Smoking marijuana has numerous health benefits and they are:
A lot of people say cannabis has no medicinal value when it is smoked. Let's finally put this myth to bed. Is smoking weed good for you? Well.... It depends...
1. Cancer
There are a lot of people that say smoking pot can cause lung cancer because your inhaling smoke, like cigarettes. This simply isn’t true. Cigarette smoke causes cancer because the tobacco is radiated whereas marijuana isn’t. In fact, the American Association for Cancer Research has found the marijuana actually works to slow down tumor growth in the lungs, breasts, and brain considerably. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070417193338.htm
2. Seizures
Marijuana is a muscle relaxant and has “antispasmodic” qualities which have proven to be a very effective treatment of seizures. There are actually countless cases of people suffering from seizures that have only been able to function better through the use of marijuana.
3. Migraines
Since medicinal marijuana was legalized in California, doctors have reported that they have been able to treat more than 300,000 cases of migraines that conventional medicine could not do.
4. Glaucoma
Marijuana’s treatment of glaucoma has been one of the best documented. There aren't any valid study that disprove marijuana’s powerful effects on glaucoma patients. http://www.eyecareamerica.org/eyecare/treatment/alternative-therapies/marijuana-glaucoma.cfm
5. Multiple Sclerosis
Marijuana’s effects on multiple sclerosis patients became better documented when former talk-show host, Montel Williams began to use pot to treat his MS. Marijuana works to stop the neurological effects and muscle spasms that come from the fatal disease. http://insciences.org/article.php?article_id=4963
6. Tourette’s and OCD
Just like marijuana can treat seizures and multiple sclerosis, marijuana’s effects slow down the tics in those suffering from Tourette’s, and the obsessive neurological symptoms in people with OCD http://preventdisease.com/news/articles/marjuana_tourettes.shtml
7. ADD and ADHD
A documented USC study showes that marijuana is not only a perfect alternative for Ritalin but treats the disorder without any of the negative side effects of the pharmaceutical. http://pr.cannazine.co.uk/20080205147/cannabis-news/marijuana-replaces-ritalin-in-treatment-for-add/adhd-video.html
8. IBS and Crohn’s
Marijuana has shown that it can help with symptoms of the chronic diseases as it stops nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. http://www.safeaccessnow.org/article.php?id=4561
9. Alzheimer’s
The Scripps Institute, in 2006, proved that the THC found in marijuana works to prevent Alzheimer’s by blocking the deposits in the brain that cause the disease. http://www.scripps.edu/news/press/080906.html
10. Premenstrual Syndrome
Just like marijuana is used to treat IBS, it can be used to treat the cramps and discomfort. Using marijuana for PMS actually goes back to the days of Queen Victoria. http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/articles/1376.html
34 cannabis studies the government wish it never funded:
CANNABIS OIL KILLS CANCER Here is a massive list of personal
cannabis oil testimonials (plus how to make oil)
Read more at http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2013/10/dont-smoke-cannabis-to-try-to-cure.html#OpvYEp2lW7jPLvtm.99
34 cannabis studies the government wish it never funded:
CANNABIS OIL KILLS CANCER Here is a massive list of personal
cannabis oil testimonials (plus how to make oil)
Read more at http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2013/10/dont-smoke-cannabis-to-try-to-cure.html#OpvYEp2lW7jPLvtm.99
Like any medicine there are benefits but also risks, while not a pharmaceutical drug it should be treated as one because the THC content has been so concentrated over the years. I take issue with some of the first point made, yes marijuana may stall tumour growth but inhaling smoke of any kind is carcinogenic, so find a different delivery system (such as eating it). I am also concerned about all the studies coming out about the link between marijuana, schizophrenia, and mental illness. Undoubtedly marijuana and THC have powerful effects on the body but be aware that is is a powerful drug, that has side effects both good and bad.
ReplyDeleteCould you please articulate any negative side effects from smoking marijuana that you are aware of?
Delete....i get were ur coming from, but if u "smoke" (cant say smoke if its not smoke at all) weed with a vaporizer, then there is 0 side effects...
Deletei get what ur sayin, but if you use a vaporizer, then its not smoke at all, just vapor, (the healthiest form of "smoking")
DeleteYou cant overdose so there is no comparison with pharmaceuticals. As far as the content being concentrated you are partially correct. Street schwag or middies has grown over the years but the high end cannabis or headies has roughly maintained 15-30% thc concentration over the years. Carcinogenic..maybe.. but if its not radioactive then your body can probably repair itself; as it's cellular DNA has not been destroyed by residual polonium from the fertilizer in tobacco. Cigarettes are specifically designed to depopulate through this radiation but they try to keep that hush hush. However vaping may be slightly healthier, any chemicals on your blackmarket bud will more than likely evaporate at the 200 degree celsius point that thc vapes at as well. Therefore one should assume that the toxins present are still there as if you had smoked it. Eating is absolutely to best form of ingestion especially the raw form. This is the most health beneficial way to ingest cannabis. I would not be concerned about the mental health studies. Cannabis has clinically been proven to ameliorate the symtoms of schizophrenia. One should suspect our society as the cause of mental illness. As it promotes feelings of inadequacy, unhealthy lifestyles, and mental ineptitude. Also because of this children are subject to human beings that are not capable parent. Violence in the house hold at early age has shown a much more direct link to schizophrenia. When human beings are essentially forced to do unnatural things their naturally body was never designed to do the wires can become a little mixed up. I.e. depression anxiety mental illness. The plant is used as one of many scapegoats by the worlds wealthiest so they can continue to profit from their social hierarchy and corporate and banking cartel.
