Natural Cures Not Medicine: Natural

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Showing posts with label Natural. Show all posts

Easy All Natural DIY Mosquito Repellant

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Nearly 4 million people die each year from various mosquito related diseases throughout the world. Besides the familiar itch that we get after being bit by one of these little blood suckers, there are also many serious illnesses that could be carried in their bites, including: malaria, west Nile virus, Dengue fever, and dog heart worm among many others.

All too often in "mainstream treatments", the "cure" is often as bad or worse that the original problem. Mike Adams, The Health Ranger notes that popular mosquito repellents available at most retail outlets contain chemicals that cause neurological damage from soaking through the skin.

Here is an easy way to make some effective, all natural mosquito repellent that also works for ants, fleas and can be used for fleas on pets.


1/2 litre of alcohol
100 gram of whole cloves
100 ml of baby oil or similar (almond, sesame, chamomile, lavender, fennel etc)

Leave cloves to marinate in alcohol four days
Stir every morning and evening
After 4 days add the oil
It's now ready to use.

How to use:

Gently rub a few drops into the skin of the arms and legs.
Observe the mosquitoes fleeing the room.

5 Reasons Why GMO's are a Recipe for Global Famine

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12 Foods That FIGHT Inflammation!

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Inflammation is largely caused by the foods we put in our bodies. Consuming highly processed canned, frozen and bagged foods are foreign to the natural flora of our bodies and so the body naturally fights against the products in these foods (as a part of the immune response), leading to high levels of inflammation. Effects of chronic inflammation can range from heart disease to dementia, to cancer and arthritis. Most autoimmune diseases like inflammatory bowel disease are linked to excessive inflammation in the body.

The good news is that you can control the level of inflammation in your body by simply changing the way you eat. Getting regular sleep, eating well, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake (or quitting altogether), stressing less and engaging in regular exercise will all help make a difference.

Here is a list of 12 amazing foods that help combat inflammation in the body:

(1) Papaya
Papaya contains the enzymes ‘papain’ and ‘chymopapain’ which help reduce inflammation  in the body (and also improve digestion). Papaya has powerful antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamins C and E which combat free radicals in the body that trigger inflammation-related diseases.

(2) Avocado
Avocados are polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PFAs). PFAs are mostly present in seaweeds and other ocean plants, and are extremely rare in land plants, so this makes the avocado very unusual in this respect. The PFAs and phytosterols in avocados provide our bodies with anti-inflammatory benefits which help fight a variety of diseases. Particularly, avocado’s phytosterols prevent pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E2 synthesis by the connective tissue (and thus reducing inflammation in the joints of individuals experiencing arthritis and gout.

(3) Cranberries
Cranberries contain important anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that protect the cardiovascular system and prevent hardening of the arteries. They also prevent inflammation-associated diseases of the urinary tract (urinary tract infections), stomach (ulcers), and mouth (gingivitis).

(4) Broccoli
Broccoli is an incredible anti-inflammatory food, thanks to it’s abundant sulforaphane compounds which help the body get rid of potentially carcinogenic compounds (a cause of a highly inflamed body) and relieve inflammation and oxidative stress. It is also very high in vitamin C which is another powerful anti-inflammatory agent which cuts the levels of inflammation markers by up to 45%!

(5) Red Cabbage 
If we do not ingest anti-inflammatory foods, our body cannot regulate the inflammation in our body we acquire from stress and the environment, as well as highly processed foods, wheat, and animal products. Anthocyanins found in red cabbage have been researched numerous times and time and time again they have been found to be one of the best anti-inflammatory vegetables out there!

(6) Hemp seeds
Raw hemp seeds contain an ideal ratio of omega’s 3 and 6. Omega-6 fats contain GLA which works in the body as an anti-inflammatory, decreasing inflammation and helping people suffering from things like asthma, arthritis and other body pain associated from exercising or being bruised. This healthy fat also improves the health of our skin and inhibits cancer cell growth.

(7) Blueberries
Inflammation and damage by free radicals have been linked with pretty much every disease we witness today. Many studies have found that blueberries prevent oxidative stress and inflammation. Blueberries help increase natural killer cell activity which help eradicate free radicals and fight disease. As well, they promote the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the body which leaves us with lower levels of inflammation and thus reduced chance of falling ill.

(8) Chia seeds
Many arthritis sufferers have reported reduced inflammation associated pain after just a few weeks of taking chia seeds. They contain important omega-3 fatty acids which are converted to prostagladins which have pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. Chia seeds are also a great source of antioxidants (they contain more than blueberries!), and antioxidants help keep the body healthy and reduce pain arising from inflammation in the body.

