Natural Cures Not Medicine: energy

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Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts

The Benefits of Connecting with Earth’s Energy

There is a resurgence of age-old concepts to keep up with the deteriorating ever-changing environment – from using natural remedies, alternative healing to yoga/meditation or even a simple act of walking barefoot on earth, known as ‘Grounding/ Earthing’. Throughout time humans and even plants, animals, have always been in closer contact with the Earth, but unfortunately, the modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the Earth’s energy, making us more vulnerable to stress and illness.

Remember your childhood days when walking barefoot in the garden was refreshing and didn’t you love the feeling of tender grass/green blades caressing your skin. Now there is a scientific reason to why the contact with Mother Earth makes you feel good and how we desperately need it in present times.

We live in an environment where we are exposed to an ever-growing amount of electromagnetic fields (EMF), this increases the amount of free radicals being produced in our bodies. Free radicals are positively charged molecules which lead to inflammation. Direct contact with earth instantly transfers natural electrical energy to the body, as the earth is a limitless source of negative-charged free electrons. (Our heart, brain, nervous system, muscles and immune system are all essentially electrical subsystems operating within a ‘bioelectrical’ body.)
When you are in direct contact with the ground (walking, sitting, or laying down on the earth’s surface), the flow of energy from the earth (free electrons) neutralises the impact of free radicals in our body. This induces favorable physiological changes that promote optimum health.
Traditionally shoes were made of leather, which actually conducts electrons and therefore maintains a conductive contact between the Earth and your feet. However modern day rubber and plastics are electrical insulators and therefore block the beneficial flow of electrons from the Earth to your body.

Earthing can be done by walking barefoot and/or sitting outside on the lawn, dirt, or sand. Earthing should be done for at least 60 minutes every day and for optimal benefits as much as you can in a day!

The reasons why we need to walk barefoot and tap into the primal energy of the Earth -
  • Inflammation has been linked to nearly every degenerative disease you can think of — cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, glaucoma, autoimmune disorders, cancer and many more. Earthing reduces chronic inflammation and related chronic pain.
  • Earthing neutralizes the free radicals in our bodies, significantly reducing oxidative stress and readily recovers us from injuries, trauma and exhaustion.
  • Earthing recommended for anyone with an auto-immune condition
  • Grounding affects your DNA immediately
  • When you ground to the electron-enriched earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system occurs.
  • Enhances circulation, leading to more energy
  • The Earth is the natural antidote for electron deficiency to achieve a healthy balance.
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduces hormonal and menstrual symptoms
Dr. James Oschman, Ph.D. biophysicist and pioneer Earthing researcher, says, “The moment your foot touches the Earth…, your physiology changes. An immediate normalization begins. and an anti-inflammatory switch is turned on. People stay inflamed because they never connect to the Earth, the source of free electrons, which can neutralize the free radicals in the body that cause disease and cellular destruction.”
This is one of the informative videos on the benefits of Grounding and why everyone needs to reconnect with Earth’s energy. The first one below shows Clint Ober, who discovered the benefits of Earthing, explaining more about it -

Fukushima: Current removal of radioactive fuel could set off uncontrolled chain reaction; emergency delay invoked

(NaturalNews) The Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced it is delaying the relocation of fuel rods from its crippled plant reactors. Work was originally scheduled to begin today due to the fact that fuel rods remain highly vulnerable in the damaged storage pools. Right now, Fukushima is just one earthquake or tidal wave away from structural collapse, causing a catastrophic release of radioactive fuel directly into the atmosphere.

Moving the fuel rods a wildly risky proposition, as the fuel rods must be extricated from their operating matrix containing coolant water and control rods that "smother" runaway nuclear reactions. Absent these safeguards, the removal and transport of fuel rods is inherently hazardous.

"New video footage from a robot has revealed new leaks within the damaged reactors meaning the rods now can't be taken out as planned," reports 
Euronews. "One of the fuel assemblies was damaged as far back as 1982 when it was mishandled during a transfer and is bent out of shape."

Euronews goes on to quote Kazuaki Matsui, the executive director of Japan's Institute of Applied Energy as saying "It's very difficult to remove a spent rod because parts of the wall and the bottom of the reactor are all melted. We've never had to deal with this before so that adds to the complication."

