Natural Cures Not Medicine

Most Read This Week:

Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Here are a few medicinal uses and health benefits of Cayenne pepper. (capsicum)

- Rebuild the tissue in the stomach and the peristaltic action in the intestines.
- Stop a heart attack in 30 seconds.

How To Use Cayenne Pepper To Stop A Heart Attack

- Boosts circulation and increases heart action.
- Enhances cardiovascular performance.
- Helps with stiff arthritic joints.
- Helps with lower back pain.
- A natural way to treat fibromyalgia.
- Good for arthritis prevention and symptoms.
- Helps with nerve pain from shingles and sciatica.
- Strengthens digestion.
- Helps with psoriasis. 

Natural Cures Not Medicine

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14 Powerful Red Fruits And Vegetables

Health Benefits Of Cayenne Peppers

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Health benefits of taking naps!

Time to put the world on pause and take a while to recharge!

One of the secrets to long life that centurions share, besides a proper nutritional profile, is taking naps.  Naps seem to accompany success.  Some famous nappers include:  Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Ronald Reagan!

The hustle and bustle of business life can really tax the body and test the mind.  In the United States, sleep deprivation is prevalent.  The pressure to perform, make quotas, and deliver results often translates to very early mornings and late nights at the grindstone.  It seems that when productivity and earning needs a boost, the first thing to suffer is our sleep, but could that be more costly in the long run?  Studies show that the risk and seriousness of some diseases significantly increases when inadequate sleep over a long period of time is added to the equation.  It is thought that bad sleepers are more likely to have heart disease and even 5 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who catch all their needed Zs.  There are many figures tossed out about how many hours of sleep you need every night, but it seems to hover around 7 or 8 hours from one expert to the next.  The best bet is to not let your nightly routine fall below 6 hours as deep cycle sleep, known as Rapid Eye Movement or REM sleep, is crucial for brain function and we simply perform at a lower level mentally when we are behind on catching REM sleep.  If you can find a place where you will not be disturbed and get from 15 minutes to an hour nap, it can make a tremendous difference.  A NASA study concluded that naps could improve performance of pilots up to a whopping 30% and their alertness by 95%!  15 to 20 minute naps can have a huge impact on your health and sharpness, but if you are behind on sleep, try to take an hour.  

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How To Make Fluoride Free Toothpaste

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India's Rice Revolution - Without GMO's

Sumant Kumar harvested his rice last year in Darveshpura ( north-east India ) and was shocked. Kumar is a shy - young farmer from Nalanda district of India's poorest state Bihar. He is reported to have used only farmyard manure and without any herbicides managed to grow 22.4 tonnes of rice on one hectare of land. This was a world record and great news! Non-GMO and no pesticides! WIN!

His record not only beat the 19.4 tonnes achieved by the "father of rice", but also the World Bank-funded scientists at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, and anything achieved by the biggest European and American seed and GM companies!!

Foods and products containing a deadly sweetener

Parabens in Antiperspirants Are Dangerous

The Sad Truth About GMO Foods

Hot Dogs Increase Risk Of Leukemia

Natural Cures Not Medicine

The Top 10 Worst Sources Of Aspartame

This ingredient is the most contested FDA approved substance in history.

  1. Chewing Gum - 
  2. Flavored water 
  3. Sugar-Free Products 
  4. Drink Powders
  5. Cooking Sauces 
  6. Childrens medicines 
  7. Cereals 
  8. Yogurts 
  9. Diet Sodas 
  10. Tabletop sweeteners

There is nothing sweet about this artificial sweetener!

Did you know that aspartame can mix with other chemicals such as monosodium glutamate and cause even worst reactions within the body?  Aspartame has been linked to several different cancers and even degenerative brain conditions.  Consuming aspartame regularly will burn out neurons and has been linked to headaches, mood alterations and even brain tumors.  Although it is touted as a healthy and sweeter alternative to sugar, this chemical actually causes diabetes and may also cause obesity.  If you are surprised than maybe consider the fact that aspartame was developed in a bio-weapons lab!  And what's more, part of the process for manufacturing aspartame is to harvest excrement from bacteria and treat it with more chemicals.  Unfortunately this chemical, originally sold by Monsanto Corp, is now being re-branded under different names to avoid the reputation behind the poison.  There are currently efforts underway to include aspartame in milk without labeling it, even though aspartame is contained in many products already that do not list it as one of the ingredients.  Next time you are shopping, be weary of "light" or "diet" products in the grocery isle, and make sure you check the ingredients.