DeleteIt,s the best painkiller I know!!1
DeleteShow me one study! I defy you! You are either ignorant or a liar (or both). I can show you over 600 peer reviewed studies that show hemp healing cancer and nearly everything else but it would not fit in this box. One study from Spain in 1995 shown that those who smoke put had a lower rate of ALL cancers, then those who did not smoke at all. Shame on you for just spouting B.S. with no proof.
DeleteDr. Lemon, as a social activist I would just like to thank you for your very thoughtful, and insightful post. I agree with every word you said.
DeleteDr. Lemon, as a social activist I would thank you for your thoughtful and insightful post. I agree completely with every wise word spoken.
DeleteI have smoked weed for a decade, its the only thing that helps with my BiPolar, and I have 3.8 in Computer Info Systems... For those that say pot users are lazy and dumb. Ive tried so many pills, I was at one point on 6 different medications, and they were adding things to take away the symptoms the others were causing. I was on so many pills that I was not allowed to have my oney ear old son at home with me bc they were THAT strong. I believe that the Drug companies dont want weed legalized for that reason. They were making 360.00 a month off me for one bottle of Cymbalta a month! While I do need one medication daily now, I use weed to manage the anxiety and the emotional pain. I can go to school, and work, and play with my son and be normal and I have had a LOT of people say well you cant take care of your son high, and Im like "Im high right now and YOU cant even tell..." Marijuana SHOULD be legal, and the fact that its not is just bizarre
DeleteDrugs, whether OTC, prescribed, or illegal should not be in the control of the government and the "regulators", nor should our food, education, energy... I own my body and no one should have rights over my body but me. Eating a hamburger has risks too, but those are mine to choose. I determine what risks I take in life. The only law that should be in place here are anti fraud and transparency laws, so the public can not be misinformed or lied to, but as we all know, the government likes to misinform its citizens all the time. Why do people think just because the government is involved they think things are safer... The gov and pharma business, just like so many other business are in bed with one another. The gov should stay out of our lives in every way possible. Their job is to protect us from external forces such as a bad person hitting us over the head with a bat through the fear of punishment (not actually psychically stopping the crime from happening, because they're not capable of doing that), gov is not here to protect us from ourselves. I'm old enough to read and research things on my own, and if i want to take a risk that is nobody's business but my own. Stay out of my life! There are no such things as legal or illegal drugs, just drugs themselves. No man, or collective ideas should infringe on another man's natural rights to himself. Don't regulate what comes out of my mouth, so don't regulate what i put in it. Our drug laws and policies have been one of the biggest wars on humanity anyone could have ever imagined! It's a horrible thing what the law's have created. Bastiat said something along the lines of: When government law's conflict with natural and moral law a man has the unfortunate choice of either losing his respect for law or giving up his principals. Either way you lose.
DeleteDr. Lemon is correct that vaporizing thc is far superior to smoking it. Also, brewing it in the form of a tea is also healthy. It is also important for researchers to start identifying the superior strains and which strain works best for the health problem in question, ie a different strain for each different health problem as not all strains are the same. And don't take cannibis club workers word for it, I notice they make up stuf as they go along, which will make it much harder for people to take the necessity of legalization serious.
DeleteStudies have shown that cannabis is helpful re mental illness. Pubmed has many studies supporting this
DeleteWho's studies? Marijuana has been effective in treating mental illness AND schizophrenia in many patients. The studies that you may be referring to are most likely undertaken by the anti "drug" organizations. You should further your reading and see for yourself.
DeleteNO independent studies show any correlation with mental health statistics. if it were so , instead of jails they would be building heaps of looney bins.cannabis is a neuroprotectant, cures most ills and is a god given right. why should a pharmaceutical company tell me what i should be allowed to take for my well being as opposed to the tens of thousands dying on legal drugs. do some research tell your doctor:)
Deletevapourize ...
Deletetalk shit
Deleteno link provided
common child.
