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Mint and its amazing healing powers

How refreshing

So, besides making your breath fresher, what else does mint do?

Digestive:  Indegestion, cramps, and morning sickness are all treatable with fresh mint juice.  It can also be used to treat irritable bowl syndrome.  Mint is also effective at treating diarrhea when the oils from the plant are used.

Skin:  Mint oil can be applied to pimples, skin rashes, sunburn, and bug bites.  The oils from mint leaves can also relieve hemorrhoid pain.

Respiratory:  Fresh mint clears out the sinuses and even helps with asthma and bronchitis.  Mint is an ingredient in many cough drops and cough medicines because it helps relieve a soar throat.

Women's Health:  Mint extract can be taken prior to and leading up to menstruation to lessen painful cramps.

Joints:  Mint oil can be applied topically to relieve the symptoms of arthritis.
Mint oil is an effective antiseptic!

Mint is native to temperate Europe.  The ancient Romans and Greeks knew of the medicinal qualities of mint.    Ancient Greek physician Saufarsats included it in the use of several carminative medicines.  Even ancient Chinese and Japanese physicians were familiar with this spice!

Although the health benefits of mint are every bit as astounding as the freshness it leaves behind, mint also has an impressive nutrient profile.  Mint is rich in minerals, contains vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B3.  About 50% of the composition of the plant's oils is menthol.

The Most Nutritional Food in The World

Surprising healing properties of apples!

An apple a day could literally keep the doctor away.

Apples are delicious and refreshing fruits that are used in a variety of dishes or enjoyed right off of the tree.  Though apples and their juice is loved for the sweet amazing flavor, the impact that apples have on your health may be surprising as well.  Nutrition is nature's health insurance!

  • Weight loss:  A study out of Brazil concluded that women who consumed 3 apples or pears a day and dieted lost more weight than women who dieted and didn't eat the fruit.
  • Breast cancer prevention:  A Cornell University study found that rats fed apples every day had a decreased chance developing breast cancer.  The greater amount of apples the rate were fed, the lower the risk of breast cancer.
  • Alzheimer's prevention:  A Cornell University study on mice found that the quercetin in apples may protect the brain from the type of free radical damage that could cause Alzheimer's disease.
  • Bone protection:  French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and could increase bone density as well.  Apples also contain boron, another bone strengthening compound. 
  • Diabetes management:  The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and could aid in the management of diabetes.
  • Asthma:  A recent study concluded that children who consume apple juice daily suffer from the symptoms of asthma less than those who did not.  Another study showed that children born to women who consume a lot of apples had a lower rate of asthma than those born to mothers who ate less apples.

Check out this PBS segment on apples

Can Coconut Oil Cure Alzheimers?

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You knew I was going to say do you like them apples?

Healing powers of oregano oil

Oregano oil is nature's heavy hitting healer!

Oregano is regarded as a powerful natural antibiotic.  The oil from oregano has been shown to battle serious pathogens like staph and e coli.  Oregano is also effective in preventing fungal infections and is even believed to be effective as a natural food preservative.  Since it is absolutely loaded with antioxidants, oregano oil can reduce the cellular damage resulting from free radicals in the body and thus slow the aging process.  When spring rolls around, take oregano oil to help with inflammation, allergies, and congestion.  Oregano oil is also thought to help with digestion by stimulating bile.  Women can benefit from using oregano oil to manage irregular menstruation and 
the oil even helps to alleviate some of the symptoms of menstruation as well.  Oregano oil can be used to improve your quality of life by easing discomfort and, according to Science Daily, is just as effective against pathogens as prescription antibiotics.

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The Health Benefits Of Walking Barefoot

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Liver cleaning foods!

Your liver protects your blood stream from impurities and toxins, but what protects the liver?

Avocado:  Glutathione is produced in the body to help remove harmful toxins that can cause damage to healthy cells in the body.  Consuming avocados regularly can help the body produce more of this substance which will help maintain a clean liver.

Green tea:  A well known antioxidant, can protect the liver by preventing the accumulation of toxins that would cause damage to tissue.  Also, green tea is believed to help eliminate excess fat cells in the liver, allowing for proper liver function.

Garlic:  Allicin is a well known super antioxidant contained in garlic which is known not just for its anti cancer properties, but also effectively cleans out the liver.  Garlic also contains other compounds that clean and promote the health of the liver.  Consuming at least some garlic daily has been shown to help the body with the production of liver enzymes that actively remove toxins.

