Natural Cures Not Medicine: Natural Breast Cancer Cure

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Natural Breast Cancer Cure

This video was made by a lovely woman named Annie Pierce, here in this video she explains her epic journey with breast cancer and how she cured it naturally. You won't get this advice from the FDA or your doctor. Doctors usually just create customers for the pharma industry sales trolls that visit their offices weekly offering big chunks of money to rep their new drugs. That's the truth. If you want more truth... Keep browsing our numerous articles already posted about other hidden natural cures for cancer and other health problems.

1 comment:

  1. "Pharmaceutical companies are the enemy
    They promote drug dependency
    At the cost of the natural remedies
    That are all our bodies need
    They are immoral and driven by greed.
    Why take drugs
    When herbs can solve it?
    Why use chemicals
    When homeopathic solvents
    Can resolve it?
    I think it's time we all return to live
    With natural medical alternatives."

    And try as I like,
    A small crack appears
    In my diplomacy dike.
    "By definition", I begin
    "Alternative Medicine", I continue
    "Has either not been proved to work,
    Or been proved not to work.
    Do you know what they call "alternative medicine"
    That's been proved to work?

    "So you don't believe
    In ANY natural remedies?"

    "On the contrary, Storm, actually:
    Before we came to tea,
    I took a natural remedy
    Derived from the bark of a willow tree
    A painkiller virtually side-effect free
    It's got a weird name,
    Darling, what was it again?
    Oh, yeah, Aspirin!
    Which I paid about a buck for
    Down at the local drugstore.

    Tim Minchin


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