Natural Cures Not Medicine

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Health benefits of coconut milk

It seems that coconuts are way more than just a tasty ingredient for a tropical drink!

-Arthritis:  The antioxidant selenium found in coconut milk is known to help relieve the symptoms of arthritis by knocking out free radicals and helping to prevent joint inflammation.

-Bone health:  Coconut milk contains calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium which all help in building and maintaining strong healthy bones and also help to naturally prevent osteoporosis.

-Weight loss:  Plant based saturated fats found in coconut milk and pulp can actually help you lose weight naturally due to the fact that they make you feel full for longer.

-Skin health:  Applying coconut milk topically hydrates and invigorates skin, repairing damage and naturally removing wrinkles.  The natural fats help to lock in moisture as well, compensating for environmental stressors and overexposure to chemicals and sunlight.

-Heart health:  The saturated fats found in the milk of coconuts can help protect against heart disease by killing major types of bacteria which cause plaque buildup in blood vessels.  People who live on a diet high in coconut and coconut milk tend to have far lower rates of heart disease than those who don't.

-Relaxation:  Loaded with magnesium, which helps to relax muscles by calming nerve cells and preventing excess muscle contractions.  Some people claim to sleep better when they consume significant amounts of food containing magnesium.

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Top health benefits of Himalayan pink crystal salt

Healthy sweetener: it exists!

Health benefits of chlorella

Why Baby Carrots Should Be Avoided

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Health benefits of cucumbers

Don't you dare exclude these crunchy healing wonders from your salad!

-Stress:  Cutting up cucumber and boiling in water is believed to release biochemicals that, when breathed, can help to reduce stress.  Pregnant mothers have used this technique as a way to naturally reduce stress.

-Digestion:  Cucumbers are packed with fiber and contain a great deal of water, both of which is known to aid in regular digestive function and remove toxins from the body.  Constipation and heartburn can be relieved through the regular consumption of this vegetable.

-Oral health:  Cucumber juice is believed to help maintain healthy teeth and gums.

-Energy:  Loaded with fiber, vitamin B, and carbohydrates, cucumber will provide a sustained boost of natural energy without the "crash" and other negative health effects that go with consuming caffeine and sugar.

-Blood pressure:  Whether you have low or high blood pressure, the potassium and magnesium found in cucumbers can be beneficial to your health by helping to normalize blood pressure.  Cucumbers also contain a good amount of fiber which is also known to help with balancing blood pressure.

-Hangovers:  If you had a little too much fun on Saturday night, chow down on some cucumber slices before passing out and you won't wake up quite as miserable.  Electrolytes, water, natural sugars, and vitamin B will bring you back to game form and the fiber within cucumbers helps to detoxify the body be shuffling out toxins that built up during the process of festivities.

-Bags and circles under eyes:  Most people have seen someone with cucumber slices on their eyes when they are at their local spa.  The juices help to remove signs of stress and sleep deprivation from the skin around your eyes but don't let the juice in your eye as it can cause irritation.

-Lower cholesterol:  Cucumbers contain sterols, compounds that are believed to help naturally lower cholesterol.  The fiber found in cucumbers can also help with this.

-Fresh breath:  Chewing up some cucumbers for about a minute will help to destroy the bacteria in the mouth that causes halitosis, or bad breath.

Read more of our recent posts:

Naturally reduce inflammation.

Health benefits of ginger

Natural remedies for the flu

Healthy sweetener: it exists!

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"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Health benefits of cinnamon

You might think spicy candy or sticky sweet breakfast rolls, but how does a longer lifespan sound as a benefit of using this tasty spice?

It tastes good and will make you feel great!

Cinnamon has been known to beat acne when applied as a mask with some raw honey.  Thought to be a brain simulating spice, many claim that eating cinnamon or candy containing cinnamon before and during an exam will help to boost brain function and memory while also reducing nervous tension.  Cinnamon is believed to help prevent heart disease by aiding lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.  Cinnamon may help to naturally relieve migraine headaches as well.  Women can benefit from cinnamon, which helps to treat discomfort associated with menstruation.  If you have diabetes or need to lose excess weight, cinnamon may be a helpful natural remedy.  It has been shown to naturally balance blood sugar levels while stimulating increased insulin production.  Cinnamon is believed to also battle various types of cancer cells in the body.  Cinnamon can be added to food as a natural preservative due to it's antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.  In fact, cinnamon is believed to be able to kill e-coli bacteria in unprocessed fruit juices as well.  Cinnamon has been used by the Chinese for centuries for treating multiple illnesses and to increase energy and vitality, and is considered as nothing short of a wonder spice!