Turmeric:  Known already as a powerful natural anticancer, this spice also helps with the vital enzyme process within the liver that deals with toxins.

Grapefruit:  Another liver enzyme booster, grapefruit also contains vitamin C which helps in the detoxification of the blood and is known as the detox vitamin.

Walnuts:  Arginine is an ammino acid contained in walnuts that helps the liver process ammonia.  Walnuts also contain multiple compounds that support normal liver function.

Green leaf veggies:  Packed with chlorophyll and natural fiber, toxins are no match for these veggies and liver health is improved by regular consumption of varieties such as kale, spinach, and mustard greens.

Read more posts from Natural Cures Not Medicine:

14 Powerful Red Fruits And Vegetables

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Using Essential Oils For Arthritis

How to get relief for pain and inflammation with essential oils.

Natural therapies, especially aromatherapy and naturopathy, can be very helpful at altering body chemistry, eliminating toxic buildup and preventing new accumulation of uric acid.

Arthritis occurs due the imbalance of body chemistry when the body is not eliminating uric acid efficiently. Uric acid is deposited as crystals in joint spaces, resulting in inflammation, pain, stiffness, loss of mobility and eventually damage to the joint surfaces.

Attacks are extremely painful with the acute inflammation of the joint. After frequent attacks, large deposits of uric acid crystals cause permanent swelling and deformation of the joints, particularly in the knuckles.

For various forms of arthritis, aromatherapy can offer a great relief. Natural body resources should be activated, to facilitate the healing process – improve circulation, drain off the waste and improve nutrition to the affected tissues.

Essential oils can be used in the following ways:

 Topical application as massage oil, in the bath, or compress.

Detoxifying essential oils of juniper, lemon, cypress and fennel should be used in the bath and massage to help body release toxins.

  •                         Recipe: 4dr juniper, 2dr lemon, 2dr cypress, 1dr fennel – dilute in 2 teaspoons of carrier oil and add to your bath water. Take bath for 15 min. 

Anti-inflammatory essential oils: chamomile, lavender, rosemary, benzoin – to be used in the bath or topical application for easing the pain and inflammation. Also, making a compress on the affected joints with the oils above can bring about the relief.

  •         Recipe: 6dr german chamomile, 4dr lavender, 4dr rosemary, 3 dr benzoin. In 1 oz of oil.

For improving circulation, use black pepper, ginger, marjoram, benzoin. Above oils, are warming – ruberfacient oils.  Should be applied in the form of massage or compress. However, NOTE that when applying warming oils to the joint, it is of great importance to keep joints moving immediately after the treatment, otherwise the heating can cause congestion, which in turn can make matters worse rather than better.

  •                         Recipe: 2dr pepper, 2 dr ginger, 4dr marjoram, 4 dr benzoin. In 1 oz of oil.

If redness or irritation occurs, discontinue use, or reduce the number of drops for pepper, ginger and benzoin. These oils can be irritating to the skin.

All of the treatments above reduce pain, inflammation, and make movement easier and less painful. Gentle exercise such as yoga is very helpful also.

Diet is extremely important part of treatment. Cleansing, vitamins and exclusion of red meats, caffeine, alcohol and in some cases dairy and gluten can be of great help.

If arthritis noticed and treated early enough, essential oil therapy can bring about a complete rehabilitation.

As always, consult your doctor before proceeding with the treatment.

Rosemary should be avoided if you have high blood pressure, seizures or epilepsy.

If you are suffering from depression, marjoram should be avoided.

 We Recommend Rejuvelate For 100% Natural Aromatherapyy Products



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Essential Oils For Eczema and Recipe

Eczema – How to control symptoms and outbreaks:

If you are suffering from eczema, then here is a natural and holistic approach that can be taken to help you elevate bothersome symptoms and help get to the source of the problem.

There are different types of eczema, or dermatitis, as it is otherwise known, and each type is characterized by itchy, dry or weeping skin that sometimes may be raw, painful or even bleed. Stress often aggravates eczema, and so does a bad diet.

Contact eczema is the most common form, which develops as a response to an allergen or irritant.

Atopic eczema is usually genetic and affects people who have family history of dermatitis of any type, allergies, and asthma. This type of eczema is characterized by very dry and intensively itchy and sometimes weepy skin (due to scratching).

