Natural Cures Not Medicine

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Fukushima: Current removal of radioactive fuel could set off uncontrolled chain reaction; emergency delay invoked

(NaturalNews) The Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced it is delaying the relocation of fuel rods from its crippled plant reactors. Work was originally scheduled to begin today due to the fact that fuel rods remain highly vulnerable in the damaged storage pools. Right now, Fukushima is just one earthquake or tidal wave away from structural collapse, causing a catastrophic release of radioactive fuel directly into the atmosphere.

Moving the fuel rods a wildly risky proposition, as the fuel rods must be extricated from their operating matrix containing coolant water and control rods that "smother" runaway nuclear reactions. Absent these safeguards, the removal and transport of fuel rods is inherently hazardous.

"New video footage from a robot has revealed new leaks within the damaged reactors meaning the rods now can't be taken out as planned," reports 
Euronews. "One of the fuel assemblies was damaged as far back as 1982 when it was mishandled during a transfer and is bent out of shape."

Euronews goes on to quote Kazuaki Matsui, the executive director of Japan's Institute of Applied Energy as saying "It's very difficult to remove a spent rod because parts of the wall and the bottom of the reactor are all melted. We've never had to deal with this before so that adds to the complication."

Fuel rod removal may set off runaway meltdown reaction that's open to the air

Arnie Gunderson of Fairewinds confirms this activity is extremely risky:

[Fuel rod removal] is fraught with danger, including the possibility of a large release of radiation if a fuel assembly breaks, gets stuck or gets too close to an adjacent bundle. That could lead to a worse disaster than the March 2011 nuclear crisis at the Fukushima plant, the world's most serious since Chernobyl in 1986.

All that is required for a runaway nuclear meltdown is for one of the fuel rods to be dropped or accidentally placed too close to other fuel rods. Removing these fuel rods safely is a lot like trying to play the game "Surgery" via a remote-controlled robot, under water, in a murky haze filled with twisted pieces of metal.

In other words, it's almost impossible to pull this off without error.

Tepco isn't a name that inspires confidence
Keep in mind that this fuel rod extraction and relocation operation is being carried out by Tepco, a company that has already demonstrated stunning incompetence, corruption and deception in the way it has handled the Fukushima situation so far.

Yet Tepco is seeking to move thousands of fuel rods without damaging, dropping, breaking or misplacing a single one. The odds against this happening without incident are astronomical. You'd have better luck playing a drunken game of Russian Roulette with 5 out of 6 chambers loaded (instead of just one).

That's because Fukushima reactor No. 4 currently has 1300 fuel rods being stored in a leaking pool held 150 feet above ground. There are 6,300 fuel rods in a nearby storage fuel that also need to be moved. In all, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant holds 11,400 fuel rods, any one of which could break and send the entire situation spiraling out of control.

"Containing radiation equivalent to 14,000 times the amount released in the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima 68 years ago, more than 1,300 used fuel rod assemblies packed tightly together need to be removed from a building that is vulnerable to collapse, should another large earthquake hit the area," reports
 Reuters UK.

"No one knows how bad it can get, but independent consultants Mycle Schneider and Antony Froggatt said recently in their World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013: 'Full release from the Unit-4 spent fuel pool, without any containment or control, could cause by far the most serious radiological disaster to date.'"

The potential radiation release, it turns out, is many multiples worse than Chernobyl plus both WWII atomic bombs

The idea that Tepco is going to use robotic cranes to somehow remove all these fuel rods without damaging, breaking or misplacing any of these rods seems almost impossible. Many of the rods are already damaged, and some are fatally entangled in twisted scraps of metal that will prevent them being removed without damage.

One wrong move and Fukushima could poison the entire northern hemisphere with deadly radioactive plutonium and uranium isotopes with half lives of
 millions of years. In the worst case, it could turn the soils into poison across nearly half the planet, causing much of the northern hemisphere to be uninhabitable by humans.

"Risky Repair of Fukushima Could Spill 15,000 Times the Radiation of Hiroshima, Create 85 Chernobyls," reports
 Truth Out.

"If the whole site blows, [it] could mean the release of 85 times as much radioactive cesium into the air as was released at Chernobyl."