Now that you know some of the healing power of cinnamon, add some to your hot cup of coffee or tea and feel the natural boost while protecting yourself from pathogens!

More recent posts from Natural Cures Not Medicine:

Health benefits of berries

Top health benefits of Himalayan pink crystal salt

Surprising health benefits of sesame seeds!

Naturally reduce inflammation.

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Top health benefits of Himalayan pink crystal salt

So when did salt come out pink?  When you learn the health benefits from adding it to your food, you won't care what color it is!

It may catch your eye just by the unusual color, but the difference is in the way you will feel once you switch out your regular processed table salt for this natural wonder!

-Digestion:  Himalayan pink salt can help with the absorption of vital nutrients through the walls of the intestines.  It is also thought to help reduce the chances of the forming kidney stones and gall bladder stones.

-Ph:  It is believed  that this pink crystal salt helps to maintain a healthy ph within cells of the body which in turns helps to prevent disease and normalize energy levels.

-Blood pressure:  It is believed that pink Himalayan crystal salt can help to maintain healthy blood pressure over regular table salt when mixed with water and taken.

-Aging:  Himalayan pink salt is believed to help slow the effects of aging.  Added to a natural face scrub, finer crystals can help to exfoliate, removing dead skin from the surface so healthier skin is revealed.

-Bone health:  This exotic looking salt actually contains over 80 minerals that are essential to health and bone building.

-Water retention:  Consuming this salt can help to naturally maintain water levels in the body lost throughout the day.

-Weight loss:  Pink Himalayan crystal salt is widely believed to help with losing excess fat.

-Muscles:  Muscle cramps can be treated or prevented naturally by taking this pink salt.

These are just a few of the possible health benefits of Himalayan pink crystal salt, others include heart health, healthy blood sugar levels, healthy libido, better sleep patterns, preventing rheumatism, preventing gout naturally, and sinus health.

Please check out our other great posts from this week:

A lime is all you need for deodorant

Another Rick Simpson Hemp Oil WIN

Health benefits of Brussels sprouts

Health benefits of berries

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

A lime is all you need for deodorant

The above video describes how and why we smell. Using a Lime we can combat our body odor with this natural deodorant. As the video mentions many deodorants are full of chemical cocktails that have studies linking them the breast cancer and all sorts of skin problems. Be informed. Be aware.
Study shows 99% of breat cancer tissue contains parabens:

How to make your own natural deodorant if you don't want to use just the lime idea:

Thanks Dave Sommers for this great picture - 

Other recent posts:

Vermont Passes GMO Labeling

Health benefits of chlorella

Healthy sweetener: it exists!

Health benefits of alfalfa sprouts

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Superfoods you should be eating daily

Some food is as helpful as a super-hero so we like to call them... 


Garlic is a great anti bacterial - anti fungal - anti viral - and antiseptic.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C

Avocado can lower your cholesterol

Hemp Seeds are a complete protein

Spinach is an anti inflammatory

Kale is high in Iron

Cucumbers hydrate the body

Grapefruit boosts liver function

Peppers are loaded with antioxidants!

Top cancer fighting foods

Cancer fighting foods that you should know about:
Rosemary - Jalapenos
Kale - Lemons - Mustard Greens - Broccoli
Herbal Green tea - Seaweed
Swiss Chard - Cabbage - Ginseng - Wild Berries
Avocados - Flax Seeds - Turmeric - Chili Peppers  
Ginger - Romaine Lettuce  Cauliflower - Grapefruits  
Green Juice - Garlic  
And Tomatoes!!

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Healing Herbs And Spices

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"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Another Rick Simpson Hemp Oil WIN

Another win for hemp oil.

Vermont Passes GMO Labeling

Well it looks like this is the only video on youtube about Vermont Passing a GMO labeling bill! That or Youtube is blocking the results! This is huge news! Peru bans GMO - Hungary Bans GMO - Now Vermont Labels GMO - Let the conscious revolution continue. Is your country or state next?...

Rumor: Monsanto has threatened to sue Vermont if the bill is passed. So far they are the only ones... they stand alone. Will you just stand there and let Vermont be the only smart state?

Join the March Against Monsanto (May 25th Everywhere) -->

Health benefits of raw cacao

Did you know that chocolate has an unprocessed, raw cousin that is actually very healthy?

