Natural Cures Not Medicine: nutrition

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Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

5 ways vanilla heals

No, it is not just an ingredient in your favorite flan or french toast recipe.  Vanilla can heal and ease discomfort!


Here are a few positive effects on your health that you can expect from vanilla extract.

Regulates menstruation:  Adding vanilla extract to your diet could help if you have irregular menstruation cycles.

Reduces stress and anxiety:  Adding vanilla extract to a glass of water or milk can help calm you and reduce stress.  Since stress causes other health problems, reducing stress is getting at the cause.  Vanilla has even been used as a treatment for depression.

Helps with nausea:  One of the more popular applications for vanilla is as a natural stomach settler.  Again, put a few drops of vanilla extract in a glass of water and slowly drink it down when your stomach is upset.  It is also believed that vanilla extract can be used to treat fevers.

Helps with losing weight:  Some studies point to even just smelling vanilla extract as possibly helpful with losing excess weight, though nutrition is the foundation to weight loss.

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How to Grow Wheatgrass

How wheat grass can improve your health

There seems to be a trend forming in juicing wheat grass, but what makes the green juice so beneficial to our health?  Here are some of the health benefits.

Wheat grass juice is a powerhouse of nutrition, even in small doses, and can be added to any smoothie to give you a huge health boost.  With more than 90 minerals, 19 amino acids, and over 30 enzymes as well as beneficial chlorophyll, wheat grass has been promoted by nutritionists and healers alike for its mind blowing health effects.  Wheat grass is thought to improve the overall nutritional profile of people who take it but also is being credited for anti cancer effects and even is thought to help prevent heart disease.  Studies have shown patients who take wheat grass have less need for blood transfusions.

The Best Foods For Strong Bones

The best tea you never drank!

Food Matters - How To Improve Your Life With Food

'Food Matters' is a multi-media group dedicated to raising awareness of cutting edge topics concerned with health and wellness. They produce, market and distribute high-end educational DVDs focused on improving quality of life, length of life and well being through a better understanding of nutrition, psychology and lifestyle.

'Food Matters' the DVD, is the flagship documentary on nutrition and natural healing informing viewers on the best choices they can make for their family's health.

Here you can watch the Official Trailer:

Want more? Here is part 1:

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Healthy Eating is Health Insurance!

Mike Adams: Secrets of Superfood Nutrition

Mike Adams Shares With Us The Secrets Of Superfood Nutrition.

In the first minute he covers the fact that the FDA hasn't approved of any herbs / spices / foods that are safe to treat any diseases / conditions. The reason for this is because they claim it turns the food into a drug and there for it needs to be controlled by them etc. Foods are drugs? What planet is this? Hippocrates says 1000's of years ago our medicine should be our food and our food should be our medicine. Then... Some where over time we must have forgot this because we got so detached from real food we don't even know anymore that food is actually a way to help us live well beyond the common expectations of life. It's a strange world of hidden secret knowledge. - but we will continue to do our best to show you information you should know about.

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Eating Healthy Is Health Insurance

Check out a couple of our viral posts this month:
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Healthy Vegans Get Loads of Protein

Want to know more about healthy eating? 

Check out our friend Heather Nauta. She is very informative about nutrition!! She will teach you how to be a healthy vegan; or how to incorporate healthy eating into your diet.    

Healthy Vegans


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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