(9) Ginger
Ginger contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols which inhibit the production of nitric oxide (which naturally forms potent and very damaging free radicals called peroxynitrites). Ginger has also been found to suppress pro-inflammatory compounds like cytokines produced by synoviocytes, chrondrocytes and leukocytes, and thus making our immune system and joints stronger.

(10) Walnuts
Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, phytonutrients (tannins, phenolic acids and flavonoids), quinones and other anti-inflammatory nutrients. Consuming walnuts has been linked to decreased markers for blood vessel inflammation (reduced C-reactive protein) for those at risk for heart disease. Including walnuts as a part of your diet will ensure you gain these benefits.

(11) Turmeric
Turmeric, if you haven’t already heard, is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods out there! Thanks to the active ingredient, curcumin, this root can inhibit the activity and synthesis of COX-2 and 5-LOX, two important enzymes involved in the inflammatory response. One study found that osteoarthritis patients had significantly reduced pain and increased mobility when taking just 200 mg of curcumin per day (the control group with no curcumin had no significant improvements). Curcumin has also been found to block inflammatory pathways, and thus prevents proteins from triggering pain and swelling.

(12) Celery

A specific nutrient in celery, called “luteolin”, is particularly effective against inflammation and cancer. This compound is found in smaller amounts in peppers, parsley, thyme, basil and peppermint. It is a biofalvonoid which means that it has double the antioxidant properties of vitamin C! Luteolin essentially prevents the inflammatory pathway in the brain to get switched on, and thus helps reduce the amount of inflammatory responses triggered in the body.

How To Beat Addictions Naturally

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In this land of plenty, a conservative estimate calls 4 out of 10 Americans "addicts." Abused substances include sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, prescription drugs and street drugs including pot. Addiction can serve us well once we recognize that substance abuse is a way to obscure honest, peaceful, self-discovery. Using, of any addictive substance, gives us the temporary illusion of control, excitement and perfection. In recovery we discover, often to our great relief, that we're not perfect, that we need intimacy, and that integrity is more appealing than denial. The addict is self-obsessed; living for the next "fix." The addict is crisis oriented; using panic as a way of feeling alive while avoiding meaningful contact with others. In recovery we let go of our need to control in favor of serenity and clarity.

Scientists from different schools of thought have attempted to explain addiction. Some say the culprit is a genetic lack of the feel-good, sleep-inducing neurotransmitter serotonin. Others say early brain cell damage begets lack of feedback inhibition for normal cravings, driving them out of balance. For example, non-addictive persons who eat some sugar will be satisfied (in terms of simple carbohydrates) for several hours. The addictive person, by contrast, will crave even more sugar after consuming a moderate serving. This may be due, in addicts, to a lack of endorphin stimulation when a healthy physiologic craving is satisfied. Other researchers and physicians contend that addiction is largely a response to depression. Addiction is major problem in this country, whatever the cause. Sugar addiction is perhaps the most insidious because the substance is so cheap, so available and so universally regarded as a "treat."

Addiction spells confusion. For example, street drugs are "bad" while prescription drugs are "good" despite the statistics which show that in any recent year death due to complications from prescription drug overdose is 50 times more likely than death from street drugs. Nevertheless, IV "recreational" drug addicts are the long-term reservoir for AIDS and the vast proportion of criminal activity among teenagers is due to the cocaine trade. Caffeine and alcohol and nicotine are socially condoned although they contribute to a substantial percentage of hospitalizations in the U.S.
If you ingest white sugar daily, or drink alcohol daily or have an immediate family member who is alcoholic, or feel depressed frequently you may have a problem with addiction without realizing it. Please take a good look; the crucial initiation of breaking free from addiction is recognizing the substance abuse and seeking help to maintain the commitment to quit.

Addiction results from a multifactorial network of choices; the treatment approach must address not only the physical, but the mental and emotional (spiritual) as well. One reason the 12-Step programs (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Spenders Anonymous, Adult Children of Alcoholics, etc.) are so successful is that they are free of charge and thus require only the commitment of the participant for attendance. Sometimes people need stronger measures to kick their habit at the beginning. But quitting per se is not so difficult; the trick is staying quit. Many addicts have incurred so many physical and mental changes that they need to get their fix merely to sustain homeostasis. In other words withdrawal can be very rough. And the better prepared we are for withdrawal, whether it be from inhaled crack or chocolate, the better we will be able to handle the rocky road back to recovery.

The basic parameters for recovery are the same as for any rehabilitation; good high fiber, high fresh veggie, plenty of pure water diet; regular adequate sleep; daily exercise; heartfelt participation in group activities. Don't isolate yourself. The more people know you're trying to quit, the more help will be spontaneously offered, and the more comfortable you'll be with asking for help and taking baby-steps towards your new reality.