     Chocolate lovers, don't break out your party hats just yet!  There is a difference between cocoa and cacao, most notably the fact that one is heated and processed and the other is the raw form of the bean.  The fruit of a South American evergreen tree, cacao beans have been used throughout the continent and Central America for hundreds of years.  Though there is no doubting the popularity of chocolate, many people don't understand the true healing power of this literal superfood and the far reaching health benefits of the raw form.  When processed, cocoa is heated, turning the omega 6 fatty acids rancid, which in turn causes inflammation in the body after ingestion.  Also the antioxidant power is greatly diminished upon heating and nutrients depleted   Commonly, sugar and dairy is added to make chocolate candy products or drink mixes.  In fact, it is more difficult to find unprocessed cacao with nothing added than the sugar-laden and nutritionally inferior version.  Raw cacao, however, can be found at most health food stores and some large grocers in the form of raw beans, nibs, or powder.  So, why should you go through the extra trouble to get it raw?  Here is the reasoning.
     As stated before, the nutrient profile of cacao is greatly diminished once it is heated, and what is worse, sugars are usually immediately added.  Sugar causes the body to become more acidic which increases the chances of developing a long list of illnesses including deadly conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.  Dairy is also added to much chocolate that can be found in stores and is known to cause inflammation and is not heart friendly.  Raw cacao, in contrast, has a massive payload of disease preventing compounds and even has been shown to fight depression.  In fact, cacao contains phenethylamine which is considered to be responsible for the emotion "love."  Zinc, iron, protein and calcium add to the nutritional strength of this superfood.  Strangely enough, a Dutch study on chocolate showed that even people who regularly ate processed chocolates had lower instances of every major disease than those who ate little to none.  The study concluded that there is no "upper limit" for chocolate consumption and even claimed that the more chocolate you eat, the healthier you will be and longer you will live.  So, if the processed and inferior version of this superfood shows so much promise, wait and see what raw cacao can do for your health.
     Another study performed in South America observed two similar tribes living in the dense rain forest.  One tribe consumed a raw cacao drink daily and the other tribe did not have that food source available in their diet.  The tribe that consumed cacao regularly, again, had lower disease rates and longer lifespans.  Yoga instructors are even beginning to incorporate chocolate into their routines for its known effect of relaxing muscles while sharpening mental focus.  Still not convinced?  A French woman who is documented to have lived longer than any other human in history, claimed to have ate over 2 pounds of chocolate weekly, and the second oldest person consumed chocolate gratuitously as well.  As soon as you are done reading this article, grab your keys, drive to the health food store, buy some raw cacao, and start improving your quality of life now!

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Health Risks of Energy drinks

Super Foods for Diabetics

Naturally reduce inflammation.

Neem another secret superfood

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"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Health benefits of maca

With an impressive nutrient profile and potent healing power, maca should be in your refrigerator. 

Bone health:  Maca root contains high amounts of bio-available calcium which can help to strengthen bones and teeth as well as help prevent osteoporosis.

Depression:  Due to a toxic environment full of estrogen simulators, most people have hormone imbalances which can effect every aspect of your health including mood.  Maca has the amazing effect of balancing hormones and can help to naturally fight depression.

Energy:  Enjoy a brisk and prolonged energy burst from maca root, unlike caffeine or sugar which cause harm to your body and give you a "crash" after they wear off.

Reproductive health:  Often reffered to as "nature's viagra," maca root can be taken to help with libido.

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Health benefits of apple cider vinegar

Health benefits of acupuncture

Chia Seeds - Ancient food staple of Aztec Warriors!

Health Risks of Energy drinks

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Health benefits of ginger

Used for thousands of years in the far east, ginger tastes amazing and heals throughout the body!

Fresh ginger deserves a place in your pantry!

Heartburn:  Tea infused with fresh ginger has been known to be an effective treatment for heartburn.

Ovarian cancer:  A study out of the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that the powder of ginger can trigger apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in ovarian cancer cells.

Women's health:  Again, ginger tea to the rescue!  If you are suffering from menstrual cramps, male some tea infused with ginger and add a bit of brown sugar to find natural relief.

Morning sickness:  Several studies have shown that ginger is effective in relieving morning sickness.

Diabetic nephropathy:  A study showed that diabetic rats given ginger had a lower incidence of kidney damage resulting from diabetes, also known as nephropathy.

Motion sickness:  Ginger is believed to be a great way to naturally treat nausea resulting from motion sickness.

Colon cancer:  One study from the University of Michigan suggests that ginger could help to slow down the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

Flu:  Ginger has long been used to naturally treat the flu.  Even stomach flu and food poisoning seem to be treatable by taking ginger when sick.

Migraines:  Ginger could help prevent and treat migraine headaches since it stops prostaglandins from causing inflammation in blood vessels, thus helping to prevent the pain that results from this.

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Legalization may be just around the corner for Australia

New South Wales to consider allowing medical cannabis to suffering patients.

With so much data showing the medicinal benefits of cannabis, who can be against it?