Some people I know are already seeking to move to New Zealand and other South American destinations, just in case Tepco screws this up and contaminates literally half the planet.

"Inadvertent criticality"

The key situation to avoid in all this is so-called "inadvertent criticality." This is where fuel rods being moved or transported are accidentally placed too close together, setting off an "atomic chain reaction" which cannot be stopped.

Fuel rods, of course, generate intense heat through the process of atomic decay. This is how they are able to heat water that drives power-generating turbines. But if they are allowed to get too near each other without the aid of circulating coolant water, they can achieve "atomic criticality" -- a runaway, uncontrollable nuclear meltdown in the open air (i.e. without the usual containment building).

Tepco claims to be considering the risks involved in such an operation, but Tepco is also the same company that
 stupidly agreed to build a nuclear power plant on the coast of a region with a massive fault line, practically guaranteeing a huge tidal wave would strike the facility sooner or later. Thus, Tepco's track record on foreseeing possible future threats is considerably less than we would hope to encounter when the future of human civilization is on the line.

"Letting Tepco Clean Up Fukushima Is Like Letting a Murderer Do Brain Surgery On a VIP," reported
 Washingtons Blog in August. It goes on to say, "Tepco knew right after the 2011 accident that 3 nuclear reactors had lost containment, that the nuclear fuel had 'gone missing', and that there was in fact no real containment at all. Tepco has desperately been trying to cover this up for 2 and a half years ... instead pretending that the reactors were in 'cold shutdown'."

"Ex-Fukushima Worker: High risk they'll break fuel rods in Unit 4 pool," blares, adding to the consensus that attempting to move these control rods is as likely to be successful as trying to enroll in an affordable health insurance plan on

In both cases, what we're talking about might be crudely described as a "s##tstorm of incompetence." But with Fukushima, it's not just the kind of incompetence we normally get from government -- wasting money, lying to the public and destroying the economy -- it's a far worse kind of incompetence that could
 alter the future of human civilization in a disastrous way.

End the age of nuclear energy before it ends us

If there was ever a case study for the disastrous risks to humanity posed by nuclear energy, Fukushima is it. Fukushima undeniably proves that nuclear energy is too dangerous for our planet and that the nuclear engineers who design and build these facilities are too stupid to trust with our collective lives.

When a doctor is stupid and arrogant, it only results in his own patients getting killed from toxic prescription drugs or failed surgeries. But when nuclear engineers are stupid and arrogant,
 it puts all our lives at risk.

It would be far better to burn coal and deal with the mercury than depend on nuclear energy and have to deal with highly radioactive uranium or plutonium. Better yet, if inventors of so-called "over unity" devices were allowed to live instead of being killed off every time they announce a new invention, we might already be sitting on some sort of renewable clean energy technology that taps into zero point energy instead of exploiting the radioactive decay of highly toxic elements.

There's no question that human civilization requires energy to survive, yet there are many energy options that are safer, cleaner and more renewable than nuclear energy. Even so-called "cold fusion" -- now researched around the world under the name "
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions" -- offers potential for large-scale water heating that could be harnessed for power production.

Yet the scientific status quo feels so threatened by cold fusion research that they managed to shove it into the "fringe" category and thereby delay its commercialization for decades (the junk science, politically-motivated attacks on cold fusion began in 1989 and continue to this day).

Energy has always been about controlling humanity, not serving it

Energy has always been political, you see. It has never been about serving humanity. Instead, it has always been about monopolistic control of society through the restriction and domination of energy production.

To serve their own profit interests, energy industry insiders would put the entire world at risk. And they have, over and over again. Fukushima is not so much an example of failed science as it is
 failed ethics of the human race, a schizophrenic hive of selfish creatures who compromise the future of their entire civilization in order to make a short-term buck for themselves.

What do energy, medicine, finance and conventional agriculture all have in common? They are all dominated by the most criminal corporations in our planet, all of which seek to maximize their own selfish profits even at the expense of destroying humanity in the process. Tepco, Monsanto, the Federal Reserve, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer... need I go on?