Regardless of the type of eczema you have, aromatherapy can be very helpful in a way to reduce stress and relieving symptoms.

Stress is involved in almost all cases of eczema, so with the help of essential oils the level of stress can be reduced.

Massage body oil recipe for stress relief with lavender, chamomile and neroli:

 To 1 oz of carrier oil add 4dr neroli, 4dr lavender, 2dr Roman chamomile, 1 capsule vitamin E. Shake gently, let it stand for one day and use after that. In case of irritation – discontinue.

This body oil should be massaged on daily basis, but especially when the person is feeling stressed out. It can be added to a bath with 1 to 2 teaspoons of the oil, or even a foot bath.

If it's the case of contact eczema, then it is very important to determine what allergens seem to aggravate the skin, making sure to avoid it as often as possible.  Common allergens can be soap, detergents, cosmetics, dust, plants, food. Allergy tests are strongly recommended to determine that.

Useful essential oils for direct application on the skin:
  • Roman chamomile, cypress – these help relieve eczema, due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Geranium and Lavender are healing.
  • Juniper is a very efficient blood purifier.
  • Melissa – is very efficient but should be used in a very small concentration such as 0.5% ( about 2-3 drops per 1oz of carrier oil). Cause it is a very strong oil and can cause an even worse irritation than was present already. In a very small amounts it can have a very profound effect.
  • Sandalwood – for very dry skin, not for weeping eczema.
Your body oil should contain lavender, chamomile, Melissa  and juniper! Total drops at about 12 drops per 1 oz of carrier oil mix or 1 oz of light fragrance and chemical free lotion.

For dry eczema use rich carrier oils such as argan mixing it with camellia oil, evening primrose oil, borage seed oil, sea buckthorn oil – all are rich in EFAs. Unrefined raw shea butter is very beneficial for dry eczema, if you enrich it with carrier and essential oils.

For weeping eczema – use a light fragrance free natural lotion that is very light in texture to which you add essential oils.

In conclusion, it is very important to have a proper diagnosis from the doctor. It is important, cause if the condition is misdiagnosed then treatment with essential oils can even make the condition worse.  Sometimes other skin conditions, such as keratosis are easily mistaken for dermatitis.

Any skin lesions that do not heal over time should be examined by the doctor.

We recommend:

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Past related posts:

4 Natural Cures For Eczema

Health Benefits Of Hemp Seed Oil

The Health Benefits Sandalwood Oil

One of the best essential oils, on our personal top 5 list,  is the wonderful and healing oil of Sandalwood. There are so many useful ways of integrating this oil into your daily life, from keeping your bladder infections at bay to healing cracked skin.

Sandalwood (Santalum album) – is a small, evergreen tree. Interesting fact about it, is that it is a parasitic one. What it does, it attaches suckers to the roots of other trees. It is native of India and the best quality oil comes from the region called Mysore, hence the name Sandalwood Mysore , referring to the Santalum album species. This tree is so valuable; it is protected by the State government.

The trees are very slow growing and only very mature trees, about 30 years old are used for essential oil extraction. It is actually a very interesting process. The trunks are cut and left to dry and lie in the forests until insects; ants in particular, eat the outer bark of the tree, exposing the heartwood. The heartwood the ants wont eat.

It is this heartwood that is used for incense and the extraction of precious Sandalwood essential oil by steam distillation, which produces very thick and viscous oil with a very persistent aroma, when applied to the skin. This oil has been use for centuries in India in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and is very well known for its powerful affinity with urinary and respiratory tracts.

It is a great remedy for various infections of the urinary tract, such as cystitis and bladder infections. It works great in combination with bergamot and chamomile.

  •    1 oz of carrier oil, such as jojoba or grapeseed, add 6 drops sandalwood oil, 5 drops chamomile, 3 drops bergamot - shake gently and massage the lower abdomen, hips and lower back areas. Also try in a bath by adding oils not exceeding 10 drops total – 5dr Sandalwood, 3dr chamomile, 2dr bergamot.

It is a great pulmonary antiseptic and is of essence when it comes to coughing, especially spasmodic cough. It is one of the best oils to use in the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis, and sore throat. The best way to treat that is via inhalations or topical application.

  • Massaging 1  neat drop of sandalwood on your neck can relieve laryngitis. If sensitive ad one drop of carrier oil to it.

Externally Sandalwood is great for chapped, wrinkled, acne, dry skin types. It is healing, moisturizing and soothing when used in a rich oil base. It is very versatile oil for it can be used for oily and dry skin, acne and eczema and will sooth an itch.

