Natural Cures Not Medicine: lemon juice

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Showing posts with label lemon juice. Show all posts

Do you have Heartburn (Reflux)?

Heartburn is generally caused from *inadequate* stomach acid, not too much.

For natural comfort, I'd try Tum-Ease or Gripe Water (fennel and ginger are the ingredients), or improving stomach acid and thus digestion, are safer solutions than antacids which don't address the *cause*.

When food is incompletely digested, it begins to putrefy in the stomach. Purification of food in the stomach causes gas, which regurgitates up the esophagus (with stomach acid).

Suppressing stomach acid only relieves the discomfort of the regurgitation. Suppressing stomach acid DECREASES the ability of the body from digesting food properly and completely into nutrients. Undigested or poorly digested food leads to further digestion issues in the gut (and nutrient deficiencies).

Inadequate stomach acid allows pathological bacteria to survive in the stomach.Undigested food is then sent to the small bowel where it increases the growth of "wrong" gut microbials and feeds candida, for instance.

Stomach acid is the first line of defense against disease, after saliva.

A squeeze of lemon juice in water or raw apple cider vinegar in water with meals, or a forkful of whole food probiotics with meals will improve stomach acid, digestion, nutrient absorption and gut microbial balance.

Cabbage juice, sauerkraut, zinc, apple cider vinegar, fermented vegetables, B12 all help to improve stomach acid naturally.

Spices, teas and herbs, i.e. camomile, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, nettles and other "bitters" etc. stimulate digestion also.

Eat beets. If they turn your urine pink/red, then you have low stomach acid. Stomach acid is a very important first step in digestion. Without enough, you can't absorb B12, and you have trouble absorbing zinc as well as several other nutrients.

If you don't have adequate stomach acid, proteins aren't broken down properly, and so they can cause trouble in the small intestine and/or get absorbed whole into the bloodstream. This leads to inflammatory issues, food intolerances, digestion and bowel issues, allergies and asthma as the body reacts to the *foreign* products in the blood.

If one system (digesting proteins with HCl in the stomach) doesn't work, then the next system addresses the problem, if it is functioning. If the HCl is present with zinc and B1 and B6, then the proteins are digested!!

This article was made by another great website you should check out --> HealThyself

Raw Zucchini and Hempseed Hummus

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

I love zucchini hummus because it is easily made without beans (which often cause me digestive distress), and it tastes just as wonderful. It is also much lighter, and doesn't make you tired (because the digestion required to digest zucchini's is much faster than that which is required to digest beans). Read on to find out how to make your own delicious zucchini hempseed hummus!

- 2 cups zucchini (you may leave skin on or off, depends on whether you want it more green or not)
- 1/4 cup hemp seeds
- 2-3 tbsp. raw tahini
- 1/4 cup finely chopped dill
- 2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
- 1/2 tsp. cumin
- Squeeze of fresh lemon juice (a couple tablespoons)
- 1 tbsp. hempseed oil
- Optional: cayenne, black pepper, salt

Place all ingredients into a food processor (or blender) and blend on high. If it is too liquidy, then add some more hemp seeds or more zucchini - if it is not wet enough, add some more lemon juice. Enjoy in lettuce wraps, or with vegetable sticks! Store any leftovers in the fridge in an airtight container. It should last 3-4 days. 

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Health Benefits Of Hemp Seed Oil

Home Remedies For Alcoholism

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:


• The best treatment of alcoholism comprises of an exclusive diet of grapes for a month.
• Alcoholics can resort to consuming apples, in large quantities, in order to remove the intoxication from their body. This would prove beneficial in treating alcoholism.
• Another option is to rub 4 to 5 dates in half a glass of water. Drink this  twice a day would act favorably in treating alcoholism.
• Take out the juice of the leaves of bitter gourd. Take three teaspoons of the juice, with one glass of buttermilk, every morning, on an empty stomach. This will be effective in treating alcoholism.
• A healthy body is the precursor to good resistance power. Alcoholics should be given a healthy and nutritious diet, consisting of wholegrain cereals, nuts, seeds, sprouts, fresh fruits and vegetables. It would help avert the longing for stimulants like alcohol. This would, in turn, treat alcoholism.
• Drinking fruit or vegetable juices and having candies or snacks, especially at the time of longing, will help curb the craving for alcohol.
• Another way to treat alcoholism is to intake half a glass of raw celery juice, mixed with an equal amount of water, once in a day. Repeat for at least a month.
• Carrot juice helps reduce the urge to consume alcohol. Have a glass of carrot juice, whenever there is an urge to drink.
• Lemon juice and orange juice have also been found helpful in preventing the yearning for alcohol. Drink one glass of each, on a daily basis.
• Banana is another food item that has been found beneficial in treating anemia. Have at least one each day.

Source: Dave Sommers

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