To Dew, I just want to say it's not the smoke from the MJ that is harmful. It's the wrappers that most people put it in that causes an issue. Paper is not meant to be inhaled into the body. And as far a THC causing mental disease, uhhhhh NO! That would be your lovely GMO food and toxic vaccines that our government has been stuffing us with for over 50 yrs. Look up Dr. Russell Blaylock's research, educate yourself. Don't take the FDA and CDC information to heart, they LIE to keep big pharma profiting.
DeleteMy girlfriend, breast cancer survivor, found that using a vaporizor was helpful when the pressure behind her eyes was more than she could handle. She didn't have to inhale the smoke, the odor was not as strong and overall she found that a very small amount went a long way in relieving that particular side effect of the chemotherapy. I am not and NEVER have been a proponent of recreational use, however medical use was something I absolutely believe is necessary. I wish we didn't have to get to know the benefits first hand of course, but I was very grateful that my state legalized marijuana use for medicinal purposes. Thankfully there was a safe way for her to obtain what she required from a responsible & compassionate caregiver. The problem arises when people go out if their way to obtain it illegally. There are always opportunists who will jeopardize people out of greed. (isn't that what many pharmaceutical companies are doing anyway) Seriously, our government has so much to catch up to when it comes to doing the right thing for our citizens.
DeleteThis "smoke" you're talking about is 100% marijuana, if you're talking about the smoke coming from the rolling papers well yeah theres a little risk but that smoke isn't like any kind of smoke. You can cook it, melt it, drink it, smoke it - same effects.
DeleteThe largest study ever done (of this kind), show absolutely NO link between marijuana SMOKING and cancer (check the link)
those "studies" that link this wonderful medicinal herb with mental illness are , of course, just the latest lot of lies paid for by pharma and govts to perpetuate their lies. please wake up. use and grow any herbs you want to...it is a gross violation of our human rights to attempt to ban god's plants. just ignore these corrupt institutions and look after yourself.
Deletebliss and blessings to all beings
Dew, your talkin thru your ass!!!
Deletejust FYI mr negative DEW first MJ ISN'T a drug because it isn't processed so unless you consider a natural plant a drug your WRONG. second it's not dangerous since you can't over dose on it. Third maybe you should do some research from a real source not some propaganda bull shit your spewing. Fourth and most important SMOKE SOME and get that stick out your ass.
DeleteDew is full of crap and hasn't had one valid point. I think what he needs to do is SMOKE SOME and take the stick out of his ass
DeleteVery informative and thanx 2 all who are giving positive feedback.It come down 2 using it responsibly bcs there is 2 much focus on the recreational use of than medicinal.the youth are influenced 2 believe its a drug and all it does is get you high and its illegal so thers a negative viewpoint so they use it to rebel and 2b reckless.thanx 2 the puppet gov and profiteering pharma companies.people are waking up and its only a matter of time untill they will hv no choice bt 2 legallize it.God gave us the herb to use,not abuse.420 4life!
Deletei read all of your opinion and i don't know whether its true or not but i love smoking marijuana and it makes me free and happy but sometime i become lazy ...when i smoke it i keep on laughing and doing crazy things so i just want to know is it bad or good for health why does it happen ... i have a friend and he smokes marijuana since 2 years but the problem with him is ... he become stone and doesn't talk at all after inhaling marijuana ...can u all tell me why does it happen and why m opposite after smoking marijuana...
Delete"Inhaling smoke of any kind is carcinogen." The very first item of the page you site reads:
Delete"There are a lot of people that say smoking pot can cause lung cancer because your inhaling smoke, like cigarettes. This simply isn’t true. Cigarette smoke causes cancer because the tobacco is radiated whereas marijuana isn’t. In fact, the American Association for Cancer Research has found the marijuana actually works to slow down tumor growth in the lungs, breasts, and brain considerably."
Personally, I would change dealers and spend some money on higher-quality weed.
Here's a viewpoint:
Delete- Most anything synthetic (heroin, crystal meth, ETC) shouldn't be legalized. The reason being is that you cannot control what someone puts into it.
- Anything NATURAL (marijuana, DMH, ETC) should be legalized, because there NATURAL. DMH is a naturally occurring chemical in your brain that simulates the dreams while you sleep. Marijuana produces endorphins in your brain, which is also a naturally occurring chemical in your brain that is produced during exercise, excitement, pain, consumption of spicy food, love and orgasm
you should add for fibromyalgia...
ReplyDeleteMy friend has fibro and she says it doesn't help her at all.
DeleteEveryone's body responds differently to different substances.
Delete@David Sterling- I have Fibro, and it DOES work for me... It allows me to function normally. It reduces the pain and allows me to move around as if I did not have Fibro. Each person is different, and may require a different strain of bud to help them. Tell your friend to experiment with different strands and delivery methods. i.e. Smoke, Vape, Tea, Ingestion...etc.
