Natural Cures Not Medicine: children

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Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

The Man Who "Discovered" ADHD Makes a Startling Revelation

Bradlee Dean | Political Outcast

“ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” These were the words of Leon Eisenberg, the “scientific father of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder),” in his last interview he gave before his death at age 87 in 2009.

(While some have described Dr. Eisenberg’s statement as an “exaggeration,” many doctors are coming to the belated conclusion that ADHD is often “over diagnosed” by the use of “fuzzy diagnostic practices.” Harvard psychologist Jerome Kagan, who is one of the world’s leading experts in child development, states:

“Let’s go back 50 years. We have a 7-year-old child who is bored in school and disrupts classes. Back then, he was called lazy. Today, he is said to suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). . . . Every child who’s not doing well in school is sent to see a pediatrician, and the pediatrician says: “It’s ADHD; here’s Ritalin.” In fact, 90 percent of these 5.4 million kids don’t have an abnormal dopamine metabolism. The problem is, if a drug is available to doctors, they’ll make the corresponding diagnosis.)

Eisenberg made a luxurious living off of his “fictitious disease,” thanks to pharmaceutical sales. Coincidentally, he received the “Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine,” according to Psychiatric News.

Yes, it was even admitted that they are his THEORIES. The medical industry is using the guise of helping children to depersonalize and disconnect our children from a healthy, normal upbringing. Parents are placing their children on these drugs and subjecting them to what the world has to offer, when in fact all these children are looking for is their parents in hopes of being the blessing that God intended them to be.

In the United States, 1 out of 10 boys among 10-year-olds takes medication for ADHD on a daily basis . . . with increasing tendency.

American psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and others reveal the facts in their study “Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry.” They found that “of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56 percent) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on ‘Mood Disorders’ and ‘Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders’ had financial ties to drug companies.”

And they are reaping major benefits from this “fictitious disease.” For example, the assistant director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and associate professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School received “$1 million in earnings from drug companies between 2000 and 2007.”

Marc-André Gagnon and Joel Lexchin, a long-time researcher of pharmaceutical promotion, performed a study which shows that the U.S. pharmaceutical industry spent 24.4 percent of the sales dollar on promotion, versus 13.4 percent for research and development in 2004. That is almost twice as much money to push their drugs on people than the amount to research to make sure it they’re safe!

This raises the following question: Are they safe?

Read the antidepressant black-box warning for yourselves, and you will be alarmed by the side effects listed on the inserts:

– Confusion

– Depersonalization

– Hostility

– Hallucinations

– Manic reactions

– Suicidal ideation

– Loss of consciousness

– Delusions

– Feeling drunk

– Alcohol abuse

– Homicidal ideation

Why would parents subject their children to drugs with such noted dangerous side effects?

Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn, a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, in 1998 stated, “ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction.”


You won't believe what New York City just decided to mandate for ALL children

Mike AdamsNatural News

Of all the toxic heavy metals, mercury is the most devastating to the brain. No legitimate scientist would ever argue that mercury is safe to inject into a child at any dose, and the CDC has never established any "safe" level of mercury in human blood for the simple reason that there's isn't any safe level.

Yet the New York City Board of Health has now decided that all children in New York City need to be injected with a devastating dose of toxic mercury as part of their twisted "public health" measure. Flu shots, of course, still contain the neurotoxin heavy metal known as mercury, yet virtually the entire medical establishment blatantly lies to the public and claims -- with a straight face -- that "all the mercury has been removed from vaccines."

That is an insidious lie. It's still in flu shots.

CDC admits: Nearly all flu shots still contain toxic mercury

The CDC even reluctantly admits that on its own thimerosal page where it states that the 2013-2014 flu shot "contains thimerosal to safeguard against possible contamination of the vial once it is opened."

The CDC then goes on to wildly discredit itself by claiming, "There is a large body of scientific evidence on the safety of thimerosal." What the CDC doesn't tell you, of course, is that this "large body of scientific evidence" was conjured up by the vaccine industry itself -- the same industry for which the CDC primarily serves as cheerleader, marketing department and pimp. Surely we are more skeptical of industry today than we were in the days when Big Tobacco hired a bunch of doctors and scientists to claim that "cigarettes are good for you" and "nicotine is not addictive" -- all while the pages of the Journal of the American Medical Association touted full-page ads for Camel's Cigarettes which claimed, "More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette!"

Yep, Big Tobacco says cigarettes are safe. (And for a long time so did the AMA.) The fracking industry says fracking is good for the environment. The Corn Refiners Association says high-fructose corn syrup is healthy for children. Casino lobbyists say casinos are good for society. Monsanto says GMOs are perfectly safe to eat. Dentists insists that mercury fillings are totally safe to chew on. And not surprisingly, vaccine manufacturers swear up and down that mercury is actually GOOD for you because it "makes vaccines work better." (Yes, this is actually one of their ridiculous claims.)

There is no anti-logic too twisted for the vaccine industry, you see. The entire industry is based on a fabrication so sweeping and insidious that it can easily be disproven with the momentary invocation of simple logic. That fabrication is the false assumption that all vaccines are absolutely safe.

Why there is no such thing as a safe vaccine

This is the premise of the entire vaccine industry: no vaccine can ever, under any circumstances, cause harm. All vaccines are beneficial and have no serious side effects. All children should be required by the state to take vaccines because all vaccines are absolutely safe, and so on and so forth. Vaccine safety is assumed to be absolute!

The people who make these statements are pathetic excuses for scientists, doctors and public health "officials." They lack intelligence. They are incapable of clear thinking. Their brains are damaged, perhaps from vaccines. Why do I say that? Because the term "safe" is an absolute term. There is no such thing as a "safe" vaccine because there is no such thing as a vaccine without risk. Anyone who claims "vaccines are safe" and actually believes it is either woefully uninformed or deeply mentally impaired.

