Natural Cures Not Medicine: sunburn

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Showing posts with label sunburn. Show all posts

How To Heal Sunburn Overnight

Sunburn Remedy: Instant Relief and Overnight Healing - Sunburn healing supplies: Clean washcloth, I love these organic cotton cloths, Raw apple cider vinegar, Organic coconut oil. >Heal your sunburn overnight in just 2 steps:

First, wet the washcloth with cold water, then splash on the apple cider vinegar. Dab the wet cloth onto your sunburn, soaking the skin. You should notice instant relief from any stinging! It feels sooo good on a sunburn. 

After a few minutes, your skin should be dry.

Now, liberally rub on some coconut oil to the sunburned area. By the next day, your skin should be significantly healed. I recommend continuing with the coconut oil for several days to promote healing and to help ease the skin peeling that is usually inevitable after a burn. Exfoliate and lubricate with more coconut oil!

This worked like a charm for my most recent sunburn. Immediate relief from the stinging, and literally the next day, it wasn’t red anymore. Maybe the slightest bit pink. But the sting never came back. Just to be sure, though, I dabbed on another round of the apple cider vinegar, let it dry, then followed with more coconut oil. The following day, it was just tanned skin!

Give this remedy a try next time you get a little too crispy from the sun, and say goodbye to that burn!

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How to make your own SPF30 sunscreen

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This is safe and chemical-free, SPF 30 sunscreen....yet first... the question, do we need sunscreen? Most of the time, I would say no. I don't believe it is generally helpful or even wise to use frequently. 

So what is a "safer" sunscreen?
The safest sunscreens are those with the same types of natural ingredients that you would want in any other type of skincare product. Nourishing oils like coconut, shea butter, jojoba, almond, etc. and potentially other ingredients like green tea extract or other antioxidants to protect the skin. Minerals (zinc oxide is the most common) provide the actual barrier between the sun and your skin.

According to an article on Badger Balmʼs website, zinc oxide, the active ingredient that makes this sunscreen work, is 20% of the formula in order to get an SPF30.

1/8 cup beeswax granules/pastilles (1/2 oz)
1/4 cup shea butter (2 oz.)
1/4 cup coconut oil (2 oz.)
2 Tbsp. zinc oxide powder (1 oz.)

Add the two oils and beeswax to a glass bowl.
For a makeshift double boiler, use a glass bowl sitting on top of a pot with boiling water turned to a low simmer.

Once the oils are melted, remove the bowl and dump in the zinc oxide powder.

The book recommends a stick blender, but I used a regular hand mixer and it did the job just fine. The goal is to thoroughly blend in the zinc oxide until there were no clumps, and to whip the oils just a bit. Once it was smooth, we poured it into glass mason jars.

After it initially cools, it has a thinner consistency. But it gets thick when completely cooled down.

Source : Dave Sommers,

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Mint and its amazing healing powers

How refreshing

So, besides making your breath fresher, what else does mint do?

Digestive:  Indegestion, cramps, and morning sickness are all treatable with fresh mint juice.  It can also be used to treat irritable bowl syndrome.  Mint is also effective at treating diarrhea when the oils from the plant are used.

Skin:  Mint oil can be applied to pimples, skin rashes, sunburn, and bug bites.  The oils from mint leaves can also relieve hemorrhoid pain.

Respiratory:  Fresh mint clears out the sinuses and even helps with asthma and bronchitis.  Mint is an ingredient in many cough drops and cough medicines because it helps relieve a soar throat.

Women's Health:  Mint extract can be taken prior to and leading up to menstruation to lessen painful cramps.

Joints:  Mint oil can be applied topically to relieve the symptoms of arthritis.
Mint oil is an effective antiseptic!

Mint is native to temperate Europe.  The ancient Romans and Greeks knew of the medicinal qualities of mint.    Ancient Greek physician Saufarsats included it in the use of several carminative medicines.  Even ancient Chinese and Japanese physicians were familiar with this spice!

Although the health benefits of mint are every bit as astounding as the freshness it leaves behind, mint also has an impressive nutrient profile.  Mint is rich in minerals, contains vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B3.  About 50% of the composition of the plant's oils is menthol.

The Most Nutritional Food in The World


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