Source: NaturalNews

20+ Domestic Uses For Coke - Proof That It Doesn't Belong In The Human Body

By: John Summerly | Wake Up World

Coke is the most valuable brand in history, and “Coca-Cola” is the world’s second-most recognized word after “hello.” However, the beverage itself is an absolute poison to the human metabolism. Coke is very close to the acidity level of battery acid and consequently it can clean surfaces equivalent to and often better than many toxic household cleaners.

It’s cheaper and easier to buy Coke in some third world countries than it is to access clean water. Coke uses “public relations propaganda” to convince consumers and entire nations that it is an “environmental company” when really it is linked to pollution, water shortages, and disease.

People who consume soft drinks such as Coke have a 48% increase in heart attack and stroke risk, compared to people who did not drink the sodas at all or did not drink them every day. A study published in the journal Respirology reveals that soft drink consumption is also associated with lung and breathing disorders including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The carbonation in Coke causes calcium loss in the bones through a 3-stage process:

1. The carbonation irritates the stomach.

2. The stomach “cures” the irritation the only way it knows how. It adds the only antacid at its disposal: calcium. It gets this from the blood.

3. The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.

But, the story doesn’t end there. Another problem with most Coke is it also contain phosphoric acid (not the same as the carbonation, which is carbon dioxide mixed with the water). Phosphoric acid also causes a draw-down on the body’s store of calcium.

So Coke softens your bones (actually, makes them weak and brittle) in 3 ways:

1. Carbonation reduces the calcium in the bones.

2. Phosphoric acid reduces the calcium in the bones.

3. The beverage replaces a calcium-containing alternative, such as milk or water. Milk and water are not excellent calcium sources, but they are sources.

Esophageal cancer was very rare two generations ago — now, it’s common. The basic mechanism works as follows:

1. Mechanical damage to cells is a huge risk factor for cancer. It’s why asbestos particles, for example, cause lung cancer.

2. All soft drinks cause acid reflux (stomach acid rising up past the esophageal valve). This is more pronounced when the body is horizontal (as in sleeping), but the sheer volume of Coke and soft drinks consumed in the USA means the acid reflux is well past the danger point. Any time you ingest a gassy drink, you are going to get belching–and acid into the esophagus. How much is too much? The research doesn’t say where the limit is–it only shows that most of us are far, far, far past it.

3. Stomach acid dissolves tissue — that’s its purpose. The stomach lining does not extend into the esophagus, so the lower esophagus gets damaged by acid far more frequently in soft drink users than in non soft drink users. This results in a radical increase in cell mutations, along with a far higher level of free radicals.

20 Practical Uses For Coke

Coke acts as an acidic cleaner. The amount of acid in soda is enough to wear away at the enamel of your teeth, making them more susceptible to decay. In tests done on the acidity levels of soda, certain ones were found to have PH levels as low as 2.5. To put that into perspective, consider that battery acid has a pH of 1 and pure water has a pH of 7.

To prove Coke does not belong in the human body, here are 20 practical ways you can use Coke as a domestic cleaner:

1. Removes grease stains from clothing and fabric

2. Removes rust; methods include using fabric dipped in Coke, a sponge or even aluminum foil. Also loosens rusty bolts

3. Removes blood stains from clothing and fabric.

4. Cleans oil stains from a garage floor; let the stain soak, hose off.

5. Kills slugs and snails; the acids kills them.

6. Cleans burnt pans; let the pan soak in the Coke, then rinse.

7. Descales a kettle (same method as with burnt pans)

8. Cleans car battery terminals by pouring a small amount of Coke over each one.

9. Cleans your engine; Coke distributors have been using this technique for decades.

10. Makes pennies shine; soaking old pennies in Coke will remove the tarnish.

11. Cleans tile grout; pour onto kitchen floor, leave for a few minutes, wipe up.

12. Dissolves a tooth; Use a sealed container…takes a while but it does work.

13. Removes gum from hair; dip into a small bowl of Coke, leave a few minutes. Gum will wipe off.

14. Removes stains from vitreous china.

15. Got a dirty pool? Adding two 2-liter bottles of Coke clears up rust.

16. You can remove (or fade) dye from hair by pouring diet Coke over it.

17. Remove marker stains from carpet. Applying Coke, scrubbing and then clean with soapy water will remove marker stains.