Delete@David Sterling- I have Fibro, and it DOES work for me... It allows me to function normally. It reduces the pain and allows me to move around as if I did not have Fibro. Each person is different, and may require a different strain of bud to help them. Tell your friend to experiment with different strands and delivery methods. i.e. Smoke, Vape, Tea, Ingestion...etc.
DeleteI have fibromyalgia and although I have smoked my entire adult life. I didn't get the fullest effect of the cannibus on my fibro until I started making and using the butter. Now I actually do sleep, and it has changed my life.
DeleteMany fibro and Chronic Pain Disorder patients respond best to ingesting it as food. The effects last long and keep the pain form returning, in degree.
DeleteMany patients with Fibro or Chronic Pain Disorder (Central Sensitization) will improve with oral use of cannabis. Many commercial options are available - I use a 100 mg candy bar and break of a 6th, which takes care of it all nicely.
DeleteI have fibromyalgia and a whole host of other health problems. Without medical marijuana, I could not run my online business, I could not bath myself, I could not walk a block down the road, I could barely leave my house except for appointments. With it, I have a semi-active life and I can move around enough to do things like laundry, dishes and sometimes I can even cook dinner. Your friend needs to try different strains.. I tried several before I found a blend of 2 strains together that provide all the effects needed for me to function. It's just a matter of experimentation. Also, if your friend had never used it before, they may not have taken it right. I didn't know but when you eat a food item with marijuana in it, you have to eat something else for it to be absorbed into your system. I've seen people that didn't realize they have to inhale.
DeleteHi ive been smoking weed for 14 yrs and around 2grs a day.
Deletemy brain is fried it makes me think instead of talking which now has developed into what I think is a mild form of skitzophrenia. I gave it up for 13 weeks and guess what.
ive never felt so good for as long as I can remember.
Small doses ok but as I smoked it with tobacco I was highly addicted to this format and for me now I am better off without it. Its either all at once or none at all. Theres no happy medium with weed for me.
on the flip side tho it has help keep me numb from the many forms of control the goverment has regarding media control and I have a 6th sense for sure.
cannabis opens doors in your brain but in mine it has also help close some important ones too.
evrything In moderation I say. Lol
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteall the cake
ReplyDeletecake it up
ReplyDeleteYou should change the title to "Natural cures not Pharmaceuticals" the word medicine is out of place since herbs are medicine.. just an observation and sharing my confusion at first read.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to share my post..just a friendly suggestion ;)
ReplyDeletethe term used here.. "smoking" is the argument being used and yet the evidence being used does not state that "smoking" is the means by which you should ingest cannabis... this article is completely misleading, and this is coming from a avid smoker about to spark me up a pipe in a second, stop with the mis-information
DeleteMy grandpa has glaucoma and even drinking marijuana tea helped his pressure drop IMMENSELY, sadly he's in a home now and they are feeding him pills.. while smoking or vaporizing had the best results, surely eating would have been better.
DeleteWe must not have been making the teat properly, it didn't work so greatly.. and I would dry the bud and smoke what was left.. anyway... Marijuana is not only good for glaucoma, but that is the first hand experience I have with it, other than curing my own minor nausea and headaches from drinking too much alcohol.. Peace.
I agree with Drew that there are alternative delivery methods other than smoking. I however think it should be treated more like alcohol where you know the "proof" in this case the THC content. Making it a pharmaceutical drug would still render it's casual use illegal.
ReplyDeleteIt should be legal, age appropriate and use appropriate.
actually, Dew, i used marijuana for years as an excellent antidepressant when in the depressive mode of bipolar. it helped immensely, with none of the nasty side effects of psychopharmaceuticals, which caused the bipolar in the first place. yes, it has side effects; everything does. and Farshad is spot-on with the mention of moderation, and it is best to vaporize to escape the smoke inhalation, no doubt. i'd look into those studies about marijuana and mental illness and find out who is funding them. Big Pharma wants NONE of the healing of marijuana, they fund studies to back their agenda and lobby our government strongly to keep it illegal. btw, cured the bipolar (3 years of batshit crazy) with a homeopathic remedy in 2 days, 15 years ago. question everything you are told by doctors. despite our culture telling us so, they don't know everything. and everything is curable.
ReplyDeleteHi Susan1111, Are you able to tell more about the homeopathic remedy you used for your bi-polar condition please? My father has been suffering from this condition for about 30 years now and it has destroyed his life. I would love to find way to help him.
DeleteMany thanks in advance,
Tina — i was given Boiron's veratrum album by a homeopathic doctor. Google it. obviously, only use it in homeopathic form, since it's highly toxic. i was experiencing rapid cycling manic episodes at the time. i think it makes a difference, since veratrum album causes mania. if he is in a depressive state, another remedy would be called for instead. In that case, find a good homeopathic doctor who can pinpoint which remedy for depression would be appropriate. There are 100s if not 1000s of different remedies. Good luck and don't give up hope. I'll be rooting for you two!
