Natural Cures Not Medicine: Marijuana: Government Animal Testing

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Marijuana: Government Animal Testing

Another MYTH busted. Want to know why so many people think marijuana kills brain cells? Watch the video.

You may want to check out these previous links. This stuff will blow your mind. Enough to change the mind of any non-believer.

WHEN WE GROW, This is what we can do (Full Documentary)

Evidence That Cannabis is The Most Nutritional Vegetable in The World


The Health Benefits of Smoking Marijuana

Evidence That Cannabis is The Most Nutritional Vegetable in The World

How cannabis can revolutionize our economy

Tobacco and Alcohol Cause Over 7.5 Million Deaths Per Year

Best Marijuana Argument Given By Superior Court Judge James P. Gray

Why Marijuana Is Illegal In The US (Noam Chomsky)


  1. This is funny! The same year they found out it CURED CANCER SMDH

  2. You know its all a setup! That's about the same time they found out it CURES CANCER! They want us to die off! Look at all the LEGAL chemical drugs from Big Pharma on law firm commercials messing people up and killing them but we can't have what God put here for us to heal ourselves with! What a load of garbage!

  3. Yes.. Exactly! I have nothin to add the previous person didn't say


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