Natural Cures Not Medicine: 5 ways vanilla heals

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5 ways vanilla heals

No, it is not just an ingredient in your favorite flan or french toast recipe.  Vanilla can heal and ease discomfort!


Here are a few positive effects on your health that you can expect from vanilla extract.

Regulates menstruation:  Adding vanilla extract to your diet could help if you have irregular menstruation cycles.

Reduces stress and anxiety:  Adding vanilla extract to a glass of water or milk can help calm you and reduce stress.  Since stress causes other health problems, reducing stress is getting at the cause.  Vanilla has even been used as a treatment for depression.

Helps with nausea:  One of the more popular applications for vanilla is as a natural stomach settler.  Again, put a few drops of vanilla extract in a glass of water and slowly drink it down when your stomach is upset.  It is also believed that vanilla extract can be used to treat fevers.

Helps with losing weight:  Some studies point to even just smelling vanilla extract as possibly helpful with losing excess weight, though nutrition is the foundation to weight loss.

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1 comment:

  1. Except don't put it in your milk because milk is bad for you, too.


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