Certainly, you can talk about certain vaccines being "safer" than other vaccines in terms of relative risk, but there is no such thing as a vaccine that offers absolute safety. Yet this is the way vaccines are routinely described by doctors and public health officials... and anyone who dares to raise the legitimate question of levels of risk or harm that can be reasonably attributed to the injection of mercury into the body of a child is instantly labeled a lunatic by the medical mafia (actually a cult of reductionism).

You see, it is an undeniable, scientific fact that every vaccine comes with a risk of serious injury or death, and as tens of thousands of parents are discovering each year in the USA alone, vaccines can also pull the trigger on a cascading collapse of neurological function that we now call "autism spectrum disorder." To describe vaccines as functioning without risk is to label yourself an idiot, a quack, or a shill for the vaccine industry. Perhaps all three.

Vaccines are so dangerous, the entire vaccine industry had to be granted blanket legal immunity just to stay in business

The desperate attempts of the CDC and vaccine manufacturers to hide this clear link between injected mercury (thimerosal) and autism is one of the saddest and most insidious medical conspiracies in human history. Those who deny that mercury is toxic to children are morally repugnant and scientifically inept. They are the "Flat Earthers" of medicine and they will do almost anything to make sure your child gets injected with a substance so dangerous than the entire industry had to be granted legal immunity by Congress because its products would otherwise result in so much legal liability that the industry would go bankrupt.

If cars were sold in the same way as vaccines, every 1 in 88 families who bought a car would find their child permanently maimed by the child seat sold with the car, to the point where that child could no longer function in society. And then, when they tried to sue the manufacturer for selling them a faulty, dangerous product, they would be told, "Sorry. The car industry has been granted blanket immunity from all lawsuits. You have no due process." That's how the vaccine industry works.

Today, 1 in 88 children now have autism. Vaccines aren't the only cause of autism, but they seem to be the trigger in many cases. Yet vaccine companies and vaccine-pushing public health officials continue to carry on the big lie, claiming that vaccines have ZERO link to autism -- yet another false piece of medical propaganda designed to keep the medical mafia rolling in cash while your children suffer lifelong brain damage from their faulty products.

Words of wisdom:

Beware of any product so dangerous than the government says "you can't sue the manufacturer even if it kills you" but then that same government turns around and says, "Oh, by the way, you MUST inject your child with this substance, too."

That's New York City in 2014. You must line up your children and inject them with this highly toxic heavy metal. And guess what? If your child suddenly goes autistic, it's YOUR problem, not the state's problem. Don't expect any free medical care for your newly-autistic child.

In this way, the state actually causes serious medical economic damage and then shifts the burden to pay for that damage to the very moms and dads who are also devastated by the harm caused by vaccines.

New York City to become the capitol of autism in America

For the city of New York to now state that all parents much subject their children to these risks of harm and death -- without telling those parents the truth about such risks -- is a wildly dangerous misappropriation of government power. It is, in essence, "gunpoint medicine" where the state criminalizes non-compliance with a twisted quack science public health mandate that will inevitably increase the rate of autism, paralysis, hospitalization and even death of New York City children.

With this vote, the NYC Board of Health has just declared NYC will be the capitol of autism in America.

It is also, not coincidentally, the capitol of mentally-impaired medical experts who have once again demonstrated to the whole world just how incapable they are of intelligent decision-making. It takes no intelligence whatsoever to prostitute yourself out to the vaccine industry and vote for whatever new mandate happens to support their financial interests. What really takes intelligence is being a vaccine skeptic and considering the incredible mountain of evidence that mercury in vaccines causes brain damage or that thimerosal is linked to neurotoxicity.

Because here's the simple moral, ethical and righteous truth of the matter, encompassing the breadth of medical ethics, human rights, parental rights and fundamental human dignity: When there is any risk of harm in a medical decision, parents' rights trump the state. Children do not belong to the state; they belong to their parents. When parents are forced to subject their own children to medical procedures which carry a significant risk of serious harm or even death, it is nothing less than the tyranny of a medical police state to mandate such potentially harmful interventions.

Any city, state or nation which claims this power to force parents to potentially lobotomize their own children with a questionable medical intervention (that's easy to beat with things like zinc and vitamin D, by the way) has forfeit any moral or legal authority it might have once held. It is an open admission that the city, state or nation in question has abandoned fundamental human rights and has transitioned into a medical police state society, where whatever toxic interventions happen to generate profits for the drug companies will be forced onto children at gunpoint.

That is where we have arrived today in New York City. Real science has been abandoned. Medical ethics are thrown out the window. Logic and sanity are nowhere to be found. Parental rights? Trampled into oblivion. Full disclosure? Never gonna happen. PRO-CHOICE? Not with vaccines, you moms! You get no choice. Sure, if you want an abortion, it's your choice because the state says you have that right. But what if you want to SAVE a child that's already been born by not subjecting it to mercury? NYC now says you don't have that right.

Folks, we are well into the age of insanity. Reason has been long abandoned. "Science" has been twisted into whatever warped bastardization the for-profit industry wants it to be. Medical ethics are nowhere to be found. The vaccine mandate push is perhaps the best example yet of how modern medicine -- with all its faulty reductionist paradigms -- is a failure on all levels: biochemically, morally, financially, sociologically, ethically and even culturally.

Forced vaccine mandates are the single most worrisome sign we've seen yet that the state has joined forces with the pharma establishment to push reductionist, interventionist pharmacological medicine at the end of a gun. When medicine is so dangerous, so unwanted and so unpopular that it must be forced upon parents under the threat of criminal penalty, something is very, very wrong with that medical system, and it must be torn down, reformed and rebuilt from the ground up with a restoration of the very first rule of medicine: FIRST, DO NO HARM.

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Why you shouldn't get your kid a cell phone

April McCarthy | Prevent Disease

If today's young people don't reduce their use of wireless mobile devices, they may suffer an "epidemic" of the disease in later life. Research indicates children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use mobile phones.

At least nine out of ten 16-year-olds have their own handset, as do more than 40 percent of primary schoolchildren.

