Natural Cures Not Medicine

Most Read This Week:

China Destroys 3 GMO Corn Shipments

Could the global tide in support of GMOs be turning? 

A new report reveals that the formerly pro-GMO Chinese government, one of the largest consumers of GMO food crops in the world, is beginning to crack down on GM corn shipments from the US

According to a news brief released May 22nd by

China destroyed three shipments of GM corn imported from the US.

So... Add China to the list of countries that is stepping up food security in order to keep their people safe. So... who is next? Here is some more recent GMO / Monsanto News that has the world shifting rapidly to organic non-gmo food.

Monsanto Corporation gets owned by 11 year old boy
Read more at 

2 Million People Have Signed This Petition Against Monsanto
Read more at 

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields
Read more at 

Monsanto has been found guilty of chemical poisoning
Read more at 

A New App That Can Boycott Monsanto

GMO Facts - Studies - Reports and Documentaries

A List of Non-GMO Companies

David Suzuki speaks out against GMO's

If that's not enough here are other related articles you may want to review:

Why thousands of farmers are committing suicide after choosing to grow GMO crops:

Connecticut is pushing to lable GMOs:

The moment kenya banned GMOs:

Help New Hampshire become first state to BAN GMO:

Russia suspends GMO:

Vermont passes GMO labeling:

Peru bans GMO:

Join the right to know in your state:

India's rice revolution without GMO!:

The sad truth about GMO:

28+ Countries have banned GMO:

GMO food exposed: And experiment on man and nature

Save our Monarch butterflies and ban GMO's

Study finds long term effects of GMO are terminal

Genetically modified food: Myths and Truths


Monsanto Corporation gets owned by 11 year old boy

So... This brave young boy knows... Why don't many adults? Because many people want to ignore what they don't understand or what scares them. Face up to your fears. It's time to make a stand. 2 days until the march against monsanto. May 25th 2013. everywhere. 49 countries - 370 cities - over 2 million marchers. Search "March Against Monsanto" anywhere online to find more. One love.

2 Million People Have Signed This Petition Against Monsanto

The largest petition in the history of the world. Over 2 million signatures and climbing fast.. But so far we are still being ignored... 

The petition states: 

To the governments of Germany, France and the Netherlands and all contracting states of the European Patent Convention: As concerned citizens, we urge you to take the lead to fix European patent law by calling on the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation to close the loopholes that allow corporations to patent plant varieties and conventional breeding methods. Clear and effective safeguards and prohibitions are needed to protect consumers, farmers and breeders from the corporate takeover of our food chain.

Posted: 9 April 2013: 
"It’s unbelievable, but Monsanto and Co. are at it again. These profit-hungry biotech companies have found a way to gain exclusive control over the seeds of life – the source of our food. They’re trying to patent away varieties of our everyday vegetables and fruits like cucumber, broccoli and melons, virtually forcing growers to pay them for seed and risk being sued if they don’t. But we can stop them from buying up Mother Earth. Companies like Monsanto have found loopholes in European law to have exclusive rights over conventional seeds, so we just need to close them shut before they set a dangerous global precedent. And to do that, we need key countries like Germany, France and the Netherlands -- where opposition is already growing -- to call for a vote to stop Monsanto’s greedy plans. The Avaaz community has shifted governments before, and we can do it again. Many farmers and politicians are already against this -- we just need to bring in people power to pressure these countries to keep Monsanto’s hands off our food." 

Sign now and share with everyone to help build the biggest food defense call ever.

At the time of posting... 2,021,614 have signed.

How To Use Herbs To Quit Smoking

Image of Lobelia courtesy of H.Zell 

Herbs are a great alternative way to help quit smoking, should you require a little more support than sheer willpower alone.

Herbs are becoming an increasingly popular choice when giving up smoking. They each work in different ways to help make the process easier, without the need for nicotine replacement. They can be taken as a supplement, tea or tisane, or dried and crushed added to food. Always follow the directions on the label when taking supplements.