The cornerstone towards my own recovery has been wanting to hear that small and enormously personal inner voice that would get drowned in the substances night after night. Breaking free of addictive habits is a blessed opportunity to engage in the ultimate purpose of life -- to know Thyself. Meanwhile, there are a few natural support mechanisms that may help.

1) Good old Vitamin C, preferably the powdered form (1/4 tsp = 1 gram). Take up to 12 grams daily. Vitamin C is the single most potent free radical scavenger and will help cleanse and oxygenate the tissues. It will also help to keep the bowels moving; a very important component of getting clean and sober.

2) The amino acid Glutamine is a so-called amino radical, useful in detox, as well as acting as an excitatory neurotransmitter. Glutamine, 1 gram 4-6 times daily between meals on an empty stomach, will stimulate the body's natural opiates, the endorphins and enkephalins, to help us through the cravings.

3) Essential fatty acids (preferably Flax oil, cold, raw, 1 tablespoon daily) in combination with the sulfur proteins (foods with cysteine or methionine, such as yoghurt, eggs, codfish, sesame paste, garlic and onions) will render fat soluble toxins water soluble, allowing all the toxic wastes, which are preferentially stored in the body's fat cells, to be flushed out via the kidneys and sweat glands.

4) Anything to enhance perspiration; rigorous exercise, Turkish wet steam, or Finnish style dry heat sauna. Make sure to scrub down with a high-fat soap (such as Neutrogena) after sweating, to emulsify the fatty secretions and prevent their re-absorption.

5) Liquid aqueous chromium drops are extremely helpful in reducing sugar cravings. This is because the trivalent mineral chromium is the central molecule in the Glucose Tolerance Factor, which allows insulin to deliver glucose from the blood stream into the cells. Without chromium, the insulin cannot do its job and sugar will build up in high levels in the blood, then flood precipitously into the cells causing the dramatic rollercoaster ride of "sugar blues."

6) There are a number of natural substances to help with sleep and depression, including the amino acids tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan (the precursor to serotonin) and the vitamin niacinamide. From the botanical pharmacy we have Valerian, Scutellaria (Skullcap), Passiflora (Passion lower), Chamomile and many others.

7) Many people are helped enormously by acupuncture, especially for getting off nicotine and street drugs. Acupuncture detox clinics using a simple "5 needle protocol" in specific acupoints (Spirit Gate, Lung, Liver, Kidney and Parasympathetic) in both ears are so successful that state governments have become involved. Seattle King County medical insurance will now re-imburse for acupuncture treatments for addicts. In Oregon, heroin addicts MUST try acupuncture before getting methadone.

Whether you go the route of stimulate the natural endorphins or 12-step meetings, the bottom line is commitment to self. Cold turkey off anything is usually the least painful in the long run -- but please prepare yourself. Prepare for the demons who will emerge. Prepare to negotiate with them and bring them around to your best interest. Set a date; tell your friends; locate support groups in your area; stock up the pantry with fresh healthy snacks; invest in a consultation or two with your local holistic health practitioner to get some high quality supplements. Ask your doctor or therapist to help guide you through a visualization of a shiny clean new you. No one is pretending it's easy; but it's certainly worth it.


Back To School Tips to Keep Your Kids Naturally Healthy

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Summer is quickly coming to an end and soon it will be time to send your children back to school or off to college. By the middle of August a flurry of preparation for students and parents is in full swing. New backpacks, new school supplies, new clothes, new shoes and renewing of friendships (who isn’t in touch with their friends to see what everyone is wearing on that “all important” first day of classes?) all go along with the excitement that back-to-school brings. However,  returning to classes filled with students in close quarters also means more germs and for many children, more illness.

This doesn’t have to be a down-side if you are prepared in advance. So grab a pencil and paper because I have some effective tips for the school year to help you promote good health and well-being in your children.

1)  Show Your Hands! Since there is a bit of time before the beginning of school, it is a good idea to introduce or reinforce to your children the importance of hand washing. Get your children into the habit of washing their hands before eating and after bathroom use. Good old soap and warm water is just as effective as hand sanitizers that sometimes contain toxic chemicals. Be aware that antibacterial soaps can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.

2)  Coughing, Sneezing, Runny Nose – oh my!  Teach your children the importance of coughing and sneezing into their sleeve or a tissue, if one is available. Put a small package of tissue in your children’s backpacks and remind them that used tissues should be thrown away immediately after use.

3)  When it’s OK Not to Share. Teach your children that there are certain things that should not be shared. These include utensils, cups, water bottles, pens/pencils, cell phones, grooming articles, cosmetics, etc. This is especially important during cold and flu season.  Provide your children access to their own personal school supplies, tissues, water bottles, etc.