Many scientists have claimed that the wave of mobile communications made popular in the last two decades will result in long-term health implications worldwide. An unprecedented level and frequency of tumor growth inside the human brain may be inevitable.

Yet investigating dangers to the young were been omitted from a massive investigation of the risks of cancer from using mobile phones, even though the official Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) Programme -- which is conducting it -- admits that the issue is of the "highest priority".

Mobile phone owners were urged to limit their use after the World Health Organisation admitted they may cause cancer.

Despite recommendations of an official report that the use of mobiles by children should be "minimised", the Government has done almost nothing to discourage it.

Minister across Europe have been encouraged to bring in stricter limits for exposure to radiation from mobile and cordless phones, Wi-fi and other devices, partly because children are especially vulnerable to them. They are more at risk because their brains and nervous systems are still developing and because -- since their heads are smaller and their skulls are thinner -- the radiation penetrates deeper into their brains.

Neurosurgeon and researcher Dr. Leif Salford has conducted many studies on radio frequency radiation and its effects on the brain. Dr. Salford called the potential implications of some of his research "terrifying." Some of the most concerning conclusions result from the fact that the weakest exposure levels to wireless radiation caused the greatest effect in causing the blood brain barrier to leak.

Since he began his line of research in 1988, Dr. Leif Salford and his colleagues at Lund University Hospital in Sweden has exposed over 1,600 experimental animals to low-level radiation. Their results were consistent and worrisome: radiation, including that from cell phones, caused the blood-brain barrier--the brain's first line of defense against infections and toxic chemicals--to leak.

Swedish research reported at the first international conference on mobile phones and health stemmed from .further analysis of data from one of the biggest studies carried out into the risk that the radiation causes cancer, headed by Professor Lennart Hardell of the University Hospital in Orebro, Sweden. Professor Hardell told the conference -- held at the Royal Society by the Radiation Research Trust -- that "people who started mobile phone use before the age of 20" had more than five-fold increase in glioma", a cancer of the glial cells that support the central nervous system. The extra risk to young people of contracting the disease from using the cordless phone found in many homes was almost as great, at more than four times higher.
Those who started using mobiles young, he added, were also five times more likely to get acoustic neuromas, benign but often disabling tumours of the auditory nerve, which usually cause deafness.

By contrast, people who were in their twenties before using handsets were only 50 percent more likely to contract gliomas and just twice as likely to get acoustic neuromas.

Professor Hardell told the IoS: "This is a warning sign. It is very worrying. We should be taking precautions." He believes that children under 12 should not use mobiles except in emergencies and that teenagers should use hands-free devices or headsets and concentrate on texting. At 20 the danger diminishes because then the brain is fully developed. Indeed, he admits, the hazard to children and teenagers may be greater even than his results suggest, because the results of his study do not show the effects of their using the phones for many years. Most cancers take decades to develop, longer than mobile phones have been on the market.

The research has shown that adults who have used the handsets for more than 10 years are much more likely to get gliomas and acoustic neuromas, but he said that there was not enough data to show how such relatively long-term use would increase the risk for those who had started young.

He wants more research to be done, but the risks to children will not be studied in the MTHR study, which will follow 90,000 people in Britain. Professor David Coggon, the chairman of the programmes management committee, said they had not been included because other research was being done on young people by a study at Sweden's Kariolinska Institute.

He said: "It looks frightening to see a five-fold increase in cancer among people who started use in childhood," but he said he "would be extremely surprised" if the risk was shown to be so high once all the evidence was in.

But David Carpenter, dean of the School of Public Health at the State University of NewYork -- who also attended the conference -- said: "Children are spending significant time on mobile phones. We may be facing a public health crisis in an epidemic of brain cancers as a result of mobile phone use."

A scholarly article on cell phone safety published online in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine reported the finding that cell phones used in the shirt or pants pocket exceed the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) exposure guidelines and that children absorb twice as much microwave radiation from phones as do adults.

The paper notes that the industry-designed process for evaluating microwave radiation from phones results in children absorbing twice the cellphone radiation to their heads, up to triple in their brain's hippocampus and hypothalamus, greater absorption in their eyes, and as much as 10 times more in their bone marrow when compared to adults.

Earlier research on pregnant mothers who use mobile phones has shown they are likely to give birth to kids with behavioral problems, especially if those children start using mobile phones early themselves.

Researchers from the National Institutes of Health have found that less than an hour of cellphone use can speed up brain activity in the area closest to the phone antenna, raising new questions about the health effects of low levels of radiation emitted from cellphones.

The study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, is among the first and largest to document that the weak radio-frequency signals from cellphones have the potential to alter brain activity.

“The study is important because it documents that the human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by cellphones,” Dr. Volkow said. “It also highlights the importance of doing studies to address the question of whether there are -- or are not -- long-lasting consequences of repeated stimulation, of getting exposed over five, 10 or 15 years.”

April McCarthy is a community journalist playing an active role reporting and analyzing world events to advance our health and eco-friendly initiatives.


Despite Being Polio-Free Since 1993, Mass Vaccination Push in The Philippines Continues Anyway

Health Impact News

Image: UN
In the aftermath of one of the strongest storms to ever strike land, the most dangerous place for children in the Philippines to be right now could very well be the evacuation centers, or living near one.

This past week, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF began an aggressive program to vaccinate more than 500,000 children with the measles and polio vaccines in the typhoon affected areas of the Philippines. They have already vaccinated more than 30,000 children in Tacolban, one of the worst hit areas.

“It is virtually unprecedented that within two and a half weeks of a disaster of this scale, with this level of devastation and these logistical challenges, that a mass vaccination campaign is already rolling out,” reported Dr. Julie Hall, WHO representative in the Philippines.
The children are being vaccinated for measles and polio, in spite of the fact that measles rates are very low and declining in the Philippines, and that there has not been a single case of polio in the Philippines since 1993.