Lobelia: Also know as Indian Tobacco, it has similar properties to nicotine. It is not as strong as nicotine and does not carry the same health risks but it will help ease the cravings rather than using nicotine replacement.
 Help Relieve stress and Anxiety from Withdrawal: 
These herbs work by providing a mild sedative affect that will help ease the cravings. 
Passion Flower is great for dealing with anxiety and panic attacks which can be brought about when quitting smoking.
photo Passiflora courtesy of Tomas Castelazo

Kava kava eases the mood swings and depressive moods that may occur due to smoking cessation.
Skullcap eases anxiety and has a sedative affect. It works as a great sleep aid when combined with Valerian for nights when the cigarette cravings interrupt sleep.
Valerian is great for easing muscle tension associated with quitting smoking. It is also great for helping to get a better night's sleep when suffering from insomnia.

 Our bodies have the remarkable ability to heal themselves and repair damage. The lungs are no exception to this and cells will start to repair from the moment you quit.

 Herbs that will help repair the damage:
Mullein is great for repairing the mucus membranes and promotes healing of damaged tissues.Licorice can help to sooth the lungs.Turmeric is great for removing carcinogens from the body and the lungs are no exception to this.Garlic balances out the addictive nature of cigarettes and relaxes the blood vessels which can help lower blood pressure.

Related posts from Natural Cures Not Medicine

A Natural Way To Quit Smoking
Superfoods you should be eating daily
Top cancer fighting foods

Apple Wax Warning And How To Remove

A warning about the wax that may be on your apple:

If there isn't much choice where you live you may want to learn to remove this apple wax using this simple method below.

Those apples may look fresh but they could be up to a year old! - Remove the wax - shop some where else or grow your own. This seems a bit silly but if you have some now and you don't want to waste them just clean them up. 

1. Fill your sink with 5 inches of lukewarm water.
2. Add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. of baking soda.
3. Place your apples in the water.
4. Using a veggie brush - brush outside the apples.
5. Then watch and you can see the wax come off and disappear as the water becomes cloudy.

Thanks to and for these images.

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

Hungary has taken a stand against Monsanto and GMO corn by destroying around 1000 acres of  GMO corn - said Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development - Lajos Bognar. 

In Hungary genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned. There is no certainty that the GM crops they burned didn't spread any seeds or pollen before destroyed so checks will continue despite the law that states traders are supposed to make sure their products are GMO free! I know right?! During the investigation, they found Pioneer Monsanto products among the seeds planted. Once discovered they burned and wrote the years harvest off. They are that serious.

Most of the local farmers have complained since they discovered they were using GMO seeds. With the season already under way, it was too late to sow new seeds, so this years harvest was lost. The company that sold the seeds in Baranya county is now being liquided... so, if any compensation is paid, the money will be paid mainly to that company’s creditors, rather than the farmers. 

Just another country you can add to the list of conscious and awake. Is yours next?

Anti-Depressants Could Make You Drop Dead

This is just a report and warning that anti-depressants could make you drop dead with no warning. We don't do this to scare you. We do this to empower you. 

Feel free to share and read on.

The list of anti-depressants that can cause sudden death is growing... add citalopram - also known as Celexa and Cipramil - the latest such drug to be added to the list, according to a new study.

Find Natural Anti-Depressants
Research published recently in the British Medical Journal, revealed that citalopram tends to cause a lengthening of the Q-T interval.

Indeed, a number of drugs are known for creating this phenomenon, the most notable among them being methadone, which has been documented as causing sudden death in some patients, especially when dosages are increased too rapidly. "There are no symptoms indicating a risk. A perfectly normal person will literally drop dead," writes Heidi Stevenson at 

