Natural Cures Not Medicine: underground health

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Showing posts with label underground health. Show all posts

Proof That Soda Increases Risk of Diabetes

Drinking a can of sugar-laced soda a day will raise your risk of developing diabetes by 22%!

According to a new study just released evidence suggests that just one 12 ounce serving of a sugar-sweetened beverage can significantly raise the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

What’s interesting about this this is that since most of the research on the evil effects of soda has been done on people in the US, researches at the Imperial College of London set up to seek a link between soda consumption and Type 2 diabetes in Europeans as well.

The British researchers used 15 years of data compiled from over 27,000 people from seven European countries. Over that 15 year period, more than 40 percent of those people developed type 2 diabetes and those who said they consumed at least one soda or similar sweet drink showed an 18% higher risk of developing the disease! When they took out factors such as weight and body mass index, the risk rose to 22%!

Coincidentally, these findings were right in line with the US studies showing a 25% percent increased risk of type 2 diabetes when consuming one soda per day.

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Cure Severe Flu with Omega-3 acids

Written by: Chris Sumbs -

Cure severe flu naturally using omega-3

People are discovering the health benefits from omega-3 fatty acids. Many natural doctors, Eastern medicine practitioners, and those in touch with nature know its value for supporting cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, and enhancing cognitive brain function. Now, there is recently discovered benefit, it helps fight severe influenza. Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). The human body doesn’t generate it naturally. It’s an essential oil, meaning it needs to be supplied from outside sources.

It can be derived from two sources, plants and animals. Plant sources include avocados and nuts. Essential Omega-3’s, like those in NR Essentials DHA, are found in most natural supplements are flax seeds or oils, chia seeds, and hemp seeds. In the oil form, it needs to be refrigerated. Flax seed needs to be ground into powder for easy absorption. Chia seeds don't need to be ground or refrigerated. Hemp seeds need to be refrigerated but not ground. Animal sources of Omega-3 are readily found in eggs or meat. Perhaps the best source is fatty fish and fish and krill oils. Fish oil supplements, usually from cod or krill, are available in health food stores in the refrigerated section, and they must also remain refrigerated at home or they'll go rancid.

Can Omega-3 effectively rid the body of flu infection? A Japanese study was recently completed. It was entitled "The Lipid Mediator Protectin D1 Inhibits Influenza Virus Replication and Improves Severe Influenza." The study concluded that protectin D1, the lipid mediator, has both a preventative and curative potential for even H5N1(the "bird flu") which has been more lethal than any other influenza. Japanese researches infected mice with different strains of influenza viruses. Those fed the protectin D1 from Omega-3 fatty acid sources survived as well as those who were given Peramivir, a powerful intravenous drug given emergency approval for specific grave influenza conditions in South Korea and Japan. Half the mice died with taking only one or the other remedy. But all of the heavily infected mice given both Peramivir and protectin D1(Omega-3) survived. Further studies revealed the mechanics of how omega-3 fatty acid's protectin D1 shuts down viral replication at the cellular level. Protectin D1 is part of a natural substance, a polyunsaturated fatty acid or PUFA as omega-3 fatty acid. We know that with all this money on the line, it’s likely a pharmaceutical company will consign willing researchers to reverse engineer the protectin D1 from omega-3 to create a synthetic version of protectin D1 that can be patented. That way they can make it into a “synthetic drug” for commercial purposes. But for those of us in the alternative health community, we know exactly what this means. The research makes us aware that omega-3 fatty acids can effectively prevent and cure any flu.

Plant or Animal Omega-3, where to buy? EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are considered the healthiest Omega-3 acids. EPA and DHA are found readily in the animal omega-3 sources such as eggs, fish, and dark meat. Plant sources contain ALA, or alpha linoleic acid (not alpha lopeic acid). As noted, these types of plant Omega-3 need to be altered or prepared for consumption. So some experts recommend using fish oil supplements. Maybe it’s a good idea to put both into a daily regimen of healthy herbs? There are certain benefits from plant ALA omega-3 as well. The best overall Omega-3 I’ve found is NR Essentials DHA. Maintain your brain. You can do it with DHA, an essential fatty acid. Just order NR Essentials DHA. It comes in capsules that are smaller, easier to swallow, and unflavored.  

About the author: Chris Sumbs is a natural health activist and writes about all things natural health at

 Natural Cures Not Medicine 

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MSG is Toxic and should be avoided

Written by: Chris Sumbs -

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is very toxic and should be avoided! Industrial food manufacturers market and use MSG as a flavor enhancer because it balances, blends and rounds the total perception of other tastes which are not so nice. Problem is; consumption of MSG causes numerous negative side effects.

Here’s the list of names of ingredients which are actually MSG in disguise. - Additives that always contain MSG -

  •  Autolyzed yeast 
  • Calcium caseinate 
  • Dry milk powder 
  • Dry milk protein 
  • Gelatin Glutamate 
  • Glutamic acid 
  • Hydrolyzed corn gluten 
  • Hydrolyzed soy protein 
  • Hydrolyzed wheat protein 
  • Hydrolyzed oat flour 
  • Hydrolyzed protein 
  • Hydrolyzed plant protein 
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein 
  • Monopotassium glutamate 
  • Monosodium glutamate 
  • Natrium glutamate 
  • Plant protein extract 
  • Sodium caseinate 
  • Textured protein 
  • Yeast extract 
  • Yeast food 
  • Yeast nutrient

Some of these include; headaches, migraines, muscle spasms, nausea, rashes, anaphylaxis, seizures, depression and heart irregularities. If that’s not enough to scare you, studies have shown that MSG is known to cause damage to the nervous system. When the brain and nervous system neurons are exposed to MSG, they become very excited and rapidly fire impulses until they reach a state of extreme exhaustion. Several hours later, these neurons suddenly die, as if they were excited to death. That’s why these chemicals are called "excitotoxins". They excite neurons and then they die. MSG literally kills neurons, one of the body’s most important building blocks. For years it was believed the blood-brain barrier would prevent harmful substances from entering the interior of the brain. However, it is now recognized that many conditions can cause the blood-brain barrier to provide insufficient protection. Consuming foods that are chemically altered by MSG also endangers the body balance for the blood-brain barrier to work effectively. By consuming foods with MSG, blood glutamate levels become elevated. If these levels remain high, the glutamate will seep into the brain, creating or contributing to brain damage.

Avoiding MSG: The food industry constantly comes up with new name changes for the chemicals we are trying to avoid. As people become aware of the negative effects of MSG they simply create a new name to “mask them”. The simplest way to avoid MSG is to eat organic foods, period. Always be sure to avoid all processed foods and read labels.

Common Names for MSG: Here’s the list of names of ingredients which are actually MSG in disguise.

The Bottom line: MSG is a terribly harmful food additive. Food manufactures know this and yet they keep finding ways to put it into the foods millions of people consume every day. You should keep this out of your body at all costs!

Natural Cures Not Medicine
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