In the video below, Heather Papowitz, a senior advisor for UNICEF, states that they are vaccinating children for measles even though they have already been vaccinated for the disease, because previous vaccine campaigns were,  ”not enough to protect them, so we need to get them vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Is this a statement to the ineffectiveness of measles vaccines that they need to be vaccinated repeatedly, or that somehow typhoon disasters like this require higher doses of the vaccine? By either reasoning, it allows pharmaceutical companies a larger market for their products.

Regarding their goal to vaccinate 500,000 children with the very dangerous oral polio vaccine, she states, “As far as polio, it was already eradicated in the Philippines, so we just want to make sure it doesn’t come back.”

Watch the video for yourself:

According to statistics supplied by the WHO, measles is rare and declining in the Philippines. In a nation of over 90 million people, there were 6,554 confirmed cases of measles in 2011 (source), 1,536 confirmed cases in 2012, and through November 11, 2013 this year, only 951 confirmed cases. (Source - Page 6.)

If you are the parent of a Filipino child being told by western aid workers that you need to vaccinate your child for measles (regardless if your child was already vaccinated), you need to ask yourself why you should allow your child to be exposed to dangerous western vaccines when the disease has already been declining and affects so very few people in your country.

As for the oral polio vaccine, this particular vaccine contains the live polio virus, and is notorious for causing vaccine-induced polio and paralysis. It is no longer given in the United States, only in poorer countries like India, Pakistan (where many people are now rising up and resisting it), and now the Philippines. Many have called for a halt on the oral live attenuated vaccine, due to the fact that it can actually cause polio and non-polio acute flaccid paralysis.

In India, for example, the “polio eradication campaign” using the live oral polio vaccine caused 47,500 cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in just one year! (Source.) Will we now start seeing cases of polio and paralysis arise in the Philippines, where currently there are none, as a result of this dangerous and outdated polio vaccine that is targeted for 500,000 children? We most assuredly will, as this is exactly what is happening in other places like India and Pakistan. (See: Paralysis Haunts ‘Polio Free’ India and Confirmed:
India’s Polio Eradication Campaign in 2011 Caused 47,500 Cases of Vaccine-Induced Polio Paralysis)

The measles vaccine is hardly without risk either. Dr. Viera Scheibner points out in this excellent article looking at the history of the measles vaccine, that atypical measles outbreaks have occurred as a result of the vaccine, and that natural immunity is wiped out when the vaccine is introduced, which can lead to more incidents of measles, rather than less. As I pointed out above, measles is already on the decline in the Philippines and affects a minuscule portion of the population.

I am not sure if there is a single measles vaccine currently available in the market, as by far the majority of the vaccines for measles today are a 3-vaccine combo of mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR). Here is Merck’s MMR vaccine package insert for the MMR vaccine. Be sure to read the ingredients, as well as the sections: CONTRAINDICATIONS, WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS, and ADVERSE REACTIONS before you agree to have your children vaccinated. These sections are seldom communicated or explained to parents prior to vaccination, and injuries and deaths do occur, as is evidenced by settlements in the U.S. vaccine court, and also by a court in Italy.

I know that Health Impact News has a popular readership in Manila, and I encourage people to contact President Aquino and Dr. Enrique Ona (Secretary of Health) to carefully research this topic so they can be fully informed about these issues. The dangers of the live oral polio vaccine and the terrible side effects resulting in paralysis are very well documented in the scientific literature. We have also published articles from medical doctors and PhD scientists that summarize the peer-reviewed scientific studies and history of vaccines that is not popularly covered in the U.S. mainstream media, which is for the most part pro-pharmaceutical. See for example: The REAL History Behind the Polio Vaccine by Dr
. Viera
 (PhD), and Did Vaccines Really Eradicate Polio? by Suzanne Humphries, MD.

Why are Children Under 5 Dying in Countries Where UNICEF Works?

It would also be prudent to research UNICEF, which likes to present itself as an advocate for children’s health. Their track record does not match up to this image they like to project. In a report published in the Lancet (free registration required to read) in 2004, it was revealed that in the countries where UNICEF was working, deaths of children under the age of 5 actually increased! Is it a coincidence that this is the same age group UNICEF targets with their vaccine programs? The countries that experienced the greatest increase in deaths were all poor countries: India (2·4 million deaths), Nigeria (834 000 deaths), China (784 000 deaths), Pakistan (565 000 deaths), Democratic Republic of Congo (484 000 deaths), and Ethiopia (472 000 deaths). Will the Philippines now be added to this tragic list?

The largest funding entity to UNICEF is the U.S. Government. People in the Philippines and other poorer countries need to understand that the U.S. Government, unlike any other government in the world, has passed laws giving 100% legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies for any harm or damage that occurs as a result of vaccine adverse effects. This gives them unlimited opportunities to rush new vaccines into the market regardless of their safety, and often the more unpopular vaccines get distributed to poorer countries as part of “humanitarian” efforts, funded by taxpayers in various countries that support the U.N. and UNICEF. There are absolutely ZERO checks and balances to assure that your country is receiving safe and effective vaccines.

I lived in the Philippines for several years, and have been through four Super Typhoons. I have also participated in relief operations after natural and man-made disasters. The amount of fraud and corruption that occurs when millions, or even billions, of dollars are being donated for “humanitarian” purposes after a tragedy like this is always a problem, and this appears to me to be a case where pharmaceutical companies are seizing upon the Philippine Typhoon Yolanda tragedy to promote their vaccine agenda.

Pharmaceutical sales are slumping in the U.S., and they are looking for new markets, particularly in the poorer countries. Measles is declining in the Philippines and already rare, and there are no cases of polio. But that may all change now, thanks to this vaccination program that can, ironically, cause the disease for which the vaccine is supposed to prevent, resulting in even more vaccination programs in the future with the claim that these diseases are now returning, thus creating a lucrative market for the western pharmaceutical companies.

