ounces Provolone cheese, thinly sliced
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup finely diced green onion
2 teaspoons poppy seeds

Make it like this:

For the Mushrooms
Heat a medium skillet on medium. Add the butter. Once the butter is melted, add the mushrooms. Cook 4-5 minutes until they start to sweat. Add the thyme and continue to cook another 2-3 minutes.

Set mushrooms aside and allow to cool.

For the Bread
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cut the bread lengthwise and width-wise without cutting through the bottom crust. This can be a little tricky going the second way but the bread is very forgiving.

Place loaf on a foil-lined baking sheet.

Insert cheese slices between cuts. Pour the mushrooms between the cuts. Use your fingers to push the mushrooms down into the loaf.
Combine butter, onion, and poppy seeds. Drizzle over bread. Wrap in foil; place on a baking sheet.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Unwrap the bread and bake 10 more minutes, or until cheese is melted.


5 Foods That Could Save Your Life

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Turmeric+cancer. While they do not lend themselves to being patented, nor will multi-billion dollar human clinical trials ever be funded to prove them efficacious, they have been used since time immemorial to both nourish our bodies, and to prevent and treat disease. So valued were these in ancient times that they were worth their weight in gold, and entire civilizations either rose to great power or collapsed as a result of their relationship to them.

What is even more amazing is that many of these “plant allies” are found growing in our backyards, and often sitting there in our refrigerators and spice racks, neglected and under appreciated. In fact, many of us use these daily unaware that this is why we don’t get sick as often as those who do not incorporate them into their diet. Let’s look at a few examples….
Though Mother Nature’s formulas are proprietary, she does not grant patents. ~Sayer Ji

1) Garlic – with the increasing prevalence of multi-drug resistant bacteria and the failure of the conventional, drug-based model to develop effective solutions against them (nor accepting responsibility for creating them), spices have regained their once universal reign as broad spectrum infection-fighters with sometimes life-saving power.
Garlic, in fact, has several hundred therapeutic properties, confirmed by a growing body of scientific research, which you can view directly on[i] One quick example of garlic’s power, is in killing multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), which the mainstream media has termed the “white plague,” roiling the masses with a fear of drug-resistant (but not plant-extract resistant) they are made to believe they are defenseless against.

Last year an article was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal showing that garlic was capable of inhibiting a wide range of multiple drug resistant tuberculosis strains.[ii] The authors concluded “The use of garlic against MDR-TB may be of great importance regarding public health.” Garlic’s anti-infective properties do not end with MDR-TB, as it has been demonstrated to inhibit the following pathogens as well:

  • Amoeba Entamoeba histolytica (parasite)
  • Cholera
  • Clostridium
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Dermatophytoses (a type of topical fungal infection)
  • Haemophilus Influenzae
  • Helicobacter Pylori
  • Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
  • Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2
  • Klebsiella
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus A. (MRSA)
  • Parainfluenza Virus
  • Peridontal Infection
  • Pneumococcal Infections
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Streptococcus Mutans
  • Streptococcus Infections: Group A
  • Streptococcus Infections: Group B
  • Streptococcus pyrogenes
  • Thrush (oral fungal infection)
This amazing list underscores how important it is to keep a supply of garlic close by!

2) Honey – bees produce a wide range of therapeutic substances beyond honey, e.g. propolis, bee venom, royal jelly, beeswax, bee pollen, etc., but this sweet, sticky stuff that we all love to dip our paw into occasionally, is the most well-known and most copiously consumed of them all – and for good reason, it tastes great!
But did you know that this sweet treat is one of nature’s most powerful healing agents, as well? Here is just a smattering of some of honey’s more scientifically researched health benefits and/or applications:

  • Aspirin-Induced Gastrointestinal Toxicity (honey coats the delicate linings of the stomach, preventing aspirin-induced lesions and bleeding)
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Burns
  • Candida infection (despite the fact that honey contains sugar, it demonstrates anti-fungal properties)
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Dental plaque (a recent study showed that Manuka honey was a viable alternative to chemical mouthwash in dissolving dental plaque)[iii]
  • Dermatitis
  • Diabetic Ulcer
  • Herpes-related ulcers
  • MRSA (especially for Manuka honey)

There are many more uses for honey than covered here. Needless to say, replacing synthetic sweeteners or highly processed sugars or high fructose corn syrup with a moderate amount of honey may be a great preventative health step to take.

