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Showing posts with label sugar. Show all posts

The Connection Between Sugar and Cancer

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An estimated 12.5 million people had some form of cancer in 2009, according to the American Cancer Society. Another 25.8 million have diabetes. These two preventable diseases are responsible for millions of deaths worldwide each year. In the constant battle to stay healthy, many of us know that too much sugar in the blood can lead to diabetes and that by controlling our diets we can both prevent and even reverse the disease. But, could the same be said for cancer?

According to researchers, sugar and cancer are indeed connnected.

Obesity and high blood sugar are risk factors for diabetes. And diabetics have an estimated double risk of suffering a colon or pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Scientists say that the two facts are connected and that blood sugar could play a role in the development of cancer.

In one study published in the journal Molecular Cell, a team of researchers under Dr. Custodia Garcia-Jimenez, have identified how sugar could directly increase the cancer risk.

During digestion, cells in the intestine identify sugar and tell the pancreas to release insulin (the hormone responsible for blood sugar regulation). The sugars in the digestive system do this with the use of a hormone called GIP which assists in the insulin release. Dr. Garcia-Jimenez found that a specific protein known as β-catenin controls the ability of the intestines to release GIP and this protein is dependent on sugar levels.
“Increased activity of β-catenin is known to be a major factor in the development of many cancers and can make normal cells immortal, a key step in early stages of cancer progression. The study demonstrates that high (but not normal) sugar levels induce nuclear accumulation of β-catenin and leads to cell proliferation. The changes induced on β-catenin, the molecules involved and the diversity of cancer cells susceptible to these changes are identified,” Science Daily reports.

Simplified: increased blood sugar levels could lead to increased production of this protein which is known to impact cancer risk.

“We were surprised to realize that changes in our metabolism caused by dietary sugar impact on our cancer risk,” said Dr. Garcia-Jimenez. “We are not investigating what other dietary components may influence our cancer risk.”

Dr. Garcia-Jimenez went on to say something very simple and profound: “Changing diet is one of the easiest prevention strategies that can potentially save a lot of suffering and money.” I’m sure everyone agrees with that one.

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Source: Raw For Beauty

Proof That Soda Increases Risk of Diabetes

Drinking a can of sugar-laced soda a day will raise your risk of developing diabetes by 22%!

According to a new study just released evidence suggests that just one 12 ounce serving of a sugar-sweetened beverage can significantly raise the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

What’s interesting about this this is that since most of the research on the evil effects of soda has been done on people in the US, researches at the Imperial College of London set up to seek a link between soda consumption and Type 2 diabetes in Europeans as well.

The British researchers used 15 years of data compiled from over 27,000 people from seven European countries. Over that 15 year period, more than 40 percent of those people developed type 2 diabetes and those who said they consumed at least one soda or similar sweet drink showed an 18% higher risk of developing the disease! When they took out factors such as weight and body mass index, the risk rose to 22%!

Coincidentally, these findings were right in line with the US studies showing a 25% percent increased risk of type 2 diabetes when consuming one soda per day.

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Death by sugar!

Some experts compare processed sugar to heavy drugs

Processed sugars are among the top unhealthy food components that are far too prevalent in the modern diet.  Diabetes, tooth decay, and even cancer are connected to the excessive consumption of processed and refined sugars.  Try to get your sweet fix by munching on some fresh berries, a banana, or an crisp juicy apple which all contain fiber that will balance out the natural sugars and provide a sustained natural energy boost.  Here are some of the negative effects of consuming processed sugar:

-Heightened diabetes risk

-Oral health problems

-Disrupted metabolism

-Faster aging

-Weakened immune system

-Heightened cancer risk

-Weight problems

-Kidney damage

-Skin problems

-Sleep disruption

Since sugar is separated from its nutritional components when it is refined, it is considered empty calories.  In fact, refined sugar actually requires the body to spend important nutrients in order to process the pure sugars which cause shock in the system.  Consuming fructose increases the uric acid presence in the body which can cause low level inflammation, leading to various other health problems.  Consuming processed sugars over a long period of time creates a suitable environment within the body for infections and bacteria to thrive.  Acidic blood, which is achieved through a poor diet usually consisting of too much processed and even natural sugars, greatly increases the risk for developing cancer as well.  There is a misconception that juicing fruits is a healthy practice, but the fiber from the fruits must be consumed along with the plant based sugars to help digest and moderate blood sugar absorption.  Instead, eat or blend the fruit and save green vegetables for the juicing.

Photo by: Lauri Andler

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Sugar And Cancer Linked - Vitamin C Fights Cancer

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