Natural Cures Not Medicine: gardasil

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Showing posts with label gardasil. Show all posts

At Least 139 Girls Have Died From HPV Vaccination


In an speech given at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia on October 2 – 4, 2009, an unlikely announcement was given by lead vaccine researcher, Dr. Diane Harper. The key researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervariz, came forward and spoke the truth regarding lack of effectiveness the vaccines offer.

Reportedly her speech was supposed to support the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines, but she instead publicly turned on her corporate bosses. When questioned about the presentation, it seems the resounding effect of her truthful analysis on the safety of the vaccinations had the audience second guessing the usefulness of the shots.

Joan Robinson who attended the conference stated: “I came away from the talk with the perception that the risk of adverse side effects is so much greater than the risk of cervical cancer, I couldn’t help but question why we need the vaccine at all!”

Dr. Harper’s presentation shared that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and the vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States. In fact, 70% of all H.P.V. infections resolve themselves without treatment in a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years. Harper also spoke about the safety concern.

The vaccine trials were tested on children aged 15 and above, despite them currently being marketed for 9-year-olds. Alongside that, 15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil alone according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (V.A.E.R.S.); keep in mind, this statistic only represents the patients who also underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse side effects. And shockingly, at the present moment – according to the latest V.A.E.R.S. Report – 139 deaths from girls treated with the HPV related vaccinations are officially known.  At the time of Dr. Harper’s speech, it was recorded to be 44 deaths.

Unpleasant side effects range from contracting Guillian Barre Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently – sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots and brain inflammation. Most, parents and teens, are unaware of these risks.

Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, claimed she was speaking out so she ‘might finally be able to sleep at night’. In her own words “About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 percent of cases it clears itself. But in those cases where it doesn’t, and isn’t treated, it can lead to pre-cancerous cells which may develop into cervical cancer.”

It’s a stunning act of courage for the developer of the vaccination to come forward against the pressure of the corporation and it’s financial investment; sharing the health implications vaccinations may pose could save lives.

Shockingly, it seems there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer anyway. From the manufacturer’s own admissions, the vaccine only works on 4 strains out of 40 for a specific venereal disease that dies on its own in a relatively short period. Therefore the chance of it actually helping an individual is about the same as the chance as him being struck by a meteorite.

In a more in-depth examination of her speech, Dr. Harper makes clear the opinion that young women and families should receive more complete warnings before receiving the vaccines to prevent cervical cancer. Wisely, she states that in more developing countries it is no doubt a larger concern and the vaccine may be useful, but with only a fraction of undisclosed deaths from the trials given to the CDC in research, she felt the importance of speaking out.

Perhaps you are now wondering why 9-year-olds are needing vaccination for extremely rare and symptom-less venereal diseases that the immune system usually kills; so are many others.

There is no doubt HPV vaccinations may have helped a small number, but the inaccurate and lesser known effectiveness of the drugs has been hidden from the mass public. Seek the truth regarding any matter of family, health, and individual concern, it is not only your right, it is apparently necessary.
Source: True Activist

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Urgent Warning About the Vaccine Gardasil

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New information links the Gardasil vaccine to thousand of health complaints and more than 30 deaths. Before there is one more unnecessary death, get the facts here. Jenny Thompson of the Health Sciences Institute exposes the real truth, some shocking side effects you aren't hearing about, and why this so-called "cervical cancer vaccine" could be completely unnecessary. Watch this before you or your daughter considers Gardasil.


Top Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night”

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Gardasil and Cervarix don’t work, are dangerous, and weren’t tested

Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. She is the latest to come forward and question the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines. She made the surprising announcement at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination, which took place in Reston, Virginia on Oct. 2nd through 4th, 2009. Her speech was supposed to promote the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines, but she instead turned on her corporate bosses in a very public way. When questioned about the presentation, audience members remarked that they came away feeling that the vaccines should not be used.

“I came away from the talk with the perception that the risk of adverse side effects is so much greater than the risk of cervical cancer, I couldn’t help but question why we need the vaccine at all.”  – Joan Robinson

Dr. Harper explained in her presentation that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and that vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States. In fact, 70% of all H.P.V. infections resolve themselves without treatment in a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years. Harper also mentioned the safety angle. All trials of the vaccines were done on children aged 15 and above, despite them currently being marketed for 9-year-olds. So far, 15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (V.A.E.R.S.), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions. At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines. The reported side effects include Guillian Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation. Parents are usually not made aware of these risks. Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, claimed that she was speaking out, so that she might finally be able to sleep at night.

    “About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 per cent of cases it clears itself. But in those cases where it doesn’t, and isn’t treated, it can lead to pre-cancerous cells which may develop into cervical cancer.”  - Dr. Diane Harper

One must understand how the establishment’s word games are played to truly understand the meaning of the above quote, and one needs to understand its unique version of “science”. When they report that untreated cases “can” lead to something that “may” lead to cervical cancer, it really means that the relationship is merely a hypothetical conjecture that is profitable if people actually believe it. In other words, there is no demonstrated relationship between the condition being vaccinated for and the rare cancers that the vaccine might prevent, but it is marketed to do that nonetheless. In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer. From the manufacturers own admissions, the vaccine only works on 4 strains out of 40 for a specific venereal disease that dies on its own in a relatively short period, so the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of him being struck by a meteorite. Why do nine-year-old girls need vaccinations for extremely rare and symptom-less venereal diseases that the immune system usually kills anyway?




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