What the people in the Philippines in the typhoon affected areas need right now, especially children under the age of 5, is clean drinking water and healthy food, and then help to rebuild their homes and infrastructure. The millions of dollars being spent on dangerous vaccines could better be put to use for much healthier and safer options that will truly help the people, rather than dangerous vaccines that could end up crippling and injuring children at a time when they are most vulnerable.

Government officials and citizens in the Philippines need to understand the profit motive to distribute vaccines and how Western governments fund groups like WHO and UNICEF to promote their agendas in poorer countries. In the process, they exploit the most helpless members of your society, children under the age of 5! Throw off the mantle of Western colonialism and tell the WHO and UNICEF to stop their vaccination program in the typhoon affected areas now!

Health Impact News
Philippine Inquirer
World Health Organization
The Lancet
Clinical Infectious Diseases – Oxford Journal
Gulf News

Children Have a 90 Percent Less Chance of Having Asthma If the Parents do this


For decades, health officials have been telling parents to not share utensils with their babies or clean their pacifiers by putting them in their mouths, arguing that the practice spreads harmful germs between parent and child. But new research says children whose parents clean their pacifiers by sucking them might be less likely to develop allergic conditions because of how their parents' saliva changes their microbiomes.

In a study on a small group of 184 Swedish babies published in the Journal Pediatrics found that infants whose parents sucked on their pacifiers to clean them had almost a 60% reduction in eczema and 90% reduction in asthma, developing fewer allergies than children whose parents typically rinsed or boiled them at 18 months of age. They also had lower rates of eczema, fewer signs of asthma and smaller amounts of a type of white blood cell that rises in response to allergies and other disorders.

Protection against eczema remained at age 36 months. Vaginal delivery yielded independent and additive protective effects against eczema development. The researchers stated "the salivary microbiota differed between children whose parents cleaned their pacifier by sucking it and children whose parents did not use this practice."

The findings add to growing evidence that some degree of exposure to germs at an early age benefits children, and that microbial deprivation might backfire, preventing the immune system from developing a tolerance to trivial threats.

The hygiene hypothesis holds that, when babies' exposure to germs is so limited, their immune systems are deprived of the opportunity to learn how to fend off pathogens properly...consequently their immune systems become so sensitive that the babies develop allergies. That would also explain why people who grow up in large families or who have early contact with animals are less likely to develop allergies.

Young children who share their home with dogs or cats in the first year of life are half as likely to become allergic to those animals than kids who grew up with no pets. Young children who share their home with two dogs or cats in the first year of life are half as likely to become allergic to those animals than kids who grew up with only one dog or cat, or no pets.

The study, carried out in Sweden, could not prove that the pacifiers laden with parents’ saliva were the direct cause of the reduced allergies. The practice may be a marker for parents who are generally more relaxed about shielding their children from dirt and germs, said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious diseases expert at Vanderbilt University who was not involved in the research.

“It’s a very interesting study that adds to this idea that a certain kind of interaction with the microbial environment is actually a good thing for infants and children,” he said. “I wonder if the parents that cleaned the pacifiers orally were just more accepting of the old saying that you’ve got to eat a peck of dirt. Maybe they just had a less ‘disinfected’ environment in their homes.”

"This is a really interesting and intriguing observation," says Elizabeth Matsui of the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, who was not involved in the research. "There's recently been an explosion of interest in the microbiome and how it might influence many things” but in particular someone's propensity to develop an allergic disease," Matsui says.

To investigate the role of pacifier cleaning, Bill Hesselmar of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and his colleagues analyzed data they had collected for a broader study about babies' allergies. Among the questions the parents had answered was what they did when their child's pacifier fell out of his or her mouth.
"We asked them how they cleaned the pacifier if they rinsed them in water and of course most of them did," Hesselmar says. But a lot of the parents did something else.

"They put it in their mouth, sucked on it and then gave it back to the children," Hesselmar says. "It's a quite common way to clean pacifier."

Studies show that the microbial world in which a child is reared plays a role in allergy development, seemingly from birth. Babies delivered vaginally accumulate markedly different bacteria on their skin and in their guts than babies delivered by Caesarean section, and that in turn has been linked in studies to a lower risk of hay fever, asthma and food allergies. But whether a mother who puts a child’s pacifier in her mouth or feeds the child with her own spoon might be providing similar protection is something that had not been closely studied, said Dr. Bill Hesselmar, the lead author of the study.

Scare tactics have previously been employed by medical practitioners on the basis that studies have showed a bacterium, streptococcus mutans, being highly contagious from mother to child and causing dental cavities. But Dr. Joel Berg, president of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, said those efforts are misguided, since parents are bound to spread germs simply by kissing their children and being around them. “This notion of not feeding your baby with your spoon or your fork is absurd because if the mom is in close proximity to the baby you can’t prevent that transmission,” he said. “There’s no evidence that you can avoid it. It’s impossible unless you wear a mask or you don’t touch the child, which isn’t realistic.”

Dr. Berg, who does salivary research at the University of Washington, said the new findings underscore something he has been telling his patients for years, that “saliva is your friend.” It contains enzymes, proteins, electrolytes and other beneficial substances, some of which can perhaps be passed from parent to child.

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.


Brain Scans Show The Real Impact Love Has On A Child's Brain


You comfort them over a skinned knee in the playground, and coax them to sleep with a soothing lullaby. But being a nurturing mother is not just about emotional care - it pays dividends by determining the size of your child's brain, scientists say.

Shocking: According to neurologists the sizable difference
between these two brains has one primary cause - the way
were treated by their mothers. Image:
Both of these images are brain scans of a two three-year-old children, but the brain on the left is considerably larger, has fewer spots and less dark areas, compared to the one on the right.

According to neurologists this sizable difference has one primary cause - the way each child was treated by their mothers.

But the child with the shrunken brain was the victim of severe neglect and abuse.

Babies' brains grow and develop as they interact with their environment and learn how to function within it.