DeleteIm also BiPolar and Ive been smoking for a decade, and its the ONLY thing that helps
DeleteSame here i was on at least 1300$ a month pills all experimental could not function normally or even less the normal more like a functioning vegetable dropped the pills sparked one up and doing pretty fine
Deleteguys, as u talking about bipolar I just have had diagnose myself with this disorder......
Deletebut i'm also smoking pot, so no worries at all :)
Been smoking for 30 years never touched a cigarette and I only drink alcohol, a rum and coke, once a month if that. got begining stages of Bullous disease from smoking, just that as my doctor tells me I am healthy as hell, even wanted to frame my lab work for a 44yo male. my GF has 30y smoking too but she is 10y older and has NO health issues, just needs to watch her sugar level probably because she has a glass of wine for dinner.
and as can be found on any pain med, SELF MEDICATE...
1 pill every 4 to 6 hours AS NEEDED. there really is no way for a DR to prescribe a medicine in such a way as to maintain someone's body in a constant state of chemical saturation.
The MAIN issue here is not how many amazing things cannabis CAN do, it is if the feds should be allowed to spend billions of dollars just to take someones house and lock them up for 20 years just for growing a plant.
When if the grower was to eat the entire crop would not die. While people walk out of pharmacys every 30 minutes with enough drugs in their pocket to kill a elephant cold.
We can actually go out and buy enough sugar take it home and then OD ...or wake up with a massive headache trying.
it is just like bullying, once a kid gets put down everyone knows just what to do to make them cry again. Unless a few kids stand together and fight the bully it will continue forever.
You dont age as fast as others either..
DeleteI use it to treat schizophrenia
ReplyDeleteI get schizophreia if I smoke Marijuana?
DeleteSome do...most dont sorry
DeleteIf the government wants us all to kill ourselves off then why does it care if there's a Pot store on every other corner like liquor stores? Oh I know it's because they KNOW IT IS BENEFICIAL... Not saying I smoked it a lot or regularly, but had tried it and 3 puffs and anxieties were gone and I was fine... no big party scene or indulgence... I would definitely use it if it were legal. not for entertainment... for it would just put me to sleep... and I also would like to say out of all the drama and deaths and murders in the world I can't recall ever hearing the news reporting it was pot related.... just sayin...
ReplyDeleteI would use it for sure if it were legal. Have depression and anxieties and pms and heck the FACT is as long as it is straight up and not tainted with whatever... it is just as safe as teas and such. I'd seriously say the government knows it would be a health benefit but they need to waste money on new drugs to poison the populous with. Why on earth would they allow such a benefit as legalizing pot? It has Never been the cause of deaths such as in the news... all I can say is I would vote for it as a preferred choice over pharmacy meds.
ReplyDeleteYou can smoke it using a vapourizer. It cuts down on the tar etc.
ReplyDeleteI would much rather see young adults smoking weed than drinking. Drinking is hard on your digestive system and your liver and some people et mean when they drink. Weed just makes you feel good.
i have used it for years and i found it beneficial weather taking thruogh smoking or otherways.i also had a friend who had asthma but he has since been healed.
ReplyDeletei have used it for years and i found it beneficial weather taking thruogh smoking or otherways.i also had a friend who had asthma but he has since been healed.
ReplyDeleteits true i used it for some time.My friend also used it to cure asthma.
ReplyDeleteWhen many different kinds of medications were tested on me for seizure and migraine control I was not told that some can actually break down bone. My teeth had to be repaired do to decay from anti seizure drugs. And the side effects made me zombie like. When I lost my hearing I started tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and vertigo. I was told by many deaf friends that marijuana helps with tinnitus, vertigo, seizures, and migraines. I am now off all pharmaceuticals and use marijuana only as needed.
ReplyDeleteI have more energy, and my grades are still in Honors and Dean List (meaning grade point is 3.5 and higher. When I was on medications my grade point was 2.0-2.3 I guess the proof is in the pudding. Stop wasting money on medications that may not work or can cause deadly side effects and spend it on something more natural. :)
I was diagnosed to have epileptic seizures from when I was 6yrs old and my mother got told i would be on pills for the rest of my life. I started smoking marijuana at the age of 14 and since then to this day, I am 51ys old now, I have never had a seizure again.
ReplyDeleteMarijuana is thee best plant on the planet.
My mother was carjacket in Johannesburg South Africa and held and raped by the carjackers she was 60 years old at the time, she survived but had very bad Post Traumatic Stress, so I recommended eating Marijuana in Crunchies(biscuits) it has been a miracle cure she is much more relaxed at night and can sleep better with no more nightmares and her days are better as she is more relaxed. GOD created Marijuana for man to heal himself with it is a sin that it is illegal.
