Natural Cures Not Medicine: breast cancer

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Showing posts with label breast cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast cancer. Show all posts

6 Simple Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer

Prevention is the best cure.

1. Limit yourself to two or three alcoholic drinks a week:
Alcohol, consumed even in small amounts, is believed to increase the risk of breast cancer. Most doctors recommend cutting back on wine, beer, and hard liquor. A recent study showed the link between drinking and breast cancer was especially strong in the 70% of tumors known as hormone-sensitive.

2. Exercise at least three times a week (more often is even better) 
And when you do exercise, work to keep your heart rate above its baseline level for a minimum of 20 continuous minutes. Long walks are nice too, but it's the more vigorous exercise (expect to sweat!) that really helps your heart and cuts your cancer risk.

3. Maintain your body weight, or lose weight if you're overweight: 
Research shows that being overweight or obese (especially if you're past menopause) increases your risk, especially if you put on the weight as an adult. And a study released in March 2008 by researchers at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston showed that obese and overweight women also had lower breast cancer survival rates and a greater chance of more aggressive disease than average-weight or underweight women.

4. Do a monthly breast self-exam: 
Be sure to get a check up from your doctor and have your technique reviewed regularly. You might catch a lump before a mammogram does, and it's a good idea to follow the changes in your body.

5. Have a mammogram once a year after 40: 
Catching a tumor early boosts the chance of survival significantly: The five-year survival rate can be as high as 98% for the earliest-stage localized disease, but hovers around 27% for the distant-stage, or metastatic, disease.

"5 ways to cut breast cancer risk" By Lorie Parch from

Those 5 reasons are great but they forgot to mention perhaps the most important step for prevention!!

And number 6! Don't use deodorants or soaps that contain parabens! 
Research shows up to 99% of breast cancer tissue contains parabens.
Learn to make your own deodorant:
Parabens in Antiperspirants are dangerous:
Or just use a simple lime for deodorant:

Oh, and just a bonus, number 7... 
Eat an organic, maybe even vegan diet. Often many diseases and cancers can be cured by the proper diet. Learn to maintain a PH of between 7.2 and 7.4 and you can kill the environment cancer needs to survive.

We are terrible liars. This is actually 8 ways to prevent breast cancer because we freaking love you guys so much. So check this out...

Number 8: Walking an hour a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 25%

Walking an hour a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 25%

ATLANTA, Oct. 4 (UPI) -- Women who walked an hour a day reduced their risk of breast cancer, but those who were more active reduced their risk even more, U.S. researchers say.

Alpa Patel, senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, said the study of 73,615 postmenopausal women found women who engaged in at least an hour of vigorous physical activity every day had a 25 percent lower risk for breast cancer, while those who walked for at least seven hours a week had a 14 percent lower risk for breast cancer.

"We examined whether recreational physical activity, specifically walking, was associated with lower breast cancer risk. Given that more than 60 percent of women report some daily walking, promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity among postmenopausal women," Patel said in a statement.

"We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity, just walking an average of 1 hour per day was associated with lower risk of breast cancer in these women."

The researchers determined the observed benefits of physical activity and walking were not influenced by body type -- body mass index and weight gain -- or hormonal status, or postmenopausal hormone use.

"Current guidelines recommend that adults should strive to get at least 2.5 hours per week of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity for overall health," Patel said. "Higher levels of activity might provide greater benefit for breast cancer prevention."

The researchers also found about 9.2 percent of the participants did not partake in any physical activity, while about 47 percent reported walking as their only activity.

The findings were published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.


The Cancer Causing Metal Millions of Us Have Eaten, Worn and Injected

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                     Written By:SAYER JI, FOUNDER

