Natural Cures Not Medicine: anti stress

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Showing posts with label anti stress. Show all posts

3 Natural Ways to Increase Personal Wellbeing

The benefits of having a healthy lifestyle are immense. By doing the basic things our body tells us to do, we can improve our mental health and personal fitness. 


Eating a healthy balanced diet is key to feeling good, living longer and preventing illness. Choosing foods with a variety of color can encourage emotional well being. Eating the right nutritional balance ensures that our bodies get the right amount of vitamins and minerals essential for both brain and body.


Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can trigger depression and anxiety. Getting the right amount of sleep each night plays a vital role in our ability to concentrate, with relationships and our overall mood. Lack of sleep has also been associated with higher cholesterol and blood pressure.


Studies have shown that it's not just children that benefit from play. It is just as important to an adult's physical and emotional health as eating and sleeping. Play is key to managing and transforming more negative experiences. It is a natural aid to learning, it can relieve stress and connects us with people and the world around us. Play can also make work more enjoyable.

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Step One: Don't Panic - Stress Kills


  • Stress impacts your BRAIN and NERVES and can give you headaches, feelings of despair, lack of energy, nervousness, anger, irritability, anxiety disorders, increased or decreased eating, trouble concentrating, memory problems, low quality sleep, mental health problems and depression. 
  • Stress has been show to impact your SKIN - Acne and other skin problems 
  • Stress is not good for your MUSCLES AND JOINTS - It may give you muscle aches and tension, shoulders and back, increased risk of reduced bone density. 
  • Stress is not good for your HEART - Faster heartbeat, rise in blood pressure, increased risk of high cholesterol and heart attack. 
  • STOMACH - nausea, stomach pain, heartburn, weight gain. 
  • PANCREAS - Too much stress can lead to an increased risk of diabetes. 
  • INTESTINES - Stress can give you diarrhea, constipation and other digestive problems.
  • REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM - stress can lead to irregular or more painful periods, reduced sexual desire. And in men: Impotence, lower sperm count and reduced sex drive. 
  • IMMUNE SYSTEM - Stress lowers the ability to fight or recover from illnesses. 


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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