God did to heal..money...only was 1930ish may 1940-dupont company made fake strong fiber...byby legal weed.hello nylon and rayon i believe..google itsad but all about money then....now they could tax it and how fast do u think the national debt would be payed oh and prob. Have a few trillion left from us happy people
DeleteI really can't speak to the medical benefits or side effects of smoking marijuana - I have yet to see any major studies that conclusively prove or disprove its value. However since I started smoking marijuana on a daily basis almost a year ago, I have seen my IBS symptoms drop off almost completely. No more nausea or stomach pain, no more bowel discomfort. As for side effects, I get pretty bad dry mouth for a couple of hours after I smoke - nothing a tall glass of water can't fix.
ReplyDeleteI had the same Tyler I could not get up in the morning without hunching over cramping and more personally just having a terrible time. Started a wake n' bake regimen and I can get up, take a shower and what-not, and actually sit down and eat breakfast which I had NEVER been able to do since some nasty PTSD and situation from back in my military day. Saved my life. I sip on sweet sun-brewed tea through the dry mouth in the morning now while working outside or doing my art...before I would be crumpled up in bed moaning watching morning brain rot TV.
DeleteDrew, your about the most uninformed person on this topic here, i know its hard for you to understand, but you can do Whatever you want believe watever you want, but dont force your un authentic oppinon to anyone else, like every one here disagreeing with you, nobody has the right to tell me what personal choices i make, keyword being personal
ReplyDeleteMy son (age 24) has been diagnosed with PTSD. Has anyone tried this method to treat PTSD? and if so what were the benefits
ReplyDeleteCat, have him try it. It affects different people in different ways. I served for only 4 years but that is because I ended up going through some really hairy stuff early on, had a couple of kids and didn't want to run the risk of leaving them without a father; and I had done my time. It works immensely for me, but I also have IBS from some malnutrition issues that stemmed from that hairy crap I was talking about. It helps me go to bed, it helps me when I wake up, and when I start feeling like the world is turning into an even bigger piece of crap, it helps there too. It is one of the most beautiful discoveries of man and it helps heal people. It may quiet his demons.
ReplyDeleteMy 13 yr olds therapist told me that my son would do much better smoking pot than the 7 drugs hes on for ADD/ADHD/Bi polar disorder and MDD w/ PTSD. Plus his cholesterol wouldnt be at 440 and he'd be calmer. Im seriously thinking about moving to Colorado to see if it's true. I guess it couldnt hurt him any more than the meds hes already on. Any opinions?
ReplyDeleteMy son was on multiply ADHD med's through the years and now has horrific intestinal problems (ulcerative colitis) which I blame on the "traditional meds" as an adult he now smokes pot and it does help his adhd and the pain from the years of meds and his UC
DeleteBeen down the adhd road....Sucks....all around....concerta could of paid his college ed.....if you can do it....do it!
DeleteIt may help the ADHD, and it will definitely help the UC. I use it for PTSD and adult ADHD, also I have IBS...all these stemmed from some really hairy crap in the military and the pills they tried to fill me with afterwards. It affects everyone differently, so if you are able, and can get your hands on some very high grade product from a trusted source, you should test it before you make such a big decision to move. You can always make that choice after you see the results, if those are good ones.
DeleteI want to try this with my 13 year old who has PTSD/MDD/ADHD/ODD/ADD/Bipolar disorder. Cant hurt any more than the meds he's on. Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteI would suggest edibles over smoking it.
DeleteI would suggest edibles instead of smoking for a 13 year old.
DeleteI agree with Majoyree. Edible would be much better for your 13 year old, plus they last longer. It will take a little experienting to get the right dose so he doesn't get too high. If you eat them with a fat, ie. milk, the thc will get absorbed faster.
DeleteI have no major health issues, therefore I stopped using Marihuana. I see it is very beneficial for various ailments of the body but I have none of those, I would love to have all of the medicinal and healthy effects of marihuana if ever needed minus the High. I feel a lot of you defend with sword and shield this plant just for its psychedelic mind altering effects rather than the medicinal beneficial outcomes.. It's ok I will get flamed for this. Tolerance is a hot commodity nowadays anyway..
ReplyDeleteNot smoking--sure about that
Delete- psychodelic mind altering affects...what did you smoke something laced!? Never has never will if you want that go mushroom hunting
I have no major health issues, therefore I stopped using Marihuana. I see it is very beneficial for various ailments of the body but I have none of those, I would love to have all of the medicinal and healthy effects of marihuana if ever needed minus the High. I feel a lot of you defend with sword and shield this plant just for its psychedelic mind altering effects rather than the medicinal beneficial outcomes.. It's ok I will get flamed for this. Tolerance is a hot commodity nowadays anyway..