18. Cleans a toilet; pour around bowl, leave for a while, flush clean.

19. Coke and aluminum foil will bring Chrome to a high shine.

20. Strips paint off metal furniture. Soak a towel in Coke and lay it on the paint surface.

Now can you imagine what is does to your stomach lining?

Who needs the ‘household and cleaning’ section at the hardware store when we have Coke.


About the author:
John Summerly is nutritionist, herbalist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.
Source: WakeupWorld

How to make an off-the-grid washing machine for under $50

A couple of years ago, I decided to concentrate my design research on devices that would be useful to poor families in developing countries — easy-to-make tools that address a specific need without disrupting the local economy, culture, or environment.

Here’s one of my designs: a manual clothes washer that does a load of laundry in about 20 minutes using no power other than muscle. It’s portable, so you can carry or wheel it to a water source, and if you wash with biodegradable soap, the wash water can easily go to a garden afterward.

They’re now using the washer in Hyanja, Nepal, where I collaborated on designing a localized version. It’s also a neat design if you’re living off the grid by choice in an industrialized area, or just conserving water and power.

Inciting Agitation

The washer consists of 3 main components: a container, a net bag, and a lever-driven shaft mechanism held in place by a simple wooden frame.

The key component is the net bag, which is designed to hold, squeeze, and agitate the clothes. The middle of the net bag is a wide, open cylinder of flexible mesh netting. End-capping the cylinder above and below are semi-rigid cones made from short plastic pipes strung together with rope.

Both cones point upward, so the bottom cone sticks up through the clothes and prevents them from balling together.

While the washer is in operation, the top cone holds fast while the bottom cone is pulled up and down by the shaft, carrying the clothes with it.

Each pump of the lever handle pulls the clothes up out of the water, squeezes them out between the nested cones, and releases them back down. The lever’s 40" length provides mechanical advantage for easy operation.

These instructions show how to build a bare-bones device for less than $50 using materials from any home supply store. You can modify the design to suit available materials and your skill level. A machine of this size can handle only small loads up to 5lbs, but the ones we made in Nepal were larger, and I think that one could be made 2 or 3 times larger and would still be easy to operate. I also built a fancier, wooden version that’s towable, with wheels and a barrel-style container.

For step by step instructions and diagrams to build this awesome off-grid washer:


Thought Dandelions were Weeds? Think Again

You may consider dandelion as a type of weed, but its root has a long history of therapeutic use. Dandelion has been used since ancient times for its healthful properties and support for liver complaints. [1] In Korean herbal medicine dandelion has been used to improve energy levels and health. [2] It is generally accepted by many people in Mexico, and elsewhere in the world, that beneficial effects are available in natural plants.

Indeed, research has shown that compounds in plants have pharmacokinetic effects. [3] Dandelion, long speculated to have antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties, is one such plant

Powerful Antioxidant, Resistant to Swelling

Dandelion contains chemicals whose biological activities are actively being explored for roles in human health. In particular, evidence suggests that dandelion contains antioxidant and redness-resistant compounds. [4] [5]

One study investigated the antioxidative effects of dandelion root in rabbits fed a high-cholesterol diet. Results showed that dandelion positively affected antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid profiles. Researchers believe this suggests dandelion could protect against oxidative stress related to certain circulatory disorders. [6]

Effect of Dandelion Root on the Digestive System and Gallbladder

The Institute of Agricultural Medicine in Poland tested therapeutic herbs for kynurenic acid, an amino acid that has generated interest for digestive system support, specifically bile production. The highest concentration of this compound was detected in dandelion. [7] Because dandelion helps to stimulate bile production and bile transport toxins out of the body, dandelion root may support your body’s natural immune response. A study devised to compare the activity of artichoke, dandelion, turmeric and rosemary found their antioxidant activity to support the rationale the traditional inclusion of these ingredients in gallbladder applications. [8]

Relation to the Liver

Acetaminophen toxicity causes oxidative stress in the liver. Could natural antioxidant compounds counteract it? A study designed to answer that question found that dandelion extract demonstrated antioxidant activity against free radicals to counteract acetaminophen liver toxicity. [9] Animal studies have been successful in finding beneficial links between certain liver problems and dandelion. [10] [11]

- Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


Schütz K, Carle R, Schieber A. Taraxacum–a review on its phytochemical and pharmacological profile. J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 Oct 11;107(3):313-23. Epub 2006 Jul 22. Review.