3) Apples – an apple a day does in fact keep the doctor away, especially cancer specialists it would seem.
For instance, one of the most well-established health benefits of consuming apples is to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. The more apples you consume, the less likely you are to develop this potentially fatal disease.
To view the 5 studies that reference this relationship, go to the apple research page where you will also find 50 other health benefits of apple or apple byproducts (e.g. apple vinegar) consumption which include:
  • Aging, Reduce Rate
  • Allergies
  • Allopecia (Hair Loss)
  • Diarrhea
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Liver Cancer
  • Radiation Induced Illness
  • Staphylococcol Infection

4) Sunlight – this one may throw some of you off, but sunlight possesses both energy and information with real, metabolic value and is therefore a source of usable energy for the body – and so, in a very real sense it can be considered a form of food that we consume through our skin by way of its built in, melanin-based “solar panels.”
Not only does adequate sunlight exposure result in the production of vitamin D, a hormone-like substance that regulates over 2,000 genes in the human body — and as a result prevents or ameliorates hundreds of vitamin D deficiency associated health conditions — but sunlight exposure itself has a unique set of health benefits not reducible to simply vitamin D production alone.

One of the more interesting studies performed on sunlight exposure, based on data gathered from over 100 countries and published earlier this year in the journal Anticancer Research, showed that there was “a strong inverse correlations with solar UVB for 15 types of cancer,” with weaker, though still significant evidence for the protective role of sunlight in 9 other cancers. Here are some additional benefits of sunlight exposure:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Depression
  • Dopamine Deficiency
  • Dermatitis
  • Influenza
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Psoriasis

5) Turmeric – quite possibly the world’s most important herb. Named “Kanchani,” or literally “Golden Goddess,” in the ancient Indian healing tradition, its healing properties have been deeply appreciated, if not revered for countless centuries.

Turmeric has been scientifically documented to have over 500 applications in disease prevention and treatment. It also has been shown to modulate over 150 distinct biological and genetic/epigenetic pathways of value in health, demonstrating a complexity as well as gentleness that no drug on the planet has ever been shown to possess.

As there are too many health conditions that turmeric may benefit to list, we are listing the top 10 as determined by the GreenMedInfo algorithm which calculates both the evidence quantity (number of articles) and evidence quality (human study valued higher than animal, and so on). Also, the number in parentheses denotes the number of studies on the database demonstrating the beneficial relationship.

  • Oxidative Stress (160)
  • Inflammation (51)
  • DNA Damage (48)
  • Lipid Peroxidation (34)
  • Colorectal Cancer (24)
  • Breast Cancer (60)
  • Colon Cancer (52)
  • Chemically-Induced Liver Damage (34)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease (34)
  • Tumors (23)
[i], Garlic Research Page:
[ii] Pak J Pharm Sci. 2011 Jan;24(1):81-5. PMID: 21190924
[iii] Contemp Clin Dent. 2010 Oct ;1(4):214-7. PMID: 22114423
Source: Green Med Info | Image: Wikimedia Commons

This is How the Vaccine Companies Control Government

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This short video, put out by the Canary Party, sheds some much needed light on the corrupt National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). Many people have no idea that they are held financially responsible when a child is injured by a vaccine instead of the actual manufacturer.

The rule in DC is if you have enough money, you can write a law that will insulate you from risk. You can be declared “too big to fail” and pass your liability onto the tax payers. This is exactly what the vaccine manufacturers did in 1988 with the passage of The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the so-called “vaccine court.” This program has boosted vaccine sales growth immensely since its induction, largely because manufacturers now have zero liability for the products they produce.