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what you read that made you say, "I feel a lot of you defend with sword and shield this plant just for its psychedelic mind altering effects rather than the medicinal beneficial outcomes.". The health benefits of thc while extremely helpful for the mentally ill, as stated in many posts, also help people with chronic pain, as also stated. I didn't read sure anyone defended the psychedelic mind altering effect. People that use cannabis for mental illness don't get he same "high" that people without MI get. Just like someone with ADD will calm down with coffee, while others will get alerted. My son has several MI disorders and cannabis has been the only think so far that has helped him. I was suffering horribly from Fibromyalgia & CFS, thank God for cannabis. I don't know if I would be here today if I hadn't been told to try cannabis for my illnesses. It helped me through years of suffering where the pharmaceuticals made me go crazy & caused horrible physical side effects. Thankfully for my amazing doctor with Chinese herbs & vitamins my diseases are controlled but in a flare up I know that I have something to help me through & get a good night sleep. So please don't pads judgement when you have not walked in our shoes. It's bit about the "high" for the people who use it for medical or mental purposes. It's about having a better quality of life!
DeleteOh lord thank you im far from alone...
DeleteRE: Side affects of smoking Marijuana
ReplyDeleteDrugs affect people in different ways. We've all got different genes and all wired differently. It gives people different feelings and functions from others. Personally, it made me paranoid, sleepy and felt like my chest was closing up and i couldn't breath. For my friends, it was said to give them energy, make them more productive and give them a mellow feeling.
People work in different ways. That being said, there are different types. I would suggest staying away from hydroponics - anything that's got crystals on them, natural ones are way better, and there also Hash and Thai - i'm not sure if they fall under the same category of what is being claimed as beneficial but it's the same plant, but i could function a little better on those as it felt a lot mellower for me. I don't smoke anymore as i felt the negatives outweighed the positives but i have tried eating it and it was lot better feeling, as with my friend who suffers from asthma, he melts hash in to olive oil and consumes it. It takes a lot longer to kick in (1hr) but its a better feeling.
As for the long term affects - people battle between it does and it doesn't mess with mental health. Personally, i would say it can, due to the amount that you smoke, over what time period, what your mental state is and with any family hereditary problems.
thanks for sharing
ReplyDeletePeople aren't stupid, we know marijuana is safe. It is time to legalize marijuana in all states.
ReplyDeleteOH this world is fu--ked up. I am ptsd ,adhd and major depression with aniexty disorder when i got caught with my dads medical marajuana 20 bucks worth then i was a substance abuser.Then while being drug tested that 6 months took all the dr.'s meds couldnt function at all got suicidal and dr took me off aderall because its a substance i wanted to kill people slept 24/7 and visulized my dads face when he died i forgot places i went and couldn't function now i only smoke again and am back to normal all my family and friends say thank you god for pot
ReplyDeleteThe human body has its own endo-cannabinoid producing system, which helps to strengthen the immune system and fight disease. We have receptors in our minds, most of our organs and in the cells of our immune system which, while being stimulated by the addition of extra cannibinoids from the plant, communicate and target disease. They do normally anyway, but we bombard ourselves with so many toxins, that that system is compromised and requires supplement to function fully. THC is in breast milk. Always has been in every mammal. It promotes adult and embryonic hippocampal neurogenesis in the adult mammal (Journal of clinical investigation) cures and prevents many diseases (Documentary - Clearing the smoke - the science of medicinal marijuana) including many forms of cancer (Documentaries - What if cannabis cured cancer / Run from the cure), it has been a medicine for over 3000 years. It has NOT been a medicine for about 80 years ... and look what's happened. Have a nice day :)
ReplyDeleteSmoking marijuana is legal in India and it grows every where. Still we do not have drug addicts going around the town. People smoke it for both recreational & medicine purposes. We do not see anything wrong in smoking pot!
ReplyDeleteMarijuana is almost legal in India. People smoke it, eat it, make drinks out of it extract oil and fibre from it. It is a great all purpose plant. Similarly we use opium seeds in cooking in almost all the regions in India. Opium milk for recreational purpose is also completely legal in certain communities. They both have great medicinal value and are part of our traditional remedies!
ReplyDeleteI can honestly state that smoking cannabis not only saved my life, but enhanced it in extremely beneficial ways. i'd never smoked pot until 6 yrs ago @ the "tender"-lol- age of 44. to say I was pissed off at the "establishment & nancy reagan for her ludacris "just say no" bullshit, doesn't begin to cover the feelings I felt @ the govts propaganda campaign. i can also say without any doubt, my son Tim, who passed away 6 yrs ago this week,at age 19-would be alive today if i'd know the truth 6 yrs ago. IF i'd have believed him when he tried in vain to tell me this very information re cannabis, instead of placing him in rehab 3 times for smoking pot and allowing a misinformed public school system, a stable of psychiatrist pimps for big pharma & out of control big brother like law enforcement officials who all insisted that chemicals such as ritalin, concerta & paxil were his only hope, my child would be alive today. and i will stand by this statement against anyone who would dare dispute it. His death could have been prevented. my 44 yrs of living in a hell of debilitating anxiety,depression, add & the physical & emotional pain of life altering diseases such as m.s., fibromyalgia & spinal stenosis could have been prevented. for me, this is very personal! and i have more than paid my dues to stand up and speak out in support of this amazing health based plant!! therefore, i will do just that at every given opportunity!!!
