10 Years Later - A review of GMO crops from the farmers who planted them. Are they happy?
Survey Says No!Well.. You heard it first. Straight from the farmers mouth. Here is a short look into the life of farmers that have chosen to grow GM crops. Here we discover the birth of "superweeds" - and cross contamination from bird droppings (in this case) but even just pollen blowing in the wind could lead to you being sued. They even explain how Tank-mixing is actually patented by Monsanto. It's not much they don't have their sticky fingers in at the moment. The epic grip-hold on these poor farmers hopefully is enough to stop or prevent other farmers from going GM or GE. Please let this message be heard.
Above Photo and other GM info from: http://www.personal.psu.edu/rlc272/blogs/our_global_village/2010/11/9-the-globalization-of-gm-agriculture.html -
Please watch the video below to hear this tragic tale:
Natural Cures Not Medicine