Natural Cures Not Medicine: Health benefits of cinnamon

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Showing posts with label Health benefits of cinnamon. Show all posts

The cinnamon in holiday cooking reduces blood sugar and can cure the common cold

(NaturalNews) Cinnamon is a frequent addition to holiday meals such as pumpkin pie and mulled cider. Cinnamon can also be used to lower blood sugar, treat the common cold and thin blood. In fact, the drug Coumadin is derived from a synthetic form of cinnamon. Used in Chinese medicine, cinnamon is derived from the bark of a tree native to Ceylon (Sri Lanka). The oil from the tree bark contains the active ingredient, cinnamonaldehyde. Cinnamon oil is calming to the nervous system.

Healing uses of cinnamon
Cinnamon can be used to treat heart disease, as it is known to reduce cholesterol. And ongoing research on the use of cinnamon continually shows that it reduces blood sugar. Cinnamon acts as an antifungal and can treat yeast infections and thrush. It can also treat Helicobacter pylori bacterial infections, which lead to ulcers. Cinnamon can be used as a gargle to treat sore throats.

Cinnamon use in Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Egypt and Rome
In traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon has been used for over five thousand years to cure colds, improve digestion and treat nausea, diarrhea and painful menses. It can also be used to improve the health of those who have chronically cold feet and hot upper bodies, a condition known in Chinese medicine as "kwai."

Cinnamon was used by the Egyptians to embalm mummies and also to preserve meat. Ancient Romans used cinnamon for coughs and colds and also burned it to clear the air. Romans also used cinnamon for offerings at shrines. Pliny the Elder in the first century A.D. wrote that cinnamon was 15 times more valuable than silver. In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, cinnamon is utilized to treat diabetes, indigestion and those with kapha temperaments. Cinnamon is an ingredient in chai tea and, as such, aids digestion of fruit and dairy.

Warning for use of cinnamon
Pregnant women should avoid the use of cinnamon, as it can cause blood thinning that is not beneficial while pregnant. Also, it's recommended that anyone on blood-thinning medication or on diabetic medicine consult with their medical advisers before adding cinnamon to their diet.


About the author:
Talya Dagan is a health advocate and health coach, trained in nutrition and gourmet health food cuisine, writing about natural remedies for disease and nutrition and herbal medicine.

Ten Natural Cures For Migraine Headaches

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1. Ice -- One of the oldest domestic remedies for migraine headache is an ice set or frozen compress. This can be positioned on the back of your neckline or on your brow, and you might get moment relief.
2. Coffee -- For quick migraine headache relief tried drinking twain or three cups of powerful coffee at the initial symbol of a migraine. The caffeine causes the blood vessels to shrink, so there is less blood flow to cause a trouble or throbbing in your brain.
3. Cinnamon -- One of the older migraine headache cures is cinnamon. This aromatic spice is mixed with water and made into a paste, which is then rubbed on the brow and back of the neck.
4. Feverfew -- Feverfew is one of the herbal domestic remedies for migraine headaches, and this herb has been in use for centuries and is generally very secure and efficient. Scientific studies have shown this herb can compact the occurrence of migraines when taken daily.
5. Capsaicin -- Capsaicin can work well at treat migraines, even an ocular migraine. There are ointments you can purchase that are applied to the brow and assist relieve the ache of these headaches.
6. A Dark silent Room -- Laying down in a room that is perfectly dark and exceedingly silent might assist eases the ache and other symptoms of a migraine. This can be done with a cool compress on your brow for even better results.
7. Magnesium Supplements -- everyday magnesium supplements are one of the summit domestic remedy for migraine headache. Magnesium has been shown to assist relieve the symptom and minimize the frequency of migraines.
8. Orange Juice -- Orange juice and other foods lofty in vitamin C can assist with menstrual migraine headaches and some other types.
9. Henna -- Henna flowers can be dipped in vinegar and then rubbed directly on your brow. Numerous migraine sufferers have gotten fast relief using this domestic cure, but it does not work well for everyone.
10. Niacin -- Niacin is one of the most often used domestic remedies for migraine headaches. Niacin causes the blood vessels to shrink, and can halt migraine symptoms even after they have begun.

Health benefits of cinnamon

You might think spicy candy or sticky sweet breakfast rolls, but how does a longer lifespan sound as a benefit of using this tasty spice?

It tastes good and will make you feel great!

Cinnamon has been known to beat acne when applied as a mask with some raw honey.  Thought to be a brain simulating spice, many claim that eating cinnamon or candy containing cinnamon before and during an exam will help to boost brain function and memory while also reducing nervous tension.  Cinnamon is believed to help prevent heart disease by aiding lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.  Cinnamon may help to naturally relieve migraine headaches as well.  Women can benefit from cinnamon, which helps to treat discomfort associated with menstruation.  If you have diabetes or need to lose excess weight, cinnamon may be a helpful natural remedy.  It has been shown to naturally balance blood sugar levels while stimulating increased insulin production.  Cinnamon is believed to also battle various types of cancer cells in the body.  Cinnamon can be added to food as a natural preservative due to it's antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.  In fact, cinnamon is believed to be able to kill e-coli bacteria in unprocessed fruit juices as well.  Cinnamon has been used by the Chinese for centuries for treating multiple illnesses and to increase energy and vitality, and is considered as nothing short of a wonder spice!

Now that you know some of the healing power of cinnamon, add some to your hot cup of coffee or tea and feel the natural boost while protecting yourself from pathogens!

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