Lee BR, Lee JH, An HJ. Effects of Taraxacum officinale on fatigue and immunological parameters in mice. Molecules. 2012 Nov 7;17(11):13253-65. doi: 10.3390/molecules171113253.

Rodriguez-Fragoso L, Reyes-Esparza J, Burchiel SW, Herrera-Ruiz D, Torres E. Risks and benefits of commonly used herbal medicines in Mexico. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2008 Feb 15;227(1):125-35. Epub 2007 Oct 12. Review.

González-Castejón M, Visioli F, Rodriguez-Casado A. Diverse biological activities of dandelion. Nutr Rev. 2012 Sep;70(9):534-47. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2012.00509.x. Epub 2012 Aug 17. Review.

Jeon HJ, Kang HJ, Jung HJ, Kang YS, Lim CJ, Kim YM, Park EH. Anti-inflammatory activity of Taraxacum officinale. J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Jan 4;115(1):82-8. Epub 2007 Sep 15.

Choi UK, Lee OH, Yim JH, Cho CW, Rhee YK, Lim SI, Kim YC. Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root and leaf on cholesterol-fed rabbits. Int J Mol Sci. 2010 Jan 6;11(1):67-78. doi: 10.3390/ijms11010067.

Urski MP, Turska M, Zgrajka W, Bartnik M, Kocki T, Turski WA. Distribution, synthesis, and absorption of kynurenic acid in plants. Planta Med. 2011 May;77(8):858-64. doi: 10.1055/s-0030-1250604. Epub 2010 Dec 14.

Menghini L, Genovese S, Epifano F, Tirillini B, Ferrante C, Leporini L. Antiproliferative, protective and antioxidant effects of artichoke, dandelion, turmeric and rosemary extracts and their formulation. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2010 Apr-Jun;23(2):601-10.

Colle D, Arantes LP, Gubert P, da Luz SC, Athayde ML, Teixeira Rocha JB, Soares FA. Antioxidant properties of Taraxacum officinale leaf extract are involved in the protective effect against hepatoxicity induced by acetaminophen in mice. J Med Food. 2012 Jun;15(6):549-56. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2011.0282.

Domitrović R, Jakovac H, Romić Z, Rahelić D, Tadić Z. Antifibrotic activity of Taraxacum officinale root in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Aug 9;130(3):569-77. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2010.05.046. Epub 2010 Jun 2.

You Y, Yoo S, Yoon HG, Park J, Lee YH, Kim S, Oh KT, Lee J, Cho HY, Jun W. In vitro and in vivo hepatoprotective effects of the aqueous extract from Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) root against alcohol-induced oxidative stress. Food Chem Toxicol. 2010 Jun;48(6):1632-7. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2010.03.037. Epub 2010 Mar 27.

Millions of People Have Been Wrongly Diagnosed and Treated for Cancer


A devastating new report commissioned by the National Cancer Institute reveals that our 40-year long 'War on Cancer' has been waged against a vastly misunderstood 'enemy,' that in many cases represented no threat to human health whatsoever.

If you have been following our advocacy work on cancer, particularly in connection with the dark side of breast cancer awareness month, you know that we have been calling for the complete reclassification of some types of 'breast cancer' as benign lesions, e.g. ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), as well as pointing out repeatedly that x-ray based breast screenings are not only highly carcinogenic but are also causing an epidemic of "over-diagnosis" and "over-treatment" in US women, with an estimated 1.3 million cases in the past 30 years alone.

This week, a National Cancer Institute commissioned panel's report published in JAMA online confirmed that we all – public and professionals alike – should stop calling low-risk lesions like DCIS and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) 'cancer.'