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How using a sauna can improve your health

If you are not in the hot seat, you may want to be...

Our environment is filled with pollution.  Among these are air, water, food, sound, and bad attitudes.  It should be no surprise that heat can help melt the stress away and help us flush out toxins.

Saunas are great for getting away from the grind of the day and collect your thoughts.  The stress relief is just one part of the overall benefit from regular sauna use.  The heating effect causes improved blood circulation which can help improve healing.  Also, heat has been known to relieve pain, especially resulting from strenuous physical activity.  Sauna use is also thought to help ease pain resulting from arthritis.  When the body's temperature is raised a certain amount, endorphins are released which help to relax and relieve pain.  The increased blood flow also improves skin health while toxins and bacteria are removed from the pores via sweat.  Using a sauna can improve heart health, it has been shown to effect the heart rate and can be used to strengthen heart muscles and is believed to help people enjoy a deeper sleep.  Always be careful to not stay in the sauna for too long and avoid saunas if you are pregnant or have some health problems.

Read more of our recent posts:

14 Powerful Red Fruits And Vegetables

Natural Cures Not Medicine

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14 Powerful Red Fruits And Vegetables

These red fruits and vegetables have super powers!

Below are some great health benefits of red fruits and vegetables. If you want to learn more about that particular food check out the links below each bold title for related information. We hope this guide helps a few of you! 

Natural Cures Not Medicine

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Why you need seaweed in your life!

Data shows that seaweed is an excellent superfood!

Data shows that people who live in regions of the world where consumption of seaweed is high have outstanding health.  These people with seaweed rich diets enjoy healthy hair and skin and often live to and beyond 100 years!

-Seaweed is super-dense in minerals due to growing in the ocean.

-The detox powers of seaweed are supercharged and it can even remove harmful radioactive elements from the body.

-Seaweed helps to maintain the protective mucus lining of the stomach.

-Seaweed delivers vast nutrients while containing few calories and no fat.

-Seaweed has been shown to help naturally lower blood pressure.

Photo by

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Another Secret Super Food: Goji Berries

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Nutrition is nature's health insurance

Parabens in Antiperspirants Are Dangerous

Scientific research has shown that Parabens and breast cancers may be related:

 Scientists believe because breast cancers develop in the upper-outer quadrant of the breast. No shock that this area is also closest to the lymph nodes exposed to antiperspirants. Parabens can potentially cause cancer. It's time we make this common knowledge and learn to make our own or demand safer products. If you want to learn to make your own you can check this out.

Learn to make your own homemade deodorant:

Deodorant can be dangerous: How To Make Homemade

Dr. William Goodson, principal researcher at the California Pacific Medical Center says that "Methylparaben can also interfere with the effectiveness of drugs used to fight breast cancer." 

Parabens are a group of compounds widely used as antimicrobial preservatives in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics products, including underarm deodorants.. New Scientist.

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A Lime Is All You Need For Natural Deodorant

The Sad Truth About GMO Foods

GMO's are almost everywhere in America but banned in many other countries. They say that about 75 to 90% of mass produced food in the U.S. is now GMO. Studies have shown GMO's to NOT be healthy or worth the time. The false claims are that GMO's can grow larger and need less pesticide. This may be the case in SOME of the cases but not all. What usually ends up happening is Monsanto creates this new DNA strain so they can patent it and sell as much as possible to the farmers. The catch? You must buy their seed every year - if caught growing any patented plants they will sue you for all your worth - And you must use their pesticides.

 It sounds to me like this is more about control than helping feed the world. There are natural ways to keep animals and pests from eating your crops. You don't need high tech poisons that are administered with "gas masks". The people that assume GMO's are safe are usually the same ones that refuse to accept cannabis oil as a cancer cure. These people will repeat anything they see on TV as fact. The problem is that they don't know the truth. The ones that do: Keep doing what you do best. Provide solutions. Buy local. Grow your own. Cook from scratch. - You do have the time. You do have the money. It is not faster or easier to make or consume "fast food" or GMO products. Think long term. If you love your family and the future generations we must put a stop to playing god with our food.