Aluminum is considered by most health authorities perfectly acceptable to eat, wear as an antiperspirant, and inject into your body as a vaccine adjuvant, but new research indicates it has cancer-causing properties, even at levels 100,000 times lower than found in certain consumer products.
A concerning new study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistrydemonstrates clearly that exposure to aluminum can increase migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells.  This has extremely important implications, because mortality from breast cancer is caused by the spread of the tumor and not from the presence of the primary tumor in the breast itself.  This profound difference, in fact, is why a groundbreaking new NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE COMMISSIONED EXPERT PANEL recently called for the complete reclassification of some types of non-progressive ‘breast cancer’ and ‘prostate cancer’ as essentially benign lesions – bittersweet news for the millions who were already misdiagnosed/overdiagnosed and mistreated/overtreated for‘CANCER’ OVER THE PAST 30 YEARS.  
Another recent relevant study, also published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, found increased levels of ALUMINUM in noninvasively collected nipple aspirate fluids from 19 breast cancer patients compared with 16 healthy control subjects. The researchers commented on their findings: “In addition to emerging evidence, our results support the possible involvement of aluminium ions in oxidative and inflammatory status perturbations of breast cancer microenvironment, suggesting aluminium accumulation in breast microenvironment as a possible risk factor for oxidative/inflammatory phenotype of breast cells.”[1]
A key implication of this research is that the common ingestion (food additive), injection (as a vaccine adjuvant), and topical application (antiperspirant) of forms of aluminum may be contributing to the burgeoning cancer epidemic in exposed populations. Given this possibility, the further use of aluminum in foods, cosmetics and drugs should be halted until adequate risk assessments can be made thoroughly proving its safety.  (Since we do not use the precautionary principle to guide risk assessments and their regulation in the US, instead opting for a chemical and drug-industry favoring “weight of evidence” standard, this likely will not happen; however, we can use this information to apply the precautionary principle in our own lives)
When it comes to aluminum’s presence in ANTIPERSPIRANT FORMULAS, a very concerning study published last year in the Journal of Applied Toxicology identified the primary form of aluminum used in underarm cosmetics – aluminum chloride – as capable of altering breast cancer cells in a way indicative of ‘neoplastic transformation,’ or, the transformation of a healthy cell into a cancerous one:
“These results suggest that aluminium is not generically mutagenic, but similar to an activated oncogene [cancer-causing gene], it induces proliferation stress, DSBs and senescence in normal mammary epithelial cells; and that long-term exposure to AlCl(3) generates and selects for cells able to bypass p53/p21(Waf1) -mediated cellular senescence. Our observations do not formally identify aluminium as a breast carcinogen, but challenge the safety ascribed to its widespread use in underarm cosmetics.”
Even more disturbing was their finding that these changes, which included “contact inhibition and anchorage-independent growth” (two markers of malignancy), were caused by concentrations “…up to 100 000-fold lowerthan those found in antiperspirants, and in the range of those recently measured in the human breast.”[2]
This new study dovetails with recent research demonstrating that aluminum binds to cellular estrogen receptors, indicating it may disrupt and/or drive proliferation within hormone-sensitive tissues. One research team coined a new term – “METALLOESTROGEN” – to describe an entirely new class of metal-basedENDOCRINE DISRUPTERS, including aluminum, antimony, arsenite, barium, cadmium, chromium (Cr(II)), cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenite, tin and vanadate. This reclassification of what were formerly perceived to be hormonally inert substances should help to alert consumers to the significant health risk associated with the use of ‘unnatural’ products containing these elements.
While there is little extant animal research demonstrating aluminum’s cancer causing properties, which is why it has not yet been classified with respect to carcinogenicity, “aluminum production” has been classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).[3]  There is also a 2011 study published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology that foundALUMINUM CONTENT IS HIGHER IN NIPPLE ASPIRATE FLUID OF BREAST CANCER-AFFECTED WOMEN VERSUS HEALTHY CONTROLS.
Aluminum, of course, is widely distributed within our environment (reaching, at present, the highest level in documented history), and has even been implicated in ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOLS (i.e. geoengineering/ ‘chemtrails’); which, incidentally, may be one reason why our soils are becoming saturated with the metal to levels toxic to plants, and why biotech corporations are presently working on developing ALUMINUM-TOLERANT GM plants.
Because our regulators consider ALUMINUM PERFECTLY  ’SAFE TO EAT,’ apply topically, and INJECT INTO OUR BODIES to “IMPROVE NATURAL IMMUNITY,” the emerging view of aluminum as possessing cancer-causing effects will put additional responsibility on consumers to educate themselves and make choices to protect themselves from avoidable exposure.

Company Produces Cancer Causing Herbicide, Sells Drug to Treat Same Cancer

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According to recent research, the chemical herbicide atrazine has been shown to cause breast cancer in lab animals:
"several studies found either a higher number or earlier appearance of mammary gland(breast) tumors in the female rats fed a moderate to high level of atrazine over long periods of time. These rat studies suggest that atrazine could be a possible breast cancer causing agent."(Source: Cornell University)
Atrazine is the second most used herbicide in the US. It is estimated that at least 70 percent of the US population is exposed to it on a daily basis since it's the most common chemical pollutant in drinking water.

Femara(letrizole) is popular treatment for breast cancer in women. The drug is produced by Novartis Pharmaceutical company and acts as an aromatase blocker which helps stop tumor growth in patients suffering from breast cancer. By blocking aromatase in the body, Femara is able to stop cancer growth. The herbicide atrazine is known to cause increased levels of aromatase which is one cause of breast cancer.