     Studies all around the world have shown and are showing that the propaganda that got cannabis banned worldwide is just that, propaganda.  The basis for making cannabis illegal in the United States, where prohibition  originated and then spread outward, is the scheduling.  Cannabis is considered a schedule 1 narcotic in the U.S. which means that it is harmful and has absolutely no feasible medical value, which is now continuing to be proven false.  Ironically, cocaine is listed as a schedule 2 drug, which technically means that the government considers it to be less harmful than cannabis.  Seriously?  Yes.  So, with all the new data coming out, you would expect the old way of thinking to phase itself out, but there are still many people who consider this natural healing herb to be a harmful substance on par with drugs like heroin and methamphetamine. 
     A study out of Spain recently concluded that cannabis could be used and an effective natural treatment for cancer.  Two scientists from the San Francisco bay area also confirmed that cannabis is a powerful anti cancer.  Would you believe that there was even a U.S. government study on the effects and uses for canabinoids found in this plant that concluded its usefulness in fighting cancer?  That is the same government that created and harshly enforces prohibition of this herb based on the assumption that it has zero medicinal benefits.  
     With the recent full scale legalization in Colorado and Washington states, the debate on how to approach cannabis policy has heated up, not just in the U.S., but now other countries are reconsidering their policies regarding cannabis.  New South Wales, Australia is considering taking steps to make cannabis available to sufferers of serious diseases such as cancer, aids, and multiple sclerosis.  A NSW parliamentary inquiry committee held open hearings in March and are expected to deliver their report on the feasibility of using cannabis medically and the legal implications of doing so on may 17th.  Sally Crossing, deputy chair of the advocacy group Cancer Voices Australia, recommended to the inquiry committee that cannabis should be allowed to be used legally for medical purposes.  She mentioned the usefulness of cannabis for pain and vomiting in cancer patients and the added benefit of it causing very few mild side effects.  "There is enough evidnce, there's enough experience in other countries to say that if we do this in a sensible way, with appropriate safeguards, we can help a lot of people who are suffering, not only at the ends of their lives," said Crossing.
     Some opposition is still entrenched, and the NSW police department has expressed their concerns that cannabis use will increase if this happens.  If it is legalized for medical use, they would preffer it to be a refined extract form that can be taken as a spray or a pill rather than the original form.  All forms of cannabis are currently listed as illegal substances in NSW law, but the tide seems to be turning with more and more data from seriously ill patients who benefit greatly from using it. 


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Marijuana: Government Animal Testing

Why Marijuana Is Illegal In The US

Evidence That Cannabis is The Most Nutritional Vegetable in The World

The Health Benefits of Smoking Marijuana

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International Day Of Protest Against Monsanto & GMO Foods MAY 25th

March against Monsanto makes it mainstream!

Sometimes getting angry is good

.Network - Mad as Hell Scene - 1976

Health benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider is delicious, but it's vinegar counterpart has impressive health boosts to go along with the flavor!

Instead of store bought dressings containing preservatives and excess calories, top your green salad with some olive oil and apple cider vinegar for a great taste and better health.

-Diabetes:  Believed to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, apple cider vinegar is becoming more popular to diabetics who prefer natural treatments.

-Breath:  Gargling a mix of water and apple cider vinegar can help to treat halitosis, or bad breath, due to the high acidity of the vinegar.

-Antioxidant:  The beta carotene found in apple cider vinegar protects tissue in the body from harmful toxins and free radicals while also boosting immune function and helping to prevent cancers.

-Heart health:  Apple cider vinegar contains a compound called pectin.  Pectin is known to naturally lower cholesterol, LDL or harmful cholesterol to be specific, and therefore promotes healthy heart function.

-Inflammation:  Systemic inflammation can be the hidden cause for much misery.  Heart disease, cancers, and arthritis are caused and made worse by inflammation.  Add apple cider vinegar to your salads to alleviate inflammation internally or apply to sunburn topically for natural relief.

-Weight loss:  By positively impacting blood sugar levels, apple cider vinegar helps the body to avoid storing sugar as excess fat.

If you are looking to buy Apple Cider Vinegar, these are our picks below from Amazon:

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Healing Herbs And Spices

Health benefits of chlorella

Health benefits of eating peanut butter

Health benefits of berries

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Marijuana: Government Animal Testing

Another MYTH busted. Want to know why so many people think marijuana kills brain cells? Watch the video.

You may want to check out these previous links. This stuff will blow your mind. Enough to change the mind of any non-believer.