Fuel rod removal may set off runaway meltdown reaction that's open to the air

Arnie Gunderson of Fairewinds confirms this activity is extremely risky:

[Fuel rod removal] is fraught with danger, including the possibility of a large release of radiation if a fuel assembly breaks, gets stuck or gets too close to an adjacent bundle. That could lead to a worse disaster than the March 2011 nuclear crisis at the Fukushima plant, the world's most serious since Chernobyl in 1986.

All that is required for a runaway nuclear meltdown is for one of the fuel rods to be dropped or accidentally placed too close to other fuel rods. Removing these fuel rods safely is a lot like trying to play the game "Surgery" via a remote-controlled robot, under water, in a murky haze filled with twisted pieces of metal.

In other words, it's almost impossible to pull this off without error.

Tepco isn't a name that inspires confidence
Keep in mind that this fuel rod extraction and relocation operation is being carried out by Tepco, a company that has already demonstrated stunning incompetence, corruption and deception in the way it has handled the Fukushima situation so far.

Yet Tepco is seeking to move thousands of fuel rods without damaging, dropping, breaking or misplacing a single one. The odds against this happening without incident are astronomical. You'd have better luck playing a drunken game of Russian Roulette with 5 out of 6 chambers loaded (instead of just one).

That's because Fukushima reactor No. 4 currently has 1300 fuel rods being stored in a leaking pool held 150 feet above ground. There are 6,300 fuel rods in a nearby storage fuel that also need to be moved. In all, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant holds 11,400 fuel rods, any one of which could break and send the entire situation spiraling out of control.

"Containing radiation equivalent to 14,000 times the amount released in the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima 68 years ago, more than 1,300 used fuel rod assemblies packed tightly together need to be removed from a building that is vulnerable to collapse, should another large earthquake hit the area," reports
 Reuters UK.

"No one knows how bad it can get, but independent consultants Mycle Schneider and Antony Froggatt said recently in their World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013: 'Full release from the Unit-4 spent fuel pool, without any containment or control, could cause by far the most serious radiological disaster to date.'"

The potential radiation release, it turns out, is many multiples worse than Chernobyl plus both WWII atomic bombs

The idea that Tepco is going to use robotic cranes to somehow remove all these fuel rods without damaging, breaking or misplacing any of these rods seems almost impossible. Many of the rods are already damaged, and some are fatally entangled in twisted scraps of metal that will prevent them being removed without damage.

One wrong move and Fukushima could poison the entire northern hemisphere with deadly radioactive plutonium and uranium isotopes with half lives of
 millions of years. In the worst case, it could turn the soils into poison across nearly half the planet, causing much of the northern hemisphere to be uninhabitable by humans.

"Risky Repair of Fukushima Could Spill 15,000 Times the Radiation of Hiroshima, Create 85 Chernobyls," reports
 Truth Out.

"If the whole site blows, [it] could mean the release of 85 times as much radioactive cesium into the air as was released at Chernobyl."

Some people I know are already seeking to move to New Zealand and other South American destinations, just in case Tepco screws this up and contaminates literally half the planet.

"Inadvertent criticality"

The key situation to avoid in all this is so-called "inadvertent criticality." This is where fuel rods being moved or transported are accidentally placed too close together, setting off an "atomic chain reaction" which cannot be stopped.

Fuel rods, of course, generate intense heat through the process of atomic decay. This is how they are able to heat water that drives power-generating turbines. But if they are allowed to get too near each other without the aid of circulating coolant water, they can achieve "atomic criticality" -- a runaway, uncontrollable nuclear meltdown in the open air (i.e. without the usual containment building).

Tepco claims to be considering the risks involved in such an operation, but Tepco is also the same company that
 stupidly agreed to build a nuclear power plant on the coast of a region with a massive fault line, practically guaranteeing a huge tidal wave would strike the facility sooner or later. Thus, Tepco's track record on foreseeing possible future threats is considerably less than we would hope to encounter when the future of human civilization is on the line.