4)  Keep the Mouth Sparkling Clean.  Educate your children not only in the importance of brushing their teeth and gums at least two times daily but also about the health benefits of a clean mouth. Choose a non-fluorinated and non-toxic tooth paste or make your own homemade tooth powder. I also recommend Breath Fresh™ which allows prompt and convenient attention to oral health no matter where you are or what the circumstances. 

5)  ZZZ’s are Important. With all the excitement of a new school year, getting back into the swing of homework and project deadlines as well as extra-curricular activities, children can quickly become sleep deprived. Without a sleep regimen, older children and teens can show signs of sleep deprivation which includes fatigue, headaches, slow metabolic rates, moodiness and decreased ability to focus and pay attention. It is wise to make sure children of all ages start getting back into a healthy sleep schedule before school starts. Keep computers, TV’s and cell phones out of the bedroom. Set an age-appropriate bedtime for your children and stick to it – even on the weekends. Most healthcare professionals agree that children 5 to 12 years old need approximately 10 hours of sleep per night while older, high school aged children need about 9 hours. The body does a tremendous amount of healing and repair work between the hours of 10:00 PM and 3:00 AM. Keep in mind that when the body is sleep deprived the immune system becomes sluggish.

6)  What’s for Breakfast & Lunch? Teaching your children how to make healthy food choices by example is, in my opinion, one of the most important life-long lessons a parent can pass on to their children. Food is what fuels and nourishes the entire body, including the brain. It is proven over and over again that children who eat healthy, nutritious meals and avoid pre-packaged foods require less doctor visits, resist more illness, have less difficulty with concentration, attention and memory and are actually happier than those who feast on a constant diet of HFCS, fast foods and pre-packaged foods laden with chemicals.  Make it a requirement that your children eat breakfast every morning – preferably food that is not pre-packaged. Breakfast helps to get the metabolism going and also helps the body to eliminate efficiently. Breakfast smoothies packed full of nutritious fruit, healthy greens and essential fatty acid are quick, easy, very healthy and best of all taste great!  If possible skip the cafeteria and snack bar menus by providing a homemade lunch for your children. A piece of fruit along with a wholesome sandwich that includes a protein source and lots of veggies on gluten-free bread will provide a high amount of nutrients, satisfy hunger and provide energy. Add a small bag of raw veggies and healthy dip for added fiber and nutrition. Provide your children with a personal water bottle that includes its own filter so that your children have access to clean and pure water all day long.  Teach them the importance of water and keeping hydrated. Be sure to have healthy after-school snacks available for your children. Suggestions include ready-to-eat cold fruit slices, sliced veggies, homemade salsa and homemade sweet potato chips, homemade trail mix in pre-portioned bags, fruit milkshakes using almond milk, etc.  Ask your children to come up with ideas for healthy snacks and healthy lunches. One last mention – make sure that all fruits, veggies, etc. are effectively washed and prepared. Make sure to keep countertops and cutting boards properly disinfected (use non-toxic soaps or cleaning products).

7)  Exercise and Sunshine Count.  Believe it or not but recess and structured PE classes are a thing of the past in many schools. Children need a time to run off energy, soak up sunshine and de-stress. Require your children to go outdoors for some play time after school. Sunshine actually encourages Vitamin D3 production in the body which in turn can help with stress. Encourage teens to take a walk/jog every afternoon or to get involved with an outdoor sports activity. Make sure to provide adequate hydration for all outside activities. If you live in an area where sunshine is minimal consider supplementing your child’s diet with a liquid Vitamin D3. I do recommend having Vitamin D3  levels checked first. Consider a weekday family rule of no TV/video games/computer time if the weather permits outdoor activities.

8)  Open Elimination Routes.  Children have four elimination routes for the removal of toxins – breathing, sweating, urination and defecation. Girls also acquire an extra elimination route with the beginning of menses. While each elimination route is important, bowel health is often a subject that makes everyone uncomfortable and thus is often ignored. Because 70% of the immune system is located in the small and large intestine, it is important that parents keep tabs on their children’s bowel health. For more information about bowel health, please read my article, Children Get Constipated, Too. Healthy eating, adequate exercise, proper hydration and rest go a long way in helping the elimination routes to work effectively. If your child continues to experience issues such as constipation, I recommend Pure Vegan Mag O7 which will help with elimination in a safe and effective manner.  Also a review of diet, exercise, stress and hydration is warranted.