The heartbeat is regulated by a series of electrical pulses, and key points of the pattern printed on an EKG are labeled P, Q, R, S, T. If the time between the Q and T waves is lengthened, it is referred to as "Q-T elongation," or a prolonged Q-T segment; the only way to know if it is occurring; however, is with an EKG. "There are generally no external clues, so outside of testing, you would have no way of knowing that you've been affected," Stevenson writes. Researchers, in their report, were specific about the risk of sudden death associated with Celexa; the larger the dose and the greater the risk. Also, they noted that the FDA said, "Citalopram causes dose-dependent QT interval prolongation. Citalopram should no longer be prescribed at doses greater than 40 mg per day." That claim is supported in Medscape's drug reference for citalopram. "Doses above 40 mg/day are not recommended because of risk for QT prolongation without additional benefit for treating depression," says the reference. In performing their study, researchers examined 38,397 adults who were either taking an antidepressant or methadone at some time between February 1990 and August 2011, a period of more than two decades. Antidepressants taken during that period by the patients involved in the study include citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), amitriptyline, bupropion (Zyban), duloxetine (Cymbalta), mirtazapine (Remeron), nortriptyline, and venlafaxine (Effexor). Each participant received an EKG 14-90 days after they had taken their prescribed medication. Researchers found that all antidepressants affect the A-T interval in some manner, though methadone affected it more significantly by a greater amount. In one drug, however - bupropion (Zyban) - had the opposite effect. The Q-T interval was shortened. But a shorter Q-T interval, by comparison, can also cause heart arrhythmias and fainting, conditions which can also lead to sudden death. Earlier research found a similar connection The worst antidepressants - those which lengthened the Q-T interval the most, on average - were citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), and amitriptyline, researchers said. Overall, one in five subjects taking these drugs experienced abnormal EKGs, and specifically longer Q-T intervals. Researchers said the clinical significance of these findings; however, is as yet unknown. Writes Stevenson: We do know that an extended QT interval can result in sudden death. In reality, this doesn't happen often - though no one can quantify the frequency of death. So, it seems that the only ethical approach is to inform people of the potential risk of sudden death by taking these drugs. But we already know that genuine informed consent almost never happens. People are routinely told that the risk is minimal and the specifics are not stated. Ultimately, though, the only one who lives the results are the person inside your own skin. Earlier research also found that antidepressants caused a lengthening of the Q-T interval. 

In 2004, Dr. Dan M. Roden, from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, wrote in The New England Journal of Medicine, and said, "the single most common cause of the withdrawal or restriction of the use of drugs that have already been marketed has been the prolongation of the QT interval," which can be "fatal."

The Water Hyssop Medicinal Uses

The water hyssop. There is some debate as to the native status of this little herb but, despite having a Sanskrit name (Brahmi), it has been in North America as long as anyone can remember so it's probably pan-tropical. This little plant has a phenomenal variety of medicinal uses and has been utilized from ancient times right up to the present. I can't begin to list them all but uses including a natural way to improve memory, antioxidant properties, tranquillizer, muscle relaxant, anti-anxiety and a natural anti-depressant.

Monsanto has been found guilty of chemical poisoning

A French farmer who is now disabled and unable to continue his farming duties because of pesticide poisoning has won in court against Monsanto! 

Monsanto has been found guilty of chemical poisoning! A court in Lyon ruled that Monsanto’s Lasso weedkiller formula, (containing alachlor) caused Paul Francois to develop neurological damage as persistent memory loss, headaches, and stuttering during speech.

Reports say that the 47 year old farmer sued Monsanto in 2004 after inhaling the Lasso product while cleaning his sprayer tank equipment. Soon after, Francois had symptoms that prevented him from working. The reason Monsanto is getting caught out this time is because the Lasso’s packaging did not have adequate warnings about the dangers of exposure. The French court agreed with the claims and evidence presented, declaring earlier this year that “Monsanto is responsible for Paul Francois’ suffering and must entirely compensate him.” The court is said to be looking for expert opinions on how to gauge Francois’ losses in order to determine how much Monsanto should be required to pay. 

“It is a historic decision in so far as it is the first time that a (pesticide) maker is found guilty of such a poisoning,” said Francois Lafforgue, Paul Francois’ lawyer, to Reuters. 

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to alachlor can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, spleen, eyes, and could lead to the development of anemia or even cancer. (

In 2007, France banned Lasso in the country in accordance with a European Union (EU) directive enacted in 2006 prohibiting the chemical from further use on crops in any member countries. Despite the evidence shows alachlor can disrupt hormonal balance, reproductive or developmental problems, cancer, and still the chemical is still being used on crops throughout the U.S. to this very day. (

So... Who's going to the march May 25th -?