When babies' cries bring food or comfort, they are strengthening the neuronal pathways that help them learn how to get their needs met, both physically and emotionally. But babies who do not get responses to their cries, and babies whose cries are met with abuse, learn different lessons.

The neuronal pathways that are developed and strengthened under negative conditions prepare children to cope in that negative environment, and their ability to respond to nurturing and kindness may be impaired.

According to research reported by the newspaper, the brain on the right in the image above worryingly lacks some of the most fundamental areas present in the image on the left.

The consequences of these deficits are pronounced - the child on the left with the larger brain will be more intelligent and more likely to develop the social ability to empathise with others.

This type of severe, global neglect can have devastating consequences. The extreme lack of stimulation may result in fewer neuronal pathways available for learning.

The lack of opportunity to form an attachment with a nurturing caregiver during infancy may mean that some of these children will always have difficulties forming meaningful relationships with others. But studies have also found that time played a factor--children who were adopted as young infants have shown more recovery than children who were adopted as toddlers.

But in contrast, the child with the shrunken brain will be more likely to become addicted to drugs and involved in violent crimes, much more likely to be unemployed and to be dependent on state benefits.
The child is also more likely to develop mental and other serious health problems.

Some of the specific long-term effects of abuse and neglect on the developing brain can include:

  • Diminished growth in the left hemisphere, which may increase the risk for depression
  • Irritability in the limbic system, setting the stage for the emergence of panic disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Smaller growth in the hippocampus and limbic abnormalities, which can increase the risk for dissociative disorders and memory impairments
  • Impairment in the connection between the two brain hemispheres, which has been linked to symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Professor Allan Schore, of UCLA, told The Sunday Telegraph that if a baby is not treated properly in the first two years of life, it can have a fundamental impact on development.

He pointed out that the genes for several aspects of brain function, including intelligence, cannot function.
And sadly there is a chance they may never develop and come into existence.

These has concerning implications for neglected children that are taken into care past the age of two.
It also seems that the more severe the mother's neglect, the more pronounced the damage can be.

The images also have worrying consequences for the childhood neglect cycle - often parents who, because their parents neglected them, do not have fully developed brains, neglect their own children in a similar way.

But research in the U.S. has shown the cycle can be successfully broken if early intervention is staged and families are supported.

The study correlates with research released earlier this year that found that children who are given love and affection from their mothers early in life are smarter with a better ability to learn.

The experiences of infancy and early childhood provide the organizing framework for the expression of children's intelligence, emotions, and personalities.

When those experiences are primarily negative, children may develop emotional, behavioral, and learning problems that persist throughout their lifetime, especially in the absence of targeted interventions.

The study by child psychiatrists and neuroscientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, found school-aged children whose mothers nurtured them early in life have brains with a larger hippocampus, a key structure important to learning, memory and response to stress.

The research was the first to show that changes in this critical region of children’s brain anatomy are linked to a mother’s nurturing, reports.

The research is published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Early Edition.
Lead author Joan L. Luby, MD, professor of child psychiatry, said the study reinforces how important nurturing parents are to a child's development.


Remember this next time you think about eating fast food

I know we’re kind of not the norm, but our family doesn’t eat fast food. My kids don’t feel like they’re missing out on anything … because they’re not. Well, maybe they’re missing out on excessive sodium and saturated fat. They still get plenty of treats and “kid food,” just not from the standard fast food joints.

We’re far from perfect and could definitely stand to improve our eating habits even more, but I’m doing my best to help them resist the marketing that is impossible to avoid seeing. The number of TV ads for food and drinks that kids view per year, shared at 2:28, is out of control. Our kids deserve better.

Instead of eating fast food, try these 8 great tips to eat healthy on a budget

Are you ready to take some real action? Here are some ways of getting involved in your community to help bring about food freedom:

Source: Raw For Beauty

This is how fast food ads hook kids on junk

Image: Ryan C. Hartsock
'Big Food' spends close to $2 billion every year telling kids and teens what’s cool to eat through advertising, promotions, and sponsorship. Meanwhile, across the country, fast-food chains are crowding out grocery stores and supermarkets, narrowing the healthy food choices available.

Scary? It sure is, but together, we can work to curb this predatory marketing and stand up for real food.
We believe that marketing targeting to children and teenagers is a public health crisis. Watch our movies and dig into this page to understand why.


This is how you get your kids to eat more vegetables

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

Tips like cutting vegetables into shapes, covertly pureeing greens into sauces, and modeling healthy behaviors can improve our children's diets.

Where were the kale video games when I was growing up?

In this video Dr. Gregor explores some ways that have been tested and proven to get kids to eat vegetables. Very interesting!

Source: Raw For Beauty

Revealed: More Than 5000 Children’s Products Contain Toxic Chemicals

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Corporations spend untold millions on complex marketing campaigns, targeting the subconscious primal emotions of you and your children so you feel compelled to buy their products. But it takes a state law to pry out the more dangerous information about these same products.
Image: Real Farmacy

The Washington Toxics Coalition and Safer States compiled a report detailing the toxic chemicals used in children’s products, based on information provided by manufacturers In compliance with Washington State’s “Children’s Safe Products Act of 2008.” Reporting requirements began in 2012, giving us information that was previously unavailable to the public.

Washington State developed a list of 66 “Chemicals of High Concern to Children.” 41 of these chemicals were reported in more than 5,000 products. Retailers include Walmart, Gap, Gymboree, H & M, J. C. Penney, and Claire’s.

A variety of chemicals linked to cancer, hormone disruption and reproductive problems were reported such as phthalates and solvents, as well as toxic metals like cadmium and mercury. Products containing these chemicals include clothing, footwear, toys, games, jewelry, accessories, baby products, furniture, bedding, arts and crafts supplies and personal care products. SEE THE FULL REPORT HERE

All of this begs the question: Why are retailers still putting known toxic chemicals in children’s products? Children are more susceptible to the effects of toxins. With the billions in profits and millions spent on other avenues like marketing, isn’t it possible to make a toy with no toxic chemicals or metals?