WHEN WE GROW, This is what we can do (Full Documentary)

Evidence That Cannabis is The Most Nutritional Vegetable in The World


The Health Benefits of Smoking Marijuana

Evidence That Cannabis is The Most Nutritional Vegetable in The World

How cannabis can revolutionize our economy

Tobacco and Alcohol Cause Over 7.5 Million Deaths Per Year

Best Marijuana Argument Given By Superior Court Judge James P. Gray

Why Marijuana Is Illegal In The US (Noam Chomsky)

Natural remedies for the flu

It seems every cold season, people are rushing to get injections.  Why not live more healthy and avoid the pinch in the first place?

Keep calm and avoid needles!

Here are some extra benefits from eating these natural flu fighters:

Citrus:  Lemons help to balance the body's ph if taken with water first thing in the morning.  They also detox the body and lower bad LDL cholesterol levels.  Eating lemons regularly may help to prevent viral infections as well.  Mandarin oranges contain a flavanoid called hesperedin which works in concert with vitamin c to help in collagen production, helping slow down aging.  Oranges are loaded with vitamin C, the detox vitamin, and flavanoids which protect the heart by removing free radicals from the body.  Grapefruits have been shown to help with losing excess weight and contain anticancer compounds as well.  Limes are good for the skin and can be used for a natural non toxic deodorant.  Limes are also known for anti cancer effects.

Apple cider vinegar:  Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels which allow for less storage of excess fat.  Women with yeast infections have been known to use apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment.  Surprisingly, apple cider vinegar contains beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from toxins and slows aging.  Since apple cider vinegar lowers harmful LDL cholesterol, it can be a great way to naturally prevent heart disease.  Apple cider vinegar has anti inflammatory effects which can be utilized internally for systemic inflammation or externally for skin irritation.

Peppermint:  A long day of stress on the job can be treated by adding some peppermint oil to your bath and breathing in the cool aroma.  Indigestion can also be treated by taking peppermint.  Peppermint has antiseptic properties and can be applied to skin abrasions or bug bites for relief and protection against infection.  Even pimples and acne are believed to be treatable by using essential oils form the peppermint plant.  Respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis can be treated by breathing the vapors of peppermint oil.  Peppermint contains 3 omega fatty acids and scores of vitamins and minerals to promote better health overall.

Oregano oil:  Antioxidant properties of oregano oil make it an ideal way to naturally reduce aging due to the fact that it flushes toxic compounds from the blood stream.  A powerful natural antibiotic, oregano oil has been known to do battle with some of the harshest infections around including staph and e coli.  Women can benefit from taking oregano oil as it helps to alleviate abnormal menstruation.  A digestive aid, oregano oil stimulates bile production.  The anti inflammatory properties of oregano oil make it and ideal way to naturally treat allergies and congestion.

Garlic:  When crushed, biochemical reactions occur that result in the creation of allicin, a heavy hitting antioxidant that not only protects against heart disease and other conditions resulting from oxidative damage, but is also now known to be a potent anti cancer agent.  Garlic is also known to help the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels and promote healthy cholesterol while lower bad cholesterol.  Garlic oil has a powerful anti fungal and anti microbial effect as well as tumor fighting qualities.

Echinacea:  Strong antimicrobial properties make this herb a natural antibiotic.  In addition to fighting infection, it can also be used topically for sunburn and other skin irritation.  Ear infections and sinusitis have aslo been treated in the past using echinacea.  This herb is also highly recommended for colds, flu, and upper respiratory infections.

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Foods that eliminate bad breath

Using Lemons To Detox

They are trying to outlaw saving your own seed in Europe

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Health benefits of Brussels sprouts

When we were kids, these were the enemy.  Now, they may be one of your best allies when it comes to staying healthy and avoiding disease.

Steam Brussels sprouts or eat them raw to retain the greatest amount of beneficial nutrients possible.

Anti Cancer:  Brussels sprouts contain sulforaphane, which is believed to fight cancer.

DNA protection:  Indole-3-carbinol is found withing Brussels sprouts.  This compound is known to repair DNA in cells and also seems to have some anti cancer properties as well.

Bone health:  Regular consumption of Brussels sprouts is believed to help build and protect bones over time.

Anti aging:  This vegetable has strong antioxidant qualities.  Free radicals and toxins in the body cause damage and inflammation which leads to scores of health problems including serious disease and increased aging both internally and externally.  Since these toxins are removed by eating Brussels sprouts, the beauty-conscious may want to include these in their diet.

Fiber:  Brussels sprouts are a good source for plant based fiber.  Fiber can help the body process sugars and maintain regular digestive flow as well as further toxin removal.  A diet rich in fiber could help normalize blood sugar levels and naturally lower cholesterol.

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"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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