Foods That Fight Candida

Candida albicans is the most common form of fungal yeast infection. 

This type of infection is called candidiasis, or more commonly known as thrush. The risk of developing thrush is greatly increased if you are pregnant, have diabetes, take antibiotics or have a weakened immune system. 
Fortunately there are a number of great foods that have anti-fungal and anti bacterial properties to treat candida naturally. Many are great staple ingredients that can be added to any meal, or eaten on their own.
Antifungal foods:
Garlic, Coconut Oil, Rutabaga, Onions, Pumpkin Seeds and Olive Oil all in their own right contain anti-fungal  properties. 
Detox foods:
Seaweed, Lemon and Lime Juice and Ginger all have the ability to remove toxins from the body and can help with pain and inflammation associated with candida. 
The best way to have these foods is to use them in cooking, although it is possible to buy them in supplement form.

Related Posts From Natural Cures Not Medicine:

Uses for coconut oil
Superfoods you should be eating daily
Using Lemons To Detox

Natural Cures For Kidney Stones

Below are listed foods that help you on the road to healing kidney stones naturally.
If you want to know more about the listed food we put a previous article link below for you to explore the healing power of each item. We haven't done an article about "Horsetail" yet but the rest we have covered! Enjoy! Thanks for being here! And don't forget to share if you think this could help people. :)

Lemon Juice -
Olive Oil - 
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar -
Dandelion Root - 
Horsetail - 
Pomegranate Juice -
Celery - 
Basil - 
Leafy Green Vegetables -

And don't forget to:
Exercise -
Drink lots of water -

Things to Avoid:
Avoid Sugar!
Avoid non-fermented soy!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

The Health Benefits Of Cloves

Uses of Cloves for Health Benefits:

Most spices are excellent sources of antioxidants, but cloves are the richest source of them all. The numerous   health benefits of cloves have been known for centuries. Cloves have antiseptic and germicidal properties that help fight infections, relieve digestive problems and arthritis pain. Cloves can also help with - High cholesterol - Cough and Cold - Muscle Spasms - Toothaches - Indigestion - Labor pain - Infections - Diarrhea - Nausea - Bloating - Ulcers - Sores or even Colic.

Related posts from us that you may find useful:

9 Unique Tips To Lose Weight

With obesity on the increase and GMO's being proven as a key cause, natural alternatives to pills and drastic surgery seem a much healthier, less invasive option. 

Obesity is on the increase. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 35.7% of American adults are obese [1]. GMO foods have been named a major factor in this increase. According to a Norwegian study undertaken over 10 years, it was found that animals in this test that were fed GMO corn, gained weight faster and retained it for longer, compared to those fed a non-gmo diet. [2]
There are a number of diet fads, miracle pills claiming to make you lose weight quickly and expensive surgeries such as gastric bands. However the risks of using these methods can be costly to both one's health and bank balance.
The key to losing weight is simple and easy. By making changes to the types of foods you eat, portion sizes and getting a decent amount of exercise on a daily basis will have a far greater impact than any other method. Not only will your body look better, but your health will be greatly improved also. 

These 9 tips are great for losing weight:
  1. Honey approximately 10 grams mixed with lukewarm water is a great natural home remedy to help with obesity. 
  2. Cabbage is well known on the fad diet list for helping with weight loss. Although when eaten with a healthy diet can be extremely beneficial. The chemical tartaric acid in cabbage works by stopping the body from converting sugar and carbohydrates into fat.
  3. Raw tomatoes eaten in the morning will have a significant impact over 3 months. 
  4. Curry leaves work by flushing out fat and toxins in the body. Eating 10 -12 leaves daily for 4 months will achieve results.
  5. A lemon, cayenne pepper, honey combination is another detox method for losing weight. A teaspoon of honey , a dash of pepper and 3 teaspoons of lemon juice daily for 3 months will aid in reducing body fat.
  6. Dandelion root in the form of a tea (or tisane) aids digestion, is a natural detox and thus aids the natural weight loss process. Green Tea is known to help boost metabolism. Drink 3 cups daily.
  7. Ginger and Lemon tisane is a great appetite suppressant which can be very beneficial when reducing portion sizes.
  8. Mint paste has been known to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
  9. Carrot juice, drank regularly, is packed full of dietary fiber which aids in digestion and keeps your stomach and intestinal tract healthy.  
Remember the best way to lose weight and stay healthy is to drink plenty of water, eat natural foods that mother nature intended and take exercise regularly. 