Study Finds GMO Long-term Effects are Terminal

Entire Countries Are Banning GMO's. Still think they are safe?

Save Our Monarchs - Ban GMO's

GMO Food Exposed: An experiment on Man and Nature

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) - Myths and Truths

The World According to Monsanto GMO Documentary

The Uses Of Maca

You may want to add this to the shopping list.

Here are some of the uses of Maca:

Boost you energy
Helps with infertility
Helps with Menopause
Gives you stamina
Helps with Acne
Helps people with insomnia sleep better
A natural anti depressant
Helps fight fatigue
Helps balance hormones
Adrenal gland function
Improves low sperm count
Sexual enhancer
Increase mental and physical vitality
High in potassium and calcium
Increase libido in both men and women

Other names for Maca: Ayak Chichira, Ayuk Willku, Ginseng Andin, Ginseng PĆ©ruvien, Lepidium meyenii, Lepidium peruvianum, Maca Maca, Maca PĆ©ruvien, Maino, Maka, Peruvian Ginseng, Peruvian Maca. 

What is Maca? Maca is a plant. The root of maca is used to make medicine. 

Natural Cures Not Medicine:
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Garlic does more than you think!

Flavor doesn't even scratch the surface:

Photo by Francesco Perito

Used in food and medicine for several thousands of years, garlic is used across the world from Asia to South America.  Though the flavor is popular, studies are now showing that natural compounds in garlic have some potent healing effects.

Allicin, the super antioxidant:  Many experts agree that the main active ingredient in garlic is allicin.  Allicin is a compound that is created when you damage the cell walls of garlic cloves by chopping or crushing the garlic.  Studies have shown that allicin breaks down and rapidly interacts with free radicals in the body helping to prevent tissue damage in people who eat it regularly.  Allicin is also believed to have powerful antibiotic properties.

Garlic for your heart:  Heavy antioxidant activity in garlic helps protect against damage to tissue and prevent heart disease, but some studies even suggest that garlic can help prevent blood clots.  What's more, eating a bulb or two of crushed garlic daily can possibly help to scrub away plaque buildup in the blood vessels and reverse heart disease.

Fight cancer naturally:  Garlic has been shown to slow the spread of different types of cancers in studies on rats.  Since garlic helps to fight harmful free radicals, it lowers the risk of cancers developing in the body.  Some studies suggest that garlic contains compounds that stimulate production of anti cancer enzymes.  Garlic oil is also believed to shrink tumors.

Garlic is truly a wonder herb.  It has antiviral properties, anti fungal properties, fights bacteria, helps with cholesterol, manages blood pressure, and greatly boosts antioxidant activity in the body.  Remember that many experts are recommending 1 to 3 cloves of garlic a day, finely minced or crushed.  Although cooked and dried garlic is shown to have some of the same health benefits as fresh cloves, the potency is no comparison and fresh pulverized garlic is the best for healing.  To maximize the healing potential and get all the anticancer benefits, break down the clove finely and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes before consuming.  Mix with some olive oil and dip some gluten free bread into it for a great heart saving snack!

More great posts by Natural Cures Not Medicine:

How To Use Garlic as a Natural Antibiotic

Uses of Garlic

Secret of the Benefits of Garlic

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Nutrition is nature's health insurance .

Hot Dogs Increase Risk Of Leukemia

Children that eat 12 or more hot dogs per month have 9 times the risk of developing Leukemia. 

- University of California Medical School -

You are 7 times more likely to get a brain tumor by just eating 1 hot dog per week vs. using a cell phone.

What's really in Hot Dogs?
Here is a hint there is less than 10% actual meat...

Anyone else hungry?

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Eat the right foods. Stay Healthy. Simple.

Health Benefits Of Love

We all know love is great. But did you know it can be great for your health?

The health benefits of Love:

Reduces stress
Promotes Mental Health
Lower the Chances of Cancer
Lessen Pain
Improve blood circulation
Lower blood pressure
Reduce the risk of heart diseases
Improves our memory
Provides a sense of security
Raises you confidence

So what are you waiting for ? Go find some love!