"Letting Tepco Clean Up Fukushima Is Like Letting a Murderer Do Brain Surgery On a VIP," reported
 Washingtons Blog in August. It goes on to say, "Tepco knew right after the 2011 accident that 3 nuclear reactors had lost containment, that the nuclear fuel had 'gone missing', and that there was in fact no real containment at all. Tepco has desperately been trying to cover this up for 2 and a half years ... instead pretending that the reactors were in 'cold shutdown'."

"Ex-Fukushima Worker: High risk they'll break fuel rods in Unit 4 pool," blares, adding to the consensus that attempting to move these control rods is as likely to be successful as trying to enroll in an affordable health insurance plan on

In both cases, what we're talking about might be crudely described as a "s##tstorm of incompetence." But with Fukushima, it's not just the kind of incompetence we normally get from government -- wasting money, lying to the public and destroying the economy -- it's a far worse kind of incompetence that could
 alter the future of human civilization in a disastrous way.

End the age of nuclear energy before it ends us

If there was ever a case study for the disastrous risks to humanity posed by nuclear energy, Fukushima is it. Fukushima undeniably proves that nuclear energy is too dangerous for our planet and that the nuclear engineers who design and build these facilities are too stupid to trust with our collective lives.

When a doctor is stupid and arrogant, it only results in his own patients getting killed from toxic prescription drugs or failed surgeries. But when nuclear engineers are stupid and arrogant,
 it puts all our lives at risk.

It would be far better to burn coal and deal with the mercury than depend on nuclear energy and have to deal with highly radioactive uranium or plutonium. Better yet, if inventors of so-called "over unity" devices were allowed to live instead of being killed off every time they announce a new invention, we might already be sitting on some sort of renewable clean energy technology that taps into zero point energy instead of exploiting the radioactive decay of highly toxic elements.

There's no question that human civilization requires energy to survive, yet there are many energy options that are safer, cleaner and more renewable than nuclear energy. Even so-called "cold fusion" -- now researched around the world under the name "
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions" -- offers potential for large-scale water heating that could be harnessed for power production.

Yet the scientific status quo feels so threatened by cold fusion research that they managed to shove it into the "fringe" category and thereby delay its commercialization for decades (the junk science, politically-motivated attacks on cold fusion began in 1989 and continue to this day).

Energy has always been about controlling humanity, not serving it

Energy has always been political, you see. It has never been about serving humanity. Instead, it has always been about monopolistic control of society through the restriction and domination of energy production.

To serve their own profit interests, energy industry insiders would put the entire world at risk. And they have, over and over again. Fukushima is not so much an example of failed science as it is
 failed ethics of the human race, a schizophrenic hive of selfish creatures who compromise the future of their entire civilization in order to make a short-term buck for themselves.

What do energy, medicine, finance and conventional agriculture all have in common? They are all dominated by the most criminal corporations in our planet, all of which seek to maximize their own selfish profits even at the expense of destroying humanity in the process. Tepco, Monsanto, the Federal Reserve, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer... need I go on?

Source: NaturalNews

Constantly Tired? Here Are 10 Herbs To Increase Energy

How difficult is it for us to achieve a work-life balance? How much more difficult is it to achieve a life-energy balance? And does it not seem that there are never enough hours in the day to achieve any balance at all? You’re not alone. Your days may seem that way, but in truth the balance is always there, always available and always achievable. That doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult, but a few ancient herbal formulas will certainly help you achieve the balance you never thought possible. Skip your daily sugar boost, coffee or red bull because in the long-term they will always let you down. Adaptogenic herbs will give you sustained energy and vitality while allowing your mind to think freely, calmly and without excessive stimulation.

Adaptogenic herbs demonstrate a nonspecific enhancement of the body’s ability to resist a stressor. Modern herbalists say adaptogenic herbs are plants with properties that exert a normalizing influence on the body, neither habit-forming, over-stimulating nor inhibiting normal body function, but rather exerting a generalized tonifying effect. They increase your resistance overall against physical, chemical and biological stressors.