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Health benefits of curry leaves
5 ways vanilla heals
How To Lose Weight Naturally

People Are Awesome

People are awesome! Have hope for the human race! We hope this inspires you.

Vermont Legalizes Marijuana

Vermont HB 200 will decriminalize the possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana or 5 grams of hashish. First time offenders carrying more than the protected weight will serve no more than 6 months imprisonment nor will be fined any amount greater than $5,000. 

Feel free to download this picture and upload onto your facebook pages or websites. Made by us here at natural cures. Just tag this article if you can. Thanks. Share the good news!

Thanks to for bringing this story to our attention! Glad to see things are finally starting to go our way! Freedom isn't free! Keep fighting folks. Keep showing you care. YOU are in charge!

Natural Cures Not Medicine

GMO food linked to leukemia

Yet more bad news emerges about how genetically modified foods impact your health.

Time is running out to beat back GMOs!

     Leukemia and anemia have been linked to GMO, or genetically modified organisms, in a new study.  The toxins from these genetically engineered food products are absorbed into the body and wreak havoc on blood cells, causing damage and possibly deadly diseases as well.  Belin Poletto Mezzomo, Anna Luisa Miranda-Vilela, and a team of researchers from the Department of Genetics and Morphology at the University of Brasilia conducted tests of GMOs on lab mice.  The study was later published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic Diseases.  Toxins called Cry proteins were fed to the mice and immediately started to cause numerous blood abnormalities.  Anemia was caused at the lowest dose.  The introduction of these GMO toxins caused damage to bone marrow cells and and increased the number of leukocytes, a type of white blood cell associated with leukemia.  On the 7th day of testing, the blood abnormalities steadily worsened.
     Monsanto Corp, the leading producer of GMO crops and seeds, caught wind of this study and has now even threatened legal action against those who published this particular study.
     With the debate over the safety of genetically modified food products heating up, more and more data is showing that several serious and even deadly health conditions can result from consuming such items.  Other studies have shown that rats suffer from aggressive tumor development when fed GMO food and now Russia is banning imported food from the U.S. that is genetically modified.  Several countries across the world have banned or required labeling of edible products containing GMO ingredients, but the United States seems to be far behind on this topic.

Read more of our recent posts:

How GMO Foods Alter Organ Function

Jeff Merkley Pushes To Repeal 'Monsanto Protection Act'

What's really in your movie theater popcorn

10 Years Later - A review of GM crops from the farmers

Natural Cures Not Medicine 

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance"

What's really in your movie theater popcorn

The movie better be really good, because your body is going to pay double admission with all the nastiness in your beloved popcorn!

A staple of theater and moviefilm entertainment is good ole popcorn, often with some hot melted butter and salt to crunch and satisfy the enthralled viewer at the edge of their seat.  What else are you going to spill all over the people sitting next to you when those gotcha moments happen?  The answer:  ANYTHING BUT THIS GARBAGE!  Yup, Natural Cures Not Medicine is here to burst yet another one of your bubbles, this time, movie theater popcorn, and here's why:

Corn:  Already an unimpressive nutrient source, some figures suggest that over 80% of corn used in food products is genetically modified.  Many of these GMO, Genetically Modified Organism, strains of corn are altered so that they secrete their own nanopesticides.  GMO foods have been linked to scores of diseases and have been shown to cause aggressive tumor growth in lab rats.  In fact, the large scale honey bee die off that threatens world ecology is being linked to the introduction of genetically modified crops including most corn available in products on your local grocer's shelves.  Russia recently banned GMO corn from the U.S. due to concerns over health problems resulting from consuming it.