You can actually prove that you or your child was harmed from a vaccine yet the vaccine maker is completely shielded from liability. Even if you are awarded monetary compensation through the NVICP, the tax payers are put on the line, NOT the vaccine makers. This removal of liability has created the incentive to turn out new vaccines for profit with very little testing, which in turn has shaped the situation that we find ourselves in today. In the last 2 decades, we’ve witnessed a near 300% increase in the number of CDC recommended vaccines.

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FDA announces Product Recall of Motrin Infant Drops

The recall was announced when the company discovered 1 mm sized plastic particles in a different product lot that was being manufactured and has not been shipped. McNeil believes that the plastic pieces came from a third party supplier of ibuprofen, which is an ingredient used to make their product. Out of extreme safety measures, McNeil Consumer Healthcare has decided to recall three lots of Concentrated MOTRIN Infants’ Drops Original Berry Flavor ½ fluid ounce sized bottles, because these lots also used the same batch of ibuprofen.

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3 Year Old Cured of Stage 5 Cancer With Alternative Medicine

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“They said doctors take precedence over parents in medical cases.” When their child, Dustin Kunnari was diagnosed with Stage 5 brain cancer doctors tried to force the parents to enroll in a risky, experimental treatment that would have left their child in a wheelchair.

Two-year-old Dustin Kunnari is diagnosed with brain cancer but the only conventional treatment being offered would leave him in a vegetative state. After a gut-wrenching legal battle Dustin’s parents are permitted to pursue an alternative treatment that saves Dustin’s life.

Source: Raw For Beauty

Dr. Dean Burk: "Fluoridated Water Amounts to Murder on a Grand Scale"

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“When you have power you don’t have to tell the truth. That’s a rule that’s been working in this world for generations. And there are a great many people who don’t tell the truth when they are in power in administrative positions.”
—Dr. Dean Burk former head of National Cancer Research Institute

Source: Raw For Beauty

GMO & Pesticides Cause Tumors & Higher Mortality Rate? (Documentary of A...

Pay close attention to what you are about to see. You may want to share this.
These photo are just some of the results... 

Search our website for "Monsanto" or "GMO" to learn more or get involved. Or join us on facebook.

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Another Chain of Stores Goes GMO-Free

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Believe it or not this is not a paid advertisement! We discovered what these lovely people were doing and made a post about it so we could spread the good news! They don't even know we are writing about them. So if you do stop by to say hi to these guys make sure you tell them who sent you! :)

May the conscious revolution continue!

Urgent Warning About the Vaccine Gardasil

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New information links the Gardasil vaccine to thousand of health complaints and more than 30 deaths. Before there is one more unnecessary death, get the facts here. Jenny Thompson of the Health Sciences Institute exposes the real truth, some shocking side effects you aren't hearing about, and why this so-called "cervical cancer vaccine" could be completely unnecessary. Watch this before you or your daughter considers Gardasil.


What's Growing at the Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital

Normally we don't promote hospitals but at least this one is doing something revolutionary!

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6 vegetables to grow inside your apartment and how

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indoor gardenLet’s face it, not all of us have a lawn we can turn into food. Sometimes we just have to make do with what we can. Did you know that you can grow many different vegetables indoors? There are certain varieties that tend to flourish on windowsills or conservatories. So next time you may feel a bit defeated because you live in an apartment and cannot grow your own food, fret not, for there is a virtual cornucopia waiting to be grown right in your living room!
Even if you have a yard, the benefit to growing vegetables indoors is that some varieties can be cultivated year round. Also if you live in a cooler climate, there is no need to construct a greenhouse because you basically already live in one.
Tomatoes: There are plenty of varieties of tomato that can be grown indoors. Some do very well in hanging baskets. Varieties to plant in your indoor garden are, ‘Hundreds and Thousands,’ ‘Tumbler,’ ‘Maskotka,’ and ‘Garden Pearl.’ All of these varieties do very well in hanging baskets and can easily be hung in front of a window.
Radishes: While some root vegetables need too much depth to feasibly grow indoors, round radishes do not. They will work in most any container. Repurposed milk cartons do well for just a few seeds, just make sure to wash the container thoroughly prior to planting. Varieties that tend to do well inside are the fast-growing ones such as ‘Early Scarlet Globe,’ ‘Cherry Belle,’ and ‘Pink Beauty.’
Potatoes: Potatoes are especially easy to grow indoors. You can spout roots from any potato, but be sure to choose one with a lot of eyes. Place a few toothpicks in the potato to hold it up at the top of a container filled with water. Then place the container on the windowsill making sure the eyes are covered in water. It should sprout in about a week. You’ll want to choose a pot that is at least 12 inches deep. Place some pea gravel at the bottom of the pot for drainage and then fill the pot up about 1/3 of the way with soil. Place the potatoes root side down about 6 inches apart. As the plant grows you’ll need to add more soil. When the potato vine reaches the top of the pot, train them to go toward the window. Water them deeply. When small tubers begin to form on the vines your indoor harvest is ready for picking!