Supposed “safe standards” set by federal regulators hardly ease the concerns of parents who are familiar with the corruption in agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA didn’t even ban bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles until the industry suggested it after already abandoning its use.
“Safe standards” applied to one particular item do not account for accumulation in the body over time or toxic effects that may arise when combined with other chemical exposures.

For example, research has shown that phthalates build up in the body.  Several European countries have banned the use of phthalates in children’s products based on sound science. Yet U.S. manufacturers pretend this body of evidence does not exist and continue putting our kids’ health in jeopardy.

There is a campaign called Mind the Store, spearheaded by Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, that urges the top ten retailers to eliminate the use of toxic chemicals in consumer products. Support them and support a healthier future.

Justin Gardener,

Nearly 80 Teens Hospitalized After Pesticide Exposure

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Remember when farm work was a wholesome summer job for kids looking for a little extra pocket money?

Back in the day, teens could work outside, learn about farming, and do some healthy physical labor without major health risks.  Working on a farm built physical strength, skills, and character.

Now, with the advent of toxic agricultural practices, farm work can be deadly because of exposure to glyphosate and other deadly chemicals.

Nearly 80 teenagers working for

Team Corn, a Princeton, Ill.-based company that contracts for Monsanto were sent to the hospital yesterday after a crop-duster sprayed the field they were working in with fungicide.

The teenagers were detasseling corn when the chemical drifted over them from a plane that was crop-dusting an adjacent field, said Tom Helscher, a spokesman for Monsanto, the St. Louis-based company using the field to produce seed corn. Pesotum is about 15 miles south of Urbana….

 "…Detasselers – commonly teenagers looking for summer jobs – pull the pollinating tassels off the top of corn plants that will produce seed for future planting… 
…The 79 teens were decontaminated by firefighters at the field just outside Pesotum and then taken to the Carle Foundation Hospital’s emergency room in Urbana to be treated for what appeared to be minor ailments, hospital officials said. 
Emergency room director Allen Rinehart said some of the teen workers had irritated skin but that they were all stable and being released to their parents as they were seen." (source)

The media glossed over the incident, emphasizing that the injuries were minor and that the kids were treated and immediately released from the hospital.

There is no doubt this was an unfortunate accident. As long as agriculture practices these highly toxic methods, though, we will continue to see such accidents. There would be no such risk of poisoning on a farm that implemented organic methods.

But considering that people spraying for Monsanto are generally pictured wearing head to toe protection as well as a respirator, and that reported health issues from chemical drift are severe, including cancer, miscarriage, asthma and birth defects, one has to wonder if the real injuries to these teens will show up a few years down the road.

With this direct exposure, will these kids join the long line of victims of Monsanto?

Source: The Organic Prepper

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor.  Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

Back To School Tips to Keep Your Kids Naturally Healthy

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Summer is quickly coming to an end and soon it will be time to send your children back to school or off to college. By the middle of August a flurry of preparation for students and parents is in full swing. New backpacks, new school supplies, new clothes, new shoes and renewing of friendships (who isn’t in touch with their friends to see what everyone is wearing on that “all important” first day of classes?) all go along with the excitement that back-to-school brings. However,  returning to classes filled with students in close quarters also means more germs and for many children, more illness.

This doesn’t have to be a down-side if you are prepared in advance. So grab a pencil and paper because I have some effective tips for the school year to help you promote good health and well-being in your children.

1)  Show Your Hands! Since there is a bit of time before the beginning of school, it is a good idea to introduce or reinforce to your children the importance of hand washing. Get your children into the habit of washing their hands before eating and after bathroom use. Good old soap and warm water is just as effective as hand sanitizers that sometimes contain toxic chemicals. Be aware that antibacterial soaps can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.

2)  Coughing, Sneezing, Runny Nose – oh my!  Teach your children the importance of coughing and sneezing into their sleeve or a tissue, if one is available. Put a small package of tissue in your children’s backpacks and remind them that used tissues should be thrown away immediately after use.

3)  When it’s OK Not to Share. Teach your children that there are certain things that should not be shared. These include utensils, cups, water bottles, pens/pencils, cell phones, grooming articles, cosmetics, etc. This is especially important during cold and flu season.  Provide your children access to their own personal school supplies, tissues, water bottles, etc.

4)  Keep the Mouth Sparkling Clean.  Educate your children not only in the importance of brushing their teeth and gums at least two times daily but also about the health benefits of a clean mouth. Choose a non-fluorinated and non-toxic tooth paste or make your own homemade tooth powder. I also recommend Breath Fresh™ which allows prompt and convenient attention to oral health no matter where you are or what the circumstances. 

5)  ZZZ’s are Important. With all the excitement of a new school year, getting back into the swing of homework and project deadlines as well as extra-curricular activities, children can quickly become sleep deprived. Without a sleep regimen, older children and teens can show signs of sleep deprivation which includes fatigue, headaches, slow metabolic rates, moodiness and decreased ability to focus and pay attention. It is wise to make sure children of all ages start getting back into a healthy sleep schedule before school starts. Keep computers, TV’s and cell phones out of the bedroom. Set an age-appropriate bedtime for your children and stick to it – even on the weekends. Most healthcare professionals agree that children 5 to 12 years old need approximately 10 hours of sleep per night while older, high school aged children need about 9 hours. The body does a tremendous amount of healing and repair work between the hours of 10:00 PM and 3:00 AM. Keep in mind that when the body is sleep deprived the immune system becomes sluggish.