Hydrogenated oil:  Hydrogenated oil, or trans fats, greatly increase the instance if heart disease and raise the mortality rate of heart disease as well.  They also limit the production of enzymes that reduce inflammation in the body, which can lead to several deadly diseases including cancer.  Trans fats also negatively effect brain health as they block out DHA from being absorbed.  DHA is crucial for fetal brain development and prevents the onset of degenerative brain diseases.

Artificial butter flavor:  Diacetyl has been shown to cause necrosis of tissue in the respiratory system when the fumes are inhaled, and suggest is can cause respiratory disease.  Workers in microwave popcorn plants have reported serious illness due to exposure to these fumes and some have even died due to over exposure.

Read other recent posts of ours:

Red fruits and vegetables

Health benefits of mangosteen

Health benefits of blackberries

Health benefits of grapefruit juice

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

US Approves Pesticide as EU Bans

The EPA has sided with industry lobbyists over public health in approving a highly dangerous pesticide that the European Union recently decided to ban over fears of environmental devastation. Not only have neonicotinoid pesticides been linked repeatedly to mass bee deaths, also known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), but the continued use of such pesticides threatens other aspects of nature (and humans) as well. What’s even more amazing is that the decision not only comes after the EU publicly discussed the major dangers surrounding the use of the pesticides, but after the USDA released a report surrounding the continued honeybee deaths and the related effects — a report in which they detailed pesticides to be a contributing factor. Just the impact on the honeybees alone, and we now know that these pesticides are killing aquatic life and subsequently the birds that feed upon them, amounts to a potential $200 billion in global damages per year. We’re talking about the devastation of over 100 crops, from apples to avocados and plums. And there’s countless scientists and a large number of environmental science groups speaking out on this. The EPA has no lack of information the subject. And sure, there are other contributing factors to bee deaths, there’s no question about that. We have an environment right now being hit with Monsanto’s Roundup even in residential areas, we have chemical rain, we have insane amounts of EMF — but it’s pretty clear that neonicotinoid pesticides are at least a major contributing factor. And beyond that, they have no place in the food supply to begin with.

Pesticides damage bee brains:
GMO facts and studies:

May 12th, 2013 

10 Years Later - A review of GM crops from the farmers

10 Years Later - A review of GMO crops from the farmers who planted them. Are they happy?

Survey Says No!

Well.. You heard it first. Straight from the farmers mouth. Here is a short look into the life of farmers that have chosen to grow GM crops. Here we discover the birth of "superweeds" - and cross contamination from bird droppings (in this case) but even just pollen blowing in the wind could lead to you being sued. They even explain how Tank-mixing is actually patented by Monsanto. It's not much they don't have their sticky fingers in at the moment. The epic grip-hold on these poor farmers hopefully is enough to stop or prevent other farmers from going GM or GE. Please let this message be heard.

Above Photo and other GM info from: -

Please watch the video below to hear this tragic tale:

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Jeff Merkley Pushes To Repeal 'Monsanto Protection Act'

Sen. Jeff Merkley (A democrat from Oregon) is planning to push an amendment into the upcoming farm bill that would repeal the secret provision known as the "Monsanto Protection Act" a highly ambiguous loophole attached anonymously to a spending bill that sailed through Congress in March.

The Alarming Truths About GMO

The Truth About How GMO's are Made

This is a great video, which describes how GMO's are made, why they are bad for your health and the detrimental affect they are having on the food supply chain. 

This video was made to raise awareness of the Washington I-522 initiative to ensure all GMO foods are labeled. 

Further GMO artices from Natural Cures Not Medicine below:

GMO Facts - Studies - Reports and Documentaries

David Suzuki speaks out against GMO's

Why thousands of farmers are committing suicide after choosing to grow GMO crops:

Connecticut is pushing to lable GMOs:

The moment kenya banned GMOs:

Help New Hampshire become first state to BAN GMO:

Russia suspends GMO:

Vermont passes GMO labeling:

Peru bans GMO:

Join the right to know in your state:

India's rice revolution without GMO!:

The sad truth about GMO:

28+ Countries have banned GMO:

GMO food exposed: And experiment on man and nature

Save our Monarch butterflies and ban GMO's

Study finds long term effects of GMO are terminal

Genetically modified food: Myths and Truths


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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