9)  Natural Supplements. I believe that all children should be on a daily children’s organic multi-vitamin/mineral supplement as well as a non-acidic, neutral pH Vitamin C powder and effective probiotics. While supplements are no replacement for a healthy diet, they can fill in the gaps and also provide a sturdy nutritional foundation. Studies have proven that the daily use of probiotics reduce the incidence of illness as well as help prevent the onset of cold and flu symptoms throughout the year. According to the results of one study, “When compared to a placebo group, the groups that received the single and combination probiotic supplements reduced their fever incidence by 53% and 72.7% respectively. Their coughing was reduced by 41.4% and 62.1% and their runny noses were lessened by 28.2% and 58.5%. The duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms were also significantly reduced in the children receiving the probiotics. Because of their enhanced natural defenses, these children had less need for prescription antibiotics and missed fewer days of childcare.” See the study reference here. We are living in tough financial times and less time in the doctor’s office can be a huge savings for most families. One of the most effective probiotics on the market today and the one that our family uses is Latero-Flora which is Bacillus Laterosporus BOD. The veggie capsules are small and can be opened and put on foods or in smoothies. The action of Bacillus Laterosporus BOC is three-fold. First these organisms attack and help to eliminate pathogenic organisms such as Salmonella, E.Coli and Streptococci. They also create a hostile environment against viruses. Second, they stimulate thte immune system to produce more antibodies against bacteria and viruses. Lastly, Bacillus Laterosporus BOD improves digestion by completely breaking down food in the intestines and assists in the elimination of toxins. Long term exposure to incomplete digestion and toxins has been implicated as the cause of many chronic diseases.

10.  When Sick – Stay Home.  No matter how much we watch over our children’s health, at some point illness will occur. Don’t send your child to school if he/she is sick. It’s not fair to your child and it’s not fair to expose other children. If your child is running a fever, complaining of a sore throat, stomach ache and/or headache, has a runny nose and/or is exhibiting a lack of energy, it is wise to take a break, stay home and rest. Should more symptoms appear or continually get worse, a consult with a trusted healthcare professional is in order. When the body is not well, it needs rest, hydration, healthy food (veggies, fruits and hydration) and some down time. Hearty and healthy soup is one of the best foods for cold and flu symptoms. I suggest a soup that we have used in our family for years — Dr. Lanphier’s Healthy Chicken/Vegetable Soup This soup can be adjusted for those who are vegetarians. A warm serving of this soup as well as a plate of fresh, raw veggies with a homemade dip will provide satisfying nourishment and will help to rev-up the immune system.

One last reminder. Children who learn to implement healthy habits at a young age exhibit less emotional turmoil and greater focus and problem solving skills during their school years. There is absolutely nothing to lose in getting your children involved in their own health and wellness. Call a family meeting and discuss ways in which the above suggestions can be implemented in your own family.  Don’t go over-board but instead ease into some of these suggestions until they become habit. Then tackle a few more. It won’t be long until everyone realizes that practicing healthy prevention really does help everyone to feel and look their best and even keeps emotions balanced!  From myself and OAW – much success and good health to all students during the coming school year!

I would love to read your ideas about keeping children healthy during the school year. Please share them below.

Most Nutrient Dense Foods

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We all know which foods we do best to avoid, right? Despite the alluring appeal processed foods, they provide little nutrition and a whole lot of risks. Yet when it comes to the good stuff—what are the best foods to put into our bodies? While experts all agree we need a variety of foods for a healthy diet, do you know which are the healthiest of the bunch? The answers may surprise and delight you.

1. Spirulina: While the thought of eating lake algae might gross you out, spirulina is actually pretty tasty, especially blended into a smoothie or hidden in a chocolate bar. It has more antioxidants than any other food on earth and is loaded with protein and minerals making it the most nutrient dense food.

2. Kale: According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, kale is the most nutritious food, loaded with minerals, vitamins, fiber and amino acids, as well as important antioxidants that reduce inflammation and can prevent cancer. It's also delicious and an easy to prepare, versatile food.

3. Hemp Seeds: What do you get when you combine protein, fiber, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals? Hemp, of course. This easily digestible seed is versatile, easy to use and extremely tasty, too.

4. Chocolate: Yes, you read right. Cacao beans are so nutrient-dense that scientists haven't even begun to identify all the benefits in the little bean yet. Don't grab a Snickers though—the good stuff is found only in raw cacao beans or nibs (or really, really dark chocolate). Minerals, vitamins and tons of antioxidants are great for your heart, skin, and release chemicals in the brain that make you feel like you're in love.

5. Broccoli: Mom was right, you should eat your broccoli if you want a healthy digestive system and to decrease your risk of cancer. Broccoli has a wide range of yumminess too, from soups and stews to stir fry.

6. Spinach: Popeye was onto something with that spinach fixation. But skip the canned stuff and stick with fresh or frozen for an antioxidant, protein and fiber-rich burst of healthy goodness. Fresh or cooked, spinach's sweet and hardy flavor brightens any meal.