Here's the problem. According to the Journal Star:
"Syngenta was formed by the merger of Novartis and Astra Zeneca, while the manufacturer of the drug Femara or letrozole, a leading breast cancer medication, is Novartis Pharmaceuticals"
You read that right. The same company that produces this breast cancer causing herbicide has a subsidiary of it's company that also sells the medicine to "fix" the problems being caused by their own product. So do you consider this a conflict of interest, a genius business plan which will create customers forever, or a sinister and inhumane plot to capitalize on our health? Let us know in the comments below.

Here are some petitions to stop the use of atrazine:

Natural ways to shrink tumors!

Here are some proven cancer fighters, some may even be in your kitchen!

A diet rich in antioxidants and full of alkaline foods can help prevent and even fight cancers.  Here are a few anticancer items to add to your diet.

Green Tea
A study published in the journal Nanomedicine concluded that two-thirds of tumors treated with green tea extract shrank while causing zero side effects to healthy surrounding tissue.  Green tea is also a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body.

Reishi mushroom extract is a government registered anti cancer.  Reishi, shitake, oyser,  and even common crimini mushrooms all have anticancer properties.  Reishi mushrooms inhibit tumor growth and reduce size of tumors by increasing the body's production of interleukin 1 and 2.  Regular consumption of crimini mushrooms reduces the risk of hormone related breast cancer by inhibiting estrogen production.

An Ohio State University study has shown that blueberries shrink blood vessel tumors, the most common tumor in young children.  In 2005 a University of Illinois study concluded that wild blueberries inhibited the initiation and proliferation of bladder and liver cancer cells as well.

If you or someone you know has cancer, it may be worth your while to take the nutritional approach to healing.  Remember, nutrition is natures health insurance.  Chemo and radiation kill more people then they save and these natural remedies have no harmful side effects.  In fact, they taste delicious and are not nearly as expensive as poisonous conventional treatments.

Read some more of our recent posts:

The best tea you never drank!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Surprising healing properties of apples!

An apple a day could literally keep the doctor away.

Apples are delicious and refreshing fruits that are used in a variety of dishes or enjoyed right off of the tree.  Though apples and their juice is loved for the sweet amazing flavor, the impact that apples have on your health may be surprising as well.  Nutrition is nature's health insurance!

  • Weight loss:  A study out of Brazil concluded that women who consumed 3 apples or pears a day and dieted lost more weight than women who dieted and didn't eat the fruit.
  • Breast cancer prevention:  A Cornell University study found that rats fed apples every day had a decreased chance developing breast cancer.  The greater amount of apples the rate were fed, the lower the risk of breast cancer.
  • Alzheimer's prevention:  A Cornell University study on mice found that the quercetin in apples may protect the brain from the type of free radical damage that could cause Alzheimer's disease.
  • Bone protection:  French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and could increase bone density as well.  Apples also contain boron, another bone strengthening compound. 
  • Diabetes management:  The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and could aid in the management of diabetes.
  • Asthma:  A recent study concluded that children who consume apple juice daily suffer from the symptoms of asthma less than those who did not.  Another study showed that children born to women who consume a lot of apples had a lower rate of asthma than those born to mothers who ate less apples.

Check out this PBS segment on apples

Can Coconut Oil Cure Alzheimers?

Natural Cures Not Medicine

You knew I was going to say do you like them apples?

How mangoes boost your health

Mangoes are grown all around the world but are thought to originate from India.  Their amazing flavor makes them a popular fruit for snacks, cocktails, and several recipes, but the effect mangoes have on the human body may be enough reason to try these tropical delights.

File:Samayapuram Mariyamman Temple - Mangoes.jpg

  • Mangoes are rich in vitamin B-6, vitamin E, and vitamin C.  Vitamin C is known as the detox vitamin and not only guards against infectious agents, but also removes free radicals that cause damage to tissue.  Vitamin B-6 is needed for GABA hormone production in the brain and controls homocystiene levels in the blood therefore reducing the risk of stroke.
  • A new study has found that mango battles multiple types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, and leukemia.  It is believed that polyphenolic antioxidant compounds contained in mangoes can guard against breast and colon cancers.
  • Mangoes contain a moderate amount of copper.  Copper is vital for the production of many enzymes in the body and is also required for the creation of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin A is another great nutrient found in mangoes along with flavenoids like beta carotene, alpha carotene,  beta cryptoxanthin.  Consuming fresh fruit that contains carotenes is known to reduce the risk lung and oral cavity cancers.  These compounds also have strong antioxidant properties.

Natural Breast Cancer Cure

This video was made by a lovely woman named Annie Pierce, here in this video she explains her epic journey with breast cancer and how she cured it naturally. You won't get this advice from the FDA or your doctor. Doctors usually just create customers for the pharma industry sales trolls that visit their offices weekly offering big chunks of money to rep their new drugs. That's the truth. If you want more truth... Keep browsing our numerous articles already posted about other hidden natural cures for cancer and other health problems.


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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