There are wide-reaching implications to this recommendation, including:

Millions of women in this country have been diagnosed with DCIS, and millions of men with HGPIN, and subsequently [mis]treated. Are they now to be retroactively reclassified as 'victims' of iatrogenesis, with legal recourse to seek compensation?
Anyone engaged in a cancer screening will now need to reconsider and weigh both the risks and benefits of such a 'preventive' strategy, considering that the likelihood of being diagnosed with a false positive over 10 years is already over 50% for women undergoing annual breast screening.
The burgeoning pink ribbon-bedecked 'breast cancer awareness' industry will be forced to reformulate its message, as it is theoretically culpable for the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of millions of US women by propagating an entirely false concept of 'cancer.'

Continue reading at

Sleep in this position and your body will love you

Natural Cures Not Medicine

We have all felt that neck or back pain after waking up instantly knowing exactly what happened: you slept wrong! After trying out this technique that Dr. Joseph Bogart talks about in the video posted below, I'll never go back and haven't had neck pain since.


Don't let the world change your smile. Here's proof humanity still exists.

Faith in humanity restored. This is known as the "Russian video that made the world cry". It's not just russia that people are doing nice things for one another, it's only because of the large usage of dash camera's in Russia that we have this compiled video of helpful humans. We hope this inspires the world to have faith in humanity once more and to keep helping others.

We are not here to compete with one another, we are here to complete one another.

Be good and do good. The world is on track.

It may not look or feel like it right now to some of you, but believe us, there are things going on right now that prove to fix our planet and restore humanity. We are restless and have been working hard. Humanity is waking up and it's only a matter of time before you all start to notice and restore your own faith in humanity. Hold tight. We're going to make it.

Photo below is served as a thumbnail for sharing this article. 

Please feel free to share or reblog any of our original posts anywhere you like. We work to serve the betterment of humanity. We are not here to hoard information or money.

Is Your Computer Screen Damaging Your Eyes?

In today's world many of us spend 10-12 hours of our day in front of glowing computer screens. Computers are used for doing almost everything, they improve productivity by making complex calculations simple, but have your wondered if staring at the screen for long periods of time can significantly damage your eyes? When we look at the computer screens for long periods it can cause pain and strain to your eyes which in some cases may become Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

CVS is not a single specific eye disorder, its a group of eye-related problems including strain ad pain in eyes. Statistics show between 50-90% of computer users experience some kind of eye problem. Working adults are not the only ones who are prone to this problem. Kids who play video games on computers, especially games that require high concentration, are liked to experience eye-related problems.

Research shows people who use computers a lot have little to no difficulty focusing on things near to them, however far sight becomes blurry.

The most common symptoms of CVS are redness in eyes, irritation or dryness, burning sensation in the eyes, double or blurred vision, shoulder and neck pain, and headache.

While we cannot avoid looking at computer screens, here are some guidelines that can be effective in avoiding the symptoms of CVS.

1.) Get your eyes checked regularly

We often tend to ignore headaches and strain in our eyes which is an unhealthy practice. If you feel any symptoms of CVS post prolonged exposure to a computer screen, have your eyes examined by an eye specialist to check what is best for your eyes.

2.) Adjust the computer

The screen of your computer should neither be too close nor too far from your eyes. The ideal distance between your eyes and the screen should be an arm's distance. Place your monitor so that its center lies 4-8 inches below your eyes. Doing this will allow your neck to relax while you read or type something.

3.) Rest your eyes regularly

When you are working on a computer its important to rest your eyes periodically. Take a break every 20 minutes and look at and focus on something far from you. Do no keep your eyes too close to the monitor and stretch your back and neck regularly. It your eyes are feeling excessive fatigue, try to avoid looking at the computer and take a breather.

4.) Blink more

Various studies show that as we work on computers we reduce our blink rate which causes problems like dry eyes, burning sensation, and the sensation of gritty eyes. Our average blink rate is 12 blinks per minute. Statistics show that while using computers this rate goes down to 5 blinks per minute. Lower blink rate leads to dehydration of the cornea which causes dry eyes. Blinking more improves focus along with reduction in pain.

5.) Wash your eyes

If your eyes are red and feel strained wash you eyes with fresh water. Doing this will eradicate all the dirt from your eyes and cool them off. It will also hydrate your eyes which will take away fatigue and make you feel re-energized.