7. Chia: The Aztec warriors may have died out, but their legacy is alive and strong in the chia seed. This yummy, unassuming ancient favorite is loaded with omega fats, protein and fiber. Dr. Weil says it's a better choice than flax because "chia is so rich in antioxidants that the seeds don't deteriorate and can be stored for long periods without becoming rancid."

8. Berries: Unlike other fruit, berries tend to be less sugary and full of vital vitamins, minerals and those free-radical avenging antioxidants. Wild berries are always a great choice, especially black raspberries.

Thank you Dave Sommers

Article Sources:

Article Author: Jill Ettinger

Glutathione: The Most Powerful Antioxidant

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Did you know that glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants utilized by the human body? It is a tripeptide (3 amino acids bonded together) made by our bodies for protection against free radical damage, to eliminate toxins, to support energy production and help enhance our immune system.

This antioxidant is actually made by our bodies, however, things like toxins, medications, stress, pollution, poor diet, trauma, infections and radiation deplete our glutathione stores, leaving us susceptible to developing a host of diseases. Without enough glutathione, your liver becomes overworked, and it makes it hard for it to properly detox chemicals and toxins from your environment and food.

Even aging depletes our glutathione levels. By the age of 45, our glutathione levels begin to drop, and they can drop as much as 50% below optimal as we get older. This is one reason why we must consume fresh plant foods that are high in this antioxidant to ensure our GSH stores don’t drop below optimal.

On the bright side, GSH helps prevent aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia, and can be used to treat things from autism to Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, individuals with the least amount of glutathione in their blood are 30% more likely to suffer from a heart attack and stroke than individuals with high glutathione levels, according to the New England Journal of Medicine.

Glutathione functions in a number of ways:
- It functions in the metabolism of iron

- It is used in a variety of biochemical reactions like DNA synthesis & repair, protein synthesis, prostaglandin synthesis, amino acid transport and enzyme activation. Thus, it affects a large chunk of the immune system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system and lungs

- Regulates the nitric oxide cycle

- Maintains antioxidants like vitamins C and E (gives them a “second life”)

- Neutralizes free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds which, if not tended to, can lead to a host of diseases and illnesses

Long Life Span
Most antioxidants have short life spans (for each free radical molecule, 1 molecule of antioxidant is completely wiped out – they sacrifice their lives). Not glutathione! This antioxidant has the power to recharge not only itself, but other antioxidants as well (like vitamins C and E, mentioned above).

Free Radicals and Detox
Free radical damage to our tissues and DNA is one of the main causes for chronic illness. The cumulative overload of free radicals (from the environment, stress, foods we eat, water supply, etc.) is called oxidative stress, and this is what slowly deteriorates our health. It is important that we maintain a constant store of GSH (and other antioxidants) because this is what protects our cells from oxidation. In addition, the fact that GSH helps restore other antioxidants in our body, it is particularly important that we do not deplete these stores.

The highest concentration of glutathione is located in the liver, the body’s primary detox organ. The liver undergoes two stages of detoxification:

1) Liver enzymes convert toxins into flushable compounds and,
2) Glutathione escorts these toxins out of the body via urine or bile

If glutathione levels are low, our liver becomes overloaded with toxins and this leads to many unexplained sicknesses and health issues we see today.

Glutathione and Aging
The Journal of Age and Aging reported that glutathione levels are highest in seniors who are in good health. These seniors actually had higher glutathione levels than individuals 20-40 years younger. This could be one reason as to why some individuals make it to 90 and 100 years old, versus individuals who make it to 70 or 80.

Boost Your Glutathione Levels! 

Plant Foods High In Glutathione
Some plant foods contain the full version of glutathione like asparagus, spinach, avocado, melon, grapefruit, peaches and squash. Try to consume these foods raw and without heat to allow for greatest absorption and to prevent the destruction of the antioxidant.

Eat Raw
Consuming a high raw, plant based diet will ensure that you get an array of antioxidants into your diet which helps to relieve the stress on glutathione and give it a break. The more antioxidants you have in your body, the less your body will need to depend on its glutathione reserves.

Consume Foods High in Cysteine
In addition, eat more foods high in cysteine like garlic and onions. This sulfur-rich amino acid is a key building block for the antioxidant glutathione.

Eat Cruciferous Vegetables
Also include foods in your diet like broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and kale which enhance glutathione production!