Herbal formulas found in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine restore a healthy stress response typically using traditionally prepared as formulas. However, each herb can be taken on its own in the appropriate dosage depending on your specific requirements. For the exact dosages, please consult with a master herbalist or natural health practitioner well-versed in herbal formulas to increase energy and vitality. Here are the ten best adaptogenic herbs:


Rhodiola rosea (Golden Root, Roseroot, Aaron’s Rod) is effective for improving mood and alleviating depression. Its effects are potentially mediated by changes in serotonin and dopamine levels.

Used for centuries in Asia and Scandinavia, Rhodiola is still relatively new to the Western market, but its popularity is growing, in large part because of what an incredibly versatile — and relatively inexpensive.


Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an annual plant native to the high Andes of Peru and Bolivia. It has been harvested and used by humans in the Andean Mountains for centuries.

Darker colored maca roots (red, purple, black) contain significant amounts of natural iodine, a 10-gram serving of dried maca generally containing 52 micrograms of iodine.

It is highly beneficial for reducing fatigue, enhancing energy and endurance, as well as being a superlatively effective adaptagen for everyday living. Maca contains 55 phytochemicals that are known to have vitality-enhancing effects in the body, in addition to being incredibly mineral dense and nutritious.

Maca has the ability to heighten libido and improve semen quality. Its favorable effects on mood, may decrease anxiety and improve sexual desire. The effects of Maca are due to the root’s unique nutritional profile, which provides optimum levels of nutrients utilized by the body’s endocrine system. It may even alleviate medication-induced sexual dysfunction caused by pharmaceutical antidepressants.


Ashwangandha (Withania somnifera) is one of the premier restorative herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It is known to help stabilize mood and support optimal physical and emotional well-being. It is also known to improve memory and focus and endurance. It is believed to reduce the effects of stress on the body. The berries and leaves of ashwangandhaare locally applied to tumors, tubercular glands, carbuncles, and ulcers.


Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis) is a deciduous woody vine native to forests of Northern China and the Russian Far East. Its berries are used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs. They are most often used in dried form, and boiled to make a tea. Medicinally it is used as a tonic and restorative adaptogen with notable clinically documented liver protecting effects. It supports the immune system, relieves anxiety, increases energy, and it can improve mental clarity. It’s sometimes called the “five flavors berry,” because it tastes sour, bitter, sweet, salty and acrid all at once.


Considered the “ginseng of mushrooms”, Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) are known to have a truly awesome effect on endurance and stamina. Research has shown that Cordyceps are highly effective in treating respiratory ailments, enhancing aerobic performance, increasing sex drive, strengthening the immune system, as well as having anti-stress properties. Researchers have also noted that a polysaccharide isolated from Cordyceps has a hypoglycemic effect and may be beneficial for people with insulin resistance.


Panax ginseng roots are taken orally as adaptogens, aphrodisiacs, nourishing stimulants. It is perhaps one of the most studied medicinal herbs in the world — and might be one of the most widely used. It is a proven anti-inflammatory, can regulate blood sugar and can even inhibit some characteristics associated with cancer.

It’s used most commonly to promote a sense of well-being and endurance, as an anti-depressant, for memory and calmness, for energy (it’s one of the ingredients in most energy drinks).


Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) has been found in many studies to be equivalent to many modern painkillers. It is also know to protect from radiation poisoning. Within the tradition of Ayurvedic medicine, it is used to alleviate stress, headaches, colds, digestive problems and inflammation. Recent studies have also shown that it’s also a powerful antioxidant and may even be able to reduce blood glucose levels and cholesterol.


Astragalus has a history of use as a herbal medicine and is used in traditional Chinese medicine. Either alone or in combination with other herbs, has potential benefits for the immune system, heart, and liver, and as an adjunctive therapy for cancer.

Found to help restore compromised immune response due to excessive stress and toxicity from the environment. Cited as being extra beneficial for those with chronic immune deficiencies, it is recommended above Echinacea for its ability to provide deeper assistance to those who’ve consumed large quantities of antibiotics and have become susceptible to infections. Astragalus is consumed through capsules, tinctures, or in a tea. For best results, it is used for several weeks to several months at a time.


He Shou Wu (Fallopia multiflora) is also known as polygonum multiflorum, and is predominantly referred to as such in Pubmed. It is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a tonic to slow down the aging process. It is a restorative herb, calming to the nervous system, and has also been shown to promote hair growth, alleviate insomnia, and may aid with learning and memory.