Just a few tips for people in search of love. From a person that has had many relationships... epic failures to epic success. The words of wisdom that I would like to share... is this: Find someone who makes you laugh - someone that you aren't afraid to be yourself around. Looks are not the most important thing. Find a kind heart and a gentle soul. Don't be afraid to travel to find your love. Never give up hope. Your soul mate is looking just as hard for you right now as you are looking for them. All will be well. And this tends to help a lot of people... Remember that some day someone will walk into your life and it will suddenly make sense why all those past relationships failed. :)

Natural Cures Not Medicine
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Natural Flu Shots

Bookmark this page! This info is awesome!

Here is a great natural flu shot!

If you are looking for an alternative to the flu shot you may want to check out this natural immune booster.

- Juice from 6 fresh lemons - 
- 1 Bulb of Garlic -
- 2 tsp. of Ginger powder -
- 2 Tbsp. of Honey -
- 3 cups of Pineapple juice -
- 1/4 tsp Cayenne powder -

Blend up all the ingredient and store in a glass jar. Take 1 cup 4 times a day until symptoms are resolved.

Thanks to Dave Sommers!
And True Health And Healing

Natural Cures Not Medicine!
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Natural Detox and Immune Boosting Tonic

The Truth About What's Really In Flu Shots

Amazing healing power of lemons

How To Use Garlic as a Natural Antibiotic

Uses of Garlic

How To Use Manuka Honey As A Natural Antibiotic

Unusual Uses For Raw Honey

Cinnamon and honey, super healing duo!

Health Benefits Of Cayenne Peppers

The Health Benefits Of Walking Barefoot

Walking barefoot is a great way to connect with earth and help balance your energy. Not only does it feel great but it's great for your health. Connect with earth more! Take off your shoes and walk across that long grass or take a trip to the beach to feel the sand under your toes. Just thinking about it should get you excited. Get out there this year and enjoy the summer!

Here is an account of a man that uses this technique for a more healthy lifestyle.

Dark chocolate health benefits

Did we just make your day by telling you chocolate is healthy? Dr Chocolate has a free book on the truth about dark chocolate health benefits and dark chocolate antioxidants in cold processed cacao.

Our most related past post: --> Health benefits of raw cacao

Did you know that chocolate has an unprocessed, raw cousin that is actually very healthy?

     Chocolate lovers, don't break out your party hats just yet!  There is a difference between cocoa and cacao, most notably the fact that one is heated and processed and the other is the raw form of the bean. Want to learn the difference?

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Lower cholesterol naturally

Natural Cures Not Medicine

The health benefits of walnuts

The health benefits of walnut!

photo by: thesupermat

-Walnuts are rich in B vitamins.  Among these are pantothenic acid, riboflavin, folates, and niacin.  B vitamins help the body manage energy levels and build new blood cells.

-Walnuts are loaded with omega 3 essential fatty acids.  Just 25 grams of walnut will yield about 90% of your daily need for omega 3 fats.  These fatty acids are absolutely crucial for good health and not only help to manage blood pressure but can also naturally prevent heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol levels in the body.

Walnuts are a great brain food!:

-Walnut oil can be used to help the skin.  It has astringent properties and can also protect against dryness.

-Walnuts are packed with phytonutrients that could boost the overall antioxidant properties of these nuts.  Included are vitamin E, melatonin, carotenoids, and poly-phenolic compounds which could be effective against cancer, inflammation, aging, and neurological disorders.

-Walnuts have a great amount of vitamin E.  Vitamin E helps prevent damage to cells in the body by guarding against oxygen free radicals.

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Breakthrough: Scientists Find A Way To STOP Aging!

Can you believe it! It's a glorious day! Horrah!

Stem cells have rapidly been advancing the medical field and allowing us to do things we never thought possible. We had to post this today because it's the first of April and we all know what that means. You just been april fooled... hard. Now please don't ruin this for others. Share it on and share the smiles! But know this! One day this message will be true. We are not long off things like this and you should never give up hope. As we rapidly approach singularity we will have god like technology at our finger tips. We can use it to create heaven on earth and a wonderful life for everyone... or it may destroy us if left in the hands of irresponsible leaders. We as a collective are responsible for the actions of others on this planet. Remember every unit of currency you spend you vote to keep in power those that you give your money. Every time you buy something it's a vote. Vote well my fellow brothers and sisters. 

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Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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