6)  What’s for Breakfast & Lunch? Teaching your children how to make healthy food choices by example is, in my opinion, one of the most important life-long lessons a parent can pass on to their children. Food is what fuels and nourishes the entire body, including the brain. It is proven over and over again that children who eat healthy, nutritious meals and avoid pre-packaged foods require less doctor visits, resist more illness, have less difficulty with concentration, attention and memory and are actually happier than those who feast on a constant diet of HFCS, fast foods and pre-packaged foods laden with chemicals.  Make it a requirement that your children eat breakfast every morning – preferably food that is not pre-packaged. Breakfast helps to get the metabolism going and also helps the body to eliminate efficiently. Breakfast smoothies packed full of nutritious fruit, healthy greens and essential fatty acid are quick, easy, very healthy and best of all taste great!  If possible skip the cafeteria and snack bar menus by providing a homemade lunch for your children. A piece of fruit along with a wholesome sandwich that includes a protein source and lots of veggies on gluten-free bread will provide a high amount of nutrients, satisfy hunger and provide energy. Add a small bag of raw veggies and healthy dip for added fiber and nutrition. Provide your children with a personal water bottle that includes its own filter so that your children have access to clean and pure water all day long.  Teach them the importance of water and keeping hydrated. Be sure to have healthy after-school snacks available for your children. Suggestions include ready-to-eat cold fruit slices, sliced veggies, homemade salsa and homemade sweet potato chips, homemade trail mix in pre-portioned bags, fruit milkshakes using almond milk, etc.  Ask your children to come up with ideas for healthy snacks and healthy lunches. One last mention – make sure that all fruits, veggies, etc. are effectively washed and prepared. Make sure to keep countertops and cutting boards properly disinfected (use non-toxic soaps or cleaning products).

7)  Exercise and Sunshine Count.  Believe it or not but recess and structured PE classes are a thing of the past in many schools. Children need a time to run off energy, soak up sunshine and de-stress. Require your children to go outdoors for some play time after school. Sunshine actually encourages Vitamin D3 production in the body which in turn can help with stress. Encourage teens to take a walk/jog every afternoon or to get involved with an outdoor sports activity. Make sure to provide adequate hydration for all outside activities. If you live in an area where sunshine is minimal consider supplementing your child’s diet with a liquid Vitamin D3. I do recommend having Vitamin D3  levels checked first. Consider a weekday family rule of no TV/video games/computer time if the weather permits outdoor activities.

8)  Open Elimination Routes.  Children have four elimination routes for the removal of toxins – breathing, sweating, urination and defecation. Girls also acquire an extra elimination route with the beginning of menses. While each elimination route is important, bowel health is often a subject that makes everyone uncomfortable and thus is often ignored. Because 70% of the immune system is located in the small and large intestine, it is important that parents keep tabs on their children’s bowel health. For more information about bowel health, please read my article, Children Get Constipated, Too. Healthy eating, adequate exercise, proper hydration and rest go a long way in helping the elimination routes to work effectively. If your child continues to experience issues such as constipation, I recommend Pure Vegan Mag O7 which will help with elimination in a safe and effective manner.  Also a review of diet, exercise, stress and hydration is warranted.

9)  Natural Supplements. I believe that all children should be on a daily children’s organic multi-vitamin/mineral supplement as well as a non-acidic, neutral pH Vitamin C powder and effective probiotics. While supplements are no replacement for a healthy diet, they can fill in the gaps and also provide a sturdy nutritional foundation. Studies have proven that the daily use of probiotics reduce the incidence of illness as well as help prevent the onset of cold and flu symptoms throughout the year. According to the results of one study, “When compared to a placebo group, the groups that received the single and combination probiotic supplements reduced their fever incidence by 53% and 72.7% respectively. Their coughing was reduced by 41.4% and 62.1% and their runny noses were lessened by 28.2% and 58.5%. The duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms were also significantly reduced in the children receiving the probiotics. Because of their enhanced natural defenses, these children had less need for prescription antibiotics and missed fewer days of childcare.” See the study reference here. We are living in tough financial times and less time in the doctor’s office can be a huge savings for most families. One of the most effective probiotics on the market today and the one that our family uses is Latero-Flora which is Bacillus Laterosporus BOD. The veggie capsules are small and can be opened and put on foods or in smoothies. The action of Bacillus Laterosporus BOC is three-fold. First these organisms attack and help to eliminate pathogenic organisms such as Salmonella, E.Coli and Streptococci. They also create a hostile environment against viruses. Second, they stimulate thte immune system to produce more antibodies against bacteria and viruses. Lastly, Bacillus Laterosporus BOD improves digestion by completely breaking down food in the intestines and assists in the elimination of toxins. Long term exposure to incomplete digestion and toxins has been implicated as the cause of many chronic diseases.

10.  When Sick – Stay Home.  No matter how much we watch over our children’s health, at some point illness will occur. Don’t send your child to school if he/she is sick. It’s not fair to your child and it’s not fair to expose other children. If your child is running a fever, complaining of a sore throat, stomach ache and/or headache, has a runny nose and/or is exhibiting a lack of energy, it is wise to take a break, stay home and rest. Should more symptoms appear or continually get worse, a consult with a trusted healthcare professional is in order. When the body is not well, it needs rest, hydration, healthy food (veggies, fruits and hydration) and some down time. Hearty and healthy soup is one of the best foods for cold and flu symptoms. I suggest a soup that we have used in our family for years — Dr. Lanphier’s Healthy Chicken/Vegetable Soup This soup can be adjusted for those who are vegetarians. A warm serving of this soup as well as a plate of fresh, raw veggies with a homemade dip will provide satisfying nourishment and will help to rev-up the immune system.

One last reminder. Children who learn to implement healthy habits at a young age exhibit less emotional turmoil and greater focus and problem solving skills during their school years. There is absolutely nothing to lose in getting your children involved in their own health and wellness. Call a family meeting and discuss ways in which the above suggestions can be implemented in your own family.  Don’t go over-board but instead ease into some of these suggestions until they become habit. Then tackle a few more. It won’t be long until everyone realizes that practicing healthy prevention really does help everyone to feel and look their best and even keeps emotions balanced!  From myself and OAW – much success and good health to all students during the coming school year!

I would love to read your ideas about keeping children healthy during the school year. Please share them below.


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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