Traditional Chinese medicine uses reishi to “calm the spirit.” Reishi, (literally “supernatural” mushrooms) have been used for more than 2,000 years, making them perhaps the oldest mushroom to be used medicinally. They can be helpful to reduce anxiety, alleviate insomnia, combat fatigue, and lower blood pressure.

In today’s modern age, with unparalleled stress and toxicity, it is more important than ever to fortify and protect one’s body from potential harm. While diet, exercise, and rest are key components in maintaining excellent health, the use of vitality enhancing herbs is indispensable. Their ability to increase energy, immune response, mental clarity, libido, and over-all homeostasis of the body make them a truly worthwhile investment of time and money. They are safe and easy to use, without side-effects and contraindications like pharmaceutical drugs. In light of their value, they are an obvious choice for anyone wanting to go a step beyond go health and on to higher vitality.

John Summerly is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.

Zero Calorie Detox Drink

Boost your metabolism naturally with this ZERO CALORIE Detox Drink. Put down the diet sodas and crystal light and try this out for a week. You will drop weight and have TONS ON ENERGY! Sounds yummy!

1 Apple thinly sliced

1 Cinnamon Stick

Drop apple slices in the bottom of the pitcher and then the cinnamon sticks, cover with ice about 1/2 way up then add water.

Source: Raw For Beauty

Health Benefits of Bananas

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

I like to consider the banana as the “king fruit” – it feels very “complete” in terms of nutrients, and provides us with an incredible burst of energy. Bananas have been a staple food for individuals for many centuries and still to this day top at one of the top 5 fruits in the homes of families. Bananas provide an array of benefits for the human body, including (and not limited to) the list below. Read on to find out how bananas will help improve and nourish your life!

1. Reduce depression
Bananas contain catecholamines, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine (1). They also contain tryptophan which metabolizes the neurotransmitter serotonin (the “happy” molecule) as well as tyrosine (1). Dopamine and serotonin are both neurotransmitters, with dopamine being involved in movement, motivational and pleasure seeking behaviours and serotonin being involved in physical, emotional and psychological conditions. These two chemical help to reduce depression and improve your mood (2).

2. Regulate the bowel system
Bananas are high in non-digestible fibbers like cellulose, hemicellulose and alpha-glucans (4) which helps prevent constipation and restores and maintains regular bowel function. A 7-8-inch banana has more than 3g of fibre! This composes nearly 8% of your total daily requirement of fibre, and helps ease waste through the GI tract.

Bananas will help with both constipation and diarrhea. Bananas also contain pectin, and because of this, they have the ability to absorb water in the intestine giving them a bulk producing ability.

3. Reduce blood pressure & risk of heart disease
Bananas are rich in potassium (as we all know), and potassium is required for muscle contraction as well as correct functioning of the heart and nervous system. Eating just one banana will provide you with enough potassium for the day!

Bananas also contain flavonoids which show anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic (ability to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol), hypoglycemic and antioxidant activities. Because of their hypolipidemic properties, flavonoids in bananas can reduce the risk of heart disease, inflammation and aging (3).

4. Help our bones grow stronger
Bananas help our body retain minerals like calcium, nitrogen and phosphorous, all of which help to build healthy and regenerated tissues. How do bananas help the body absorb these minerals? Bananas contain healthy prebiotics called fructooligosaccharides which nourish the friendly probiotic bacteria in our colon (4). When we eat a banana we are better able to absorb nutrients and compounds that protect us against bad bacteria because of the prebiotic capability of the banana, helping us to produce vitamins and generate digestive enzymes. Our friendly probiotic bacterium in our intestine ferment the fructooligosaccharides and thus increase the amount of probiotic bacteria (4) which allows the body toabsorb more calcium!