Limit Toxic Exposure
Switching to a whole foods natural lifestyle will reduce your exposure to toxins. Cleaning your home with natural cleaners like vinegar or lemon, and switching to chemical free beauty and skin care products will minimize how many chemicals you are exposed to day in day out. Filtering your water, reducing the amount of refined and processed foods you eat (or cutting them out all together), as well as consuming lots of organic, non-GMO produce minimizes potential toxic burdens. This will help preserve your body’s glutathione producing ability, and prevents it from becoming depleted at an early age.

Exercise actually boosts the production of glutathione and helps improve the functioning of your immune and detoxification systems. Any form of exercise will work – whichever you have fun at most. Go outside and play, breathe the fresh air, and move your body for at least 30-60 minutes a day!


Heal-All Miracle Smoothie

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This smoothie is a great heal-all. It contains ingredients that reduce inflammation, purify and cleanse the skin and liver, naturally boost our energy, improve the functioning of our immune system and help us de-stress. Best of all, it can be quickly made in the morning and super charge you for the rest of the day.

- 1 cup organic raspberries
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 cups leafy greens of your choice (choose from butter leaf, romaine, kale, baby greens, sprouts, etc.)
- 2 ribs celery
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- water & meat from 1 young thai coconut
- 3-4 inches ginger

Put all ingredients into a high speed blender and pulse blend for 30 seconds. Enjoy!

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Health Benefits of Watercress

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Watercress is a popular european leafy green herb that grows along springs and slow running water streams. It has a faint pepper taste to it, and has been used in ancient times for medicinal uses in Europe, Central Asia and the Americas. It is closely related to mustard greens, garden cress, cabbage and arugula. 

This leafy herb contains more vitamin C than some fruit and vegetables! You can get over 72% of your daily vitamin C from just 100 grams of watercress leaves. Vitamin C helps to scavenge free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Vitamin C not only helps boost your immunity against infection, but it also helps prevent iron deficiency anemia, and helps maintain bone health and keep skin supple and radiant looking.

This amazing little herb also happens to be one of the best vegetable sources for vitamin K! Just 100 grams of watercress leaves will leave you absorbing over 200% of your daily recommended amount of vitamin K! Vitamin K is important in bone health by promoting the strengthening and formation of bones (osteotrophic activity). Vitamin K also reduces the amount of neuronal damage in the brain and thus has been used in treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin A, which is important for skin, eye, bone, hair and nail health is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored in our liver. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant in our bodies, however, it is the carotenes (i.e., alpha carotene, beta carotene; the precursors of vitamin A) in the watercress that can either be turned into vitamin A or turned into antioxidants (the body does this! It is very intelligent and will turn carotenes from the plant into vitamin A only if your body needs it. The rest will function in your bloodstream as antioxidants – so you can’t really overdose on carotenes). Watercress is particularly rich in vitamin A with 100g of the leaves providing you with 70% of your RDA of vitamin A.

Watercress is also rich in B vitamins which help to relieve stress, treat anxiety and depression, aid in memory and relieve PMS. Some B vitamins also help cells burn fats and glucose for energy, whereas others help make serotonin (the feel-good neurotransmitter created in our brain). Not only do B vitamins do all of the aforementioned, but they also assist with the production and repair of DNA!

Glucosinolates in watercress help to boost and regulate activity of detoxification enzymes in the liver. When consumed, the glucosinolates in watercress are converted to isothiocyanates, which then have the ability to inhibit tumorigenesis by modulating the metabolism of carcinogens. This effect found to have an even stronger impact when consuming watercress that has not been cooked.

As an anti-inflammatory, watercress has been used for treating eczema, acne and other skin issues (again, we can thank vitamin’s A and C here). It can also be used as a liver tonic to help aid your liver in the detoxification process. It is also interesting to note that watercress is (in terms of calories) 85% protein, making it a great source of plant protein for vegans.

Next time you make a green juice, or a salad, add in some watercress to pack in some of the amazing benefits listed above! Your body will love you for it!

Gill, C., Haldar, S., Boyd, L., Bennett, R., Whiteford, J., Butler, M., Pearson, J., Bradbury, I., & Rowland, I. (2007) Watercress supplementation in diet reduces lymphocyte DNA damage and alters blood antioxidant status in healthy adults. Am J Clin Nutr, 85, 504-510.

Rose, P., Won, Y., Ong, C., & Whiteman, M. (2005) B-Phenylethyl and 8-methylsulphinyloctyl isothiocyanates, constituents of watercress, suppress LPS induced production of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Nitric Oxide, 12, 237-243.

Getahun, S., & Chung, F. (1999) Conversion of glucosinolates to isothiocyanates in humans after ingestion of cooked watercress. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev., 8, 447-451.