6.) Proper lighting

Proper lighting also influences the pain that our eyes bear wen we work in front of screens. Its recommended to have a light source behind you when you work., Light should not be too dim while your work. Placing light right in front of your computer or bright overhead lighting adds to the strain. 

Source: PositiveMed

Constantly Tired? Here Are 10 Herbs To Increase Energy

How difficult is it for us to achieve a work-life balance? How much more difficult is it to achieve a life-energy balance? And does it not seem that there are never enough hours in the day to achieve any balance at all? You’re not alone. Your days may seem that way, but in truth the balance is always there, always available and always achievable. That doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult, but a few ancient herbal formulas will certainly help you achieve the balance you never thought possible. Skip your daily sugar boost, coffee or red bull because in the long-term they will always let you down. Adaptogenic herbs will give you sustained energy and vitality while allowing your mind to think freely, calmly and without excessive stimulation.

Adaptogenic herbs demonstrate a nonspecific enhancement of the body’s ability to resist a stressor. Modern herbalists say adaptogenic herbs are plants with properties that exert a normalizing influence on the body, neither habit-forming, over-stimulating nor inhibiting normal body function, but rather exerting a generalized tonifying effect. They increase your resistance overall against physical, chemical and biological stressors.

Herbal formulas found in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine restore a healthy stress response typically using traditionally prepared as formulas. However, each herb can be taken on its own in the appropriate dosage depending on your specific requirements. For the exact dosages, please consult with a master herbalist or natural health practitioner well-versed in herbal formulas to increase energy and vitality. Here are the ten best adaptogenic herbs:


Rhodiola rosea (Golden Root, Roseroot, Aaron’s Rod) is effective for improving mood and alleviating depression. Its effects are potentially mediated by changes in serotonin and dopamine levels.

Used for centuries in Asia and Scandinavia, Rhodiola is still relatively new to the Western market, but its popularity is growing, in large part because of what an incredibly versatile — and relatively inexpensive.


Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an annual plant native to the high Andes of Peru and Bolivia. It has been harvested and used by humans in the Andean Mountains for centuries.

Darker colored maca roots (red, purple, black) contain significant amounts of natural iodine, a 10-gram serving of dried maca generally containing 52 micrograms of iodine.

It is highly beneficial for reducing fatigue, enhancing energy and endurance, as well as being a superlatively effective adaptagen for everyday living. Maca contains 55 phytochemicals that are known to have vitality-enhancing effects in the body, in addition to being incredibly mineral dense and nutritious.

Maca has the ability to heighten libido and improve semen quality. Its favorable effects on mood, may decrease anxiety and improve sexual desire. The effects of Maca are due to the root’s unique nutritional profile, which provides optimum levels of nutrients utilized by the body’s endocrine system. It may even alleviate medication-induced sexual dysfunction caused by pharmaceutical antidepressants.


Ashwangandha (Withania somnifera) is one of the premier restorative herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It is known to help stabilize mood and support optimal physical and emotional well-being. It is also known to improve memory and focus and endurance. It is believed to reduce the effects of stress on the body. The berries and leaves of ashwangandhaare locally applied to tumors, tubercular glands, carbuncles, and ulcers.


Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis) is a deciduous woody vine native to forests of Northern China and the Russian Far East. Its berries are used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs. They are most often used in dried form, and boiled to make a tea. Medicinally it is used as a tonic and restorative adaptogen with notable clinically documented liver protecting effects. It supports the immune system, relieves anxiety, increases energy, and it can improve mental clarity. It’s sometimes called the “five flavors berry,” because it tastes sour, bitter, sweet, salty and acrid all at once.


Considered the “ginseng of mushrooms”, Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) are known to have a truly awesome effect on endurance and stamina. Research has shown that Cordyceps are highly effective in treating respiratory ailments, enhancing aerobic performance, increasing sex drive, strengthening the immune system, as well as having anti-stress properties. Researchers have also noted that a polysaccharide isolated from Cordyceps has a hypoglycemic effect and may be beneficial for people with insulin resistance.


Panax ginseng roots are taken orally as adaptogens, aphrodisiacs, nourishing stimulants. It is perhaps one of the most studied medicinal herbs in the world — and might be one of the most widely used. It is a proven anti-inflammatory, can regulate blood sugar and can even inhibit some characteristics associated with cancer.