5. Help individuals to quit smoking
Did you know that bananas can help you quit smoking? They help to reduce the amount of stresses and help you deal with nicotine withdrawal. Bananas contain Vitamin C, A1, B12, B6, potassium and magnesium which help to relax your body and ease off the terrible side effects of nicotine withdrawal such as stomach cramps, stress, headaches, shakiness, irritability and nausea. They also help with the mental and physical symptoms of quitting cigarettes such as keeping your hands busy with something else, other than the cigarette. Holding a banana in your hand and consuming it will keep your hands busy, and will also deliver your body with potassium and magnesium which help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

6. Help prevent anemia
Individuals with anemia have a hard time producing enough healthy red blood cells. The common treatment is to take iron pills, however, the banana can provide similar benefits. Bananas are incredibly high in iron, and help to stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood – thus, they are helpful in cases of anemia.

Around 8mg of iron is needed daily for men and women, however, during menstrual cycles women should consume up to 15mg of iron. One medium sized banana contains around 0.4mg of iron, which is high for a fruit! Consume a 6-8 RIPE banana smoothie and you will get nearly 3-5mg of iron in one shot!

7. Provide us with energy
We all know bananas are a rich source of sucrose, fructose and glucose, all of which compliment the high fibre in the banana, and thus releases the sugars slowly into the bloodstream to give us stable energy throughout the day. Bananas also contain high levels of potassium which help to keep our muscles contracting properly during exercise and prevents lactic acid build up (less cramping). Just TWO bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout!

8. Reduce menstrual pains
Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 which helps to regulate blood glucose levels and thus positively affect your mood. One study found that treating premenstrual women with 100mg of vitamin B6 per day effectively treated their premenstrual symptoms and premenstrual depression (5). Instead of taking pills like ibuprofen or Midol (and reaping the side-effects of those drugs), simply eat a banana!

9. Power our brains
Our brains run on glucose – therefore, bananas are great to help boost our brain power. Bananas also contain potassium, which research has shown can help assistant learning and memory by making pupils more alert. Children who consume a potassium-rich fruit breakfast often do better on tests than children who do not.

10. Help prevent ulcers
Bananas have also been shown to neutralize the acidity of gastric juices and thus reduces ulcer irritation (4). They also protect against the formation of ulcers and ulcer damage by increasing the thickness of the mucous membrane layer of the stomach thanks to the flavonoid in the banana called leucocyanidin!


(1) Ohla, S., Schulze, P., Fritzsche, S., & Belder, D. (2011). Chip electrophoresis of active banana ingredients with label-free detection utilizing deep UV native fluorescence and mass spectrometry.Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 399, 1853-1857.

(2) Smith, K., Fairburn, C., & Cowen, P. (1997). Relapse of depression after rapid depletion of tryptophan.The Lancet, 349, 915-919.

(3) Vijayakumar, S., Presannakumar, G., & Vijayalakshmi, N. (2008). Antioxidant activity of banana flavonoids. Fitoterapia, 79, 279-282.

(4) Kumar, K., Bhowmik, D., Duraivel, S., & Umadevi, M. (2012). Traditional and medicinal uses of banana. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 1, 57-70.

(5) Wyatt, K., Dimmock, P., Jones, P., & O’Brien, P. (1999). Efficacy of vitamin B-6 in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome: systematic review. BMJ, 318, 1375.

Thank you to Live Love Fruit

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Electric Enzyme Juice

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

This juice is incredibly rich in electrolytes and minerals. It will leave your body surging with happy electric impulses that will leave you feeling energized, clear-headed, and ready to take on the day! Enzymes are the sparks that start the essential chemical reactions our bodies need to live. They are necessary for digesting foods, for stimulating the brain, for providing cellular energy, and for repairing tissues, organs and cells.

One main role of enzymes in the body is detoxification - breaking down toxic substances so that they are excreted and cannot build up to possibly cause harm. Enzymes found in the fresh (RAW) foods that we eat have been found to help our bodies to do this! 

This juice is not only rich in electrolytes and minerals, but also these essential enzymes needed for every day bodily processes. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheat grass help to restore alkalinity in the blood and are powerful detoxifiers and blood and liver protectors. It also fights tumours and neutralizes toxins. 

- 1 cup young thai coconut water
- 1 cucumber
- 1-2 oz. fresh wheat grass juice
- 4 stalks celery
- 2 apples (of any kind)
- 2 limes

Put all ingredients in the juicer (except the wheat grass and coconut water which you can add in the end), and enjoy!

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Health benefits of grapefruit juice


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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