Mushrooms: You can grow a myriad of mushroom species indoors. In fact you can buy organic mushroom kits, with mycelium already spawned, online, and simply place them on your windowsill and water daily. But for the mushroom enthusiast, you need to start with a good sterile spawning medium and some spores. Organic rye seed works best for spawning shrooms, just make sure you are in a sterile environment to inject the grow bags with the spores. Place in a dark closest and make sure to maintain proper moisture. When the white mycelium starts to grow, usually around 2-4 weeks, you are ready to transfer to compost and grow your mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms do particularly well indoors and are a delightful treat.

Beans: Dwarf French Beans or one of the many other types of running beans are great for indoors. You can plant the beans in a relatively small pot on the windowsill or just below. When the beans sprout make sure you have fashioned a small trellis for them to climb into the window frame. The beauty of growing beans indoors is that not only will you get food, but the vines running up the window are aesthetically pleasing too!
Salad Greens: There are many different salad greens and leaf lettuce varieties that are great for indoors. Your indoor micro-green garden will also provide a beautiful sight. An important step to take is making sure that your pot has holes in it at the bottom for drainage, as greens are particularly susceptible to root rot. Make sure to keep the soil moist to the touch too. When the plants start to appear pinch off the new sprouts to keep the large healthy shoots growing. When they are tender enough, you can pick your salad right from the plant, one leaf at a time.

Source: Matt Agorist, 

How to make breakfast in a jar for two

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Image: Raw For Beauty
We now know you can make salads in Mason Jars, but did you know you can also make the BEST breakfasts to “GO” in a Jar too?

You can do it RAW or do it cooked. This recipe we are giving you tastes delicious raw, but if you don’t like muesli, you can just use cooked organic oats.

This is a perfect recipe to make the night before, so your breakfast is WAITING for you….in the refrigerator, alive, raw, living and delicious. It will ‘give’ you ENERGY ~ rather than make you sleepy, as ALL cooked foods will do.

Magnificent Mango Breakfast!

1 large Mango, skined and cubed. ***

1 cup rolled oats (organic)

1/3 cup slivered almonds

1/2 cup chopped Fuli Apple or (any tart apples)

1/4 cup raisins

2 tbsp chia seeds

1 3/4 cups homemade almond milk or COCONUT milk.

Place all ingredients *** except the mango and place in a bowl and soak overnight. Cover all ingredients with a paper towel and place the bowl on the counter. You can also put into the refrigerator but it needs 12 hours to assimilate together.

Now you’re ready….to place into Mason Jars, and tighten the lid and take with you to work or eat right at home. This breakfast will last for 4 hours without refrigeration, unless you live in a hot area. You can also make a few batches of it ahead of time and keep it refrigerated for 24 hours, but no more than that.

Sources: Jay Kordich and Raw For Beauty

Zero Calorie Detox Drink

Boost your metabolism naturally with this ZERO CALORIE Detox Drink. Put down the diet sodas and crystal light and try this out for a week. You will drop weight and have TONS ON ENERGY! Sounds yummy!

1 Apple thinly sliced

1 Cinnamon Stick

Drop apple slices in the bottom of the pitcher and then the cinnamon sticks, cover with ice about 1/2 way up then add water.

Source: Raw For Beauty


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