ReplyDeleteDiscover a better way of smoking marijuana
ReplyDeletethat is less harmful
You forgot anorexia! It does wonders for my BPD/AVPD I don't function very well in social situations without it, and it allows to be alone with myself as well. Out of all the things in the world that cause cancer, if MMJ causes cancer too, this is worth it for me.
ReplyDeleteguys marijuana plant is a flora same as mint plant. both has their own herbal medicinal properties. if some one is addicted to mint tea .. that doesn't mean that government should intervene and illegalise the use of mint tea.that is completely ridiculous.. and one thing i know is these guys exactly know how to manipulate the things for their vicious interests.
ReplyDeleteSmoking is so dangerous that the stench of cigarette is repulsive to non-smoker.
Moreover, it wastes a lot of money. So all of us irrespective of caste, creed, colour,
religion and age should launch a massive campain against smoking.
benefits of stop smoking
smoking health effects
health effects of smoking
benefits of quit smoking
benefits quit smoking
benefits to quit smoking
I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, goitre and endometriosis. Pain, lack of sleep, muscle cramping in my legs due to failing circulation, pressure behind the eyes and ears - similar to a heavy head rush which is constant, are some of my ails. The worst ail is, not sleeping properly. Since smoking Marijuana in the last year, it has eased my symptoms with the pressure behind my eyes and ears from my Goitre, lowered my sugar levels slightly and has given me relief from stomach and muscle cramps, which allows me to have undisrupted sleep! Because sleeping a handful of hours in 1 week is just mad business! Not only does it helps me sleep, it also helps my mood. Calming and relaxed. Lowering of my blood sugars would be due to be not so stressed and playing sport, as sport can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. I'm also not an arsehole around my family too when I haven't slept well enough. These are just some things that I can write to give credit to the good plant named, Marijuana! I live in Australia and would love to see Marijuana legalized and de-criminalized! But that, of course, is asking too much... A shame really...
ReplyDeleteI live in Bluff City, Tennessee and I would like to address an issue I have and that is Medical Marijuana being legalized in the state of Tennessee.I am 22 years old and I have Cerebral Palsy on my right side as well as Seizures Artistes MS in my back. I have been in and out of the hospital since I was born. The Doctors that I have talked to, told me they would get me the best health care available. Unfortunately, they have not.They will not even give me pain medication under the new health laws.I went to a Pain Management Facility in my local city and they said they would give me steroid shots in my back. I did research and my findings that 6 people have died receiving the steroid shots.I do not want to take the shots due to the high risks involved. My family doctor told me to smoke marijuana even though it is illegal. Marijuana actually helps my Cerebral Palsy and my pain issues.The pain I experience is leading to more frequent seizures, so many in fact, I'm not sure how much more pain I can endure. I hate breaking the law but I no longer want to live in pain.I would like to reduce the pain the best way possible and without the use of artificial drugs that actually only cover up the disease and get me addicted. Medicinal Marijuana does not do either of these things. It is a cure and not a cover up.When the doctors refuse to give me medication, I have to find something and Marijuana is helping.It shows in studies that Marijuana helps in Arthritis as well as my seizures.I have contacted The White House and my local District Representative via both email and phone. I have not gotten a response from The White House but of the Representatives, 1 out of 5 agreed.I have tried emailing journalist, Marijuana news sites, local news stations to get my word out but they also will not put it on the air.I have contacted CNN to no avail.I live in a very difficult life with this Cerebral Palsy, the pain worsens by the day and it also gets worse as I get older.With the side-affects that come along with the Cerebral Palsy, I have seizures from the pain, anxiety attacks which can last up to 10 minutes with loss of breathing and blueness of my body.I cannot even get my GED to live a productive life like I need to, no can I enter the work force which makes me feel extremely bad.I am a burden to my Mother, who has to stay with me 24/7 taking care of me. I feel I have aided in the destruction of marriages due to my disease.I have been to Shriner's Hospital in Greenville, South Carolina. They will not help either.With doctors not knowing all there is to know about Cerebral Palsy, I have been given the wrong drugs. That is very scary.Marijuana relieves the muscle tightness in my throat and chest so I can actually breath normally and reduces the anxiety attacks and seizures.With no help in sight, I have taken matters into my own hands even if it means breaking the law.I do not have the financial means to move from the state of Tennessee...I don't know where else to turn. Have you ever felt so helpless in your life? It's no life at all, I can attest to that.Thank you for taking the time to read, for the interest and hopefully a suggestion for assistance. p.s contact me at loulou21121@yahoo.com