6 Ways To Buy Organic On A Budget

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

1. Put your green bargaining cap on and talk with farmers at the markets to negotiate a lower price for your produce. We know they work hard for their money but it can’t hurt to ask. Bartering for fare isn’t as strange as it sounds. Maybe they’ll unload the less popular fruits and vegetables for less too.
2. Everyone’s looking for the perfect specimen. You might want to choose produce that’s been passed over, because of minimal bruising and spotting, and ask for a lower price. Let’s face it, basil is going to wilt anyways once you chop it up or cook it so buying some that’s already on its way isn’t going to affect its flavor. It just means that you’ll want to use it sooner than later — which isn’t a bad thing.
3. More and more of the bigger food warehouse stores (like Sam’s Club, for example) are carrying organic items. If you can buy in bulk (dried beans, rice, canned tomatoes, organic coffee, etc.) this will save you a few dollars too. If you want to buy vegetables in greater quantities because of price, some will freeze nicely if slightly blanched beforehand. Asparagus, green beans, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, turnips and squashes can all be frozen.
4. Before you go to the Farmer’s Market and get pulled into the romance of it all (“I must have those gorgeous garlic scapes – now what do I do with them?”), plan ahead and go with a set list in mind. If an item is too expensive because it’s just come in season, wait a week and the price may go down.
5. The proliferation of websites that sell organic food and related items is ever-growing and with the incentive of free shipping on some sites, this may be a great alternative for you. is even dabbling in selling organic grocery store items, so you’ll have a variety of sources from which to choose.
6. Just as you search for coupons in your local supermarket flyers (or watch them haphazardly fall out of your weekend newspaper), many of the organic brand websites offer a way to print out coupons too. If you don’t have access to a printer, some of the websites will simply send you the coupons if you supply your snail mail address.

What To Do When You Can't Find Organics Or Pesticide-Free Fruits and Vegetables? If you don't have the advantage of buying organic and your local supermarket only carries fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed with pesticides, reduce your risk by finding out which ones are the worst. Check: Reducing Your Risk To Pesticides: 47 Fruits and Veggies and Their Pesticide Load

47 Fruits and Veggies and Their Pesticide Load

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

Every year, new research is published showing the toxicity of pesticides to human health and the environment, often at doses previously declared "safe" by the pesticide industry and the government. 

As acknowledged by the U.S. and international government agencies, different pesticides have been linked with a variety of toxic effects, including:
·         Nervous system effects
·         Carcinogenic effects
·         Hormone system effects
·         Skin, eye and lung irritation

Pesticides are unique among the chemicals we release into the environment; they have inherent toxicity because they are designed to kill living organisms, insects, plants, and fungi that are considered "pests." Because they are toxic by design, many pesticides pose health risks to people, risks that have been acknowledged by independent research scientists and physicians across the world.

Protecting our families' health from chemical exposures can start with minimizing children's exposure to pesticides. It is now well established that pesticides pose a risk to vital organ systems that continue to grow and mature from conception throughout infancy and childhood. Exposure to pesticides and other toxic chemicals during critical periods of development can have lasting adverse effects both in early development and later in life. The metabolism, physiology, and biochemistry of a fetus, infant or child are fundamentally different from those of adults; a young, organism is often less able to metabolize and inactivate toxic chemicals and can be much more vulnerable to the harmful effects of pesticides. The nervous system, brain, reproductive organs and endocrine (hormone) system can be permanently, if subtly, damaged by exposure to toxic substances in-utero or throughout early childhood that, at the same level, cause no measurable harm to adults. The developing brain and endocrine system are very sensitive, and low doses at a susceptible moment of development can cause more of an effect than high doses. It is especially important to reduce pesticide exposures of babies and young children so as to minimize these risks.

What Can I Do to Reduce My Risk?

Addressing the risks of pesticide exposure first and foremost requires information, which is frequently made unavailable to the general public by the government agencies. To counteract this trend for secrecy, EWG believes that:

People have a right to know what's in their food, so they can choose foods with less pesticides.
·    The government can and should take steps to dramatically reduce the number and amount of toxic chemicals, including pesticides, in the food supply.

Each of us can opt for food safety today by choosing to purchase produce low in pesticides and by buying organically-raised fruits and vegetables as frequently as possible. With this first step we can protect our families' health and preserve our own future and the future of the environment from the harmful effects of pesticides.

The following chart ranks the highest (100 score) and lowest (1 score) pesticide loads of popular fruits and veggies. 

1 (worst)
100 (highest pesticide load)
Sweet Bell Pepper
Grapes - Imported
Collard Greens
Green Beans
Summer Squash
Grapes - Domestic
Winter Squash
Honeydew Melon
Sweet Potato
Sweet Peas - Frozen
Sweet Corn - Frozen
47 (best)
1 (lowest pesticide load)


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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