Sandalwood has a masculine smell, however combined with rose otto or ylang-ylang, it will create a soft, sweet aroma that will please any woman and heal your dry skin.

It is important to know that the Australian Sandalwood oil from Eucarya spicata species produces inferior oil that does not offer the properties of the Santalum Album. The same goes for West Indian oil which is totally unrelated species with much less or no therapeutic value. A piece of good news: New Caledonia has great plantations of genuine Sandalwood.

Visit for products with Sandalwood essential oil in the base of organic carrier oils of argan and other exotic base oils. 

Natural Cures Not Medicine

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Alternative cancer therapy using B17 (Apricot seeds)

Here is part 1 of 5 the other parts are below if you wish to continue watching to learn more.

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Natural Cures Not Medicine
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Cancer: the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary

 "Cancer : The Forbidden Cures": Discover many effective and highly successful forms of cancer treatment that have been suppressed and discredited for time by the FDA. Some say that the FDA may have killed more people than Hitler.

In the last 100 years dozens of doctors, scientists and researchers have come up with the most diverse, apparently effective solutions against cancer, but none of these was ever taken into serious consideration by official medicine.
More than 20,000 people die of cancer every day, without official medicine being able to offer a true sense of hope to those affected by it. Well... at least until now. If you search our website or view the "cancer" tab up at the top of our website you will find many of these suppressed cures. Don't sit around waiting for a solution to be televised! Get online - check out some of the reports around the world. There is hope.

If the above film does not work try the one below. This video is banned for sale in America. This is not a conspiracy.

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Join the Right to Know GMO Fight in Your State

Join the Right to Know GMO Fight in Your State:

Want to get involved in a GMO labeling campaign in your state? You can join Right to Know GMO, the coalition of 37 states collaborating on statewide GMO labeling laws. 

Right to Know GMO is a grassroots movement of mothers, farmers and citizens dedicated to regaining our basic right to know what we're eating and feeding our families.
US map of state Right to Know efforts:

Update on state legislation to label GMOs:

Why all the fuss about GMO?

Study Finds GMO Long-term Effects are Terminal

Entire Countries Are Banning GMO's. Still think they are safe?

GMO Food Exposed: An experiment on Man and Nature

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) - Myths and Truths

The World According to Monsanto GMO Documentary

Bread Alert: Gluten could be deadly!

Know if you have gluten intolerance

All to often is gluten intolerance misdiagnosed.  Symptoms are mistaken for a different condition while the patient continues down the path that led to health problems in the first place.  Although some people are highly allergic to gluten and cannot have any in their diet at all, there are also varying degrees of sensitivity and many don't know that gluten is a problem for their health.  Aside from the fact that gluten can cause a great deal of inflammation, it also blocks the body from absorbing nutrients and has been also linked to excessive weight gain also known as "wheat belly."  There are several food and even non food products that contain gluten but it is worth the effort to eliminate it from your diet as much as possible.  There is a growing number of gluten free products and many gluten free breads taste even better than regular wheat or bleached flour breads.  Pastas, pancake mixes, and cereals are sold in major supermarkets that are gluten free and can soften the blow of removing wheat and other gluten containing foodstuff from your meal plan permanently.  Take action now!  Here are some symptoms of gluten intolerance.

-Dizziness and feeling off balance

-Gas and bloating 

-Feeling run down after eating a meal containing gluten

-Depression and anxiety


-Diagnosis of several different types of autoimmune disorders

-Hormone imbalances or infertility



-Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia

Photo credit: 3268zauber

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Tarragon's health benefits

Weather you cook with or juice tarragon, there is more than great taste that awaits you.

Once again a component of the Mediterranean diet stands out for impressive healing effects! 

Tarragon is loaded with nutrients and phytonutrients that can help protect your body from tissue damage.
Compounds found within tarragon help to reduce the buildup of platelets in blood vessels and therefore reduce the chance of developing heart disease.  Tarragon has strong antioxidant properties which help protect organs and tissue in the body against free radical damage.  Appetite stimulation is another purpose tarragon is utilized for and can alleviate the symptoms of appetite loss due to illness.  Tarragon oil is also used as an local anesthetic for tooth aches as well.

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The Health Benefits of Smoking Marijuana

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Death by sugar!