It’s used most commonly to promote a sense of well-being and endurance, as an anti-depressant, for memory and calmness, for energy (it’s one of the ingredients in most energy drinks).


Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) has been found in many studies to be equivalent to many modern painkillers. It is also know to protect from radiation poisoning. Within the tradition of Ayurvedic medicine, it is used to alleviate stress, headaches, colds, digestive problems and inflammation. Recent studies have also shown that it’s also a powerful antioxidant and may even be able to reduce blood glucose levels and cholesterol.


Astragalus has a history of use as a herbal medicine and is used in traditional Chinese medicine. Either alone or in combination with other herbs, has potential benefits for the immune system, heart, and liver, and as an adjunctive therapy for cancer.

Found to help restore compromised immune response due to excessive stress and toxicity from the environment. Cited as being extra beneficial for those with chronic immune deficiencies, it is recommended above Echinacea for its ability to provide deeper assistance to those who’ve consumed large quantities of antibiotics and have become susceptible to infections. Astragalus is consumed through capsules, tinctures, or in a tea. For best results, it is used for several weeks to several months at a time.


He Shou Wu (Fallopia multiflora) is also known as polygonum multiflorum, and is predominantly referred to as such in Pubmed. It is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a tonic to slow down the aging process. It is a restorative herb, calming to the nervous system, and has also been shown to promote hair growth, alleviate insomnia, and may aid with learning and memory.


Traditional Chinese medicine uses reishi to “calm the spirit.” Reishi, (literally “supernatural” mushrooms) have been used for more than 2,000 years, making them perhaps the oldest mushroom to be used medicinally. They can be helpful to reduce anxiety, alleviate insomnia, combat fatigue, and lower blood pressure.

In today’s modern age, with unparalleled stress and toxicity, it is more important than ever to fortify and protect one’s body from potential harm. While diet, exercise, and rest are key components in maintaining excellent health, the use of vitality enhancing herbs is indispensable. Their ability to increase energy, immune response, mental clarity, libido, and over-all homeostasis of the body make them a truly worthwhile investment of time and money. They are safe and easy to use, without side-effects and contraindications like pharmaceutical drugs. In light of their value, they are an obvious choice for anyone wanting to go a step beyond go health and on to higher vitality.

John Summerly is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.

How To Use Epsom Salt for Back Pain

Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is a naturally occurring mineral commonly used in farming, gardening, bath salts and aquariums. Epsom salt is also used in natural medicine as a laxative, to soothe tired and aching muscles and joints, and to treat eclampsia, genital herpes, arrhythmia, fibromyalgia and preterm labor.

Epsom Salt to Treat Back Pain


  • Add 1 - 2 cups of Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak for 30 minutes.

Why It Works

Epsom salt helps to improve circulation, promoting healing. The magnesium is an anti-inflammatory and an anti-arthritic. The body also absorbs some magnesium while soaking, which can lead to relaxation and elevated mood.


Use warm, not hot water to prevent burns. Please consult your healthcare provider about your back pain, as it could indicate a severe medical problem.


How To Use Potatoes for Puffy Eyes

Potatoes are a South American plant, originally from Peru. They were imported to Europe in the 16th century. Made up mostly of starch, potatoes also contain citric acid and phosphoric acid.

Use potatoes to treat puffy eyes


  • Peel a raw potato.
  • Grate the potato and pound it into a plaster.
  • Wrap the raw potato hash in clean cloth.
  • Lie down and apply the potato poultice to your eyes.
  • Leave in place for fifteen minutes.

Why It Works

Potato starch has anti-inflammatory properties which make it good for soothing redness and irritation. However, potatoes are not an astringent and will not reduce swelling.


See a doctor if you wake up and one eyelid has swollen up dramatically compared to the other eyelid, if eyelids don’t close all the way, or if you have hives or a rash around your eyes. Puffy eyes and swelling around the eyes could be caused by conjunctivitis from seasonal allergies or an eye infection. Consult a doctor if you have pain, irritation, swelling or discoloration in or around the eyes.



Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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