Some experts compare processed sugar to heavy drugs

Processed sugars are among the top unhealthy food components that are far too prevalent in the modern diet.  Diabetes, tooth decay, and even cancer are connected to the excessive consumption of processed and refined sugars.  Try to get your sweet fix by munching on some fresh berries, a banana, or an crisp juicy apple which all contain fiber that will balance out the natural sugars and provide a sustained natural energy boost.  Here are some of the negative effects of consuming processed sugar:

-Heightened diabetes risk

-Oral health problems

-Disrupted metabolism

-Faster aging

-Weakened immune system

-Heightened cancer risk

-Weight problems

-Kidney damage

-Skin problems

-Sleep disruption

Since sugar is separated from its nutritional components when it is refined, it is considered empty calories.  In fact, refined sugar actually requires the body to spend important nutrients in order to process the pure sugars which cause shock in the system.  Consuming fructose increases the uric acid presence in the body which can cause low level inflammation, leading to various other health problems.  Consuming processed sugars over a long period of time creates a suitable environment within the body for infections and bacteria to thrive.  Acidic blood, which is achieved through a poor diet usually consisting of too much processed and even natural sugars, greatly increases the risk for developing cancer as well.  There is a misconception that juicing fruits is a healthy practice, but the fiber from the fruits must be consumed along with the plant based sugars to help digest and moderate blood sugar absorption.  Instead, eat or blend the fruit and save green vegetables for the juicing.

Photo by: Lauri Andler

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Pesticides Damage Brains Of Bees

Sign the petition! over 170000 people have already done so!

Pesticides Shown To Damage Bee Brains Regulation: Latest research adds fuel to a lawsuit calling for EPA to ban neonicotinoid insecticides By Carmen Drahl, Britt E. Erickson

"As the Environmental Protection Agency faces a lawsuit over its policy to allow use of a pesticide class implicated in global honeybee die-offs, new evidence that the compounds may damage the brains of bees could convince the agency to reconsider."


Natural Cures Not Medicine

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The Health Benefits of Smoking Marijuana

Smoking marijuana has numerous health benefits and they are: 

A lot of people say cannabis has no medicinal value when it is smoked. Let's finally put this myth to bed. Is smoking weed good for you? Well.... It depends...

1. Cancer 
There are a lot of people that say smoking pot can cause lung cancer because your inhaling smoke, like cigarettes. This simply isn’t true. Cigarette smoke causes cancer because the tobacco is radiated whereas marijuana isn’t. In fact, the American Association for Cancer Research has found the marijuana actually works to slow down tumor growth in the lungs, breasts, and brain considerably. 

2. Seizures 
Marijuana is a muscle relaxant and has “antispasmodic” qualities which have proven to be a very effective treatment of seizures. There are actually countless cases of people suffering from seizures that have only been able to function better through the use of marijuana. 

3. Migraines 
Since medicinal marijuana was legalized in California, doctors have reported that they have been able to treat more than 300,000 cases of migraines that conventional medicine could not do. 

4. Glaucoma 
Marijuana’s treatment of glaucoma has been one of the best documented. There aren't any valid study that disprove marijuana’s powerful effects on glaucoma patients. 

5. Multiple Sclerosis 
Marijuana’s effects on multiple sclerosis patients became better documented when former talk-show host, Montel Williams began to use pot to treat his MS. Marijuana works to stop the neurological effects and muscle spasms that come from the fatal disease. 

6. Tourette’s and OCD 
Just like marijuana can treat seizures and multiple sclerosis, marijuana’s effects slow down the tics in those suffering from Tourette’s, and the obsessive neurological symptoms in people with OCD 

7. ADD and ADHD 
A documented USC study showes that marijuana is not only a perfect alternative for Ritalin but treats the disorder without any of the negative side effects of the pharmaceutical. 

8. IBS and Crohn’s 
Marijuana has shown that it can help with symptoms of the chronic diseases as it stops nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 

9. Alzheimer’s 
The Scripps Institute, in 2006, proved that the THC found in marijuana works to prevent Alzheimer’s by blocking the deposits in the brain that cause the disease. 

10. Premenstrual Syndrome 
Just like marijuana is used to treat IBS, it can be used to treat the cramps and discomfort. Using marijuana for PMS actually goes back to the days of Queen Victoria.

34 cannabis studies the government wish it never funded:

CANNABIS OIL KILLS CANCER Here is a massive list of personal
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Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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